A beautiful guest from the tropics, owner of affectionate and fragrant flowers - stephanotis, conquers from the first sight. Dressed emerald grass in a compartment with white flowers looks refined and elegant. However, before you get hold of the coveted Madagascar jasmine, it's worthwhile to carefully study the subtleties of leaving out of exotic handsome at home.
Stefanotis image Exotic and brilliant Madagascar is full of surprises. One of them is a beautiful plant with the name Stephanotis. For the tropical peninsula, the flower prefers to grow for forest edges, hiding in the penumbra. The first image is for the distant year 1806. Since then, the water has flowed abundantly, but stephanotis is still the most beautiful and desirable plant for gardeners of the world alone.
Stefanotis is an agent of tropical Madagascar Stefanotis long-winding creeping liana, increasing in natural conditions before 6 m. The trunk at a young age is flexible and flexible, in an adult plant - lignified. The leaves have a leathery glossy appearance and are painted in a dark emerald paint. The shape of the leaf blade resembles a long ellipse with a pointed tip length of 5 in front of 10 cm. The central thread is clear. The leaves are obstructed, they are fastened to the stalk with long cuttings.
Stefanotis - the curling liana
style="text-align: justify;"
Beautiful, delicate flowers are the essence of the tincture of a tropical plant. Flowers have a tubular shape, crowned with curved petals resembling a star. Inflorescences friable corymbose, axillary. In one bundle, there are 7 flowers in front. They are painted in white, cream and violet colors. Unforgettable wonderful and narrow incense of stephanotis gives it a similarity with jasmine, hence in a crowd this tropical plant is often called Madagascar jasmine. In natural conditions, the slow flowering lasts a long 10 months.
In nature, stephanotis dye 10 months
Snow-white delicate florets of stephanotis are often used for the sake of creating a bouquet of the wife, in wedding floral compositions and even weave into the hair of his wife. Because of this, Stefanotis is known around the title"Crown of the Bride."
Stephanotis fruits are similar to a box that resembles an ellipse in a similar shape. Inside there are parachute seeds. As the ripe grain bursts, the seeds will scatter in different directions.
There are parachute seeds inside the stephanotis fruit
If expressing the difficulty of feeding stephanotis at home, then certainly, it is not easy to bring up planting because of the plant. So that the tropical flower feels like home and could normally develop, he must help and make conditions that resemble natural ones. A person inattentive or healthy busy, not about force enough to comply with the rules of care. But the long-suffering and amateur gardener will certainly grow stephanotis and enjoy his beautiful flowering.
Future stephanotis
It is clear through 12 before 16 species of Stephanotis, to meet which except Madagascar is permitted in southern China, Smooth. Stefantis Akuminate His flowers, as a reward through floribundy, have a creamy color. > Stephanotis grandiflora Its inflorescence is larger, because it consists of 30 plants. Stephanotis torsia The flowers of this species are colored in unusual for the sake of stephanotis
gently lilac color.
Delicate flowers of Madagascar jasmine for photos
Stefanotisat grandiflora
Stnfanotis acuminata
Stefanotisat floribunda variegata
Stefanotisat floribunda Libo obilьnocvetuщiй
Keeping the right criteria in different seasons will help the plant feel like home. class="table-width-scroll"> SeasonОбъяснениеВлажностьТемпература SpringThe bewildered aristocracy, the one that needs to stephanotize. South-west or south-east direction
suitable in terms of lighting
more. It is permissible to place a flower and for a southern window, but here you will have to use a light
curtain to darken a plant through the scorching rays of the midday sun. This is a significant part of the care.
A tropical visitor loves high humidity try to increase
air humidity near the flower. To use
is allowed special
moisturizers or excellent
all known way,
placing a pot of flower
for a pallet with a wet filler. In the time of spraying, try to protect flowers by hitting
for their water. Stefanotis loves observance of the temperature regime. Sharp
transitions through the heat to the cold for the sake of him are unsafe, for the same reason and like drafts. In summer it is necessary that
the column of the temperature indicator was located in the boundaries of 18 - 24 ° C. Neither that
heat! It's right for a street
Stephanotis it's better not to sing,
but to air out the place where the flower is,
it's imperative. Summer AutumnWinter for the southern window is allowed
own stephanotis without a shade. And it is surely necessary to lighten the phytolamps.
