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Campanula: caring for elegant bells at home...

Campanula: caring for elegant bells at home
Reputation Campanula in lovers of indoor flowers is growing. This is facilitated by its unpretentiousness, duration and abundance of flowering. In order to campaign perfectly felt at home, through the owner will need to give her a minimum of time. The rules are consistent with the care of the plant is small, but they eat. With them is to learn and follow the advice, here the plant will"thank you"with colorful bells.
Looks like a campaigner Campanula is a family of herbaceous perennials related to the Campanulaceae family. Now there are about three hundred of its representatives. Her name in Latin translates"bell"and because of the appropriate form of plants in common speech, campaigners often call bells. To eat and more poetic name -"falling stars."

In nature, luxurious bells often grow up for what seemed like a desire, naked mountains However, there is another version, the consent of which, the bell should be the form of the campaignan, not the reverse. This church situation was for the first time made in the Italian province of Campania after that, like the clergy Pauline paid homage for the beautiful flowers that swung for the wind and as if secretly ringing. According to his order, molds reproducing their form"flowers"from copper were cast. According to the place of origin, the bell was called"Campanul", in other words"Campanian". Then this name was transferred to the plant as well. The flowers of Campanula are moderate, but very luxurious and stylish
The Campanula is widely spread in Europe and Asia, some of the future ones are found in North America. Its habitat is the Mediterranean coast, the Caucasus, the foothills of the Alps, Central Asia, Siberia. Regarding the climate, there are special preferences for Campanula - it feels good for meadows, forests, steppes, and rocky plateaus. As if the nature itself was created for feeding with an ampel method. A barrel can rise up to 15 cm high steadily. However, the shoots in the plant are too long (near 0, 5 m), thin, hence they nickle about the weight of the plants. The last resemble small five-petalled bells, long before 5 cm and 2-4 cm in diameter, painted in various colors of blue, blue, violet or white.

The cascade of flower-stars looks very beautiful, and in the pot the bushes are very elegantly dressed

But you do not need to change the campaign in the vine, trying to throw it upwards according to the support. The plant is not adapted to this at all, and, most likely, simple will die.
Popularity in lovers of indoor plants enjoys two breeding hybrids, named"bride and groom."In the Alba variety, the flowers are white, in Mayi they are lilac-blue. They are usually bestowed to marry. It is believed that these plants will provide the newlyweds with family well-being, prosperity and comfort in the house. And the consent of the old acquaintance, the woman who grows the Campanula, will necessarily acquire a real attraction, and the pensioners will have a measured serene old age. Experienced gardeners note that to be planted in a single pot"bride"over time, noticeably displaces the"groom", hence the desire to establish in advance the vestibule in the flower pot
The flower is valued by the supporters of the Feng Shui teachings. Consent of this philosophy, the plant creates a warm and cozy atmosphere in the house, improves the spiritual climate, promotes the development of the creativity of the owner and literally"attracts"to it the means and material goods.
The campanula is amusing the eye not only with flowers, but with catchy greens of salad color. Leaves are heart-shaped, 3-7 cm long, for long petioles are placed for the stems separately. Some species of margins are carved with small denticles. Buds are collected in loosened corymbose inflorescences. Flowering lasts almost six months - from the middle of spring before the end of the sunshine.

The grass of the Campanula also looks very nice, but still it is not the weight of the plant
The true plus of the campaigners is virtually complete lack of attention from the pets. The plant is not poisonous, for sure, they just do not like the style. The Campanula needs no food, fearing that the bushes will be eaten by cats.

