It is allowed to adhere to flowerbeds from drought-tolerant plants to follow the standard planting patterns, which the previous order is filled with low flowers, and tall hangers are planted as a backdrop for the background. Decorative flower beds are able to make a beautiful decoration of the site and serve as a source of aesthetic pleasure for the sake of their owners
Being a flower garden design, who is pretty dyeing the part is not the only year, must take into account the order of the moments:
The arrangement of the arrangement. Drought-resistant flowers comfortably feel for impoverished soils. However, they do not tolerate wetlands, where there is a sufficient outflow of water. For watered soils, they simply rot and die. Secure small pebbles of the earth - an indispensable contract to be the arrangement of flower beds. The layout of the flower beds is also important because of the illumination of the site, because some drought-resistant flowers adore sunny areas, while others are shady places.
Mixing plants. The choice of compositions is proud to take into account the conditions for growing a particular species. Plants that have different needs for moisture, may feel uncomfortable in the criteria of a close neighborhood. Well, to be such a combination of plants the gardener may have difficulties with watering.
Product criterion for the sake of growth. In order to equip reliable drainage in the soil, a sufficient number of gravel and sand must be added. Watering the desire to live a little in the morning worship, thereby reducing the loss of water during the daytime.
Planters should, for a sufficient distance, have a well-wisher through a friend, leaving the room for the free growth of their overground part. Save water in the soil is allowed through its mulching with the introduction of crushed leaves, sawdust and grass
Since most drought-resistant plants in nature grow for impoverished soils and soils that lack vitamins, it is better to prepare the flower garden to limit the number of organic fertilizers.
The world view, which drought-resistant plants look unpretentious for the background of their sun-and moisture-loving brothers, is wrong. Between drought-tolerant plant species it is permissible to meet an excess of the brightest and beautiful decorative flowers. Beautifully flowering drought-resistant perennials are unassuming according to their own nature and are able to grow even for impoverished soils.
Some gardeners adore drought-resistant plants not only because of their unpretentiousness and beauty. Near the beds with these plants there is always a flatter incense attracting insects, pollinating flowers.
However, even between the abundance of beautiful drought-tolerant plants, it is permissible to single out the obvious winners who can even be lacking care to amuse lush, inimitable flowering in the course of the season alone. Using the design of compositions, tall and low drought-resistant grasses are allowed and absolutely do true masterpieces of landscape art.
Varieties of flowers for the sake of an arid garden
Low-maintenance plants can comfortably feel themselves for solar, unreasonably and slightly shaded areas. Periwinkle, wormwood, spurge, Arabis, scraped and yarrow grow fine among stones. They do not need to be designed for dry slopes, also for the arrangement and. Between ground-cover and low-growing drought-resistant colors, the more decorative are distinguished: the phyllaceous awl, the gaylard, the alissum, the saxifrager
The lavender lilac bushes, planted along the garden paths and emanating an unnatural incense in the environment, are able to literally transform the terrain of the site
Beloved by many gardeners, irises also do not have a special claim to care. Most of them bloom in the spring in the course of 3-5 weeks, but some varieties re-bloom and with the advent of the light. Irises - amazing plants, counting dozens of thousands of species, amaze fantasy with a unique flower shape and a variety of colors
For the design of arid areas, Echinacea is also very good. The native of warm states is captivating with colorful inflorescences of pink, yellowish, burgundy and purple flowers. In addition to decorative appeal, small"suns"are able to make a therapeutic effect: they help to increase immunity, also cure through colds and flu
The unique texture of the garden will help to give the Byzantine chist. The plant, called in the people like"lamb's ears"is curious because of the silvery foliage, which has a velvety structure. Byzantine chistets - a grassy perennial with a height of 30-40 cm. According to the extent of growth, he makes dressed soft"cushions"with a silvery tint
Crocosmia - an unusually beautiful plant, numbering about 50 species, has a South African origin. The incense of its plants is something reminiscent of saffron, widely used in cooking. Crocosmia, crowned with spikelets with star-funnel-shaped flowers, is famous for its abundant and long flowering, which can last from the middle of the age and before the deep autumn
This drought-resistant plant looks terrific for open flowerbeds.
