Close knowledge with a green fence
Greenish protection, located for the boundary of your land plot, is a rather natural barrier of dust, noise and wind, also annoying neighbors and uninvited guests. The fence for a dacha is mostly good, because it does not ask for such significant currency investments, like the construction of a serious fence. An excellent variation for the sake of a summer residence - a freely growing fence - it's quite simple to make it by yourself, because it does not ask for repeated haircuts, like regular hedges of regular geometric shape. Separate attention deserves a fence of roses, which will perfectly decorate the facade of the house, a gazebo or a sad city. Beautifully looked fence of the girlish virginity - it does not need a special upbringing, and in the autumn reddish grape leaves will create a graced atmosphere in the garden. Live fence of grapes can serve and fencing, and a good background for the sake of other parts of landscape design
The future of green fences The hedges have passed a long road of development, before being in our time. Probably therefore, the fence formed with the help of decorative plants, has such a variety of forms and forms. Greenish fence, formed in the form of a low curb - an original frame for the sake of flower beds and paths
Proceeding from this property, a restless hedge, like the vys, is allowed to distinguish three types of this enclosing plantation:
low curbs in front of 1 meter in height - for delineating the boundaries of lawns, flower beds, paths
live fence height of 1-2 meters - for the sake of dividing the site for multifunctional zones
live fence height of 2 meters and more - for the sake of planting along the boundaries of the site
Depending on the intensity of the haircuts, the greenish hedges are divided for molded and loosely growing. As a reward through molded hedges, which are given a precise geometric appearance with the help of a haircut, the freely growing fences are not actually adjusted and grow in a random direction. A freely growing fence of various types of shrubs will decorate the view of the site in a landscape style
Another parameter, according to which the hedges are systematized - the rowing of the landing. Greenish fence, the development of which plants are planted in one line, refers to single-row. Two-and three-row fences imply the division of plants by several lines in the form of multi-level lines. A single-row greenish fence is formed from plants planted for equal distance by a well-wisher through a friend. For shrubs, the steps of planting are almost 30-50 cm, for the sake of trees - through 75 before 150 cm. In a multi-row hedge the plants are planted in a staggered order, this distance between them is respected depending on the expected size of the crown and the elevation.
Multi-row cascading hedges are done with some kind of fantasy, combining freely growing and molded"steps"from different types of bushes and trees. A beautiful blossoming protection is allowed to be made with the help of an unformed hedge of honeysuckle, irgi, barberry and other shrubs. For the sake of planting, hectic hedges of mixed type are consumed by plants of the 1st type, but of different types, possessing a different coloring of foliage or needles. Look good composition violet and greenish scarecrow, greenish and variegated hymen or holly. Such multi-layered fences take up a lot of space, but are more effectively protected through unnecessary looks and intrusions, a gassed atmosphere and highway noise. For the creation of a molded hedge, it is ideal to plant plants with small foliage - they will provide a fenced dense appearance
In the process of cutting, the greenish hedge is likely to give any shape - through the geometric before the rounded
Plant selection for the green fence
To be a plant choice for planting in the form of a hectic hedge, it is better to give importance to those of them who have passed the"check for strength"in Russian weather criteria. It should be winter-resistant, undemanding plants with curdled foliage, which are perfectly restored afterwards haircuts and have the highest ability to form shoots. It is worth to pay homage for such trees, like maple, hornbeam, thorn and bushes - biryučinu, hawthorn, cotoneaster. Beautiful looking hedges of jasmine, sea buckthorn, rhododendron, barberry, honeysuckle, rose wrinkled, lilac, irgi. For the creation of a green hedge pick up plants with small foliage, which are repeatable haircut form a uniform appearance. A dense impenetrable fence is allowed to be made from lilac bushes and rhododendron growing in a free manner
Arrangement of green fence
To choose a planting material for the sake of a restless hedge, must take a closer look at the root system and the crown of plants - the roots should not exist overdried, the crown - uniform according to its own form. For the sake of planting a plantation in the form of a fence, select young bushes and trees 3 years before 6 years old, which are fairly developed and capable of easily settling in the new criteria.