The Campanula is a European plant, and probably has good frost resistance, hence it is extensively used in landscape design, in book numbers and in Russia
Video: the external appearance of the plant
The campanula is equalist (isophylla). The length of shoots - before 30 cm. The leaves are rounded with a jagged edge. The diameter of the plants is about 4 cm. For the base of the campaignanula, the Alba and Mayi modifications are the same: the same"bride"and"groom."
style="text-align: justify"> Carpathian carpatica. The height and width of the bush is about 30 cm. The leaves of the ovoid form are collected in a basal rosette. Flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm lilac-blue. The blossoming period is rather short-lived - three summer months.
Blauranke Campaign (blauranke). It grows up to 20 cm in height. Flowers pastel blue, 5-6 cm across.
Pozharsky's Campaign (poscharskyana). Leaves in the form of a practically right circle. Shoots are longish, creeping. The flowers are small, 2-2.5 cm across, bright-violet. Excellent tolerates cold and smallness.
Portenschlagana (portenschlagiana). The height is about 15 cm. The leaves are cordate, the flowers are purple. Paint from May in September. Do not lose decorativeness even during the period of rest - the old shoots dry only in spring, if a new growth is already occurring.
Garganica Campaign. The height of the plant is about 15 cm. Creepers are creeping. Flowers are sky-blue, with a diameter of about 5 cm. Paint all summer, even in the penumbra. The Alpestris Campaign. A small plant with a height of less than 5-10 cm. The flowers are bright blue. Flowering is abundant, long.
Campanula lozhechnitelnaya (cochleariifolia). Vys - 15-20 cm. The leaves are small (3-5 cm in length). The cola of the petals varies through the white in front of the bright blue.
Campaign is terry (gemina). A popular breeding hybrid."Parents"- campaigned Carpathian and couch potatoes. For one plant, terry flowers of different colors are unfolded - through the white before the inky-violet. Carved leaves are placed very tightly, literally plastering trunks. The plant is rather fastidious in the care, for any errors the gardener reacts by the lack of flowering. There is also the discharge of small hybrids - Blue Bali, White Bali, Blue Wonder, White Wonder. Campanula varieties grown at home. h3>

Koler of the petals of the Campanula Spoonfulfish varies through snow-white before the blue, depending on the growth criterion.
The rank of terry species Bali is popular due to its small size
No matter what terry campaigner looks very nice
The pre-Alpine kampanula does not exceed 5-10 cm in height
Gargant Campaign is the least demanding of light than other species
The Portenwegla Campaign preserves decorativeness even during the period of rest div> Pozharsky's Campaign stands out very colorful colors
Campaign Blauranka - breeding hybrid, derived for the base of Pozharsky's campaigner Campaign Mayi - a hybrid who often makes up a pair of Alba/
for a window sill or in one pot. Alba Campaign - a breeding hybrid named"bride »
Kampanula ravnolistnaya grown at home criteria in most cases, it is the same - the basis for most of the selection test
in addition kampanuly terry, home-grown and other criteria selection modification .

Gallery: Merit breeding s

mauve flowers similar to stars
Campaign Dwarf - far flowers are not difficult to confuse with lilacs
Hybrid Kronprinsesse - pastel pink bells
The Loddon Anne Campaign is a very fascinating and fragile pink-lilac petal color.
Brilliant quality RB Loder - pastel blue terry large (5-6 cm across) bells
HybridMiss Whilmote - bright blue flowers
Quality Celestina - sky blue bells
Campaigned White Star - flowers of a very pure white color
Like to make a flower the best local climate
The Campanula is a European plant, hence in the book, in order to make it the best local climate, there is nothing complicated. More than just she is demanding of the light.
List: rational conditions for feeding campaigners
Reason Tips Location Windows of east or west exposure. For the southern ones, pritenyat is necessary, for the northern ones it should be lightened. From the middle of spring before the end of September, the campaigner can live for an open balcony or in the garden, if it is protected through direct sunlight. For winter, the plant is removed further through working heating batteries or covered with a dense cloth. Campana loves a new atmosphere, but does not react well for cool drafts. Explanation A long light day and a brilliant confused aristocracy with shading through direct sunlight. td>Temperature The plant does not actually suffer through temperature changes, but rational characteristics - 23-25? C in the interval of active vegetation and 12-15? C during the rest. The heat of the campaign does not go well. Humidity The indicator is not topical for the sake of proper growth and development of the campaign. Standard 40-50% of the whole will arrange the plant. However, because of everyday or even a desire for weekly spraying, it is quite grateful to the owner. Tokmo look, so that the medicine does not fall for the petals. During the flowering period, it is permissible to raise the humidity of air by other methods.

