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Old things and their second life at the dacha: we...

Old things and their second life at the dacha: we make crafts from unnecessary trashThe old luggage that accompanied us during some part of our life, for no reason simple to give birth. You get used to them, and it seems that they absolutely must still need it. Can there be, though the desire with some of the dear heart of objects and really not worth leaving? Postponing the final verdict in a long box, we take all the waste to the garage or to the dacha. So, in order that your suburban building does not reincarnate, after all, into a congestion room of various trash, we recommend that you come up with a new existence at an early age. A lot of fascinating thoughts we want to bring to your attention.
If your beloved jeans are small
Jeans are out of order unexpectedly, with a large proportion of them, usually looks even better. However, some shabby or other shortcomings are silently confirmed that this thing is no longer to be worn. A connoisseur of this item of dressing such pairs can accumulate fairly. One of the nontrivial thoughts of their upcoming use is the hammock product. The product of such a hammock does not take much time, but how much pleasure it is through its introduction! And over its finish it is allowed to conjure into your pleasure, having shown the fantasy completely
Perfect is quite a variation, if you have already eaten the old standard hammock, but it's time to update it. Here it is necessary jeans and. However, please note that you need a fairly strong product, which is easy to ruin for a rag. The fastening element, ropes and other rigging parts are used through the previous hammock, they usually last longer than the cloth.
A fair amount of stitching is done with a thick and very strong thread. Guides and ropes should be fixed without cause, like it was in the old hammock. The rest of jeans can be removed, having constructed from their kind of pockets or handbags. Sewn from the side, they can shelter a bottle of water, a book, glasses, sunscreen and other small items that will be needed by lovers of relaxation in the hammock.
Ancient bath - many new thoughts
You made a correction in the apartment and, of course, decided that the ancient bath you no longer needed. However, it seems, it can start a real adornment of your dacha life. It remains only to count options, in what particular quality it is allowed to extract.
Opinion #1 - a small comfortable pond
If you were planning to change the look of your site by a small pond, then the ancient bathtub is quite impossible. Choose a suitable room, make a marking based on the size of the bath, and dig a hole. The drain holes from the side and from the bottom are allowed to be closed with a plug of wood, wrapping it with a cloth. A small bath as a pond looks very presentable even in this case, if it remains snow-white. Anyway, in the course of time, if it is not intentionally cleaned, it is no longer enough to stand out without any reason
Some prefer to cover the form of the container from the inside with black paint, so that the pond looked natural. According to the perimeter, the finished pond is decorated with stones, lanterns, figures and plants. Excellent will look balanas, ferns, bells, irises and verbee. In order to decorate the pond, it is allowed to extract not only pebbles and plants. You will need decorative figures, lighting and even fountains
Opinion #2 - an unparalleled and elegant sofa
The situation for the dacha should not only be comfortable, but strong. If over the side of the bath to work as a Bulgarian, it will turn out exactly what we need. We process the edges of the cut, cover the work with paint, then cut off the cut with a fringing. Decorated cushions, like a finishing line, will bring the couch in front of a state of complete readiness. Could it be that this elegant sofa was in his own past bathroom life? But immediately it can be thrown even near the open sky, without fear of rain. Here is the only way to take the pillows with you
Opinion #3 - bath-flower bed
Bath is a ready-made flower bed. Enough to fill it with soil, not forgetting about small pebbles, and allowed to plant plants. To decorate such a flower bed follows the general design of the site. It is allowed to extract mosaic, paint or any costly elements. Be creative, and this flower bed will fit perfectly into any conditions proposed for it. White bath, filled with foam, like petunia, does not need a special decoration. However, the snow-white figures of domestic birds and animals look all right
Opinion #4 - authoritative cattle
While multi-functional and decorative, there can be a bath, if it is extracted as a container for the sake of water, which is always needed for the dacha. Small additions will make the old thing a source of delightful mood for everyone who sees it. It's just that, as the water in this container sometimes changes quite a bit, it is permissible to extract it and like a pond for the sake of kids. Such a beast is needed not so much as a pool or capacity for the sake of water, although these functions are also very important. It mainly attracts a kind of positive key, positive feelings
Build for the sake of flowers from the pipes