Before the formation of green fencing should learn, it seems to be correct to plant a live fence, so that plants do not experience shortages in the sun, moisture and nutrient substances. In this connection, the principal point is the choice of the site for the planting of the fence and the season for the transfer of plants to the open land. Usually, a hectic hedge is made in the spring, then, as the bottom has dried up, or in the fall, if winter hardy plants are chosen for the formation of live fencing. The room for the location of the green fence is selected far from the buildings - for a distance of more than 2 meters and in 0.5-1.5 meters through a serious fence. To be planted, a restless hedge must dig a trench, loosen and fertilize its bottom, arrange a seedling and compact the earth.
Before the planting starts, the hedge must map the line of its location with a stretched cord. Along the lane markings dig a trench with a depth of 0.5 meters. The width of the trench depends on the sequence of the greenish hedge-for single-row hedges it is 40-50 cm, for the sake of multi-row - plus 50 cm for each next row. The density of planting the fence is affected by the characteristics of certain plants, the expected height and the number of rows of live fencing. Heavy hedges are used to create secluded places for recreation -"green rooms"
Density of planting seedlings for 1 meter of fence:
small shrub (mahonia, spiraea) 5-7 bushes
finger bush (snow leopard, cotoneaster) 4-5 bushes
The tallest (2-3 m) trees and bushes (vesicle, hawthorn) 1-2 plants
Planting a hedge of coniferous plants The pit is dug by a diameter that is 2 times the size of the rhizome. The garden land, taken out to dig a pit, is combined with compost, organic fertilizer and silica, then the bottom of the pit is sprinkled with it. Coniferous plant species are in most cases sold in plastic containers. Before planting, the cautious plant is taken out of the container and planted in an open land with an intact land clod. Then, like a tree is installed in a planting pit, it is covered with earth, which is then compacted, but not rammed. For some distance, through the landing strip, an irrigated top is formed in the form of a low hill, preventing the water from spreading. According to the end of planting works, plants are watered a lot. The fence alive, pleasing the eye with its own green curve of the year, can exist formed from evergreen conifers
Planting hedges from deciduous plants
Deciduous medium-tall or tall shrubs and trees are sold, preferably with a bare root system, which is pre-planted for several hours and cut, removing the warped and longish processes. The pit is prepared for planting in order to plant the plant for a depth not exceeding that for which it was planted earlier. The earth taken out of the pit is mixed with organic fertilizers, compost and partly returned to the bottom of the pit. A bush or a tree is placed in a pit and sprinkled with the remaining soil, keeping track of the density of the fill - so that between the roots of the plant there is no emptiness. If the tree has the highest trunk, a supporting tree is slaughtered to the bottom of the pit, for a depth of 50 cm, to which the tree is tied firmly to the end of the landing. A freely growing fence is often formed from a variety of deciduous trees and shrubs
Planting a hedge from a bush
Low bush seedlings are usually grown in plastic containers, which provide the root system of the plant with reliable protection. This allows you not to adhere to the exact timing of planting bushes in open land. Deepening near the planting of the bush is prepared taking into account the size of the rhizome of the plant and the ground coma. To be planted, the plant is released through a container with the preservation of the ground coma and placed in a dug hole. Then filling the emptiness of the landing pit with earth, a high discharge of soil is compacted and watered a little. Live fence in the form of a freestanding curb from a low bush unobtrusively delineate the boundary of a greenish lawn or glades
For the planting of a large shrub you need to get a trench about 1 m wide and 50-60 cm deep. The bottom of the trench is loosened with pitchforks for a depth of 20 cm and connect the loosened discharge of the earth with peat, sheet humus, manure or compost. It is good to add lime, wood ash and a little phosphate fertilizer. Lavender lobes, planted in the form of a rounded curb, beautifully accentuated the path led to the house
Planting a trellis
Quite often, if a fence for a dacha is being formed, the thriftiness of the place of a small garden plot is placed at the forefront. It seems to be allowed to bring up a living fence in the cramped conditions of an earth plot, limited to 6 hundred parts? In order to make a greenish fence in the form of a curd, but not a wide row, the plants are planted for a short distance by a well-wisher through a friend - about 20 cm. The trellis fence looks great if it is formed from such plants, like a yellowish acacia, a willow, a mountain ash or a hawthorn . Narrow and, at the same time, a dense live hedge-trellis is allowed to collect from ordinary windmills
Through the year, the planted trees and bushes are pruned, as they say,"to the stump"- leaving 10-15 cm of the aboveground part of the plant. Again, a year later, in the spring, they carry out a serious pruning of the fence, keeping fairly strong shoots, which are interlaced alternately by a angle of 45 degrees, cutting off the bark in the places where the branches are in contact. The acquired diamond-shaped"pattern"is fixed to the frame in the form of a mesh structure constructed for the base of stakes driven with a small step into the ground and cross-members. The trellis fence is grown by the way of a cross-shaped interlacing of shoots of shrubs or low trees
