Classic folk ways
With the beginning of feeding the first garden crops, the population of the land faced and with weeds, which, for damage to the whole surrounding world, developed much more successfully than their own cultivated brothers. With the advent of difficulties, the first methods of combating harmful plants appeared, different in accordance with their own design and implementation.
Method #1 - permanent mechanical weeding
This is probably a more ingenious and common method, despite its labor costs. The essence of the weeding attribute is regularity, and probably unchanging nitpicking to the garden. Vigorous waving with a trowel and even finishing with a motor mower will not yield results, if only the desire for two weeks to neglect the weeding, besides the effectiveness of actions is small. Such patrons of the garden, like oats and poultry, tenaciously stick to the soil with their rhizomes that diverge around and form a real carpet. The dismissal of part of the rhizomes does not deprive the plant of life, but slightly contributes to their rapid reproduction.
Eating a small farming dexterity: you should change the shovel (shovel) for the pitchfork, which do not cut the parts of the plant, but rip them out of the ground completely. After that, it is necessary to collect the roots and ground parts and carry them away through the garden. It is advisable to pronounce that this action takes abundant time and effort, and after a couple of weeks the weeds will again clash between greens and strawberries. If you dream to manage a completely clean soil without one parasite, get ready for the one that is struggling with weeds for the garden pretty every day. To be drip irrigation, all moisture is given to the plant for which it is intended. Dry soil near the crop - a mortgage of protection through weeds and reproduction of harmful insects
Small watering is excellent for outdoor use, and in greenhouses, where parasitic plants breed at high speed. Naturally, we can not avoid additional weeding, but the number of weeds to be dosed with point irrigation will decrease a couple of times.
Read more in the articles: tech/sistemy-avtomaticheskogo-poliva-uchastk The principles of automatic irrigation systems and tech/sistema-kapelnogo-poliva-v-tepliceThe drip irrigation procedure in the greenhouse: sample the device yourself
Method #4 - defense using mulching
Mulching is used quite a long time ago, while for the creation of mulch - the crushed mass - use quite different natural and artificial materials:
fallen leaves
dry grass
Crushed film
Landscape fabric.
A discharge of painstakingly crushed material 6-7 cm wide is laid in a dense carpet near vegetable crops. He misses the atmosphere, holds water, keeps the right temperature for the rational growth of the roots, at the same time it serves as an effective barrier for the sake of weeds for the garden. Biological or artificial mash for the sake of mulching is moderately distributed in accordance with the entire bed, leaving for the plants arbitrary nests, taking into account their size and growth speed
Putting mulch for the land, must adhere to a number of rules. If the plants are planted in the autumn interval, the protective mass should be added immediately after planting. In the early spring, before the introduction of mulch, you should check whether the soil is completely warmed. If the weeds have already gone to profit, the land must be thoroughly weeded, and then kill a large layer of crushed mass - before 18 cm. Composition in the subject: vopros-otvet/kora-dlya-mulchirovaniya-cvetnika.html"rel="nofollow"> Like to prepare a bark for the sake of mulching a flower garden?
Chemical attack for weed grass
Weeds army has an abundance of warriors: oatmeal and chamomile, wheat-grass and sorrel horse, tansy and dark-blue, St. John's wort and string. However, none of these plants can withstand brutal chemical exposure - spraying with herbicides.
Eating a system of means of an unreasonably named systemic act. They are allowed to include"Tornado","Roundup","Graud Bio."They are applied to the visible surfaces of plants - leaves, trunk, inflorescences. The evil amount is absorbed by the pores of the herbs and evenly accumulates in their roots. A great plus of these means is absolute safety for the sake of the surrounding land. The soil is not contaminated, therefore, it is allowed to plant cultivated plants right after the herbicide treatment. The duration of exposure to pesticides depends on their composition and the degree of weed resistance, in most cases quite 2 weeks, so that the whole is there. "Agroquiller"identically destroys not only annuals and perennials, but also shrub-tree shoots. With his through is allowed to fight perfectly with an insecure and vigorous cow-beet, capable of doing immense burns
In order not to spoil the vegetable crops or berry bushes, for the application of herbicides for weeds, use a simple tool - a usual painter's bunch
The essence of the law is the use of herbicides - accurate and accurate application of them only to harmful flowers and grass, because poisonous matter identically perfectly kills any plants, including berry bushes and vegetable crops. Due to the complete elimination of the living only by a good application for the sake of herbicides, they are sprayed in areas far away through the beds, but also needing to be cleaned: thickets along the fence, herbaceous nests in furrows, burdock and thistle bushes along the verge of garden paths.