The plant should be
for light more than 12 hours a day. Winter spraying
certainly shown to be on the included devices for heating. In addition, good
To wipe the leaves with a moistened napkin in order to free the plant through accumulated dust. If the wintering is cold, then spraying is done very often - sometimes. Spray should be done only with warm water. Polishers
for the sake of leaves to extract
is impossible.In winter, see that the plant
was in the temperature spectrum through 14 before 16 ° C.
Cold contents
has a beneficial effect on the bookmarking of flower buds. Small
Stefanotis does not need to turn to the light source by various parties, mainly during the formation of buds. He does not like that, he does not like it. In the unpleasant case of flowering you will not wait, and if you already eat buds for your plant, they will fall off.
Stefanotis likes a colorful explanation
Planting and transplanting
Stefanotis - liana with a good growth rate. Therefore, the young plants are transplanted once or twice a year, but the adult plant should not be bothered often, approximately once in 2 to 3 years. Sometimes it's pretty enough to change the high ground level for a newer and more nutritious land. The first indicator of transplantation is a pot from which stephanotis has grown. Find this moment is quite easy - the roots appeared from the drainage hole, well, the substrate began to dry faster than the ordinary one. They usually start transplanting from February and finish before the growing season, using a sparing way of transshipment.
A pot for the sake of adult specimens should be chosen painstakingly. The chosen election is the claying of a tank with a drainage hole. The size of the pot is forced to slightly exceed the volume of the root system. Stephanotis is rather awful to unfold in an extra-voluminous pot and completely refuses to bloom.
Clay pot will retain powerful stephanotis A small clay pot can be used to break small pieces or buy a clay filler in the store. Discharge drain is forced to exist sufficient, more than 3 cm.
For the sake of stephanotis, it is better to pick up a heavy ground with a weakly acid reaction. You can buy the proper substrate in the store. However, it's best to cook with your own hands, picking up ingredients in the following proportions: humus or peat - 3 parts;
dust - 2 parts;
deciduous soil - 1 share;
clay-turf soil - 1 share.
The amount, of course, is not quite ordinary, but the attentive gardener will certainly find all the components. And yet, do not forget to disinfect the soil before landing.
Step-by-step action of the transplant
Lay out the discharge of drainage for the bottom, fill it with soil.
To transfer stephanotis to an unprecedented pot must be very careful not to spoil the small and thin roots that suck the water. If this happens, then in the water for irrigation must necessarily add a catalyst for root growth.
In order not to spoil the roots, the stephanotis is transplanted by the way of transshipment Put the plant in a container, fill the remaining land around the edges and water. Be sure to wait for excess glass liquid to drain into the tray and drain it.
It is allowed to transplant just not good stephanotis. If you get a plant with buds, you'll have to wait until it blossoms and then begin to replace the pot and soil.
The fast-growing liana of stephanotis needs to be supported by virtue of its own bio features. The building, for the sake of maintaining the stem, seems to recreate the natural conditions in which the plant is enveloped by a closely agreed carrier. The present common form of such a structure is in the form of an arch. To make support to a pain simply, should hardly get a piece of strong wire. Arc bend it and stick it into the pot. And if to show imagination, it is allowed to construct different designs, which Stephanotis will enjoy with pleasure. If there is wire around the hand, then in any flower shop it is allowed to purchase plastic structures in the form of a ladder. Stefanotis needs protection
Like and at least some houseplant, stephanotis in the interval of active growth needs watering. It is forced to exist abundant, so that the soil in the warm season is in a uniformly wet state. The desiccation of a land coma try not to please! In hot weather, depending on the temperature indicator, moisturize 2 - 3 times a week. Beginning with the light and the full winter interval, watering is forced to be moderate. Water for the sake of irrigation must be settled for about 24 hours. Chlorine, found in tap water, has a bad effect on the overall development of stephanotis. In the spring-summer interval, stephanotis should be watered a lot
Extra fertilization
style=>"text-align: justify;"> To stephanotize enough strength to grow rapidly and blossom in the vegetation period (from March according to the appearance of October), it is fed every 2 to 3 weeks. Fertilizers should choose all- but with a huge potassium content. Nitrogen for the plant does not work fine - Stephanotis begins to intensively increase the trunks and leaves, because of which it is enough to keep the wintering in a way that is not in accordance with the plan and flowering, not to wait. Increased attention is paid to top dressing in the bud budding interval - from April to May. For the sake of normal growth and flowering, stephanotis must be fed
Like to force it to bloom In the indoor culture, stephanotis blossoms first with age. This very fine presentation can last up to 4 months. Blossom already grown plants that have reached the age of 3 - 4 years. The year-long flowering is helped by observance of certain rules of care.
