Streptocarpus, whose natural future was grown at home by our grandmothers, is again for the boom of popularity between collectors. In the near future, thousands of magnificent species with various colors of adorable flowers are brought out. Streptocarpus dyes very long time, pleasing its owners. Education is easy because of it, therefore the plant can start decorating the collections of the most experienced gardeners or settle down for the window sill of those who are just beginning to grow flowers in their house.
Streptocarpus, or Cappuccian primrose There are hundreds of varieties of streptocarpus. They all, in the main, grow in the southern part of the African continent (what the folk name of the flower means - the Cape primrose), as well as in Central and East Africa, including Madagascar and the Comoros. In Europe, they were imported around 150 years ago, but the real boom started at the end of the twentieth century, if the breeding business started according to the breeding of new hybrids and species. At the current time, gardeners can choose streptocarpuses with large and small flowers, painted in the most indescribable colors of snow-white, blue, lilac, yellow, red, they can exist fragrant and without flavor, with ordinary flowers and petals wavy at the sides.
In nature streptokarpusy allowed to meet in the woods, for shaded rocky slopes and in rocky cracks
style="text-the align: justify;">streptokarpusy is the closest relative of gloxinia and senpolii (the Umburian violets). The family belongs to the family of the Gesnerians, whose representatives usually grow in wild nature such as epiphytes or lithophytes. Cape primrose is found in the wooded area, grows for moist soil and in light shade. Some future ones are allowed to meet for shady rocky slopes, for earth, in rock cracks and almost everywhere where seeds can germinate.
The name Streptocarpus received due to the shape of the fruit, twisted according to the spiral. Literally, the phrase"strepto"means"twisted", and"carpus"is a grain.
Modern modifications are slightly reminiscent of the natural future
In plants of the genus Streptocarpus eat two main forms: multilayer and univalent. The first, in turn, has a female shape. This is a perennial plant and it is in most cases that they are grown indoors. Flowers of modern hybrids usually have a diameter across three before several cm and consist of 5 petals.
The second kind has just one sheet, growing from the bottom. Some future ones are monocarpic, they blossom only one time, and then the tying of seeds die, giving the existence to new plants. Although some are also long-lasting, in other words, then the leaf dies out from the base, and the old sheet-board withers away.
Monocarpic flowers bloom only once, giving birth to new plants after the death of tied seeds
The streptocarpus flowers are 2.5-3.5 cm across, and their color palette is diverse, they are painted in different tones through white and pale pink in front of purple and violet, with different combinations of colors. Buds are tubular, they resemble something like a bell from the outside, they can exist with even or wavy edges, ordinary or double, decorated with denticles or festoons. Large leaves have an elongated shape and velvety appearance. Fruits are pods with small seeds.The Streptocarpus of the King (S. Rexii). The plant is non-stems, its distinctive feature is longish pubescent leaves, the length of which reaches 25 cm. The flowers of the royal streptocarpus are colored in violet, and inside the throat they are eaten with violet streaks.
Streptocarpus cauliflower (S. caulescens). The plant, the trunk of which grows up to 50 cm in height. Its heeled flowers have a gently blue color.
Streptocarpus Temple (S. kirkii). The leaves and flower stalks of the ampel plant are 15 cm and have a drooping shape. Buds of light-purple color are collected in umbellate inflorescences
Streptocarpus Vendlan (S. wendlandii). The flower has a single large leaf of round shape, the length of which reaches 0.9-1 m. Above, the wrinkled and pubescent sheet-board is painted green, and from below it is reddish-lilac. From the sinuses of a long peduncle flowers bloom, the diameter of which is 5 cm. Streptocarpus Vendlan is born only by the seed method, then he blooms.
Streptocarpus rock (S. saxorum). The plant is a long-term plant. Its distinctive feature is a woody base. The leaf plates are small, round in shape. Shoots are twisted to the ends. Small flowers of violet color bloom in spring and summer.
Streptocarpus is a primolifolius (S. primulifolius). The plant belongs to the rosette form. The trunk grows up to 25 cm in height, 4 plants are planted for it, the petals of which are decorated with various points, divorces and strokes.
Streptocarpus johannis. Rosette visibility with a straight stem. The leaves grow in length in front of 50 cm, and their width is 10 cm. For the peduncle, about 30 violet-blue plants bloom.
Streptocarpus tremendous (S. grandis). Univalent visibility, its single leaf plank is quite large, grows in length up to 40 cm and 30 cm wide. The trunk is raised for 0.5 m, for its apex the flowers of a light purple color with a darker throat and a snow-white lower lip unfold.
