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How to independently make a dacha farm: we build a...

How to independently make a dacha farm: we build a quality storage roomBefore the construction of a huge cottage or a small country cottage for a suburban area there is a modest small-sized device that is to be called a cabins, utility room or a household unit. A useful place, divided by partitions for fairly sections, can amuse the occupation of a bathroom, pantry, storage of tools or even a summer kitchen. It's hard to belittle the meaning of this building, so we'll examine it more carefully, why do we need a hozblock for the sake of giving and is it allowed to build it without the help of others.
The task of this utility room
A home appliance is a device small in size, but universal, therefore, is not completely limited by any limits in its own use. His task is all dependent on the values ​​put forward by the masters of the suburban residence. First, outbuildings used for the sake of storing the line and garden tools, some materials, summer tools. Long work for the beds or for construction led to the fact that the share of the house was turned into a kind of summer kitchen, so that it was allowed to have a cup of tea, and to calm down a little. Some of the farms are more like a summer house, if they are a part: they are trimmed siding, covered with flexible tiles and decorated with decor elements
The long business gives about itself light, mainly in a hot time, therefore, mainly caring about their own health, dacha residents have allocated a short angle near the souls; Accordingly, from the septum can fit a dress that requires a very short area. If the yardage allows construction, then its share is allowed to take away from the rest room, and if it is set in a bed, then it is permissible to relax at night, while the temperature of the air allows. Of course, with the emergence of a home for the home, the household block is losing some bait of the function, yet it always remains useful and necessary.
The hozblocks can exist completely differently in accordance with the external appearance and suggest how to wish the device, through the ordinary ordinary barn in front of a fairy-tale house, Some summer residents assign a huge sense to the style of each object located for the site. Such a small-sized device in the style of miniaturism is suitable for owners who walk in step with the passage of time.
It is allowed to purchase a ready-made structure in assembled or disassembled form, which is remembered by a block frame-module container. It is formed from a corner and a channel, and then it is covered with a wood plate. Advantages of this type of construction:
rapid construction speed;
lack of foundation;
being able to repeatedly assemble-disassemble ;
democratic dignity.
It is permissible to build a hozblok with own hands, having prepared a tool in advance and having purchased the material. Household buildings made of wood - plastic, easy to process, strong material, be suitable for processing ready to serve for decades >It is easier to erect a wooden shed, to sew it with a lining or profiled sheeting outside, and cover the roof with a cheap rubber tile or sheet iron. Two walls are equipped with windows, so that the sunny aristocracy penetrates inside. Place with the help of partitions or shifaners it is better to divide for fairly zones, differing according to the purpose. To comfortably feel yourself in the farmhouse in winter, its walls, floor and roof should be strengthened with thermal insulation - mats made of glass wool,Rules for the installation of this building
The premise for the auxiliary room is regulated by the requirements of SNiP 30-02-97, and the task of the farm is taken into account. Imagine, you decided to arrange a shower there, in this case a small gap in front of the adjacent structure should be compared to 8 meters, and before the border of the site - more than 1 meter. A separate meter, located between the structure and other objects, can be useful: for a small piece of land it is allowed to arrange a woodpile, build a short canopy or plant a fruit shrub. Using a household appliance as a bathroom, also for the sake of keeping a bird or cattle, : before residential buildings - more than 12 meters, in front of the adjacent terrain - more than 4 meters
For 6 ares a separate square meter of countryside is regarded for the authority of gold, hence an unprecedented exemption save more land near the landing - to connect all the living quarters around one roof, creating a thing like a functional building. She recalls an ordinary building with an abundance of rooms, differ only in size and degree of insulation. For example, in one room can easily fit the dress, shower and building, and a huge canopy on the side of the garage will change. The plan for a functional farm block consisting of several sections, in which it is allowed to arrange a rest room, a bathroom with a shower and a toilet, storeroom for the sake of storing canned food or tools
Another fascinating verdict is the construction of the second floor. In the upper room you can arrange a room for guests, a pigeon or a hayloft, if there are bunnies or goats for the dacha.
A step-by-step order in accordance with the construction of a wooden farmhouse
Immediately some companies offer ready built, but it is much more exciting to make and equip the place of the household block for the sake of giving yourself. Izza sample we take a device with dimensions of 6m x 3m x 3m. The completed hozblok consists of 2 separate rooms, each of which has a single entrance. Windows are for 3 walls, except for the back wall.
Before the process of erection, the matter must be purchased:
logs of different sections (15cm x 15cm, 10cm x 15cm, 10cm x 10cm, 5cm x 10cm),
edging board
ruberoid (or analog)
dust, gravel, cement for the production of concrete;
asbestos cement pipe (15 cm across).
