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Strelitzia is a "bird of paradise ". The flower...

Strelitzia is a"bird of paradise". The flower of a strelitzia is similar to the head of a bird of paradise with a multicolored tuft, and the green leaves are spread out like wings, hence the action that it floats in the air .
Image Strelitzia The first time British visitors visited South Africa at the end of the 18th century. The plant was so impressed by their imagination, which was given to him in the respect of the wife of King Charlotte, in the nee-girlhood of Sterlitz.

Strelitzia in nature grows according to river banks for sandy grassy soil
In wild nature this two-meter long bush grows according to the banks of drying out streamlets and small rivers, between large grasslands and shrubs that shade it through the scorching sun. The bottom in those places is corny, but at the same time it is loose and sandy. Without its own flower colors, the plant is unremarkable. The leaves are oblong-elliptical before 45 cm in length and before 20 cm in width are held for a longish petiole. The leaves are dark green, the appearance is leathery, the veins are visible to the underside.

Strelitzia looks beautiful without its own beautiful and unusual colors, but not clear
style="tex t-align: justify;"> an astonishing fraction of the plant - an unusual form of flowers. They arise just in adult plants and stay in front of several weeks. Bud-inflorescence recalls a long, impartial mouth, consonant with the horizontal. The upper part of the"beak"is evenly opened and flowers begin to appear on the side of the petiole. In one such 15-centimeter bud there are 10 - 5 plants of the brightest colors with a lot of nectar. The adult plant can be turned out in front of 7 peduncles, hence flowering lasts up to six months,

The flower of a strelitzia recollects the head of a bird of paradise with a tuft

Strelitzia has become a decoration for greenhouses, but quite ordinary in care and for the sake of room keeping. Large sizes and a long period of growth before abundant flowering make it truly exotic.

Designers are very fond of adding strelitzia to bouquets and interior compositions
Sort In nature there are 5 species of strelitzia, which differ in size: 2 before the 10-meter high with leaves 40 in front of 80 cm.
    Strelitzia is king, the local African people are called the crane. In height it reaches 2 meters, twice a year in spring and autumn it produces flower stalks with orange and blue flowers. It breeds heavily, with rare lateral processes, through adults.
    Strelitzia is a reed, a strong plant that withstands a kind of intense heat and drought, without cause and a drop in temperature, right down to zero. The flowers resemble the tsarist strelitzia, but differ in the shape of the leaves - they are needle-shaped.Strelitziya mountain - a tree in front of 10 meters. Large leaves and snow-white flowers. In indoor floriculture is not grown.
    Strelitzia of Nicholas - was named in honor of the Russian ruler Nicholas. Similar to the royal shooting, but it achieves a height of 12 meters. Leaves 80 cm wide and 200 cm long, white and blue flowers.
    Augustus' Strelitzia also referred to as suits. It is distinguished by light green leaves and snow-white flowers. Growing bushes in front of 1 meter in height, dyeing from January according to March, is fruitful with seeds and division of the bush. Often grown in greenhouses. Photo Gallery: strelitzia varieties
    Strelitzia tsarist in most cases occurs in greenhouses, it has orange and blue petals, leaves are large, rounded.
    Strelitziya mountain grows before 10 meters in height, flowers - snow-white
    Strelitzia of Nicholas with white petals and blue-violet perianth
    Strelitziya Augusta grows in front of 1 meter, also called suits strelitzia

    In the open ground, shooting can be seen not only in Africa, it is cultivated with success for the Mediterranean coast, in Argentina, even in the USA - in Los Angeles. In Russia and other countries with frosty winters Strelitzia grows exclusively in greenhouses or in apartments.

    In countries with warm winters Strelitzia grows around an open-air
    Conditions in the room
    , but the room sometimes grows above 1.5 meters. Decorative for a year. Strelitzia can be grown in a closed large florarium. However, it should be enough to pick up such plants, which in winter time should be dry cold contents. In this case, a pot with a plant is allowed to put a simple one there.

