Tapestry for the grapes with your own hands: how to make supports for the vineyardNot much that from gardeners can resist through temptations to bring up for its site a delightful sunny berry - grapes. After all, fruit bearing lianas, including grape, successfully develop and bear fruit even in the middle belt. However, in order to get a good collection, the plant must make suitable conditions. He needs a place for the sake of growth, a sufficient explanation, water and, of course, protection, for what liana could desire to cling. Tapestry for the sake of grapes pre-confirms the sagging of the vine and makes the system of other necessary functions. For example, it helps to do a little where it is needed, well, the simple decorates the part. Find out how to perform such a useful design with your own hands.
Grapes growing customer
Usually, grapes are grown in southern regions: here the plant does not need shelter during the winter period. For the south, the number is not always used. For example, in Central Asia and the Middle East, vines are simple for the surface of the earth. For the sake of America and Europe, unsupported stamping education is characteristic. Often in the Caucasus, as a support, a simple tree is used to support a simple tree, near which grape whips are located.
However, with the development of the technology of feeding this berries, as well as improving the methods of protection through frost, the plant began to intensively speak for the north. The supports, which help to preserve the grapes for the sake of abundant fruiting, were not superfluous. The principles of the construction of a supporting structure depend for several reasons. Naturally, such a young plant does not need tapestries, everything is planted, it should already exist, taking into account the fact that this design is enough space
In the book number through: planting patterns;
plant varieties;
technology used residue. If the grapes are planted for the first time for the site, it is completely free to extract stationary rows at once, it is quite enough to construct temporary supports. However, it is not recommended to tighten the installation of a fixed structure. For the third year through planting the plant is allowed to wait for the main collection. By this time and personally the bush is forced to exist, the whole is formed, and its root order achieves considerable dimensions. If the row starts to build in this interval, it can be badly seen for the plant.
We select a room for the sake of the vineyard
You should know that the tapestry is not a temporary building. It is installed for long and long years. Probably, the choice of a place near the vineyard should be approached with awe. Find a free area for the site, perfectly illuminated by the sun. The circle of supports must exist pointing in the direction of the server-south. This method allows you to keep the plant evenly illuminated for only a light day. This series is a brilliant example of how it is possible to extract an empty space between rows. You see, it's densely planted
Space between rows can not exist less than 2 meters. If part of the short and before us is the task like it is allowed to extract its entire place more effectively, it is permissible to extract row-spacing, for example, about planting vegetables. Here, the construction of a row in this case should be extracted from a single-plane structure.
Constructions of supports for the sake of a vine
There are a number of subsequent designs:
The bushes can occupy a separate one at their own support or in the system, if fairly plants, are aimed at one support. It is allowed to construct fairly rows, but it should be kept in mind that in a row there should be bushes of a bit of 1st grade. Because of different grape varieties, different upbringing is often required, and it may be difficult to be close to planting. Apart from its main task - the support of vines, the trellis can perform decorative function. It decorates the part and creates a romantic atmosphere
Single-plane vertical trellis
One-plane this protection is called therefore, which plant, fixed for it, rather unfold in one plane. This visibility of tapestries is also different, which we will talk about little later. Any of the varieties of supports has its own merits. Outside they are pretty pillars, between which the wire is horizontally stretched. In order to design a single-plane trellis, you do not need to buy abundant materials. Only fairly poles and wires make reliable support
Advantages and design flaws
This is a relatively cheap building, which is easy to install. For her, the plant is well ventilated, nothing will prevent its pruning. Grapes placed in one plane, freely hide for the winter. And between rows of supports it is allowed to grow vegetables or flowers.
All the massive plants that have fairly sleeves to make in one plane are problematic: eat the risk that the planting will thicken. In addition, the site row does not allow the location of abundant vines.
Materials necessary for work
In order to design a series for the sake of grapes with their own hands, the following matter is useful: > poles;
Posts can exist from a variety of materials. For example, iron, reinforced concrete, wood. Through the length of the pillars depends on the future design. For the infield is good above the soil of 2 meters, but for practice there are a number of and in front of 3.5 meters. It is permissible to extract poles from various materials: for this purpose, metal, and wood, and concrete are suitable. Proudly, so that they are reliable, since the building is fairly operated indefinitely.