For the sake of such a structure, it is not necessary to extract particularly old pipes, but to execute it from the one that was prepared for ejection is twice as much! The resulting structure can rightly be called a vertical flower bed. Proudly still to find a suitable wall, which she could desire to decorate for no reason, so as not to disturb the general taste of the site. Although such a building does not necessarily act at the wall. It's great enough to look and like a city that shares a part for the zone. Add a little your own imagination and just imagine, it looks like the same structure can look, if the plants that look out of the holes blossom violently
With the help of a suitable decor, it is allowed to make true miracles. In order to decorate your flowerbed, you will need very little:
sewer plastic pipes
standard and angled connections
wall mounts
an ordinary summer tool.
Just right, you can also paint the supporting wall. Tokmo imagine, like this building looks pretty, if you drop ampel plants into it!
Announcements from the world of old tires
What did not do tokmo from old tires for the country! We were delighted with the swan families, flowerbeds and flowerpots made of this rubber, which, in fact, had already served its own. However, it is impossible to resist and not share this version of its useful use. Be convinced that such a batmobile will not leave either the first boy to be phlegmatic.
We need five tires, an old plastic chair, a steering wheel and a cloth, from which a frame and a base are quite built. It is allowed to install all the elements of the structure for a welded iron frame. Being a different version of the part may exist anchored off-line for the pieces of the corner, driven into the ground. Ultimately, it is not proud of what kind of production technology you choose. Significantly more important is the design of the structure, which should be given the apogee of attention. We warn the adult share of the family about the book that this toy is really unsafe. It causes the fathers of the family to get used to and passionate will to return to infancy
Old trampoline then it seems then
Trampoline - fervor, which can remarkably amuse your baby, until it gets bored. Through any other abandoned toys it differs really that in the sizes. However, for the sake of us it is this particular parameter that owns a key meaning. Look, that the excellent wigwam is allowed to perform from the trampoline.
Even if the news of the building is pretty much called a simple hanging bed, it is not quite empty. The natural advantage of such a bed is its fairly remoteness across the surface of the earth: you will not be bothered by insects, dampness and moisture are not threatened. Such a hinged bed is comfortable with its own remoteness through the earth. Firstly, it is comfortable enough to get well, in the second place, it is allowed to protect through creeping and flying insects; in the third place, the coolness through the earth does not affect the health of sleeping people
Which grows for your dacha?
Ancient, but such a beautiful tableware is a pretext for the creation of wonderful dacha ornaments made of glass. To perform such a glass flower with your own hands is not unreasonably difficult, it seems. The general view is this: you need to pick up objects of dishes in one color politician, or in reverse, contrasting together. The assembly must be done through the greater detail that represents the petals of the flower, to the smallest, imitating the floral corolla. As a stalk it is allowed to remove a hollow iron stick. This flower can amuse the occupation of a flashlight during the night time. These are man-made flowers. Such beauty is allowed to be performed without the help of others, if you have to eat extra dishes, which you can define for decorating your own garden
The art of a burgeoning garden
Musical instruments that have served their own time, it is simply impossible to send them to a trashcan. Power does not rise. However, this is not an excuse to change your own building in the depot of old things! You can turn tools into flower gardens. Musical instruments are mostly miserable, therefore an effort must be exerted to protect them through bad weather and the negative impact of water.
Here, beforehand, it is necessary to carefully process the wood species in order to protect it through decay. Repeat this function will have to seem no less than once in two years. For the video below, you will see a waterfall built from the piano. This complex structure requires special protection of the internal parts of the instrument through water. In an unpleasant case, this waterfall will not have much time to amuse its owner.

Fences and gates of old trash
At some point, and garden tools are out of order. And just then, if it becomes impossible to extract them for the intended purpose, it is allowed to construct from them, for example, a gate, a city or even an unprecedented garden flower for fear of garden pests and thieves. This agricultural equipment looks very organic not only for the gate, but even as a flower: with a hint for retribution to the one who dare to encroach on someone else's good
And in order to find out what kind of economy and resourcefulness americos are showing, just take a look at this video.

Telling about the newest existence of old things is simply impossible to slow down. Probably therefore, that the imagination of men has no boundaries. And it is wonderful that the will does not disappear in us to surround ourselves with beautiful things that bring positive feelings and well-being to the above building.

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