After, all the side shoots, the row is cut 2-3 times because of the season, adhering to the vertical plane, which provokes the upcoming branching of the fence upwards. The constant lateral shearing of the trellis hectic hedge is oriented for the product of its uniform width - about 30 cm. The trellis is also sheared from above, maintaining a certain height of the green fence. The same ignoramus of the city can be resurrected with the help of a flashy lot of"flowering trellis"of wicker roses
Parenting because of the greenish hedge
Putting green protection for a personal or dacha site, it should be borne in mind that the upbringing during the season due to a hectic hedge is much more difficult than that due to ordinary garden plants. This is due more to the fact that due to the plant hedge must be constantly taken care of - watering, fertilizing and extracting. If we concern ourselves with the issue of trimming and cutting a hedge without attention - it can grow without reason, which is quite unrealistic to bring it into the schedule and you will have to answer the landing"to zero." The luxuriant inflorescences of hydrangeas collected in a living fence will beautify your park with a catchy accent and will be fenced through uninvited guests
Cutting rules and balance
Pruning to be planted
Deciduous varieties of trees and shrubs, formed into a living fence, are cut off at the outset after planting, leaving 10-15 cm of the above-ground part of the seedlings in order to accelerate the gain of shoots at the base. If the seedlings were purchased with a bare root system, then pruning of the above-ground part should be done in half of the existing elevation. Saplings grown in a container trim for one-third of the hill. The combination of multi-high and multi-colored curbs of a geometric shape will give your garden a unique spectrum
Pruning in the 2nd season
Through the year, a planted live fence is cut near 4 once a season from May to August. Light trimming for the second year of the fence's existence is oriented for giving the planting a certain shape and increasing the density of branching.
In a strong pruning - for a height of about 15 cm through the surface of the soil, such future bushes need: cob, hawthorn, thorn, tamarix. On 1/3 the height of new shoots is cut: cotoneaster, hornbeam, barberry, boxwood, beech. The cardinal remnant does not require: juniper, laurel, cypress, cypress. In such hedges, only a few twigs are cut, which are knocked out of the general mass and assign dirty visibility to the fence.
wp-content/uploads/2013/12/J_izgorod_obrezka.jpg"rel="lightbox[3201]"title="Обрезка беспокойный изгороди">
Обрезка беспокойный изгороди производится таким макаром, дабы ее нижняя доля была более широкой. чем верхняяStrike through 2-3 ears
The hedge trimmed hedges in the following years are made for the sake of giving the decorative fence a cautious appearance - lateral branching is cut off, the upper shoots are little aligned. Deciduous trees and bushes trimmed in the early spring - again before the emergence of young leaves, coniferous evergreens can be removed later in the spring or the beginning of the sun. Proudly light! The base of a greenish hedge is formed little wider than the top, so that the lower branches are adequately illuminated and, as appropriate, developed. For the purpose of cutting the long, molded hedges, a special electric tool is used. The top trimming of hectic hedges is done for a height of 10 cm, pre-pulling the latch for the landmark
Live fence of evergreen or small-leaved plants is sheared by electronic implements or scissors. For the sake of the remainder and trimming of large-leafed hedges use secateurs. To be pruned and trimmed, a hectic hedge is allowed to give every form, even the most intricate
Watering and feeding
During the season, the live fence should be accurately watered, before loosening the soil for 50-70 cm on both sides through the planting. Be watered with a stream of water directly to the base of the plants, providing soil moistening for a depth of 30-40 cm. With the help of a low rounded hedge, form a labyrinth in the garden - a place for children's games and secluded rest
Having planted weaving plants at the walls of your house and having arranged a light frame, you will become the owner of a work of park art
In addition to watering, the green fence should be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers - compost, deciduous humus, peat are introduced into the dug up soil in early spring or autumn in quantities of 2 before 5 kg for a single square meter of land. Mineral fertilizers - nitrogen and phosphate-potash are added to the soil depending on the season: nitrogen only in the early spring, phosphate - preferably at the end of the age and early autumn. Autumn bait can be made from such components: 30-40 g of potassium salt, 50-70 g of superphosphate, 50-70 g of ammonium sulfate. small shrub (mahonia, spiraea) 5-7 bushes
finger bush (snow leopard, cotoneaster) 4-5 bushes
The tallest (2-3 m) trees and bushes (vesicle, hawthorn) 1-2 plants
Planting a hedge of coniferous plants The pit is dug by a diameter that is 2 times the size of the rhizome. The garden land, taken out to dig a pit, is combined with compost, organic fertilizer and silica, then the bottom of the pit is sprinkled with it. Coniferous plant species are in most cases sold in plastic containers. Before planting, the cautious plant is taken out of the container and planted in an open land with an intact land clod. Then, like a tree is installed in a planting pit, it is covered with earth, which is then compacted, but not rammed. For some distance, through the landing strip, an irrigated top is formed in the form of a low hill, preventing the water from spreading. According to the end of planting works, plants are watered a lot. The fence alive, pleasing the eye with its own green curve of the year, can exist formed from evergreen conifers
