What is the Mediterranean flavor?
A special feature of this style is the extensive use in the design of the site of various species of natural and processed stone, marble chips and sea pebbles. This is justified by the fact that in natural conditions the gardens are located near the coast and often have a stony temper. The mountainous place served as a precondition for wide distribution in the design of the terrain of various retaining walls, stairs and terraced slopes. Drought-resistant trees, as if defending themselves through scorching rays, masquerade, coloring their foliage in silvery colors
Successful addition of the colorful landscape will be a pear and a different future bush bushes, which people often call"olive". For example: silver foxes are attractive with small foliage and fragrant flowers, dotting branches, for the place of which later all edible and sweet olive are formed.
Near the beginning of the design with pearly foliage is perfect for a periwinkle, a mahonia, a cotoneaster. And instead heat-loving cypresses allowed to plant the least demanding for light and heat, junipers and colony-shaped thuja.
The atmosphere of the Mediterranean will help make plants planted in small groups of violet, blue, reddish and orange flowers. Lavender - the best option to be the design of open glades for the site. However, if climatic conditions do not allow to grow this thermophilic beauty, a veronica or scepeter-like mullein can be a worthy candidate for it
Start and what park without? These luxurious curly plants decorate themselves,,. Sun-loving southern vines can be changed by honeysuckle, clematis or girlish grapes.
For the sake of creation for a site instead of ordinary holly and cypress artists, it is allowed to plant spiraeus, barberry, and crochet. They also freely transfer the haircut, allowing to make unique"living"scenery from the crown.
Building elements of the landscape
Enjoy the contemplation of a colorful picture comfortably, sitting in a cozy gazebo or y, embroidered with a beautifully flowering vine. A suitable addition to the design will be alive vaults of tree crowns, canvas awnings and wood trellises. Perfectly laid out by the slabs, the paths that make their way through their luscious greenery are taken to the park, urging to calm down for the fresh air and enjoy the charming beauty of the made corner of nature.
Special features of the arrangement of the relief will give different. To divide a part for individual zones and make an atmosphere of detachment and seclusion help. Low stone fencing, forming an impeccable last field, it is better to perform with an uneven surface, having decorated them with clematis of violet species or painting"under the masonry."
A significant element of the Mediterranean Sea garden are water devices: streams, cascades and fountains. Spreading the medicine of the life-giving water according to the garden and filling it with the sounds of murmuring water, they make the suburban part really a paradise corner Beating from the ground keys, decorative ponds and pools bring"sea"notes to the magnificent Mediterranean park
A short Roman-style fountain crowned with animal figures and framed by flowerpots is the best option who will give a unique look to the site. More colorful look and a wall fountain in the form of a lion's head with an open mouth. The decoration of the suburbs will be"ancient"statues in the ancient style and clay ceramics of light colors
Patio is like the main design element
A comfortable home is quite a popular element of landscape design, used to be a garden decoration in the Mediterranean style. It is built for the southern slope, protected through a cool north wind. In the standard from the site, visibility is forced to open for a lot. Because of the lack of such a desire to predict, so that it revealed a beautiful future for the emerald, park, hillocks ... The feeling of the proximity of the sea will help to give the stylization of the inner courtyard, decorated with snow-white, like foam, azure blue and blue colors
The association with the sea will be caused by pieces of furniture, topped with fabric covers in a white and blue strip, painted with flower pots in this color politic.
To be the site design and the arrangement of the roof of the arbor, only ordinary materials are used: grass, reeds and soft tiles. No pretentiousness, the essence is comfort. However, orienting for northern conditions, the desire to anticipate the ennobling of the walls, which will protect the site through snow and rain. Covering the site is often made with masonry, be desired with success replacing it with wood flooring or terracotta tiles
Wood stairs,, and umbrellas also successfully complement the design of the recreation area. Organically fit into the general taste and rough atmosphere of warm colors. For the decoration of the open area, container plants planted in huge beautiful containers are used: thuja, laurel, oleander.
All the details of the garden should be successfully combined between themselves and together and at the same time emphasize the nature of the Mediterranean garden.
The end, we offer you again fairly thoughts of decorating your own site in this style.
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