Features of the sprinkler system
The sprinkling of the watering system is sufficient to water the site according to the schedule. The best time for the sake of its installation is autumn, this is the time to spoil the plants less. Auto-watering will allow changing hoses and buckets in the garden for small fountains, thanks to which it is allowed to bring up a uniform beautiful lawn, a smart flower bed. To be true and painstakingly thought out installation of the system all-around mechanisms are hidden around the ground or masked, for no reason that for the appearance of the landscape the installation does not seem to work. The order is enough to water the garden in accordance with this program and during your absence, and you will not worry about the condition of plants. If you are fond of landscaping, planting plants that need constant abundant watering, ennobling the watering for the site is quite the best option for you - the park is quite"under supervision", even if you are away, do not shoot the gardener enough. Order is expensive, but it will certainly pay for itself.
The essence of this system is the control panel of the mechanism - a mini-computer that exercises dominance in accordance with the selected program. It will turn off the system to be rainy, the pump case is done automatically. Because of the weather, a portable weather station is looking. The console is allowed to be installed both in the house and for the street, the program is set for a certain period of time - the number of watered zones in the garden is determined, the number of irrigations from the day.
Pipes are fed to electric valves, the control panel gives the valves the command to recognize or close, so water is supplied to the head for irrigation purposes. Watering the site produces sprinkler (or watering the picture). Sprinklers are installed near the ground, if the order is near the pressure, watering is done through the retractable nozzles. The sprinkler with the closed valve in the inoperative state is in the ground, if the system is being loaded, the nozzle is pulled out and the watering pattern starts to do in the set mode p>
For the sake of watering a small plot used in the main fan heads, they are perfectly controlled and with watering the flower beds. Work within a radius of 5 meters. For the watering heads special nozzles are made, thanks to which it is allowed to produce root watering, watering for a remote gap, etc. Unidirectional spraying in this case is used for watering a lawn near the path. The length of the jet is adjusted so that it covers the width of the lawn.
Rotor sprinklers are more common, they are equipped with a mechanism of radial rotation and allow watering huge areas, and therefore they are used in the main in parks, for watering sports lawns sites, etc. Be watered young plants, large-sized, This spinning sprinkler is designed to irrigate the lawn of a huge area. Water is moderately sprayed in all directions, providing real watering
Water is supplied to the watering heads at different angles, with different strengths, either as a directional watering or as watering for different distances. In fan and rotary sprinklers, the clarity of irrigation is different, therefore in one zone they are not installed. If irrigation is not enough to be performed from a water pipe, you need to buy quite a bit. Radial irrigation is excellent for a short flower bed or lawn. The best time for watering is in the morning or in the twilight; in the day after year, according to the intense heat for the leaves of plants, burns may remain.
Suggestion. Irrigation systems for the sake of dachas are now produced by different companies, to be chosen, pay homage to the famous company, reviews, the quality of the works performed in accordance with the installation (and they cost practically as much as the order), and, of course, a guarantee. Let's say you have already chosen a suitable system. Before installation, you must have the order of the site, the dendroplane (where the planting site, their varieties, varieties, location for the site will be indicated), as well as the position of the source from which you will take water for irrigation, the location of the power point.
Think about where to place the sprinklers, not counting the main zones, what they should be - it can be upbringing due to a remote or inaccessible zone, a zone at the tracks, etc. Due to the consideration of these reasons, the dignity of the installation depends. A sample of the location of the automatic irrigation system for a dacha - to be a competent organization, or a single part in the garden does not remain without irrigation. Specialists will select the necessary furnishings for the sake of all garden areas.
If it is ideal to mount an automatic watering system? It is more convenient to do this only if you have already prepared a discharge for the sowing of lawns, planted all the plants, made tracks. A well-executed installation is quite a guarantee of a long and successful operation of your system.
Малый автополив ради огорода и маленького участка
For the sake of many summer residents, this election is more desirable - it is very economical, installation of a dropping system of auto-watering will be much cheaper. If part of the short, you do not need to water the vast areas, for no reason that sprinkling irrigation here, in general, and do not need. Plan of drip irrigation garden - water is distributed from the huge barrel for each garden separately. Causelessly allowed to provide perfect irrigation for each crop
To be drip irrigation water (it can be offered together with fertilizers) in small doses is introduced into the root zone of the plant. For winter, the order is not dismantled, it is necessary to blow the pipeline with compressed air just before the winter season, and throw the system after winter conservation. The introduction of soft hoses made of frost-resistant plastic allows throwing devices for the winter, they can live in the ground and open ground.
Small watering is allowed to be taken everywhere - in the garden, in the garden, in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse. If the controller is connected to the system, it is enough to turn off the watering during the rain, and in general to do according to this program, like to be the work of a sprinkler system of automatic irrigation. Composition in the subject: tech/avtomaticheskij-kapelnyj-poliv-gazona-svoimi-rukami Automatic small watering of the lawn: we bring water to inaccessible areas
With the water supply system, the order of the watering system is connected just by the crane for filling the tank, this is an autonomous building that includes a pump, a tank, automation, a system of dividers and pipes. Specialists select the size of the tank, taking into account the volume of the system. But the dividers and automation you can pick up without the help of others - the election here depends on the money position and the frequency of maintenance of the site. Suggestion. To prevent droppers from flooding plants, the container is installed for a short height - before a meter and a half. It is convenient to remove a barrel for 150-200 liters, tightly covered with a lid. The use of the drip irrigation system is frugal irrigation water 50%. The method makes it possible to avoid burns for the leaves of plants, as it sometimes happens to be sprinkling water in the hot season. The danger of plant disease fungus, phytophthora is virtually excluded. If necessary, it is permissible to regulate the moisture level of the earth at any point. Small irrigation provides real moistening of the root zone, it is possible to add fertilizers, mineral additives allow to grow brilliant harvest, providing crops with perfect conditions for the sake of growth and development.
The order is flawless for the sake of growing vegetables, not inadvertently it was invented 50th years of the last century in Israel - a country with a hot arid climate, if there was an acute shortage of water. Being able to write the necessary fertilizing with microelements together with water, the fertilizer allows you to gain excellent harvests. Now you can also extract the autoplay in domestic conditions. For example, if you grow tropical plants, large-scale watering is enough to promote their true development
Drip irrigation systems are also collected by their own people, but if you are not convinced of yourself, it is better to purchase a ready system - it is ordinary and reliable in servicing, and will pay off very vividly.
The introduction of irrigation systems allows plants to be continuously in suitable conditions, such mechanisms solve the excess of very important tasks, allowing your garden to look beautiful and well-groomed, the garden to give good harvests, and you to own more time for the sake of pleasure resting for nature.
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