The wire is best extracted from zinc-coated steel, rather than copper or aluminum, as specifically copper and duralumin products in most cases become a prey of hunters because of metals in the winter interval, if the owners do not live for the dacha. The best wire thickness is 2-3 mm.Construct a single-plane trellis
One-plane trellis should be built at intervals of 4-6 meters. Since the main load is rather necessary for the occurrence and end of the series, it is for the sake of these pillars that the strongest poles are chosen. Additional reliability will be provided by wire extensions or slopes that allow the load to be redistributed.
The columns in the row may be 7-10 cm in diameter, but the last supports are better to perform massively. Bury them in the ground for a depth of more than half a meter. If a tree is chosen as the material for the poles, the places of contact of the wood with the earth should be provided. For this purpose, a 3-5% solution of copper sulfate is used, in which the poles must be aged for 10 days. This will save your design through decay. <
Cultivation of poles with antiseptics or special impregnations is not recommended, since brutal waters can spoil the roots of grapes. If the poles are metallic, their lower part should be covered with bitumen, who protects the metal through corrosion. If we choose the height of the structure, we must take into account that for half a meter the pillars will be deepened into the earth, therefore their length should exist equal to or greater than 2, 5 m
Subsequent degree of work - wire drawing. If the rows are fairly fairly, the bottom is forced to occupy about 40cm across the ground. Bunches should not touch the ground, and near their weight the wire can deform, therefore the recommended interval should not be neglected. The subsequent system is allowed to pull for a distance of 35-40 cm through the preceding one. Often, summer residents are limited to 3 rows, although a trellis with 4 or 5 rows is considered more efficient.
The wire must be secured, for example, more reliable. Depending on the material of the poles, for this purpose, rings of wire, nails or staples of metal are suitable. Some aspects of the construction of a single-plane support can be found from the video:
Разновидности одноплоскостных шпалер
Разглядим некоторое количество видов опор, дабы избрать ту, которая нормально подойдет конкретно ради вашего хозяйства.
Дозволено исполнять вариация с двойной проволокой. Отличительной особенностью этой конструкции является метод крепления проволоки. Для последних столбах крепят поперечины, промеж которыми и натягивают проволоку. Таким макаром, повдоль одной плоскости создаётся коридор, проволока в каком натянута и справа, и слева.Вот беспричинно схематически дозволено представить конструкцию одноплоскостной ряд с козырьком. Наличие козырька позволяет прирастить полезную место опоры, не повышая её высотуОпять вариант — шпалера с козырьком. Вертикальная шпалера получает продолжение, направленное в сторону. Для него натягиваются точный изрядно проволок. Благодаря таковой конструкции нужная место, мочь проветривания и освещения возрастает, а воспитание из за виноградом становится проще.Шпалера с двойной проволокой, вроде и неважно какая другая строение тоже имеет собственных сторонников. Избрание модели опоры завсегда находится в зависимости от определенных критерий её следующей эксплуатацииТакже популярна Т-образная образец. Высь опор ради этой модели не превосходит 150 см. Проволока для их закрепляется попарно: два ряда для верхних выступах ряд справа и слева с расстоянием в 50см и два ряда для нижних, тоже по краям – 25 см. промежутка.Достоинства модели состоит в том, который молодой побеги не надо подвязывать: они оказываются снутри коридора и без помощи других цепляются из за опоры.И напоследок, завершительный вариация — шпалера со свисающим приростом. Быть этой конструкции подвязка штамба делается к опорам. Польза свисает вниз.Польза находится для верхней площадке с несколькими рядами проволоки, расположенной горизонтальноВроде предугадать защиту укрывных видов?
Ежели лозу скрывать для зиму, то идеальнее всего извлекать тоннельный способ.For this, a protective film or roofing material is transferred through the lower wire, forming typical protective niches. Single-planar structures are used mainly for the sake of concealed types of grapes, since it is quite easy to cover the vine for such trellis in a tunnel way. If the vine is concealed with the help of slate or boxes, it is better to move the posts first relative to the base of the vine for 40 cm. And then the roots will be less affected by digging holes near the pillars, and hiding the plants is much easier.