Planting hedges from deciduous plants
Deciduous medium-tall or tall shrubs and trees are sold, preferably with a bare root system, which is pre-planted for several hours and cut, removing the warped and longish processes. The pit is prepared for planting in order to plant the plant for a depth not exceeding that for which it was planted earlier. The earth taken out of the pit is mixed with organic fertilizers, compost and partly returned to the bottom of the pit. A bush or a tree is placed in a pit and sprinkled with the remaining soil, keeping track of the density of the fill - so that between the roots of the plant there is no emptiness. If the tree has the highest trunk, a supporting tree is slaughtered to the bottom of the pit, for a depth of 50 cm, to which the tree is tied firmly to the end of the landing. A freely growing fence is often formed from a variety of deciduous trees and shrubs
Planting a hedge from a bush
Low bush seedlings are usually grown in plastic containers, which provide the root system of the plant with reliable protection. This allows you not to adhere to the exact timing of planting bushes in open land. Deepening near the planting of the bush is prepared taking into account the size of the rhizome of the plant and the ground coma. To be planted, the plant is released through a container with the preservation of the ground coma and placed in a dug hole. Then filling the emptiness of the landing pit with earth, a high discharge of soil is compacted and watered a little. Live fence in the form of a freestanding curb from low bush unobtrusively delineate the boundary of a greenish lawn or glades
For the planting of a large shrub you need to get a trench about 1 m wide and 50-60 cm deep. The bottom of the trench is loosened with pitchforks for a depth of 20 cm and connect the loosened discharge of the earth with peat, sheet humus, manure or compost. It is good to add lime, wood ash and a little phosphate fertilizer. Lavender lobes, planted in the form of a rounded curb, beautifully accentuated the path led to the house
Planting a trellis
Quite often, if a fence for a dacha is being formed, the thriftiness of the place of a small garden plot is placed at the forefront. It seems to be allowed to bring up a living fence in the cramped conditions of an earth plot, limited to 6 hundred parts? In order to make a greenish fence in the form of a curd, but not a wide row, the plants are planted for a short distance by a well-wisher through a friend - about 20 cm. The trellis fence looks great if it is formed from such plants, like a yellowish acacia, a willow, a mountain ash or a hawthorn . Narrow and, at the same time, a dense live hedge-trellis is allowed to collect from ordinary windmills
Through the year, the planted trees and bushes are pruned, as they say,"to the stump"- leaving 10-15 cm of the aboveground part of the plant. Again, a year later, in the spring, they carry out a serious pruning of the fence, keeping fairly strong shoots, which are interlaced alternately by a angle of 45 degrees, cutting off the bark in the places where the branches are in contact. The acquired diamond-shaped"pattern"is fixed to the frame in the form of a mesh structure constructed for the base of stakes driven with a small step into the ground and cross-members. The trellis fence is grown by the way of a cross-shaped interlacing of shoots of shrubs or low trees
After, all the side shoots, the row is cut 2-3 times because of the season, adhering to the vertical plane, which provokes the upcoming branching of the fence upwards. The constant lateral shearing of the trellis hectic hedge is oriented for the product of its uniform width - about 30 cm. The trellis is also sheared from above, maintaining a certain height of the green fence. The same ignoramus of the city can be resurrected with the help of a riveting lot of"flowering trellis"of wicker roses
Parenting because of the greenish hedge
Putting green protection for a personal or dacha site, it should be borne in mind that the upbringing during the season due to a hectic hedge is much more difficult than that due to ordinary garden plants. This is due more to the fact that due to the plant hedge must be constantly taken care of - watering, fertilizing and extracting. If we concern ourselves with the issue of trimming and cutting a hedge without attention - it can grow without reason, which is quite unrealistic to bring it into the schedule and it will be necessary to answer the landing"to zero." The luxuriant inflorescences of hydrangeas collected in a living fence will beautify your park with a catchy accent and will be fenced through uninvited guests
Cutting rules and balance
Pruning to be planted
Deciduous varieties of trees and shrubs, formed into a living fence, are cut off at the outset after planting, leaving 10-15 cm of the above-ground part of the seedlings in order to accelerate the gain of shoots at the base. If the seedlings were purchased with a bare root system, then pruning of the above-ground part should be done in half of the existing elevation. Saplings grown in a container trim for one-third of the hill. The combination of multi-high and multi-colored curbs of a geometric shape will give your garden a unique spectrum
Pruning in the 2nd season
Through the year, a planted live fence is cut near 4 once a season from May to August. Light trimming for the second year of the fence's existence is oriented for giving the planting a certain shape and increasing the density of branching.
