From Latin, melioratio translates as"improvement". This word again in the old world denoted a system of measures, the meta of which is to improve the quality and fertility of lands in order to increase the yield. Excellent soil was valued throughout the century, therefore, agronomist scientists came up with different methods, like empty inapplicable soils turn into an oasis of fertility. They brought water to arid places, eliminated waterlogging and lishkas of salts, corrected the amount of land, introducing various future fertilizers. In the end, four areas of land reclamation were created, which are now used for garden plots, in farms, etc.
Cultivation - the occurrence of reclamation work
The cultural and technical visibility of land reclamation is carried out by a separate summer resident for the initial step of the development of the site. In order to get decent land from an abandoned wasteland for the breakdown of beds and flower beds, it is necessary at least to cut down old trees, uproot the stumps, answer hummocks and sleep pits, and also peel the terrain through pebbles. Just right, more effective methods of uprooting stumps are allowed in a separate article"". If the soil is cleared for the first plowing, analyze the type of land. For clayey heavy soils, sand is carried out, introducing through 10 before 20 cm of sand and flushing it into the upper layers of the earth. This improves the light and aquatic order of the earth, increases the stage of warming up the soil, relieves the formation of crusts in arid times.
The reverse process is claying. It is carried out for light and poor sandy lands. Loam is spread over 10 cm before plowing. Clay helps to hold water and enriches the soil with trace elements that are not enough in the sand. Depending on the type of land prevailing in the suburban area, dust, clay, chernozem, peat and other components are added to help make the soil aerosol and water permeability better
If a part has got for peat bogs, it is recommended to write clay and dust at once. Peat bogs are characterized by freezing for immense depths, and the introduction of a clayey-sandy consistency makes the land easier, accelerates the thawing of the soil in the spring and allows sowing beds for 10-12 days in advance than usual.
Water reclamation: regulate the humidity level
Each plant bait needs for water, but most of all still does not tolerate a surplus or lack of water. Consequently, the melioration of soils contains such a trend, like hydrotechnical. His task - with the help of a complex of measures to make in the soil a robust humidity height, affecting the yield of crops. Depending on the location of the site (lowland or elevation, similarity to a natural reservoir or hilly place ...), determine which hydro-reclamation works are required in certain places of the site.
Depletion of land: relieves water deprivation
If the summer owner is"lucky"to get the land in the lowland, where then every rain the bottom does not dry for weeks, then it is necessary to make a drainage system. If the plants also get sick, and the foundation of the buildings starts to excite during the thawing of snow or floods. Depending on the degree of waterlogging, make an open, spot or closed, covering the entire part of the drainage system. More carefully about the technology of laying drainage can be read in the article"". If the part is located in the lowland, then its main obstacle is the rather high humidity of the earth, which can be removed by enclosed small pebbles
Irrigation of the Earth: helps fight with drought
If the bottom is light and weakly holds water, also in areas with a hot climate, certainly think through the irrigation system of the site. In summer, during the growth of garden and garden crops, moisture is really needed. Without it, plants can overthrow the paint, reduce the level of formation of the ovaries, and the fruits will shrivel and small. Therefore summer residents choose the only one of the types of irrigation that is more profitable in certain criteria.
For no reason, the superficial method of watering is used more often in large agricultural areas. Water is let out in accordance with the surface of the earth through special ditches, furrows, stripes, and sometimes use the complete flooding of plots.
Sprinkling is the most common method of watering for personal farmsteads. Water enters the soil in the form of small drops of rain through sprinklers installed in suitable places. Plus such irrigation in the book, which water discharge is much lower than being surface watering. With all this, no need to find special furrows, and probably the bottom is used according to the maximum. Moisture saturates not only the rootlets of plants, but also forms an overhead log, cleaning leaves of plants through dust and accelerating the processes of photosynthesis. To irrigate the site by means of sprinkling, not only the rootlets of plants, but the entire aboveground fraction, which accelerates the processes of photosynthesis, are saturated with moisture
Subsoil irrigation is a more labor-intensive method of increasing the earth's moisture content. He asks for the laying of perforated pipes in accordance with the whole area and connecting them to the pumps. Pressurized water is sufficient to run around the pipes and evenly destroy through holes in the soil, the higher its humidity. A variety of subsoil irrigation is a small watering. Byel, now the laying of pipes according to this method can be kind of in soil, for no reason and above it. To be drip irrigation method consumes a small amount of water, do not"feed"the moisture of weeds, and each plant gets to seem as much"drinking"as it needs, with not abundant doses, but evenly.
Apart from draining and irrigation, the struggle against landslides, mudflows, erosion of the earth, etc., can enter the irrigation and drainage measures
Chemical Reclamation: adjusts the PH-balance
Probably the most necessary type of land reclamation is allowed to be called chemical, as a separate summer resident brings certain fertilizers once a year for the sake of improving soil composition and struggles with overestimation of acidity. Acidic soil is a very common matter, since both sediments and lichen fertilizers and incorrect crop rotation destroy PH-balance, reducing the yield and property of the land itself. About the book, like to fight the acidity of the earth and make its fertility better, we already wrote (the articles""and""), therefore we will stop for other types of chemical meliorative works. The introduction of lime, dolomite flour or wood ash into the soil helps restore the acidity of the earth and make better the development of most garden crops.
Lishke salts, like acid and lishek, unfavorable for the sake of plants. And if the part of the cottage dweller was included with unreasonably named salt marshes - where for a site where a lot of natural salts are concentrated in the soil, then these areas are first neutralized.
According to the degree of salinization of the earth there are various - through salted in front of salt marshes, but fighting with a similar phenomenon for all lands is conducted identically. The soil is washed, so that the salts from the upper cereal layer are consequently. For a square meter is consumed near 150 liters. water. Of course, that such a flooding, no one will survive, hence washing is carried out for clean land. Very effective washing for areas with a closed drainage system. Lishke salts together with water will go into the pipes, and from there - beyond the boundaries of the site. Unreasonably which is the next plowing, the soil from the depth is also not sufficiently saline.
Additional warming up of the earth: insurance through frosts
In a cool climate, quick warming up of the land in the spring is facilitated by thermal meliorative work. Their meta - to raise the temperature of the surface and deep layers, so that during the late frosts the roots are protected through the penetration of frost through the soil. For this purpose, various future mulching, a horse in the soil of compost layers and pits, compaction of light soils, etc. are used. Mulching of circumferential circles of trees helps to reduce the possibility of freezing of roots in formidable winters and keeps medicinal water in the soil.
More details about different materials for mulching you can find out from the video:
Reclamation: rescues lands damaged by man
The reclamation of land also belongs to a separate type of land reclamation, i.e. their renewal. Often, in the process of erecting cities, mining necessary minerals, etc., the share of the adjacent land is slagged with processing waste, construction debris, empty rock dumps, etc. Afterwards, if the main works are completed, there is a dead wasteland for this place, which is often distributed around suburban areas. And freshly baked owners have to work to restore fertility and the natural landscape of the area, if the city's building did not take care of themselves. The resumption of the usual balance of land and its relief for the spoiled lands is not an easy action. He asks for the recruitment of large-size equipment for the removal of garbage, land leveling
Restorative work is better to live after a full analysis of the state of land and the conclusion that should be given by specialists, land reclamation and environmentalists.
Like we see, reclamation works - this is an important link in maintaining the fertility of lands. And if the dacha is received not only for the sake of rest, but also for the sake of feeding their own"vitamins", then first we need to prepare the soil, and then plant the crops.
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