Streptocarpus cornflower blue (S. cyaneus). The trunks of the rosette plant reach 15 cm. The flowers are colored in different colors of pink and grow according to two pieces for the stem, the middle of the bud is colored in a yellow color, the larynx decorates various points and stripes of violet color.
Streptocarpus white (S. candidus ). Sheet leaves of the rosette plant grow in length before 45 cm, and width is achieved 15 cm, the texture of the surface of the leaf is wrinkled and velvety for touch. White flowers are decorated with yellow stripes, the larynx is decorated with purple dots, and the lower lip - with reddish strokes.
Streptocarpus glandulosissimus (S. glandulosissimus). The trunk of a plant of this species grows up to 15 cm in length. Buds are colored in various colors through the violet in front of the dark blue.Primordial streptocarpus (S. polyanthus). The plant is a univalent species. The leaf is densely pubescent and grows in length in front of 30 cm. The flowers of about 4 cm in size are colored in different colors of blue with a yellow speck in the center.
Holst Streptocarpus (S. holstii). The flower has fleshy trunks, the size of which reaches 50 cm. The leaf plates have wrinkled texture, they reach 5 cm in length. The buds are painted in purple paint, and their base is white. Photogallery: future streptocarpus
Tsarist streptocarpus flowers are colored in purple paint, purple streaks for throat
Small flowers of the purple color of the streptocarpus of the rock are blossomed in spring and summer.
The petals of the streptocarpus blossom flowers are adorned with various strokes and dots.
For the peduncle of the streptocarpus of Johansky, about 30 violet-blue plants bloom
The barrel of the streptocarpus huge towers for 0.5 m, for its apex the flowers of a light purple color with a darker pharynx are blooming
The flowers of the streptocarpus stem have a gently blue colour
Streptocarpus Temple is grown like an ampel plant Collection varieties and modifications of streptocarpus Currently, breeders are doing a great job in accordance with the creation of beautiful hybrids and types of streptocarpuses. It is clear more than a thousand varieties of Russian and foreign selection, they can be depicted in the same article within the framework of one article, naturally, unreal, we will present them fairly from them.
Streptocarpus with flowers of saturated dark purple flowers with velvety surface of petals - Dracula's Shadow, Stormy start.
Flowers with a fantasy pattern of strokes of various colors plants species Himera Pedro, Tarjar's Roger.
Flowers with fine mesh ("venous pattern") look indescribably beautiful. Between species, buds of which have a similar coloring are allowed to distinguish Victorian Lace, Maja, Lisica, Vernal dreams.
DS-Heart Kaya - quality, the flank of plants of which is colored in matte white.
DS-Meteor Shower - with blue-white upper petals and a yellowish-blue border along the edge. Variety of streptocarpuses for a photo
Quality Dracula's Shadow has beautiful flowers with velvety petals
Quality Himera Pedro has delicate flowers of various colors of lilac
Streptocarpus Tarjar's Roger has very spectacular colors
Streptocarpus flowers Victorian Lace are similar for colorful lace
Petals of streptocarpus varieties of Maja are decorated with strokes of purple color
Quality Lisica has wavy edges of petals
Vernal dreams - the quality of streptocarpus with indescribably delicate colors
Petals of plants of variety DS- Kai heart embellished mesh of dark streaks
the DS-meteor shower with a middle-sized, colorful flowers and tom bubbled rays from the larynx
List: requirements for growing streptocarpus at home
Season Temperature Humidity Explanation Spring/Summer + 23-27 ° C. Plants are excellent carry drafts, but do not adore the heat. The humidity is too high. For this, you need constant water spray at room temperature. Everything should be taken into account, that water should not fall for the leaves and flowers of the plant. Spray the atmosphere near the flower and install a close humidifier. In the summer it is allowed to take a shower (the flower reacts well for the function), but it is impossible to determine for a window sill immediately, first it must dry the plant in the shade. Explanation diffused. It is better to arrange it for the windowsill of the window that opens for the East or West. In summer it is permissible to carry out for a balcony or a loggia, but to shade a flower through direct sunlight. Autumn/Winter+18 ° C. Spraying 1 once a week. If the streptocarpus is dyeing, then droplets of the flower should be run. The fluorescent lamp needs to be illuminated.
Features of planting and transplantation
Transplantation of streptocarpus should live in the spring. This activity is usually carried out with the aim of rejuvenating the plant, and it is also likely to be propagated by dividing the bush.