In a strong pruning - for a height of about 15 cm through the surface of the soil, such future bushes need: cob, hawthorn, thorn, tamarix. On 1/3 the height of new shoots is cut: cotoneaster, hornbeam, barberry, boxwood, beech. The cardinal remnant does not require: juniper, laurel, cypress, cypress. In such hedges, only a few twigs are cut, which are knocked out of the general mass and assign dirty visibility to the fence.

Обрезка беспокойный изгороди производится таким макаром, дабы ее нижняя доля была более широкой. чем верхняяStrike through 2-3 ears
The hedge trimmed hedges in the following years are made for the sake of giving the decorative fence a cautious appearance - lateral branching is cut off, the upper shoots are little aligned. Deciduous trees and bushes trimmed in the early spring - again before the emergence of young leaves, coniferous evergreens can be removed later in the spring or the beginning of the sun. Proudly light! The base of a greenish hedge is formed little wider than the top, so that the lower branches are adequately illuminated and, as appropriate, developed. For the purpose of cutting the long, molded hedges, a special electric tool is used. The top trimming of hectic hedges is done for a height of 10 cm, pre-pulling the latch for the landmark
Live fence of evergreen or small-leaved plants is sheared by electronic implements or scissors. For the sake of the remainder and trimming of large-leafed hedges use secateurs. To be pruned and trimmed, a hectic hedge is allowed to give every form, even the most intricate
Watering and feeding
During the season, the live fence should be accurately watered, before loosening the soil for 50-70 cm on both sides through the planting. Be watered with a stream of water directly to the base of the plants, providing soil moistening for a depth of 30-40 cm. With the help of a low rounded hedge, form a labyrinth in the garden - a place for children's games and secluded rest
Having planted weaving plants at the walls of your house and having arranged a light frame, you will become the owner of a work of park art
In addition to watering, the green fence should be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers - compost, deciduous humus, peat are introduced into the dug up soil in early spring or autumn in quantities of 2 before 5 kg for a single square meter of land. Mineral fertilizers - nitrogen and phosphate-potash are added to the soil depending on the season: nitrogen only in the early spring, phosphate - preferably at the end of the age and early autumn. Autumn bait can be made from such components: 30-40 g of potassium salt, 50-70 g of superphosphate, 50-70 g of ammonium sulfate. small shrub (mahonia, spiraea) 5-7 bushes
finger bush (snow leopard, cotoneaster) 4-5 bushes
The tallest (2-3 m) trees and bushes (vesicle, hawthorn) 1-2 plants
Planting a hedge of coniferous plants The pit is dug by a diameter that is 2 times the size of the rhizome. The garden land, taken out to dig a pit, is combined with compost, organic fertilizer and silica, then the bottom of the pit is sprinkled with it. Coniferous plant species are in most cases sold in plastic containers. Before planting, the cautious plant is taken out of the container and planted in an open land with an intact land clod. Then, like a tree is installed in a planting pit, it is covered with earth, which is then compacted, but not rammed. For some distance, through the landing strip, an irrigated top is formed in the form of a low hill, preventing the water from spreading. According to the end of planting works, plants are watered a lot. The fence alive, pleasing the eye with its own green curve of the year, can exist formed from evergreen conifers
Planting hedges from deciduous plants
Deciduous medium-tall or tall shrubs and trees are sold, preferably with a bare root system, which is pre-planted for several hours and cut, removing the warped and longish processes. The pit is prepared for planting in order to plant the plant for a depth not exceeding that for which it was planted earlier. The earth taken out of the pit is mixed with organic fertilizers, compost and partly returned to the bottom of the pit. A bush or a tree is placed in a pit and sprinkled with the remaining soil, keeping track of the density of the fill - so that between the roots of the plant there is no emptiness. If the tree has the highest trunk, a supporting tree is slaughtered to the bottom of the pit, for a depth of 50 cm, to which the tree is tied firmly to the end of the landing. A freely growing fence is often formed from a variety of deciduous trees and shrubs