Between tall, drought-resistant handsome men, it is permissible to distinguish mallow, miscanthus, imaginary onions. Reaching a two-meter high, they are able to do dressed up screens that will go about with the eye-catching adornment of the plot in the course of the season just before the first frosts. The luxury stock-rose stem can paint up to 10 half-marble or terry plants of a variety of colors from white, rich yellow and ending with purple and burgundy
These spectacular plants are perfectly suitable for a low-maintenance garden. It's enough to sow seeds in the ground for a distance of 50 cm well-wisher through a friend for a cereal and perfectly drained soil - and after a year or two you get to be able to enjoy the cool flowering of mallow since June before the deep autumn.
Allium or an imaginary onion deserves special attention. By throwing off the flowering arrows 80-170 cm high (depending on the variety), he dresses up in a globular inflorescence of stunning beauty. The huge balls of the allium inflorescence, swinging smoothly for thin arrows, are strewn with star-colored flowers of snow-white, pink and purple flowers
In addition to aesthetic appeal due to a specific"onion"smell, the allium is able to protect through harmful insects not only itself, but neighbors according to the flowerbed.
Drought-resistant grasses
To be a flower garden, a special room should be allocated to drought-resistant grass. More presentable between them: fescue fescue, dvuhistochnik and elymus. Small-sized bushes of fescue with bluish, the height of which does not exceed 20-25 cm, looks like a sea urchin with bluish needles on the outside
Such"hummocks"look beautiful for the background of water bodies, in stony gardens. Ideally, fescue fescue grows for sunny areas with a well-drained well drained substrate. The two-source is a vividly growing imaginary grass that forms the highest"pillows", assembled from white-green motley grass
Attractive with its pointed bluish-gray leaves and imaginary grass Elimus. Since the elmus is rapidly growing and behaving fairly rigidly in relation to the neighboring plants, it is better to plant it in the flower garden, limiting the rootlets with a container without a bottom
Decorative trees and shrubs
The beautiful bush barberry is an obvious winner due to its unpretentiousness and drought resistance. Its barbed trunks, rising in height in front of 1 meter, decorate dressed yellowish, pinkish-brown and bright red leaves. Between the contrast of species of barberry, the Golden Ring with reddish little leaves in a yellowish border and Rose Glow with pink-brown leaves with an unusual pattern in the form of snow-white strokes and droplets differ by their decorative features
Branch bushes of barberry adore the sun, but they can also grow in little shaded areas. Some varieties of barberry to the light are also amused by edible bright red fruits.
The spindle - a brilliant and unusually beautiful bush is attractive by a fine openwork crown and small dressed foliage. The plant, whose foliage has a rich green color in the summer months, is covered by the"autumn fire"with the coming of September, painted in orange, purple and purple colors
Pinkish fruits, covering the spindles of the spindle, according to the degree of maturation, are opened, and out of them appear bright red-orange seeds. Great performance! However, it is worth remembering that ripe fruits, like all parts of the plant, are poisonous.
Not the least decorative is different and the bushes are silvery. More comfortably, it feels itself for very poor soils, enriching and improving them with all this nitrogen. The bush branches, crowned with silvery foliage, are strewn with small flowers spreading a flattering incense, with the help of which they are used extensively in the perfume industry.
For the place of plants, fruit is later tied, which grow into yellow berries with astringent sweetish flesh towards the sky.
Juniper is completely not exacting to care and an unusually beautiful forest visitor, long ago established for suburban areas. Flexible branches of an evergreen shrub are decorated with tiny needles and scaly needles that spread around themselves a flattering resinous incense
A remarkably beautiful forest inhabitant withstand unfavorable conditions, with his own personality is able to transform any room for the site. It will make a beautiful addition to the rocky garden, multi-level flower garden, mixboard, framing the garden path.
Drought-resistant plants - perfect for the design of the garden and flower garden. They are excellent take root and serve as a worthy decoration of the site.
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