We make up the earth mess Although streptocarpus, gloxinia and violets belong to the same family, however, the land for the Cape primrose is different, therefore, it is not recommended to remove the dressed land for the sake of senpolias for planting and transplanting plants. However, it is allowed to add peat turf in the ratio of 2 parts of peat and 1 part of the substrate for the sake of violets. All experienced gardeners are advised to be an earthy mess without the help of others. It must exist poor, air-and moisture-permeable, in order to obtain such a land must mix the following ingredients:
riding peat (2 parts);
style="text-align: perlite or vermiculite (0.5 parts);
moss-sphagnum cut for small pieces (0 , 5 parts). Picking a pot for the sake of planting
Extremely tremendous pot for the planting of streptocarpus should not be removed. The capacity is chosen based on the size of the plant, as it begins to increase the vegetative mass tokmo afterwards, such as the roots will fly a full piece of land. Every next transplant should take out a flower pot for 1-2 cm more than the previous one.
Like to transplant a streptocarpus - a step-by-step orderThe earth in an ancient pot moisten a little and pull the plant together with a clod of earth.
The plant is taken out of the old pot with the clod of earth
Shake the ground off the roots and wash them with water.
If the bush consists of several outlets, then separate them with sterile scissors, place the room with activated carbon.
Slice the roots a bit and shorten the large leaves for 2/3 of their length.
Large leaves are recommended to be shortened before transplantation <
Place small pebbles from expanded clay or polystyrene beads for the bottom of the new pot.
Pour the land for 1/3 of the capacity.
Place the outlet in the center of the pot.
Spread the roots and carefully fill the voids with earth. With all this, the heart of the flower does not fall asleep.
You can renew and multiply the plant transplant by dividing the bush for pretty parts
Moisten the substrate according to the edge of the pot and put it in a shady room
How the plant will go to profit, move it to a normal room.
If you get a flower in the store, do not rush it immediately. Peat substratum, which is usually sold without a plant, is suitable for the growth of streptocarpus. Wait for the beginning of spring and transplant the flower by transplanting into a large pot.
Parenting with Cape Primrose
Streptocarpus is considered a non-contagious plant. All that he needs is constant moisturizing and top dressing.
The watering of the plant has to be done accurately. Please note that the flower does not tolerate excessive moistening and drying the soil. Water for the sake of watering in advance to defend the course of the day and spend watering in accordance with the edge of the pot. After an hour later, it is recommended to drain excess water from the pallet.The best soil moisture can be determined by performing a simple test. Blot the appearance of the peat substrate with a cardboard wipe. If there are small spots for it through the water, then the substrate is moist enough. If the ground in the pot is shiny and has a black color, then the earth is extremely wet for the streptocarpus,
Feeding the streptocarpus
Fertilizers should be applied every 1.5 to 2 weeks, using watery preparations for the sake of blooming plants. This will greatly increase the profit of streptocarpus, accelerate the emergence of buds and strengthen the immunity of the flower, which will help protect it through pests and diseases. For the sake of fertilizing, the fertilizers of Kemira Lux and Etisso . The only contract - the solution should be divided in concentration is half as much as indicated in the annotation.
Flowering and resting interval
Usually, streptocarpus blossoms in late April - early May. In this interval they need not a bad explanation, yet still, through direct sunlight, they must be pritenyat if the leaves can become obsolete or burns for them.
In order to bloom, it is necessary to eliminate fading flowers and flower stalks
It seems like such a period of rest for streptocarpuses is not. However, in winter, so that the plant has gained strength before the new flowering, he must arrange special conditions of detention. At this time the flower contains a temperature of +18 oList: difficulties of growing streptocarpus It looks like a plant? Like to fix the situation?The leaves of the streptocarpus have grown. Water shortage Pour the flower . Leaves are yellow. Flawed nutrients Fill streptocarpus with an all-encompassing fertilizer. The tips of the leaves dried.
Extremely impassive atmosphere
the plant is cramped in a pot.
Spray the atmosphere near the flower, trying so that the medicine of the water does not fall for the leaves.
Replace the streptocarpus by dividing the outlet for pretty parts. For the leaves, a rusty raid appeared.
Large watering;
an extremely large concentration of nutrients in the soil.
Finish watering, give the ground must be completely dry. Please note,
Transplant the plant into the soil compiled for the peat base. Add fertilizers only once in 2 weeks, with this concen- tration of the solution should exist 2 times less than recommended by the manufacturer.
If the plant does not paint to be a good care, then the root cause lies in the aging of the foliage. A single sheet can give less than 10 peduncles.
List: flower defense through diseases and pests
Remove the parts of the plant, affected by grayish rottenness
Spray an unhealthy plant with Topsin, Fundazol or Zuparen.
To avoid repeated infection with grayish rot, cut the watering and at times ventilate the area. Мучнистая осадокTreat with insecticide (Phytoverm, Akarin, Actellik). Carry out 2-3 treatments (according to the annotation). WeevilThere are wingless insects of black color.