Planting a hedge from a bush
Low bush seedlings are usually grown in plastic containers, which provide the root system of the plant with reliable protection. This allows you not to adhere to the exact timing of planting bushes in open land. Deepening near the planting of the bush is prepared taking into account the size of the rhizome of the plant and the ground coma. To be planted, the plant is released through a container with the preservation of the ground coma and placed in a dug hole. Then filling the emptiness of the landing pit with earth, a high discharge of soil is compacted and watered a little. Live fence in the form of a freestanding curb from low bush unobtrusively delineate the boundary of a greenish lawn or glades
For the planting of a large shrub you need to get a trench about 1 m wide and 50-60 cm deep. The bottom of the trench is loosened with pitchforks for a depth of 20 cm and connect the loosened discharge of the earth with peat, sheet humus, manure or compost. It is good to add lime, wood ash and a little phosphate fertilizer. Lavender lobes, planted in the form of a rounded curb, beautifully accentuated the path led to the house
Planting a trellis
Quite often, if a fence for a dacha is being formed, the thriftiness of the place of a small garden plot is placed at the forefront. It seems to be allowed to bring up a living fence in the cramped conditions of an earth plot, limited to 6 hundred parts? In order to make a greenish fence in the form of a curd, but not a wide row, the plants are planted for a short distance by a well-wisher through a friend - about 20 cm. The trellis fence looks great if it is formed from such plants, like a yellowish acacia, a willow, a mountain ash or a hawthorn . Narrow and, at the same time, a dense live hedge-trellis is allowed to collect from ordinary windmills
Through the year, the planted trees and bushes are pruned, as they say,"to the stump"- leaving 10-15 cm of the aboveground part of the plant. Again, a year later, in the spring, they carry out a serious pruning of the fence, keeping fairly strong shoots, which are interlaced alternately by a angle of 45 degrees, cutting off the bark in the places where the branches are in contact. The acquired diamond-shaped"pattern"is fixed to the frame in the form of a mesh structure constructed for the base of stakes driven with a small step into the ground and cross-members. The trellis fence is grown by the way of a cross-shaped interlacing of shoots of shrubs or low trees
After, all the side shoots, the row is cut 2-3 times because of the season, adhering to the vertical plane, which provokes the upcoming branching of the fence upwards. The constant lateral shearing of the trellis hectic hedge is oriented for the product of its uniform width - about 30 cm. The trellis is also sheared from above, maintaining a certain height of the green fence. The same ignoramus of the city can be resurrected with the help of a riveting lot of"flowering trellis"of wicker roses
Parenting because of the greenish hedge
Putting green protection for a personal or dacha site, it should be borne in mind that the upbringing during the season due to a hectic hedge is much more difficult than that due to ordinary garden plants. This is due more to the fact that due to the plant hedge must be constantly taken care of - watering, fertilizing and extracting. If we concern ourselves with the issue of trimming and cutting a hedge without attention - it can grow without reason, which is quite unrealistic to bring it into the schedule and it will be necessary to answer the landing"to zero." The luxuriant inflorescences of hydrangeas collected in a living fence will beautify your park with a catchy accent and will be fenced through uninvited guests
Cutting rules and balance
Pruning to be planted
Deciduous varieties of trees and shrubs, formed into a living fence, are cut off at the outset after planting, leaving 10-15 cm of the above-ground part of the seedlings in order to accelerate the gain of shoots at the base. If the seedlings were purchased with a bare root system, then pruning of the above-ground part should be done in half of the existing elevation. Saplings grown in a container trim for one-third of the hill. The combination of multi-high and multi-colored curbs of a geometric shape will give your garden a unique spectrum
Pruning in the 2nd season
Through the year, a planted live fence is cut near 4 once a season from May to August. Light trimming for the second year of the fence's existence is oriented for giving the planting a certain shape and increasing the density of branching.