Stephanotis should be transplanted by the way. > >
Wintering should break through in a cold room with an average temperature of 15 ° C.
Do not get carried away with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, mainly in the interval of budding. Stefanotis is forced to take quite a light.
Do not change or rotate the pot with stephanotis for the time budding.
The rest period The rest interval, beginning with the second half of November, is first characterized by a decrease in temperature in the room. Be indicators of temperature indicator in 14 -16 ° C, stephanotis is preparing to lay buds. Watering the plant at this time must be very cautious, and feed and completely stop.
Because of the peculiarity of stephanotis bloom for young shoots - pruning has an important meaning. The function is held once a year at the very beginning of spring. The dismissal of feeble stretched and old bare shoots helps to keep the cute visibility of the vine. Pruning, which contributes to the growth of young shoots, should be moderate. In the summer, in order to prolong the flowering, shoots are pricked.
Then the young shoots grow more moderately at the stephanotis
Care errors
style="text-align: justify;"Why leaves fall, does not grow or dye - list
Sin Her image Like to removeStephanotis is observed
general loss of leaves
The plant stands for draft.
A sharp drop in temperature. Keep the room in the right place
air temperature.
Stefanotis is forced to stay in places
hard to reach for a draft. Yellowing and falling of the leaves
The plant lacks lighting.
Watering with hard water.
Extremely hot in the room.
Provide Stefanotis with the brightest room,
However, it is hard to reach for the direct sun.
Water before watering must stay
In the heat, try to increase the humidity of the air
about plants . Stefanotis does not want to blossom
Lickets of nitrogen.
A flaw in lighting. style="text-align: justify;">Тёплый промежуток покоя.
Do not overfeed stephanotis with nitrogen.
If light day is small, light bulbs
The rest period is forced to flow in a cold
room. The lump is stalled The nutritional flaw. Do not forget to fertilize the flower during the growing season. Flower buds fall
Poor watering.
Location changes.
Do not put Stephanotis in places accessible for draft.
Do not overdry the land piece, it must exist
evenly moistened.
If Stefanotis is covered with buds, do not twist it and
Do not rearrange for another room.
Care errors - photo gallery
Stefanotis loses buds if he does not get enough water
Falling leaves occur if stephanotis is for draft
Stefanotis yellow leaves become missing light div>
Diseases and pests
A little vigilant upbringing will weaken stephanotis and make it defenseless against diseases and pests.
Diseases and pests: which can be performed for the sake of getting rid of them through the list
Fundazol (2 g for 1 liter of water).
If the pain comes extremely
away, the plant will have
Observe the watering order,
excessive moisture causes
to the sad consequences.
Before decontamination,
soil. Eliminate drafts and temperature changes
temperatures. Powdery sludge First the diseases of the leaves
are covered with snow-white mealy stuff, which is loosely rubbed off with fingers. Lively
spreading, stains
grabbing a face to face
leaf, depriving a plant
the usual leaking and photosynthesis. As a result of this, the leaves dry up, and the plant
Tear off the leaflets that are continuously broken.
Process stephanotis with one of
drugs: Topaz, Fundazol,
Previcur or Skor. Order is attached.
During the fight against the disease, it is better
to escape through spraying with water.
be errant lesion
or as prophylaxis allowed
weak solution of potassium permanganate - 2.5 g of 10 l of water.
Deceive 2 - 3 sprays with a 5-day interval.
Observe the watering order. style="text-align: justify;"> Rearrange the plant for the
illuminated room. Mushroom mosquito The brutes are not insects themselves, and their larvae. Larvae feed on young roots of the plant.
Stefanotis begins to complain,
withers and can perish. Against mosquitoes consume
Raptor or Neo-dichlorvos,
spraying closely through plants.
To get rid through the larvae
use Mukhoed. So that the product of the product manifests itself
Do not let the soil sour,
water according to the rules of
(mostly for the cold season).
For catching mosquitoes, you can
extract glue traps.