#1 - foundation installation
The main stop is marking the perimeter for the sake of the future foundation. The bars will be at the corners and in the center of the long, 6-meter-high walls. In advance it is necessary to prepare the earth - to remove a discharge of humus and corn earth for depth before 20cm, to sleep a sandy 10-centimeter pillow and painstakingly compact it. For each column, a pit with a depth of about 1 m 20 cm will be needed - it should be placed with a log for the foundation of the corresponding length. The dimensions of the household block can exist different and depend on its functions, therefore, it is not necessarily recognized for these characteristics - the length or width is allowed change
The bottom of each hole should also be prepared: cover with a thick layer of small gravel or sand, compact. Then the installation of pipes in the finished holes is checked for their strictly vertical arrangement (it is better to remove the building height), and the empty space is filled with sand. The internal part of the pipes should be filled with cement for approximately one-third of the pipe, and then lift the piece of pipe. Thanks to such an act of concrete, a strong base emerges for the sake of foundation pillars. The basis for asbestos cement piles is the foundation for the durability and durability of the structure; It is permissible to build a hozblok without a foundation, but it is rather less reliable and will serve a shorter period
Then, before the end, fill the cavity of pipes with cement. Some in order to strengthen the next fixation of the base from the beam into four corner posts mount pieces of reinforcement fixed in the solution and protruding upwards for approximately 20 cm. Instead of the reinforcement, it is possible to remove the anchors, also fixed to the foundation: the rim of the bar is tolerated through them through the nuts. Pipes should be extinguished painstakingly, for no reason, so as not to form air sinuses. The final hardening will take place in a couple of weeks, for the time being it is necessary to wet the solution with water and cover it with direct sunlight.
Step #2 - formation of the base frame
While"matures"the ground, it is allowed to undertake the assembly of the frame.ogni, the longish side of which is 6 m, and the small one - 3 m. For the corners, the"vpolderov"mount is used, the grooves are connected with screws (for the sake of the anchor it is enough 2 pieces, for the reinforcement - 4 pieces). Between the foundation pillars and the wood frame, a layer of roofing material should be made, the ends of which should be bent down (so that rainwater does not accumulate). For protection against insects, mold and water, the log is treated with an antiseptic. The only common option is two layers of drying oil. Then the frame is reinforced with 3 transverse lags, located at a similar interval, using a log 10cm x 10cm. The main properties of the frame are stability and reliability, therefore the rewards should be given to the joints of the beam and the processing of the wood by protective means
Speech #3 - frame construction
For the construction of the frame, you should apply a log with the smallest diameter than for the installation of the foundation. First I need to assemble parts of the frame from the ends, taking into account the fact that on both sides there will be window gaps. Vertical racks are fixed to the frame with the help of iron corners and screws. In order to"plant"the rack for the foundation reinforcement, it must drill a hole with a diameter of 1 cm (4 corners will be fixed in this way). Intermediately they fix additional elements and struts - using bolted connections. The reverse sides of the assembly must then look identical. In order to strengthen the fixation between the first and second, also the third and fourth pillars, you need to install the struts - small bars of the smallest cross-section, located on the slope
Then the face facade is assembled. The middle pillars are fixed in steps of 1m 80 cm. So that they do not move during the time of fixing other parts, they are allowed to be joined between each other by a board, set for a screw. It is planned that the hozblok consists of 2 sections, therefore it is useful to make out 2 doorways and to install a septum precisely. The dimensions of the door gaps are 2 m in height and 85 cm in width. For the outside it is enough to have a window gleam, the location of its location - between 2 and 3 stances. As the assembly progresses, window crossbars should be put up: the gap through the frames in front of the lower horizontal line is 80 cm, the gap between the two horizontals is 1 m
The last facade is similar to the front one, but the action is simplified due to the lack of window and door gaps. It is necessary to expose two middle racks with an interval of 1 m 80 cm, and between pairs of pillars fix the braces. Peremptory bar - the upper end for a height of 2 m, for which use a beam of 5cm x 10cm. It is formed from parts that are bound together by a"butt"and fixed by zinc-covered corners.
Speech #4 - assembly of rafters and roofing
The assembly of rafters is better to perform for the ground, and then in the finished form set for the hozblok. Proudly right to assemble the crate - continuous or with intervals, depending on the roofing material. The angle of the roof is about 10 degrees. To be installed rafters are fixed for the screw, and overhangs and cornices are trimmed with edging boards. To avoid occurrence of cracks, holes in the vicinity of the screw are pre-drilled. The structure of the roof is established in the following way: it is put for the lag behind the building, then it rises upwards with the help of stops or thrust and is inserted into the grooves.
#5 - external and internal galloon
A categorical stop - a boulder on the outside and an interior decoration of the rooms. The roof is laid with a roofing covering (tile, stone, sheet iron), doors are hung, windows are inserted. As necessary, internal partitions of frame type are installed, which are allowed to be sewn by the board. For the sake of the insulation of external walls, it is permissible to extract mineral wool or expanded polystyrene.
If you want to have at least a short attempt at carpentry, the construction of a dacha farmhouse will not seem complicated and chaotic. In the forthcoming, instead of the first, trial version, it is permissible to build a more reliable and robust device. If the household place is erected after the construction of the house, it can be executed as an extension to the main building,Video clips with examples of building a building block
Video #1:
Video #2:

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