Tradescantia is a well-known plant. Abundantly houses and institutions decorates it with its hanging green shoots and coloring of the coloring. Love this plant because of its unpretentiousness and simplicity in care. The knowledge of the differences between varieties, forms and species will help to execute from the familiar Tradescantia an effective addition of the interior of the house or the decoration of the garden.
Tradescantia: appearance, origin, distribution
In nature, Tradescantia is a perennial herbaceous creeping plant with long straight or branched shoots and round or elliptical-shaped leaves arranged for the stem in turn. Flowers in the main are plain, small, snow-white, pink or blue, placed with brushes for the top of the shoot or in the axils of the leaves. Tradescantia is valued in ornamental floriculture because of the beauty of foliage, not of flowers. For the first time the botanical characteristic of this plant was given by the gardener of the British King Charles I - John Tradescant, whose name became the basis for the name's sake.
A native of Tradescantia from America, where the various future plants of this plant are found across the northern regions of Argentina in South America before the border with Canada - in the North. Tradescantia is a long-term herbaceous creeping plant with long shoots For the successful plant breeding in indoor culture, the light of the peculiarity of its growth in natural conditions must be:Tradescantia is considered a weed plant for its own motherland, prefers marshy, well-humidified lands, preferably peat. They are poor in nutrient substances - as it should, Tradescantia is undemanding and does not require frequent fertilizing;
The warm and wet climate is perfect for the sake of the plant
illumination of Tradescantia is not fundamental - it freely tolerates both total smallness and a brilliant sunny aristocracy;
like a tropical plant, in the criteria which it does not have periods of rest, Tradescantia is in the stage of active growth of the curve year. <
Tradescantia has an abundance of varieties and forms that amaze with its diversity. This is due not only to the wide spread of the plant in different weather zones, but also to the work of breeders. More well-known and popular among flower-growers are the following varieties, forms and future:
Tradescantia zebrin, or zebra-shaped. The only one of the most popular and most recognizable species. This plant with drooping hanging shoots and colorful leaves: on the inside they are purple-violet, and from the outside - green with snow-white and silvery stripes. Flowers at the zebrina are three-petalled, violet. One of the most popular varieties of the Zebrian Tradescantia is Violet Hill. It is easy to find out according to the central violet strip for the outer side of the leaf and the silvery patches.
Tradescantia virgin. As it is necessary from the name, this appearance comes from the state of Virginia. It is valued because of long flowering. Her flowers, as a reward through many other kinds of Tradescantia, are colorful and beautiful. They are large, three-petalled, preferably blue (the color can move through white before pink-purple or blue). A distinctive feature is also the longish straight lanceolate leaves. Shoots are achieved in a height of 60 cm.
Anderson's Tradescant. It is a hybrid, enlightened as a result of the crossing of the Tradescantia of the Virgin with other species. The result was the emergence of a plant with decorative leaves and beautiful large flowers of different colors. The leaves of Anderson's Tradescantia are not only green, but yellow, purple, and mottled. Varieties with terry flowers are displayed.
Tradescantia white-flowered. More like a well-known house plant. It has a drooping creeping trunk and ovoid pale green with longitudinal white stripes leaves, reaching 5 cm in length. In some species, the bands can exist golden or pinkish. Paint Tradescantia white-flowered sometimes, its flowers are small and plain.
Tradescantia mytilist (or riverine). It is distinguished by small luxurious leaves, reaching 3.5 cm in length, located for the violet stalk. The leaves on the inside also have a violet coloring, on top they are a saturated green tone. Flowers are small, blooming abundantly.
Blossfeld's Tradescantia. It differs through other species in the form of leaves pointed at the ends. Their length reaches 8 cm. The trunks are thick, juicy, fleshy, creeping. Leaves are usually mottled: purple from below, homogeneous green or green with snow-white bands and pinkish color from the outside. Flowers are pink, numerous, formed for the ends of shoots.
Tradescantia syllamountan. The exception is in the leaves, which are covered with snow-white nalikniga, similar to felting.