Citrus (zest is allowed to lay nearby pots or
for the surface of the earth). Unfit Leaves of the diseased plant
covered with sugary
налёкнига. Spreading
colonies of aphids cause
deformation of leaves, and
then and death. For the sake of struggle they consume the product - Aktara, Aktellik, Decis. One of the preparations is treated with a plant,
a second spraying is carried out after a week. Preparations are allowed
alternate. To be a strong defeat, you must cheat more than 3 treatments.
The occurrence of insects is allowed
Wash the leaves near a warm shower.
spraying with a soapy substance.
A suitable moisture
br> because the waste at one time
spreads to be dry air. Shield Leaves, trunks, petioles - most beloved places of dwelling and shields. Settled near by the protection of the shell, the saboteur eats the plant juices.
The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. Aktellik or Fitoverm. Cheating
will have more than one treatment, because
shield has reliable protection.
Treatment should live 1 day in the week before the complete disappearance of a harmful insect.
Reset the defeated plant through
Use for the sake of rubbing the leaves
mortar soap solution. At times, inspect stephanotis
for the presence of a scabbard, because it can suddenly manifest itself in half a year
then victory over it.
Diseases and pests - photo gallery Shield is a very dangerous and terrible enemy, wrestling with it requires a lot of time
A tiny insect that sprouts in large numbers can spend a plant
Insecurity is not personally a mosquito, but its larva
Powdery sediment interferes with the process of photosynthesis in leaves
Decay of the roots and stem base in the neglected stage can lead to plant loss.
Stephanotis is seeded or cuttings.
Seed multiplication
This action is very time consuming and long. Of course, seeds do not always germinate. However, those who have enough patience, the whole can be because of this difficult thing.
Fill the container with the sterilized consistency of peat and sand,
Seeds, pre-soaked in water for 2 days, do not bury, rather with a finger a little crush them in a moistened earth.
Cover the container with glass and put it in a well-lit room with a temperature of 26 ° C.
Moisten the soil with a spray gun, waiting until the soil mix practically dries. Do not overmoist! The condensation accumulated for the glass must be wiped daily with a tissue so that it does not get to the seedlings. Seed germination can take up to 2 months.
If the light day lasts less than 14 hours, the young plant should be accurately illuminated.
help cuttings
Stephanotis is considered a hard-to-root plant, hence the phytohormones necessarily use cuttings. In addition, Such a visibility of reproduction all preserves the genetic properties of the parent. To inspire is most ideal in the spring-summer period.
Matter for rooting in most cases is prepared in the time of carrying out the remainder. Cuttings should be half lignified and have more than 2 - 3 leaves. The cut is made for 2 cm below the knot and treated with Kornevin.
shanks are allowed to stock up in time to the rest of The container is filled with sand. It stuck around the corner cuttings, buried for 1.5 cm . On top covered with glass and put in a bright room . Rooting takes place in the bottom heating (the temperature in the greenhouse is 25 ° C) and repeated humidification.
Through 2 - 3 weeks of cuttings take root and young shoots appear in the axils of the leaves.
Rooting occurs after 2 weeksIn the pots prepared by 7 or 9 cm plant new plants and move to a bright place with a temperature of 18 ° C. The night temperature can get stiff before 14 ° C. Some gardeners successfully rooted cuttings of stephanotis in the water. Airborne layers, as a reward through hoyi, stephanotis does not breed.
Testimonies of growers on growing stephanotis
Extra fertilization
style=>"text-align: justify;"> To stephanotize enough strength to grow rapidly and blossom in the vegetation period (from March according to the appearance of October), it is fed every 2 to 3 weeks. Fertilizers should choose all- but with a huge potassium content. Nitrogen for the plant does not work fine - Stephanotis begins to intensively increase the trunks and leaves, because of which it is enough to keep the wintering in a way that is not in accordance with the plan and flowering, not to wait. Increased attention is paid to top dressing in the bud budding interval - from April to May. For the sake of normal growth and flowering, stephanotis must be fed
Like to force it to bloom In the indoor culture, stephanotis blossoms first with age. This very fine presentation can last up to 4 months. Blossom already grown plants that have reached the age of 3 - 4 years. The year-long flowering is helped by observance of certain rules of care.
Stephanotis should be transplanted by the way. > >
Wintering should break through in a cold room with an average temperature of 15 ° C.
Do not get carried away with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, mainly in the interval of budding. Stefanotis is forced to take quite a light.
Do not change or rotate the pot with stephanotis for the time budding.