    In order to feed a strelitzia in a florarium, plenty of space is useful, for example, a shower

    List: conditions of content

    Brilliant aristocracy, direct sunlight, grows in the penumbra Humidity Private room, wipe through dust Temperature 14-15 degrees, however, to be additional light grows and be at room temperature Room temperature, desire sing for an open atmosphere Watering Being cold is not rich Abounding

    Because of the characteristics of the root system, the desire to take a lofty pot. In reward through other plants, the flowering of the strelitzia begins more quickly in a spacious pot or tub.

    In such a small pot, strelitzia grows rather badly Since the rootlets of the plant are fragile, it is better to take transshipment instead of transplant, mainly for the sake of young plants. If the shoot is large, adult, and it has lateral processes, then the transplant is combined with the multiplication - division of the bush.
    Procedure: <
    For the bottom we lay the drainage discharge from the expanded clay, in width before 4-5 cm. Then pour a handful of fresh soil.
    Turn the pot and pull out the strelitzi, holding between the fingers, and holding the ground with the palm.
    Put the plant in an unprecedented pot, on the side of the soil sprinkled with earth. A little watering.
    Video: Strelitz transfer

    About transplanting after purchase Strelitzia, sold in stores, is often grown from seeds in warm countries, and brought in a transport pot and soil, hence such a plant transplanted at once. With all this, the"bird of paradise"is not pulled out of the pot, but the pot is cut with scissors. Be careful if the roots of the plant appeared from the drainage holes. If the spine still broke off, then sprinkle the wound with a pounded activated charcoal and allow to dry. Subsequent acts, like to be a trans-shipment of a plant.

    Strelitzia's roots are large, fleshy and very fragile

    Usually, a properly planted plant holds the shape perfectly, the leaves grow up and the bush does not fall apart, keeping compactness and not needing support.
    Despite unusual flowering, strelitzia does not ask for additional content criteria.
    If the"bird of paradise"is grown not in greenhouses, but in an apartment, then it is better to give the flower a colorful bright room, with unbreakable direct sunlight. However it is allowed to be located in a meter through the windows. In summer the plant is better to sing for a balcony, a street. The desire even in the room to make changes in daytime and night temperatures.
    Watering and top dressing
    a lot and accurate exclusively in the spring and summer season, a little drying the high level of land, but proudly not favor the stagnation of water in the pot. In winter, the cold content of the shoot is watered sometimes. It is proud to fulfill the order of watering for the sake of young plants,
    Fertilizers are carried out 2 times per month by fertilizers for the sake of ornately flowering plants. It is better to extract watery top dressings, combining them with watering. In winter, strelitzia is not fertilized.

    Liquid fertilizer for the sake of blooming plants is easy to use and very excellent

    A plant grown from seeds blooms for 5-6 years, and multiplied by root shoots - for the 3rd year. Plentiful flowering occurs in adults 5-6-year-old plants, and just be good lighting.
    It is very proud to let a strong root system develop. For a reason, a 1.5-meter plant must be planted in a pot with a diameter of more than 25 cm.

    Blossoming shoots perfectly feel themselves in the deepest pot
    The flower buds do not move and do not move. To provoke an adult shoot to blossom, provide her with cold dry contents for 2-3 months, this contributes to the laying of flower buds. This interval coincides with the beginning of the illumination and the shortening of the length of the light day. In February, the temperature is raised from 15 degrees before 22 and watered more often, and after 2 weeks fed the plant. There are peduncles evenly, and buds also open: one after one flare calorie crests over a green bush. In nature, strelitzia is pollinated by butterflies-nectaries, and in birds that fly up to enjoy nectar, the plant"shoots"pollen, soon revealing anthers. The flower of strelitzia entices pollinators with colorful petals and sweet nectar
    In a room, pollinators are pollinated, if the plants blossom fairly at once. Here the pollen is transferred from the 1st flower to another. Seeded seeds have low germination, just 1 out of 10 seeds will give a root.
    Seeds of strelitzia are quite large, they are in a box that rips up after ripening
    If the seeds do not , then the flower stalk is removed at a time to be the drying of the petals.
    The rest period
    in wild nature, for no reason and in apartments. Strelitzia, which grew for a balcony or for a street in the summer, needs a warm place, because already to be at a temperature of 10 degrees the tender plant is damaged, and to be zero degrees g will be beaten. Winter cold content is useful for bookmarking flower buds for subsequent flowering, therefore it is better to have a strelia to be 15-18 degrees of heat with limited watering and without feeding. If there is the ability to lower the temperature before the required temperature, then provide a long-day shoot using the illumination in the evening time with phyto-lamps, LED or luminescent.