The Campanula needs the brightest, but scattered light
The Campanula has an attribute to rush to the light source. Hence the bush goes sloppy, skosobochivshimsya. And the deprivation of the form is very vivid. To avoid this, once a week turn the pot in one direction (according to the watchman or against it). A sharp turn for 180? will lead to the fact that the plant will throw flowers and leaves. The best place for picking a pot is for a room so that the aristocracy more or less moderately falls for it from two sides.

The Campanula reaches for the light source, hence the bushes are noticeably pointed one by one The effect of transplantation and preparation for it
Campanula transplantation at home is sometimes done. Lesson in the book, which decorates the plant retains its apogee of 2-3 age, then the flowering becomes significantly less abundant, shoots are bare. It is therefore much easier to root the cuttings or to bring new specimens out of the seeds.
Still, a transplant can still be required, although the flower does not transfer it perfectly. For example, it is needed, if the pots appeared from the pot or the plant fell ill. The best time for the procedure is the early spring or the middle of the sunset (that's the gap if the blossom has not yet begun or has already been completed). The campaigning purchased in the store should be transplanted as soon as possible, apogee after 2-3 days after purchase. A mesh of fibers for the sake of hydroponics, as it is sold, is not at all suitable for the purpose of feeding the crop at home. In the process, shorten shoots for about a third, tear flowers and buds all the way.
The pot is chosen spacious and shallow, increasing its diameter for 5-8 cm. The roots of the Campanula are quick to learn the news place. Extremely large and voluminous vase is undesirable - the plant paints a lot, if only the roots tightly weave the ground piece.
The earth prefers the flower light and gentle, however nutritious. Such a bottom is excellent for letting atmosphere and water pass. The entire substrate is suitable for the sake of budding houseplants, but other options are also eaten:
leafy soil and peaty baby (1: 1);
common ground for indoor plants, peat ,
The campaign does not impose special requirements on the soil - it will be satisfied by the standard earth for the sake of blooming houseplants.
In the transplant itself is nothing complicated:

Fill a quarter of the volume of the new pot with drainage. If the plant is very large - then the third part. Cover the small pebbles with the freshest substrate, pouring it into the container in about half.
Pour a lot of plant, remove it from an old container. According to the ability to try to keep the piece of land whole. With a sharp, unblemished knife, cut 3-5 mm of the roots, which were folded at the bottom in a continuous"pile". At the edges make a lot of longitudinal incisions of the same depth.
Arrange the campaign in an unprecedented pot, fill the substrate. Slightly compact the soil. Evenly, plant the plant.
Transfer the transplanted specimens to the penumbra, provide coolness (18-20? C). If the campaign is going to profit, return it to the previous room. The Campanula is transplanted by the way of transshipment
Campanula is a rather undemanding plant. Most of the requirements set by her apply to watering, although she can, without much harm to herself, be satisfied without water for 12-14 days.
The soil in the pot is moistened, as a high discharge of soil will dry out. In severe heat, you may need to water everyday or twice a day. Approximately half an hour after the procedure, you must always drain excess water from the pan.
Water is consumed just soft, at room temperature. Hard can provoke wilting plants. Therefore, if there is the ability to water the campaign with melt, rain or bottled water, filter, boil or defend the tap.
style="text- aligned: justify;"> In the active vegetation period, the campaigner needs to be fed every 10-12 days, as it is wasting much power for flowering. It will fit any fertilizer for the sake of budding indoor plants (Perfection, Rainbow, Pokon, Bona Forte, Agricola, Kemira-Lux). Prepared, according to the annotation, the substance is watered with a flower. <
The Campanula needs constant feeding - any medicine is suitable for the sake of budding houseplants.
Video: leaving out the campaigner

Education of the bush
So that the plant retains its decorativeness and pure visibility, the budding buds and dried leaves must be eliminated. This also applies to"bald"shoots from below. Provoke flowering will help pinch - firing early spring top 2-3 leaves from shoots. 3-4 weeks later, without any reason, they come with a seeming lateral growth.