The rest period The rest interval, beginning with the second half of November, is first characterized by a decrease in temperature in the room. Be indicators of temperature indicator in 14 -16 ° C, stephanotis is preparing to lay buds. Watering the plant at this time must be very cautious, and feed and completely stop.
Because of the peculiarity of stephanotis bloom for young shoots - pruning has an important meaning. The function is held once a year at the very beginning of spring. The dismissal of feeble stretched and old bare shoots helps to keep the cute visibility of the vine. Pruning, which contributes to the growth of young shoots, should be moderate. In the summer, in order to prolong the flowering, shoots are pricked.
Then the young shoots grow more moderately at the stephanotis
Care errors
style="text-align: justify;"Why leaves fall, does not grow or dye - list
Sin Her image Like to removeStephanotis is observed
general loss of leaves
The plant stands for draft.
A sharp drop in temperature. Keep the room in the right place
air temperature.
Stefanotis is forced to stay in places
hard to reach for a draft. Yellowing and falling of the leaves
The plant lacks lighting.
Watering with hard water.
Extremely hot in the room.
Provide Stefanotis with the brightest room,
However, it is hard to reach for the direct sun.
Water before watering must stay
In the heat, try to increase the humidity of the air
about plants . Stefanotis does not want to blossom
Lickets of nitrogen.
A flaw in lighting. style="text-align: justify;">Тёплый промежуток покоя.
Do not overfeed stephanotis with nitrogen.
If light day is small, light bulbs
The rest period is forced to flow in a cold
room. The lump is stalled The nutritional flaw. Do not forget to fertilize the flower during the growing season. Flower buds fall
Poor watering.
Location changes.
Do not put Stephanotis in places accessible for draft.
Do not overdry the land piece, it must exist
evenly moistened.
If Stefanotis is covered with buds, do not twist it and
Do not rearrange for another room.
Care errors - photo gallery
Stefanotis loses buds if he does not get enough water
Falling leaves occur if stephanotis is for draft
Stefanotis yellow leaves become missing light div>
Diseases and pests
A little vigilant upbringing will weaken stephanotis and make it defenseless against diseases and pests.
Diseases and pests: which can be performed for the sake of getting rid of them through the list
Fundazol (2 g for 1 liter of water).
If the pain comes extremely
away, the plant will have
Observe the watering order,
excessive moisture causes
to the sad consequences.
Before decontamination,
soil. Eliminate drafts and temperature changes
temperatures. Powdery sludge First the diseases of the leaves
are covered with snow-white mealy stuff, which is loosely rubbed off with fingers. Lively
spreading, stains
grabbing a face to face
leaf, depriving a plant
the usual leaking and photosynthesis. As a result of this, the leaves dry up, and the plant
Tear off the leaflets that are continuously broken.
Process stephanotis with one of
drugs: Topaz, Fundazol,
Previcur or Skor. Order is attached.
During the fight against the disease, it is better
to escape through spraying with water.
be errant lesion
or as prophylaxis allowed
weak solution of potassium permanganate - 2.5 g of 10 l of water.
Deceive 2 - 3 sprays with a 5-day interval.
Observe the watering order. style="text-align: justify;"> Rearrange the plant for the
illuminated room. Mushroom mosquito The brutes are not insects themselves, and their larvae. Larvae feed on young roots of the plant.
Stefanotis begins to complain,
withers and can perish. Against mosquitoes consume
Raptor or Neo-dichlorvos,
spraying closely through plants.
To get rid through the larvae
use Mukhoed. So that the product of the product manifests itself
Do not let the soil sour,
water according to the rules of
(mostly for the cold season).
For catching mosquitoes, you can
extract glue traps.
Citrus (zest is allowed to lay nearby pots or
for the surface of the earth). Unfit Leaves of the diseased plant
covered with sugary
налёкнига. Spreading
colonies of aphids cause
deformation of leaves, and
then and death. For the sake of struggle they consume the product - Aktara, Aktellik, Decis. One of the preparations is treated with a plant,
a second spraying is carried out after a week. Preparations are allowed
alternate. To be a strong defeat, you must cheat more than 3 treatments.
The occurrence of insects is allowed
Wash the leaves near a warm shower.
spraying with a soapy substance.
A suitable moisture
br> because the waste at one time
spreads to be dry air. Shield Leaves, trunks, petioles - most beloved places of dwelling and shields. Settled near by the protection of the shell, the saboteur eats the plant juices.
The leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. Aktellik or Fitoverm. Cheating
will have more than one treatment, because
shield has reliable protection.
Treatment should live 1 day in the week before the complete disappearance of a harmful insect.
Reset the defeated plant through
Use for the sake of rubbing the leaves
mortar soap solution. At times, inspect stephanotis
for the presence of a scabbard, because it can suddenly manifest itself in half a year
then victory over it.
Diseases and pests - photo gallery Shield is a very dangerous and terrible enemy, wrestling with it requires a lot of time
A tiny insect that sprouts in large numbers can spend a plant
Insecurity is not personally a mosquito, but its larva
Powdery sediment interferes with the process of photosynthesis in leaves
Decay of the roots and stem base in the neglected stage can lead to plant loss.
Stephanotis is seeded or cuttings.
Seed multiplication
This action is very time consuming and long. Of course, seeds do not always germinate. However, those who have enough patience, the whole can be because of this difficult thing.
Fill the container with the sterilized consistency of peat and sand,
Seeds, pre-soaked in water for 2 days, do not bury, rather with a finger a little crush them in a moistened earth.
Cover the container with glass and put it in a well-lit room with a temperature of 26 ° C.
Moisten the soil with a spray gun, waiting until the soil mix practically dries. Do not overmoist! The condensation accumulated for the glass must be wiped daily with a tissue so that it does not get to the seedlings. Seed germination can take up to 2 months.
If the light day lasts less than 14 hours, the young plant should be accurately illuminated.
help cuttings
Stephanotis is considered a hard-to-root plant, hence the phytohormones necessarily use cuttings. In addition, Such a visibility of reproduction all preserves the genetic properties of the parent. To inspire is most ideal in the spring-summer period.
Matter for rooting in most cases is prepared in the time of carrying out the remainder. Cuttings should be half lignified and have more than 2 - 3 leaves. The cut is made for 2 cm below the knot and treated with Kornevin.
shanks are allowed to stock up in time to the rest of The container is filled with sand. It stuck around the corner cuttings, buried for 1.5 cm .
Through 2 - 3 weeks of cuttings take root and young shoots appear in the axils of the leaves.
Rooting occurs after 2 weeksIn the pots prepared by 7 or 9 cm plant new plants and move to a bright place with a temperature of 18 ° C. The night temperature can get stiff before 14 ° C. Some gardeners successfully rooted cuttings of stephanotis in the water. Airborne layers, as a reward through hoyi, stephanotis does not breed.
Testimonies of growers on growing stephanotis
My Stephanotis is 10 years old. The pot is more than 10 liters. The height of the arc is 1.3 meters. Loves the sun (better in the first half of the day). In summer it is for the street. In the summer I water a lot, in the heat - daily. In winter, once a week. viniti http://frauflora.ru/viewtopic.php?t=3095 <
I want to say that to be right care (aristocracy, humidity) is not a whimsical plant at all. The speed of growth is amazing, I have time to reel up for support. Above, too, from the"low price". It grows a long time, it blooms. Alex http://www.flowersweb.info/forum/forum17/topic63275/messages/
I wish to give you some pretty good advice. 1. There was a major dreary attempt - I decided to"rejuvenate"the bush, cut it perfectly and the bush was gone. She began to teach literature according to the plant and read that it is impossible to respond well to stephanotis - it will perish.2.This plant reacts to the change of location (mostly if it blossoms) experienced gardeners recommend to aim the pot so as not to change the arrangement of the flower in accordance with the relation to light. Right, in stores they sell small brightest insects for Velcro for the sake of pots, very nice and comfortable. Irene https://forum.bestflowers.ru/t/stefanotis-madagaskarskij-zhasmin-stephanotis.1136/ Stephanotis is above the curve year for the southern window for full sun.
But then winter should be evenly applied to the sun. Yesterday I took off from the window sill to water it, I look, and at it without leaves leaves with light such yellow is practically inconspicuous, but at the same time, of course, they burned through the flashy sun! Busya http://cvetoforum.ru/topic3324.html Video about aspects of flower care
Education because of stephanotis lung can not be called. However, the result is worth it to work a little, recreating for the sake of the plant conditions identical with natural ones. At the attentive gardener the result does not force itself infinitely to wait. Covered with fragrant flowers, the plant is pretty basic decoration of the room. However, like every great-smelling flower, stephanotis should not be owned in the bedroom or in the children's room.
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