    In the indoor species there is a trunk, the leaves grow out of the ground, the root offspring are sometimes formed and only in adult plants, hence there is no need for any actions in accordance with the formation of the bush. It is allowed to block dry, old, yellow leaves.
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    ВопросПервопричинаПриговор трудностиНе краскаёт
      Юное растение.
      Маловато света.
      Несть периода покоя.

        Put at the south or west window, provide lighting.
        3-5-year-old adults are blooming.
        For 2-3 months, lower the content temperature before 15-18 degrees, water it sometimes. Resets buds Pot stroke It is not recommended to wear the plant during the extension of the peduncles Unhappy profits
          Lack of food
          Warm wintering
          Fertilize fertilizer or transplant it to a new land.
          A rested plant is faster and better to increase leaves with the arrival of spring. Black or brown stains for leaves, decay of stems Watering with cool water, overflowing plants Strelitzia is sensitive to water stagnation in soil . If there is rottenness of the stems, the plant is excavated, the roots examined and the affected areas cut out, sprinkled with heavy activated carbon. Then put in fresh soil, watering sometimes.
          Strelitz disease and pests list

    Healing Prophylaxis Shield Small brown-golden tubercles settling for petioles of leaves and peduncles. The juice is sucked out, hence the leaf warps, the plant dries. The shield is covered with strong scales, therefore, spraying is not enough to help. Should remove pests by hand, poddevaya their needles, and the plant itself, rinse with water and soap, protecting the earth through this solution. As a prophylactic sucking pests in the pot insert sticks of a long action, for example, A little, Agricola. In most cases, it is permissible to behold in the summer for plants standing near the open sky. Spray the Phytoverm while spreading according to the annotation. The treatment is to live every 5-7 days. Spider mite It is alive in dry warm rooms, the plant is covered by a narrow network, the leaves become a yellow speck
    Photo gallery: pests of the strelitzia

    To have a timely detection of aphids for the strelitzia the plant suffers a small damage div> The shield is covered with a strong shell, therefore it must be removed with a mechanical fence, and the plant itself is washed with soapy water.
    A spider mite sucks out the juice from the plant, the leaf becomes light, spotted, very lively in a dry room
    For the sake of preventing sucking insects, it is better to stir in special pots special sticks
    Multiplication of strelitzia
    Strelitzia is produced by seeds, root offspring and at times by the division of the bush. However, then such operations the mother plant ceases to bloom for a couple of years. Seed multiplication is a good method. They vividly lose germination, hence be a purchase, see the date, and then start landing at once. Usually a tenth of the seeds go back. Seeds of strelitzia have a hard shell and bright orange hair.
    Feeding the shoots from the seeds
      Buy seeds in the store and prepare pot and earth.

      Sunflower seeds are allowed to bribe in a flower shop <
      Tear off the orange tails with your hands and soak the seeds for a day in warm spring water, melt or rain water. It's time age does not matter. It is allowed to saw the seed with sandpaper.

      All the seeds of strelitzia have orange hair
      The earth for germination is pure dust, it is allowed to add a little universal purchase consistency to the base peat. Through the day, soaked seeds are planted in pots, sprinkled with sand and a little moisturized, the desire to give each seed a personal pot, because sprouts are uneven.

      Each seed is planted in a single pot

      We wrap the package through drying and place it in a dark and warm room with a temperature of 25 degrees. We are gaining patience.