Tradescantia hairy. This modification is infrequent. Its trunks are erect, and the small leaves are covered with dense hairs forming a shaggy scurf. Flowers are pink-lilac, caloric.
Tradescantia is navicular. Very unparalleled agent of this family. It is allowed to find out at once according to unusual leaves: juicy and fleshy, tightly pressed to the stems, slightly pubescent, sharpened for ends and having a boat-like shape. Photo gallery: Variegated colorful leaves assign an unusual zest to Zebrin.
The only of the more ornamental species of zebra shaped Tradescantia, attracting respect for its own unusual foliage coloring - Violet Hill
A beautiful long bloom makes Tradescantia virgin a good decoration and at home and garden.
Andersson's Tradescantia is unchangeable for the decoration of gardens and cottages.
Tradescantia white-flowered is recognizable according to decorative leaves with stripes of snow-white, golden or pink color
The originality of the tradescantia sillamontan is justified by the presence of a felt touch for the leaves
More popular in indoor floriculture is quality with mottled leaves that have a purple-pink coating for a white and green background - Blossfeld's Tradescantia
Tradescantia of the hairy is distinguished by the presence of hairs for the stem and leaves
Tradescantia navicular got its name because of the shape of the leaves, resembling a boat
Reo, or the Tradescantia overflow
Reo belongs to the same family as the Tradescantia - Commelinaceae. Previously, it was isolated as a single family of the family, but at the present time, rheo is classed as a Tradescantia. All external differences are very bright: the presence of rhizome; full, fleshy, not drooping trunk; elongated, stiff, large leaves, reaching 30 cm in length and 5-7 cm in width. Leaves rheo are caloritic, caloritic - violet-red from the underside and juicy-green from the top. Flowering is very original: the flowers have the shape of a boat, formed by bracts, inside which are located inflorescences, collected from several buds of small size. Valuable due to decorative foliage.
Reo got his name in the respect of the forest nymph. In addition to the main name, to eat and others, about which this plant is clear: Moses in the wicker, the rook of Moses, the Boat of Moses and even the Source of Jesus, acquired due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves and bracts with the boat.
Reo - atypical agent of Tradescantia
List: Contents of Tradescantia at Home
Air temperature Весна, лето A rather western or eastern window is a perfect place for the cultivation of Tradescantia at home. It should be shaded for the southern side. For a window that opens to the north side, the possibility of stretching the shoots, loss of leaves of their own decorativeness, a decrease or a complete lack of flowering increases. It should be noted that different varieties require different criteria. For example, Tradescantia, having a hairy protection for the leaves, are perfectly tolerated by an impartial solar aristocracy, who can cause burns for leaves of more affectionate species. The variegated forms are more sensitive to light: the sun's bright rays can cause blanching of the leaves, and the deepest smallness is the change in the pattern. The highest humidity of air favorably affects the gains and development of the Tradescantia. The plant is excellent for frequent spraying of leaves. 20-25 ° C. Autumn, winter td>In winter, if central heating batteries cool the atmosphere in urban flats, it is very useful for the plant to use the humidifier rather than the air. The plant perfectly tolerates the temperature difference before 12 ° C. If you can eat, then it is better to provide Tradescantia with a cold winter. But,
Transdescription and transplantation of Tradescantia
To be transshipped, a piece of land with roots is not destroyed, but the ancient soil is replaced the newest. So, the transshipment is more sparing for the sake of any plant.
Plant transshipmentYou must correctly pick an unprecedented pot for the sake of the plant. The value of the capacity is determined without cause: between the old pot and the new, if you put them only in another, there should be a gap of 1-1.5 cm. Tradescantia prefers shallow and wide packagings.
The substrate for Tradescantia is forced to exist rather loosely and nutritious. For the sake of it, any finished common land, sold in stores, will do. It is permissible to be a mash without the help of others, taking soil, peat and dust in a proportion of 2: 1: 1. A drainage discharge of 1-2 cm is needed for the elimination of excess water to be watered and creates rational conditions for the development of the root system of the plant. It is permissible to extract any matter that passes through the water: dust, claydite, small shards, broken brick, gravel, gravel. The land piece of the plant before trans-shipment is forced to exist wet.