Two-Plane Grape Tap
В 2-ух плоскостях опору ради лозы тоже дозволено установить разными методами. Дабы исполнять подходящую опору ради дачного винограда своими руками, надо владеть воззрение обо безвыездно вероятных вариантах, дабы позже избрать избранный.Это двухплоскостная шпалера, которая создана для неукрывных видов винограда и позволяет растить довольно массивные много плодовые растенияРазновидности двухплоскостных шпалер
Опоры в 2-ух плоскостях бывают:Прямые. В количество конструкции входят две параллельные плоскости, расположенные близко вместе.
V-образные. Те же две плоскости располагаются наклонно – около углом доброжелатель к другу.
Y-образные. Нижняя доля сооружения представляет собой одну остроумие, а дальше плоскости расползаются около углом 45-60 градусов доброжелатель к другу.
Y-shaped with a gain who hangs down . The structure is similar to a single-plane specimen with a visor, there are visors on each of the planes, they are oriented to the sides opposite to the central axis. The base of the structure is Y-shaped.
Thanks to a stronger design for such supports, you can eat to cultivate varieties with active growth. As a result, the yield per unit area is increasing. The structure allows the clusters to be in shelter and not to suffer through direct sun rays or through the wind.
Эта Y-образная строение пользуется особенной популярностью из за удачное соединение преимуществ одно- и двухплоскостной ряд: она отличный проветривается и освещается, позволяя сдерживать разветвленные массивные растенияЕстественно, это здание труднее одноплоскостного. И материалов для него пригодится практически в два раза больше. Не считая того, монтировать его не так простой. И употребляется эта строение в главном ради неукрывных видов.
Вроде конкретно делают двухплоскостную виноградовую опору, дозволено выяснить из видео:
Сооружаем V-образную двухплоскостную конструкцию
Издержка материала произведен из расчета для единственный трехметровый строй ряд. Быть желании, дозволено исполнять изрядно рядов, сообразно увеличив число затраченного материала.
Следовательно, нам необходимы:4 трубы из металла сообразно 2,5 метра любая;
rubble and cement
30 meters of wire
wood pegs for marking
chalk and roulette
The length of our structure is quite 3 meters, and the width is 80 cm. Let's outline this rectangle in the place chosen for the sake of the vineyard. At its corners we'll peg the pegs. In the book the place where we have pegs, we need to get pits. The width of each pit is 30cm, and the abyss is 40-50cm. In the resulting pits, we insert pipes, the lower part of which is treated with bitumen. As a result of our work, this V-shaped structure should turn out. For its building, approximately twice as many materials were used as for single-plane trellis
It turns out that at the base of the design the gap between the pipes is 80 cm. The upper ends of them are diluted for a 120cm well-wisher through a friend. We fix the location of the pipes with the help of rubble, then we pour the cement in the pits. To continue the work is allowed only then, like cement will completely freeze.
Now it is allowed to pull the wire. The lowest string should be for a distance of 50-60 cm across the surface of the earth. If it is meant that the bunches of grapes will be very large, the gap across the earths is allowed to grow. Other circle should occupy with an interval of 40-50cm. Securing the wire is permitted with the help of special hooks. This is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also firm. If the poles are made of wood, it is very convenient to remove such fasteners for the wire: they help extend the life of the wire.
Decorative series for the sake of unguided species
the site will grow unrivorous varieties of grapes, it is allowed to extract decorative supports of the arbor, arched, bowl-shaped and other decorative species for these purposes. Execute them allowed from different materials, but it is easier only from wood. Decorative trellis with grapes can do a little where it is needed. However, we must wait until the grapes grow up
It seems to be specific to perform such trellis, you can find out from the video:
Из всех приведенных в этой статье конструкций шпалер трудно выделить одну, дабы именовать её более комфортной и надежной. Отдельный вариация имеет собственных приверженцев. Избрание находится в зависимости от огромного количества причин, и действовать вам его придется без помощи других. Возлагаем надежды, который мы предоставили вам довольно инфы ради того, дабы он оказался безошибочным. Соорудите шпалеру своими руками, и виноград довольно веселить вас обильным урожаем долгие и длительные годы.
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