What is managed to be built?
The main legislative act that normalizes the effect of planning and construction of facilities for the land plot, is the Book of the Russian Federation in accordance with urban planning. All in this document there are indications according to the indisputable location of the deaf enclosure between adjacent sites. Hence, the SNiPs are taken from the base, in other words the structure of the norms and rules that can be supplemented by the rulings adopted for the local government level. In these documents, the requirements for the construction of fences for the inhabited locality are dictated: the dominant relief of the terrain;
the presence of objects of cultural heritage, etc.
There may also be indicated the need for permission from local authorities for the construction of fencing. The issuance of such permits is carried out in the district and city administrations by departments in accordance with urban planning and architecture, which are looked at so that the life-support systems of populated areas (water supply, electricity networks, other utilities) are not located for personal fenced territory. In case of illegally constructed fencing, the owner will be forced to dismantle it due to own funds.
Precise verdict of the boundaries of the land plot It is recommended to turn to surveyors for problems with a clear definition of the boundaries of the land plot. The specialists will not only study the available documents, but also make an inspection of the terrain, after which they will give the applicant an order for which the position of the landmark symbols is fairly indicated. The boundary marks for the purpose of delimiting land plots located closely together are installed by specialists of companies licensed for this active
It seems to find the most experienced surveyor?
Find a competent surveyor is allowed through their own acquaintances, already addressed because of similar services in the proper building. Also it is allowed to use the list of organizations and personal businessmen who are licensed to carry out this type of work, who is in the authorities, who are in charge of issues of architecture and land management in the region, district of residence.
Study the price list of companies, as well as the list of services provided. Predominantly, take an interest in the accounting documents that you will own afterwards. Low prices for services should make you think, because the name can deceive the work according to the restoration of the boundaries of the land plot improperly. The dignity of all works is normalized, therefore cheap services are justified, usually, by poor quality of performing the necessary control measurements. The recruitment of such"experts"can only increase the collision between neighbors, because of the boundaries of the site.
Competent surveyors will give you a hand:
the action to restore the boundaries of the site;
the order of the land plot, in which the image and the schemes with the turning points of the boundaries of your site are pretty,
the explanatory letter to which the worker reports on the work performed.
in addition to the documents you need to penalize experts placements of survey character, also to explain, such as to bring them in conformity with the documents using a tape measure in case of loss or willful destruction. with the help of special measuring equipment surveyors determine the precise position of the plot borders, according to which later installed fencing
Try to negotiate with closely residing able to jointly pay surveyors' services. If they express unanimity, then provide in the contract the availability of an additional package of accounting documents.
What to arrange protection: requirements for materials
SNiPs do not put forward special requirements for materials, for the sake of erection. Well, the neighbors in most cases are dissatisfied not with the material chosen for the sake of construction, but the height of the structure. In this case, anger is almost always justified, because the construction of the highest fencing site of the closely located area is obscured and deprived of"airing". Therefore, for garden and household plots, created for feeding fruit and berry crops and vegetables, the city is established only with lumens. <
Such protection can exist:
The elevation of the enclosure between garden plots can not defeat a meter and a half . If someone ignores the cause of the norm (intentionally or according to ignorance), the affected side should apply with a written application to horticultural dominance or to local authorities. The installation of a deaf fence from the corrugated board is likely from the street side, with no permits take it is not necessary, if the height of the structure does not exceed one and a half meters
A fence with outbuildings may exist divided by a blind fence from the side of the roadway. If people's protection is built close, then they must fulfill the system of requirements in accordance with its remoteness through the borders of adjacent areas.
It seems to be correct to put the town?
The construction is guided by an extraditable rule in the book that carries the pillars of the structure have:
or for the boundary of the sites
or for the owner of the land plot that initiated the installation of the structure. /ul>Should strictly take care of the fact that all the way without exception, parts of the fence were for the area of the builder. No need to be wise and try to"chop off"the excessive ones. This can result in great troubles and material losses. Not a single neighbor drunk get used to a similar situation. Therefore, it is not necessary to disassemble a person's enlightened information about the seizure of an excess land belonging to it. To the construction of a fence installed adjacent to the ground areas, two main requirements are imposed: light permeability and air permeability. Hence the fences are done with gaps
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Вроде и чем нормируется высь огораживания?
Высь огораживаний промеж участками соседей, отведенными около личное жилищное строительство, не может побеждать 2-ух метров. Ежели же владелец земли планирует поставить оградительное здание выше данного значения, то ему нужно получить дозволение у конструктора.As if the land user, who establishes a city in a concrete proximity to the road, is forced to fight for no reason at all. With all this, the height of enclosure can only achieve 1 meter. In the unfortunate case of the designer's permission, the owner of the site will not receive it. There are restrictions for the construction of the fence and its height for areas with angular position. Through only the lights do not fence off the highest fence, but you are allowed to take risks. Tokmo for what? After all, the top part is always open
Where to arrange a building and other facilities for the site?
Personal developers are trying with the greatest benefit to extract a separate meter of land. With all this they forget about the book, which is established by law, how many meters through the fence of neighbors it is allowed to start building a building without violating the rights of people living close. Consequently, the choice of a site for a site near the construction of residential and other facilities should be managed closely by the existing rules that normalize the distance through these structures to the boundaries of foreign sites, namely :
3 and more meters retreat through houses , also through other living quarters;
4 meters left through the premises created for keeping birds and small livestock
1 meter - in front of the garage and other types of technical premises.
Note that the average elevation should be planted for a distance of 2 meters through the fence of the neighbor, and the highest - 4 m. The layout of the main sites for the infield relative to the fence. The planting of trees and shrubs also takes into account the legal standards
The gap between the house built for your site and the boundary of your neighbor's area should be measured through the walls or the base of the structure in this case, if the ledges, canopies and other elements of the structure do not bulge for more than 50 cm. If the indicated meaning is exceeded, then The gap is determined through the protruding structures. Always allowed to agree with the person, just do not forget to fix a compromise agreement for the paper. This act will protect you in court in case of conflict, confirming the correctness of the actions taken by you to build a fence and a house for the site.
Compliance with fire regulations
With great attention it is necessary to concern with observance of fire-prevention norms of construction, because through this depends your existence and the existence of your loved ones. Build materials belong to different classes of flammability. Proceeding from this, it is necessary to abstain from the norms of the SNiP, establishing a small gap between buildings constructed for the site, namely: 6 meters should be divided into objects constructed of non-combustible building materials, such as concrete or brick;
li>8 meters should exist between concrete and brick buildings with wood ceilings or other elements made of wood
15 meters is considered to be a non-hazardous minimum between the wooden buildings.
The remaining meters between the objects will help save the building being a fire, raging for a site close, because the fire will not be able to spill over for a nearby building. Well, it's easier for a special vehicle to drive up to the place of fire if it is not blocked by numerous buildings literally well-wishing for a friend.