The plant must be extracted from the pot together with a clod of earth, without violating it. For the sake of this use such a hitch, like tipping over a pot with its head down, with simultaneous tapping according to its bottom. If the pot is soft (transportable), you can gently knead it from all sides, evenly moving the piece of land outward.
A high discharge of the earth must be shaken,/li>
In an unheard-of pot for discharging a discharge, you need to pour a discharge of the substrate from the computation so that the ground piece can be put in such a way that the root neck will be 2-3 cm below the level of the surface pot. Place the plant, fill the soil with a consistency between the pot and the clod of earth with roots, making sure that there are no voids left. The soil must be perfectly compacted.
Excellent watering of the Tradescantia. Transshipment - a gentle way to transplant indoor plants
The transplantation is quite different through transshipment first by those which, for all this, violate the integrity of the land coma, rotten roots and the ancient, depleted bottom are removed. Usually, the need for a transplantation appears only once in 2-3 years (or in cases when the plant is sick). <
For the sake of a proper transdescription of the Tradescantia, you need to:
The plant must be carefully removed from the pot, evenly shaking the piece of land, carefully dividing roots through the earth and well-wisher through a friend.
Look closely at the roots, remove dry, unhealthy or decayed parts.
Planted Tradescantia in an unprecedented pot with cooked drainage and substrate. The earthy mess should be poured evenly, straightening the roots, and making sure that the bottom is moderately distributed between the roots. Soil is condensed.
To water a plant. Video: like transplanting Tradescantia
Tradescantia is a plant that perfectly tolerates unfavorable conditions. If you do not have the ability to work as a permanent care, then Tradescantia will survive it. However, if you want to get a beautiful beautiful bush, then despise the rules of care is not worth it.
Tradescantia is a moisture-loving plant. Clarity of watering is depending on the age, through humidity and air temperature. The indicator of the need for irrigation is a small drying of the surface of a land coma. To be the highest air temperature, watering is usually needed only once in 2 days, being lower - once a week.
Water for the sake of irrigation of Tradescantia must exist soft, stable for several days.
The fertilization of Tradescantia is inevitable in the period of active growth, and specifically from March and before September-October. In winter, if the plant has a rest period (it is kept at low temperatures), fertilizing is not necessary. If in winter, Tradescantia is located in rooms with the highest air temperature, and a rest period like this is not, then fertilization is allowed to continue, but reduce their frequency.
For the sake of fertilization, no matter what all-embracing mineral fertilizing is suitable. The frequency is usually one day a week in the summer, and once in 2-3 weeks in the winter. For the sake of the fertilessance fertilizer, it does not matter which all-embracing fertilizing that you can get in the store Flowering interval Although Tradescantia is mainly grown for beautiful flowering shoots with colorful decorative foliage, flowering in almost all species also generates gains. Snow-white, violet, pink or blue small flowers, located in the axils of the leaves and for the ends of shoots in the compartment with the juicy color of foliage, give the plant a special charm. The flowering of the indoor Tradescantia is allowed to provoke a cool wintering and lowering the frequency of watering, changing the light criteria.
If the issue of unstable flowering appeared in the garden varieties of Tradescantia, then, most likely, occupation in adverse conditions of growth, lacking irrigation, The flowering of the indoor Tradescantia is allowed to provoke a cool wintering and lowering the frequency of watering. ;"> For wintering, the wintering and rest intervals are not of special significance, although this is desirable. If there is a capacity in the interval from November to March to find a room with a temperature of 12 ° C before 15 ° C, then Tradescantia grows quite enough in winter, pleasing the green shoots.