Pinching the tips of shoots provokes branching and formation of more flower buds
Video: right cropping
For the sake of campaigning age does not matter, they bloom for young shoots, hence their individual year must be answered or updated. For work, the shoot through this bush (half a year to the plant) is already dazzlingly dye. Tsimes
http://forum.bestflowers. com/t/kampanula.1289/page-30

Campanula loves the coolness and the new atmosphere, frequent watering, and the desire for the morning sun. It is allowed to plant in ready-made soils"Senpolia". Cut flowers, like they will dry out, and all, according to the light, is allowed to trim all branches, then the campaign will then grow better. Water with Zircon, HB-101 or other biostimulants. Natalichka4477

The Campanula is kept in winter in a cold place, being at a temperature of 10-12? C. Requires bright lighting (in summer for southern and eastern windows needs to be shaded). Summer often watered, in winter sometimes, because you need a rest period. In spring, the upper dried parts of the shoots are cut, leaving the lower ones, for which fresh shoots are formed from the sleeping buds. Propagate by seeds and cuttings (in February-March). Cuttings are rooted in the consistency of peat with sand. To prevent decay, cuttings are slightly sprayed. Use a kind of ampel plant. Morela
The drying of the leaves is the main sign of the lack of light. Campanula requires a well-lit room. She also needs a wet atmosphere, and water needs a little warmer than room temperature. Immediately fall, cut watering, watering should be done according to the extent of drying out of the earth, but continue to accurately moisten the atmosphere. Very harmful for her drafts, a frayed impassive atmosphere. It is imperative to eliminate yellowed leaves and wilted flowers. If the main trunk dies off, then dying parts must also be blocked, but see if you have a young shoot there, under no circumstances will they hurt. And further. Campanul can not stand, if they lift her shoots upward, giving her the appearance of a creeper. This should not be done.
Many people know a room flower, who call"the bride and groom", and officially - the campaigner. Ampel'noe plant with small leaves and snow-white or blue bells. In advance, these flowers were granted for marriage. However, to eat such an exception, which if you land them in a single vase, then the"bride"(snow-white bell) obviously suppress the gains of the"groom"(blue bell). And you should know this exception and plant flowers in different containers or remove the septum in the flowerpot. For the main eye, the plant is allowed to be called undemanding, but if the conditions of detention do not suit it, it may die. In the summer it is difficult for a plant to tolerate a dispassionate atmosphere and a higher temperature. It should be sprayed non-stop, watered a lot, but not extinguished, and evaluated in the penumbra. If you plan to go on leave, then hope for the one that the campaign has been waiting for you and pretty well, should not be. The flower asks for an unchanged removal of dried flowers and leaves, a repeating residue.

Campanula is my favorite indoor plant. Education because of it is not very intricate. He likes warmth, a new atmosphere and spraying (however, we do not spray flowers, if they turn black). He does not like overflow and drafts. Paint preferably in summer and very much (to be correct care). In the autumn, she has a rest period, she must be cut and put in a cold room, however, she needs watering all the time (very liquid). And the most important - the soil should exist loosely with a good drainage (I put either expanded clay, or styrofoam). It is good to solve the moss-sphagnum moss in the bottom of the pot, it does not end up rooting out rot and possesses bactericidal qualities. It is allowed to plant it in the park, it feels great there, it also dazzles itself all summer.
Campanula is a modest, yet original and unique plant that will decorate every interior. It is difficult to find a culture that blossoms so long and it is long in home conditions. Provide the plant with the right temperature, abundant watering and a brilliant aristocracy - and you have enough in your house not only beauty, but family well-being, and good.

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