In a strong pruning - for a height of about 15 cm through the surface of the soil, such future bushes need: cob, hawthorn, thorn, tamarix. On 1/3 the height of new shoots is cut: cotoneaster, hornbeam, barberry, boxwood, beech. The cardinal remnant does not require: juniper, laurel, cypress, cypress. In such hedges, only a few twigs are cut, which are knocked out of the general mass and assign dirty visibility to the fence.
wp-content/uploads/2013/12/J_izgorod_obrezka.jpg"rel="lightbox [3201]"title="Trimming a hectic hedge">
The hedge trim is done in such a way that its lower part is wider. than the top
Cutting through 2-3 age
The hedge trimmed hedges in the following years are made for the sake of giving the decorative fence a cautious appearance - lateral branching is cut off, the upper shoots are little aligned. Deciduous trees and bushes trimmed in the early spring - again before the emergence of young leaves, coniferous evergreens can be removed later in the spring or the beginning of the sun. Proudly light! The base of a greenish hedge is formed little wider than the top, so that the lower branches are adequately illuminated and, as appropriate, developed. For the purpose of cutting the long, molded hedges, a special electric tool is used. The top trimming of hectic hedges is done for a height of 10 cm, pre-pulling the latch for the landmark
Live fence of evergreen or small-leaved plants is sheared by electronic implements or scissors. For the sake of the remainder and trimming of large-leafed hedges use secateurs. To be pruned and trimmed, a hectic hedge is allowed to give every form, even the most intricate
Watering and feeding
During the season, the live fence should be accurately watered, before loosening the soil for 50-70 cm on both sides through the planting. Be watered with a stream of water directly to the base of the plants, providing soil moistening for a depth of 30-40 cm. With the help of a low rounded hectic hedge, form a labyrinth in the garden - a place for children's games and secluded rest
Having planted weaving plants at the walls of your house and having arranged a light frame, you will become the owner of a work of park art
In addition to watering, the green fence should be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers - compost, deciduous humus, peat are introduced into the dug up soil in early spring or autumn in quantities of 2 before 5 kg for a single square meter of land. Mineral fertilizers - nitrogen and phosphate-potash are added to the soil depending on the season: nitrogen only in the early spring, phosphate - preferably at the end of the age and early autumn. Autumn bait can be made from such components: 30-40 g of potassium salt, 50-70 g of superphosphate, 50-70 g of ammonium sulfate.

The hedge trim is done in such a way that its lower part is wider. than the top
Cutting through 2-3 age
The hedge trimmed hedges in the following years are made for the sake of giving the decorative fence a cautious appearance - lateral branching is cut off, the upper shoots are little aligned. Deciduous trees and bushes trimmed in the early spring - again before the emergence of young leaves, coniferous evergreens can be removed later in the spring or the beginning of the sun. Proudly light! The base of a greenish hedge is formed little wider than the top, so that the lower branches are adequately illuminated and, as appropriate, developed. For the purpose of cutting the long, molded hedges, a special electric tool is used. The top trimming of hectic hedges is done for a height of 10 cm, pre-pulling the latch for the landmark
Live fence of evergreen or small-leaved plants is sheared by electronic implements or scissors. For the sake of the remainder and trimming of large-leafed hedges use secateurs. To be pruned and trimmed, a hectic hedge is allowed to give every form, even the most intricate
Watering and feeding
During the season, the live fence should be accurately watered, before loosening the soil for 50-70 cm on both sides through the planting. Be watered with a stream of water directly to the base of the plants, providing soil moistening for a depth of 30-40 cm. With the help of a low rounded hectic hedge, form a labyrinth in the garden - a place for children's games and secluded rest
Having planted weaving plants at the walls of your house and having arranged a light frame, you will become the owner of a work of park art
In addition to watering, the green fence should be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers - compost, deciduous humus, peat are introduced into the dug up soil in early spring or autumn in quantities of 2 before 5 kg for a single square meter of land. Mineral fertilizers - nitrogen and phosphate-potash are added to the soil depending on the season: nitrogen only in the early spring, phosphate - preferably at the end of the age and early autumn. Autumn bait can be made from such components: 30-40 g of potassium salt, 50-70 g of superphosphate, 50-70 g of ammonium sulfate.
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