Like to bring up a real mandarin tree?
In its development, the mandarin tree is not quite whimsical. The bottom line is to provide him with an abundance of sunlight, while at the same time it's 12 hours a day a year. Therefore, if you want to bring up a natural beautiful tree, you will need additional rich illumination in the winter evenings. There will also be some professional secrets to help.
Selecting a Mandarin Variety
And now we will sort out a little with varieties:
Unshiu is a frost-resistant and highly productive quality. The tree at you will turn out low, with a spreading crown from flexible thin branches, and with corrugated leaves. This mandarin grows lively and gives excellent results. And if you once again attach an artificial light, the occupation will go better again.
Shiva-Mikan is a small-sized mandarin tree with large green foliage. Blossoms and grows vividly.
The quality of honey is a real liquid quality, with very sweet mandarins.
And Mandarin Kovane-vase is a real tall one, sort of for the sake of domestic criteria. For the sake of the garden - the very thing! True preparation of seeds
Therefore, the first step is to get the bones for the sake of the future mandarin tree. For this purpose, mature fruits from the store are perfect: take more than 10 such bones. The more, the better: you probably understand that any planting matter does not go back to 100%.
The second protrusion: let the bones poke through. For this they need moisture. Wrap the bones in a wet gauze and leave for no reason for a few days. The gauze, in turn, will not let the moisture evaporate, and at the same time the bones will"breathe".
Now we will prepare the earth. It's easier to just bribe it in a flower shop, it's called"special for citrus", or roll up the sleeves and perform the nutritional base without the help of others. Simple join the leafy sod land with compost or overripe humus in equal parts. The point is that there should not be peat in your land.
More carefully:
Now it is allowed to plant the pitted bones in this land. However, have the patience: the first shoots will appear 3 weeks before the whole month,Abundance of water
Mandarin tree loves water, and in summer it must be watered (but not flooding for all this). And in winter it is necessary to reduce the amount of water, watching for all that, so that the bottom does not dry up. After all, the future fruits need to"fill up", like people say.
In order to compensate for the dryness of home air, the desire to spray a single day of mandarin leaves with unprocessed boiled water (or filtered).

Careful transplantation
If the mandarin tree grows up, move it to a larger pot. Perfect time is February-March. To transplant such a plant follows the method of transshipment, in order to preserve the land piece very much and not to spoil the tender root system.
After about a week, then the transplant, if the tree can navigate for a new place and it will have an unreasonably named"housewarming syndrome", the root order will begin to grow intensively. At the same time, because of the full spring-summer period, Mandarin has quite a few points of active growth, in which it needs to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers, once in 1-2 weeks. Mostly you will like the tree used tea tea - just dig it into the soil.
In the end, thanks to your efforts, you will grow a good tree about a meter and a half tall. Small, attractive and predominantly colorful in the interval of fruiting. And in the flowering period, the mandarin tree is sprinkled with flowers for no reason, which is not unrealistic to not pay respect to it! <
Like to bring up a ripe lemon tree?
Lemon is a long-standing evergreen tree, with spines for branches and beautiful green leaves. Particular importance for the sake of landscape design is like once lemon leaves, with its own juicy coloring and good decorative properties. True embellishment for the sake of any garden!
To transplant into a hole in the open land the lemon is alive to the elevation of 5 meters. However, if you grow it exclusively at home, and only for the summer to throw in the garden for the sun, it will reach"only"2 meters.
Again, the importance of a lemon tree for the sake of landscape design lies in the fact that it can bloom a couple of times in the course of age - and in spring, summer and winter. Predominantly beautiful are its flowers: white, with a wax color and with a narrow smell. And also amazingly, that for one tree there can be fragrant flowers, greenish ovaries, and even ripe fruits. In this case, lemon can relax for two years, sometimes becoming greenish, then yellow again.
And it is not difficult to bring up this magic of nature:

Choosing a successful quality
First, when you start growing a lemon tree for your own garden, you need to choose a variety - and there are 900 of them! Between the species of this evergreen citrus plant, eat those that grow only in the tropics and subtropics, and eat and such, which are wonderful in a closed winter garden. And proudly guess!
Pavlovsky lemon grows in height in front of 2 meters. And just something you just need to root the cuttings around with glass jars, and then transplant them into pots. At the same time, this lemon is more adapted to life in domestic conditions or a winter greenhouse, and it begins to bloom for the second-third year, and then starts to bear fruit.
Lemon Meyer blossoms quite a year, even though it is ungrounded and remains dwarfish. But his beautiful round crown is remarkably liable to form. Bull, on the branches of this lemon is abundantly thorny.
The Novogruzinsky lemon comes out with a stronger roll of crown and an impressive amount of thorns. It will bloom a little later than the Pavlovian lemon, but it will be distinguished by a measured yield.
But the lemon lemon is different in that it tolerates the highest air temperature without problems.
Ah, the sort of lemon tree grows:

Preparing for planting
As you pull the seeds out of the lemon, immediately proceed to planting, if the similarity is quite lost with everyone sometimes. Further, do the same, according to the annotation:
Statement 1.Speech 2. Next, arrange them to discharge the moistened cotton wool so that the seeds swell. At the same time, cotton wool should be moistened quite often.
Speech 3. Take a plastic bottle and cut the neck. Do a couple of holes in the bottom.
Step 4. Fill the plastic bottle with soil, pour a little and drop the seeds for a depth of 2 before 4 cm.
Step 5. Now, once in two days, fresh water.
6. If the lemon tree reaches a height of 10-15 cm, transplant it into a pot with the same soil. Proudly, so that the root order is not constrained in it.
More carefully you will see the action for the master class:

However, unfortunately, the lemon, who you raised from the stone, is enough to bear fruit only for 12-15 years of life. That is why it is important to buy the value of stalk or kidneys through a fruit tree, and plant them for your plant. And your lemon is ready for vaccination here, if the thickness of its trunk reaches 80 mm.
All-in-one is great for video:
The weight of the right land
Unfortunately, the situation is not uncommon, if the seedlings are purchased even in a well-known brand store, and a week later the lemon dies. That's why it's unreasonably proud to first choose the right soil.
The bottom for the sake of the lemon tree is useful to you equilibrium in accordance with the structure and rich for nutrients. The order is the same as for the mandarin tree. However, you will talk about the temperature: at -5-6 °, lemons die, the minus -7-8 ° the crown is damaged, and the tree-already dies-minus -8-9 °.Therefore, for the winter of your lemon tree, you need a temperature within + 15-18 ° C.
When you take out your citrus fruit in the park in the summer, place it near the crown of a larger colleague: apple or sea-buckthorn, and on the same sides of the world. After all, it is impossible to estimate a lemon tree for an open solar room - the leaves will burn.
Here is an excellent explanation for the correct departure due to the growing lemon tree:

Верная температура полива
Вы свободно также можете воспитывать лимоновое дерево из черенка, кто начинает цвести уже для 3-ий год потом посадки:Выступка 1. Ранешней весной возьмите черенки с четырьмя-пятью листьями.
Speech 2. Keep this shank in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and cover the cut with crushed charcoal
Step 3. Remove the bottom leaves, leaving just the top three.
Step 4. Next, plant the shank in the wet river dust.
Step 5. Cover with a jar or bag and place in black room.
Oh, so here:

The bottom line is to watch out so that the bottom is moistened. If there is a drop of water for the walls of the jar, it is likely that the stem releases its roots. And how the plant will take root (check this by freely pulling the shank), take it out for the aristocracy and clean the jar.
In winter, it is necessary to water the lemon tree just a couple of times a week, and in summer - a single day, but completely a little bit. In this case, warm water, for 2-3 degrees above air temperature. If you pour more cool or warm, the plant will not like it. After all, in this and eat capricious lemon tree, which does not like a flaw in water, for no reason and its lishkas. Experienced gardeners know the only cunning reason: knock a wooden object according to the pot. If the blows are booming, the soil is already dry, and if deaf - there is still moisture. <
Twist for the windowsill, the lemon tree is still needed, which the desire to you there did not say the merchants. All this is to ensure that a beautiful crown appears, if there are light and shadowy leaves that do not fit into the landscape design of your summer garden.
For the color of the leaves of the lemon tree is also influenced by feeding. Unreasonably, since March, September, once in 1-2 weeks, feed your plant with manure or a droppout. In the fruiting period do this for a single 10 days, and now give importance to the complex of mineral fertilizers.
The formation of a beautiful crown
The subsequent fascinating reason: to make the future crown of a lemon freely according to its roots. After all, the root order is a mirror reflection of the crown. Therefore, plant the lemon in a pot of the form you want to create its crown. In the spring of a young plant 20 cm high, you must answer the top, and throw 5-6 packs, so they gave side shoots. And in March-April, trim this tree, removing old dry and unhealthy shoots, as well as those that try to grow into the crown, and not through it.
And another significant moment. Time after time, the lemon tree becomes cramped: usually once in 2-3 years. At this time it feeds its own small sign, rising above the ground level and removing the roots into the drainage hole. It is probably time for the tree to be transplanted into a larger pot. Make this desire before mid-February, has not yet begun to grow new shoots. And keep in mind that an adult lemon tree does not feel better than in a light soil, but in a heavy loosened soil. You can get it yourself by mixing one piece of leaf land, one piece of sand and one share of humus, accurate adding a little clay to such soil.
Assistance in pollination
Another reason to get a truly beautiful lemon tree is that you have to pollinate it! Of course, this is a self-pollinated plant, but male flowers with just one pollen from him still eat. Collect such pollen with a cotton swab and bring it to the pestle, who is big and notable.
In summer, the lemon is certainly carried to the park, and it is quite a delightful attribute of landscape design. And in winter, organize additional lighting: a fluorescent lamp or Reflax lamps, for a distance of 10 cm through the top leaves of a tree.
Like to bring up an orange tree with a beautiful crown?
Orange tree - a real discovery for the sake of landscape design of any kind of garden. It's neat,The correct planting of seeds You can bring up this tree from ordinary bones:
wash the seeds in warm water
soak for 12 hours;
drown the sunken seeds in the ground, for a depth of 1 centimeter around the film. /ul>This is allowed at the end of winter or early spring:

Do not forget the care of the growing plant, which the orange trees are inhabitants of the subtropical zone. They do not like drafts, but they love the abundance of indirect sunlight and are capricious about the humidity of the air and soil.
Abundance of light and heat
An orange is forced to take abundant light and heat - this is the essence of the lawsuit. If it is true to take care of because of the orange tree, it grows lively and exhilarates the beautiful crown. However, if you want, so that your beautiful tree also bears fruit in the course of time, direct attention to the greenish thorns for the trunk: if they are solid at the age of one year, you get a wild plant, the fruits of which are worthless. Here it is worthwhile to deceive the routine vaccination.
In domestic conditions, a cultivated orange tree will begin to bear fruit after 6 years of germination of seeds. Which is allowed to accelerate, if you make an orange wintering to be a temperature of +2 before +5 degrees, limiting watering and top dressing.
True feeding and watering
For the sake of seedlings perfectly suited A pot is about 10 cm across. The point is not to favor, so that the humidity in the room is below 40% - if the plant is pretty dethrone the leaves. And it is impossible to water the orange tree with running water with chlorine - only distilled, heated before 25-30 degrees Celsius.
(function(w, d, n, s, t) { w[n]=w[n] || []; w[n].push(function() {Without leaving citrus trees are a little capricious in their care, and are adored all the time, if their root order is enriched with oxygen. Therefore, for the sake of fattening an orange tree, we advise you to remove huge wood blocks or pots. And so that under no circumstances does not appear unfit, be sure to treat their internal appearance with a blowtorch. Ya.Context.AdvManager.render ({ blockId:"RA-204553-27", renderTo:"yandex_rtb_R-A-204553-27", horizontalAlign: false, async: true }); }); t=d. s=d.createElement("script"); s.type="text/javascript"; s.src="//"; s.async=true; t.parentNode.insertBefore(s, t); })(this, this.document,"yandexContextAsyncCallbacks");
Feed an orange tree diluted in 10 liters of water with 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salts. Four times a year in its fertilizer must also be fairly administered iron sulfate, and once a month to water the orange trees substance potassium permanganate - to paint the leaves were saturated . Repot the plant should be grown up way of transshipment, with whole land lumpy. With the onset of a warm age, take your tree out to the park, protecting it well through the scorching sun.
More oxygen!
Feed an orange tree diluted in 10 liters of water with 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 25 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium salts. Four times a year in its fertilizer must also be fairly administered iron sulfate, and once a month to water the orange trees substance potassium permanganate - to paint the leaves were saturated . Repot the plant should be grown up way of transshipment, with whole land lumpy. With the onset of a warm age, take your tree out to the park, protecting it well through the scorching sun.
More oxygen!

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