For the sake of garden Tradescantia everything is perfect if. Then the end of the vegetation period it must be prepared for wintering: answer the ground portion of the plant and sprinkle (mulch) the soil with peat or humus. If the plant can not bear the winter gap. Tradescantia in the garden should be prepared for wintering: to answer the ground portion of the plant and mulch the soil with peat or humus. The formation of Tradescantia Pinching Tradescantia should live fine - it helps tillering, the formation of lateral shoots, improves the appearance. Over the years, the plant loses decorativeness: shoots are bare, leaves wither. In this case, trim will help. Through the root, new young shoots will go, and truncated trunks are allowed after rooting.
Protection for the sake of plants In most cases, Tradescantia are grown in hanging pots or pots like an ampel plant - hanging whips of green or mottled leaves look beautiful. However, to eat options for the extraordinary use of Tradescantia for the sake of the decor of the premises. For example, using fasteners for the sake of the stems of Tradescantia for the wall, it is allowed to make an extraordinary living decorative wicker decoration. A fascinating option will be the introduction of a vertical support. Various supports for the sake of Tradescantia are allowed to be useful to play in the decoration of the premises
Florarium article
The care required for Tradescantia allows you to make compositions with the help of this plant for the sake of a florarium - a closed ecosystem in an aquarium or a bottle. Not bad news of Tradescantia to the high humidity of the earth and air makes it a good plant for the tropical florarium.
an unusual florarium with Tradescantia made a British amateur florist David Latimer. His"garden in a bottle"with Tradescantia has been growing closed for 40 years! The plant filled the full volume of the bottle, and was watered just 2 times: to be planted and 10 years later then.
List: errors of leaving due to Tradescantia
Question Primary cause Corrective Actions The tips of the leaves dry. The impassive atmosphere. Increase the humidity in the room or live a frequent spattering of Tradescantia. The leaves turn yellow. Little water. Increment watering. The mottled leaves turn green. The plant does not have enough light. Move to a more lit room. Stretches and leaves grow smaller. Illumination and underfeeding sign. The trunks at the base became soft and got a red paint. The stalk and root rot. This appears to be the overflow of Tradescantia or watering it extremely cool water . Be original stage of decay is allowed to try to save the plant, cutting off and will plant the healthy part of the stem . A faded coloring of the leaves. Lishke illumination. Move the plant to a more shady room.
Photogallery: the result of errors due to Tradescantia
The root cause of dry leaf tips is the missing air humidity
The leaves of the Tradescantia turn yellow to be missing irrigation
It is necessary to protect the plant through direct sunlight in order to preserve the colorful coloring of the leaves. Disorders and pests of Tradescantia
If the plant withers, dries up and loses a pretty appearance, it should be checked - if pests appeared for the bush.
pests and diseasesВредители и заболеванияПризнаки и симптомыВроде биться
Shield Appearance for small leaves and stems of small-colored plaques of coffee color. Pale and falling leaves. Sticky plaque. Mechanical finishing - wiping stems and leaves with a sponge with soapy substance, spraying with insecticides. Threesomes They are small in size, so it's hard to find them. For leaves there are dim or yellow spots, the leaf withers. Small black dots are seen for the underside of the leaf blade. Spider mite Appearance for the bottom side not a sheet and in the internodes of the network, it is mostly perfectly noticeable to be sprayed. The plant withers, leaves turn white, fall. Spraying with insecticides. The treatment should be repeated 2-3 times with an interval of 1-2 weeks.
Ensure the humidity in the room.Sooty mushroom Appears for the outer side of the leaf as a film of teobic color. It disturbs the order of breathing of the plant. Often, its occurrence is associated with the presence of other pests, because it settles for sticky secretions of aphids, scabies and thrips.
Deceive the cleansing of Tradescantia through pests, if any.
Carefully wash the plant with soap and sponge, carefully removing the fungus from the leaves and shoots.
Photo Gallery: signs of pest infestation
There are small insects of green, black or gray coloring to be strong infection
The emergence of small brown growths for leaves and stems means shielding with shields
Trips are small black insects that are difficult to examine
One of the main symptoms of a tick is the network left for the underside of the leaves and the stem.
Dark scurf for the leaves is the main sign of the defeat with the black mushroom
Multiplication of Tradescantia
Tradescance is propagated by seed and cuttings.