      We put the pots in the part so that the humidity and heat there are kept high
      Seeds ascend in months before age, however 1 once a week, look through and ventilate the plantings, if the dust dries - spray from the spray gun.
      The boring appears for aristocracy, but do not open the greenhouse at any time. Accustom the plant to the dry air of the flat evenly, lifting the film for 10-15 minutes.
      Sprinkle the shoot according to the tablespoon once in 2-3 days.
      If the seedlings develop the first 3-4 leaves, make the first transplant to the nutritive ground. We take a pot of small size, with the roots we turn cautious, because a deficiency can lead to a growth retardation.

      Showing the sprouts uniformly accustomed to the dry air of the apartment
      The seedlings that reached the age of two, the coming of flowering.
      Multiplying by side shoots
      Sometimes for the plant there are lateral shoots. They are allowed to carefully separate, if the roots appear, and then transplanted into separate pots. The bottoms of the pots are covered with drainage, later with the soil, the plant is planted and kept at a temperature of 22 degrees, observing the humidity of the earth and avoiding overmoistening.

      Strelitzia, grown by dividing a huge bush or from a lateral process grows slowly. Blooming is allowed to wait until after 2-3 years.
      Gardener's comments
      https://forum.bestflowers .com/t/strelitcija-strelitzia-korolevskaja.5309/
      For a couple of years, I've consistently tried to raise from the seeds a Tsarist strelitzia. Encouragement number 4 was a success. Sow a"bird of paradise"in July, before dousing seeds for 5 days (or more). In general, I made it all the time like it was written for packaging. Sprouts waited earlier than in 1-2 months, because for the sake of speeding up the germination made scarification. In the end, it took 3 months after planting, and no sprouting was expected. The attendant was once upset, completely forgotten about the pot of seeds. He found himself in the middle of October, in a corner near the sink. For the surface of the earth, a small 0.5 cm was shown a pale green spine! Joy there was no limit! My strelitzia sprouted even 3.5 (!!!!!) months ago. Of the three seeds rose a little 1. Immediately the baby is stronger and dries in limited quantities filtered water. <
      Евгения Анатольевна
      According to the spring, I got quite a few strelitzia of the Royal Seedera brand. Strelitzia tsarist breeds itself with seeds, it is unreal to raise her from cuttings and she does not endure the layers or they do not take root. I planted every seed in a single glass, the land took a special from the store. Excellent shed the ground with water, sank some seeds for centimeter seeds, covered with glass. Planted on May 15, then prepared to endlessly wait, because according to some information the seed can germinate in 4-6 months. Through the moon, two sprouts went off, and over time, and the third. I transplanted them into larger vessels and they began to develop secretly. Later, one more thing happened. I hope that one plant will live before the adult state. Tanya Tanina
      I, too, shoot my strelitzia from the seed. She immediately 3.5 years old. The lump is 55 cm, the diameter of the pot is 15 cm. It is not necessary to give the will to the roots, or it will really have to be transplanted in the tub very quickly, but the profit and flowering will not accelerate it. If you saw, it has no carrots at the bottom of the pot in the main rings (or do you still have it?), And in the highest part is the smallest number, and this is in the main thin roots. Let her roots"carrots""upper"place master! For no reason that frank planted in"close"pots, but with all this try not to spoil the thick roots, they are quite fragile! For the above look, the plant is practically problem-free. Pests were never amazed, spraying is not required, the tips of the leaves do not dry.
      Age four ago bought sunflower seeds: two sachets, in their turned four seeds. And I did not process it with anything - just put the seeds in the ground and everything. Three of them have risen quickly, and the fourth is without cause and remains to sit in the ground. Immediately, my strelitzia is already quite large ... I bought two years ago for my girlfriend, too, two sachets (four seeds), they got up ... she needs aristocracy, constant watering and top dressing.
      Arshi Туземный

      Strelitzia -"Bird of paradise"- a rare beauty, grown, in most cases in greenhouses, than in apartments. Undemanding, ordinary in care, to be the right content paints beautifully and for a long time.

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