The weevil gnaws leaves, hence they become eaten on the sides
Carry out the treatment of streptocarpus with one of the insecticides (Fitoverm, Akarin, Actellik)
After a week, repeat the processing.
Photo Gallery:Staphylococcus disease and pests affecting the streptocarpus
The white scurf for the plant indicates the occurrence of powdery mildew
Being cold content and being extremely humid the flower is affected by the grayish rottenness
The weevil gnaws the leaves, causing damage to the plant
To be defeated by decay, the leaves are twisted and deformed
The most reliable methods of plant propagation are the division of the bush and the multiplication by leaf cuttings. Also, gardeners use the method of reproduction by parts of the leaf, who allows to get a huge number of children.
A streptocarpus from a leaf cut
For the sake of rooting, it is permissible to extract any portion of the leaf blade. The most effective method, who is more suitable only for beginners, is the feeding of a new specimen from a whole leaf. For this:
A rain of water of room temperature is poured into the cup.
The leaf is cut through the mother plant.
The cut is powdered with pounded activated carbon.
Roots arise very quickly, after a week they will seem, and in a couple of weeks new rosettes will start to increase.
Roots arise very vividly
At this point, plant the rooted leaf in a short pot full of loose substratum.
Multiplication of streptocarpus with a leaf is the most effective way
Also it is allowed to bring up a huge number of new copies from fragments of leaf blade. For this:<
Remove the central vein.
The preparation of fragments of the central vein is cut off
The resulting two halves are planted in a gentle substrate, , 5 cm.A huge number of children go out to be propagated by pieces of paper
The planted pieces are moistened and covered with polyethylene package. For the removal of the condensate is ventilated 2 times a day, according to 20 minutes.
Plantings should be made with greenhouse conditions Almost after 2 weeks, roots should appear, and in 2 months the children will appear. Each streak grows 1-2 small rosettes.
If the children are strong enough, careful separates them through the sheet and transplant them for an unchanged placement.
Seeding of seeds
Streptocarpus seeds are small. They are sprinkled around the surface, moistened from the spray gun and cover the planting with glass. The capacity is put in a warm room. Planting matter sprouts slowly and unevenly, hence there must be patience.
Planting in the greenhouse should be daily ventilated and wipe the condensate from the film, so that the black seed does not appear for the seedlings.
Video: multiplication streptocarpuses
Gardener's commentsI tokmo not so long ago, this summer began to grow streptocarpusy.Brala leaves, now they grow out of their crumbs-detki.Nekie plants bought little, children. The doll stands and blossoms for a loggia, cool adore. A share of the lamps for the window (window also unceasingly unhindered for loggia.Sut not flood, but without reason very undemanding!: D If they grow before flowering, then blossom nonstop. Spit are gorgeous, I got involved with them from the first sight, but if the occupation touched the reproduction of already existing children, then I had to suffer. However, through this I, for sure, now even more love)) For my sake it was problematic. There are 3 options: multiplying by seeds, dividing the bush and feeding the children through the leaf. Nat31
http://irecommend. ru/content/zagadochnyi-Tsvetok-streptokarpus-ukhod-i-razmnozhenie-strepsov-mnogo What is-mnogo What is-foto Bed &-moikh-lyubiSo I did not say the desire, which is the flower of their problem. He is demanding more than many others. Start, with watering everything is not difficult, it is better to dry a little between promiscuity. Strongly does not like getting water for the leaves. Loves the wet atmosphere, however, again, not very. With transplants, I'm not very painless. Transplanted plants endlessly come to their senses, they are ill. In fact, always, for no reason, I shared a bush or transplanted completely. Then you need to smell them. None of the other pets of my such problems with the transplant was not (oh, ness, still eat the silvery pyperomy is also very sensitive to transplants - but with the rest, it's always OK) However, even for the northern window it is allowed to have flowering, and then comes out so authoritative glade:
Natlli–18–0-00000011–000–0-0–1274589440Я приманка стрепсы из семян вырастила. (НК кажется, ежели нужно — позже посмотрю поточнее). Восходят отлично и довольно живо, однако ростки весьма маленькие и слабенькие, вырастают медлительно. Без теплички отрешаются проживать категорически. Вовсе из теплички их вытащила токмо чрез 6–8 месяцев потом посева. Пикировка приметно ускоряет барыш юных растений. Зацвели они у меня приблизительно чрез полтора-два возраст потом посева.Черенками тоже размножала «нетрадиционным» способом,- simple left them in a wet, tightly bound package.Подписаться на: Комментарии к сообщению (Atom)
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