This simple and useful method of propagation of Tradescantia is cuttings. Her shoots freely and vividly give roots and in the future take root. Thus, it is permissible to produce Tradescantia from early spring and before late autumn, except during the winter months, if the root formation is very slow. For the sake of propagation, the young shoots of Tradescantia are longer than 15 cm. They are excellent roots in ordinary warm water being air temperature above 20 ° C. After the appearance of the roots, the cuttings are planted in the soil substrate in compliance with all requirements for the planting of plants: small pebbles, the best soil mash, the proper volume of the pot, timely watering.
Planting several shoots in a single pot at the time giving the plant unusual decorativeness and luxury.
h3> The multiplication of Tradescantia with seeds is not unreasonably popular, like cuttings, but more perfectly. Often it is used for the feeding of garden species. Planting of the plant with seeds is carried out in the spring, usually in March. Seeds are planted in a prepared container with a soil substrate (the best option is a light and loosely mash of peat and sand in a 1: 1 ratio) or in peat pills. The bottom should be moist, but not wet. Seeds are scattered according to the surface of the earth and are covered with little substrate from above. The container with seeds must be closed with a polyethylene film or glass, creating a greenhouse effect with constant moisture and temperature. Sprouting should not be delayed until 2 weeks after planting. In the forthcoming planting seedlings are planted in separate pots. This action is followed by the appearance of the third leaflet.<> The flowered, grown from the seeds, after 3 the age of the planting.
The appearance of the third leaflet is a sign of the readiness of Tradescantia for transplantation
growing a plant
Tradition of Blossfeld - to start a very whimsical unit. Rooted in the spring well, the rest is hard. Once stork, put in water in September, stood thoughtfully in the water before the month of March. He later gave the roots. Can not stand the gulf, the cold, the heat. The aristocracy loves, but through the sun can get burnt. The hardest time for her is winter. Even the only waywardness - likes to exclude shoots with green leaves. They need to be plucked if it all turns green. Elena Us
Very ingenious in the cultivation and reproduction of the flower, but it's very nice to be good to him. Does not ask for special criteria for feeding, suffers a little, but the paint of the leaf is brighter enough to be a good light. Likes watering and sprinkling. To be short of water will begin to dry up the leaves, shoots can start to sluggish. It is produced by cutting shoots, which are not difficult to take root in moist soil. Being rooted, of course there is a runaway profit and side shoots, if you pinch it, you can get a whole bush from the 1st shoot. It is very beautiful, if only a few pots are rooted in a single pot. Excellent looks in pots, in a hinged state, and the simple for the window is beautiful. Kukusya
The garden Tradescantia of Blushing Bride in our Russian climate is one-year old, it does not winter. It is permissible in autumn to respond and root cuttings in the water, they give good roots, and later in winter to grow like room Tradescantia. However, to be roomy growing, these beautiful pink stripes in the base of the leaf disappear. As in the spring you plant it in the park, they again arise. And in the ground it"zhirneet"and"beautiful". However, if the various Tradescantia are abundantly close, they freely perepylyaetsya and give variegated samosev, tk. bloomed flowers at their break - then another thing! Veronica
Have you ever tried to feed Tradescantia near the water? In my childhood in the first own aquarium with fish (guppies here all sorts lived, swordsmen), I decided to do it. I read it in a Russian book in accordance with the aquaristics, which Tradescantia will perfectly survive such a massacre. Brought from the school an ordinary green cut, tied to a stone, lowered it for the bottom ... without any adaptation. And it began to grow !! It changed a lot, stretched out, the leaves changed their shape. Through each node began to grow a single trunk vertically up to the surface. There was such a green fence. For the surface, the leaves returned to their original form. This is later I read,
powaqqatsi,151.135.html Adhering to the easy rules of care due to Tradescantia, you can get a wonderful plant that adorns the building and the park. Tradescantia cheers beautiful foliage and bloom, besides, it has healing characteristics: it has an antimicrobial effect, it helps purify the air.
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