We will examine two properties more carefully. Roundup is a universal herbicide, which is used for the disposal of all plants. It does not have soil activity, therefore it is used before the beginning of sowing of vegetable crops. If the consent of the annotation is fought, then the medicine is absolutely safe for people, animals and the environment. Capacity of 1 liter, which is enough for 20m?, Costs 1, 250 rubles. Often, huge containers with herbicides of continuous action (for example,"Roundup") are equipped with a short pomp with a hose that add to the process of convenience and speed
The second most popular drug is the"Tornado". For the garden area it is advised to extract against such weedy grasses, like cattails, couch grass, creeper, buckwheat, swine, reed. Then, after approximately 8-10 days, the plants begin to turn yellow, fade, and after 2.5-3 weeks they completely die. About 3-4 days is allowed for the cultivated land to plant vegetables and berries. A capacity of 1 liter costs 900 rubles. Herbicide"Tornado"is not dangerous for animals and bees, but is a poison for the sake of fish. Using it, you should run the contact of the solution with the mucous eye
Having learned, like to fight with weeds using various methods and means, it is allowed to increase the yield and turn the semi-wild orchards into an exemplary part.
Method #4 - defense using mulching
fallen leaves
dry grass
Crushed film
Landscape fabric.
A discharge of painstakingly crushed material 6-7 cm wide is laid in a dense carpet near vegetable crops. He misses the atmosphere, holds water, keeps the right temperature for the rational growth of the roots, at the same time it serves as an effective barrier for the sake of weeds for the garden. Biological or artificial mash for the sake of mulching is moderately distributed in accordance with the entire bed, leaving for the plants arbitrary nests, taking into account their size and growth speed
Putting mulch for the land, must adhere to a number of rules. If the plants are planted in the autumn interval, the protective mass should be added immediately after planting. In the early spring, before the introduction of mulch, you should check whether the soil is completely warmed. If the weeds have already gone to profit, the land must be thoroughly weeded, and then kill a large layer of crushed mass - before 18 cm. Composition in the subject: vopros-otvet/kora-dlya-mulchirovaniya-cvetnika.html"rel="nofollow"> Like to prepare a bark for the sake of mulching a flower garden?
Chemical attack for weed grass
Weeds army has an abundance of warriors: oatmeal and chamomile, wheat-grass and sorrel horse, tansy and dark-blue, St. John's wort and string. However, none of these plants can withstand brutal chemical exposure - spraying with herbicides.
Eating a system of means of an unreasonably named systemic act. They are allowed to include"Tornado","Roundup","Graud Bio."They are applied to the visible surfaces of plants - leaves, trunk, inflorescences. The evil amount is absorbed by the pores of the herbs and evenly accumulates in their roots. A great plus of these means is absolute safety for the sake of the surrounding land. The soil is not contaminated, therefore, it is allowed to plant cultivated plants right after the herbicide treatment. The duration of exposure to pesticides depends on their composition and the degree of weed resistance, in most cases quite 2 weeks, so that the whole is there. "Agroquiller"identically destroys not only annuals and perennials, but also shrub-tree shoots. With his through is allowed to fight perfectly with an insecure and vigorous cow-beet, capable of doing immense burns
In order not to spoil the vegetable crops or berry bushes, for the application of herbicides for weeds, use a simple tool - a usual painter's bunch
The essence of the law is the use of herbicides - accurate and accurate application of them only to harmful flowers and grass, because poisonous matter identically perfectly kills any plants, including berry bushes and vegetable crops. Due to the complete elimination of the living only by a good application for the sake of herbicides, they are sprayed in areas far away through the beds, but also needing to be cleaned: thickets along the fence, herbaceous nests in furrows, burdock and thistle bushes along the verge of garden paths.
We will examine two properties more carefully. Roundup is a universal herbicide, which is used for the disposal of all plants. It does not have soil activity, therefore it is used before the beginning of sowing of vegetable crops. If the consent of the annotation is fought, then the medicine is absolutely safe for people, animals and the environment. Capacity of 1 liter, which is enough for 20m?, Costs 1, 250 rubles. Often, huge containers with herbicides of continuous action (for example,"Roundup") are equipped with a short pomp with a hose that add to the process of convenience and speed
The second most popular drug is the"Tornado". For the garden area it is advised to extract against such weedy grasses, like cattails, couch grass, creeper, buckwheat, swine, reed. Then, after approximately 8-10 days, the plants begin to turn yellow, fade, and after 2.5-3 weeks they completely die. About 3-4 days is allowed for the cultivated land to plant vegetables and berries. A capacity of 1 liter costs 900 rubles. Herbicide"Tornado"is not dangerous for animals and bees, but is a poison for the sake of fish. Using it, you should run the contact of the solution with the mucous eye
Having learned, like to fight with weeds using various methods and means, it is allowed to increase the yield and turn the semi-wild orchards into an exemplary part.
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