Both in the office premises and in the apartments there is a premise for dracen. They are beautiful, diverse in accordance with the shape and color and freely fit into the interior. However, the external appearance of these plants depends on the correctness of leaving them because of them.
Drachen's photo Seeing for dracaena is one pleasure! It is logical that gardeners with pleasure photograph the bait of the plant and spread these images on the web.
Photogallery: future dracene
Dracaena, who grew up afterwards the remainder of the crowns
Dracaena, grown from a poppy seed "Children's"place for Drachen's sake Feeding rules
Drazen is an undemanding plant. However, there are certain aspects of its transplant and development that must be taken care of before starting breeding.
The room nearby through windows with good lighting, without direct sunlight and drafts, is perfect for these plants.
Best temperature Watering Dracene needs a uniform, constant moisture of the earth, but without overmoistening, because if they can bend the roots. In the summer, watered, if the high level of earth dries. In winter it is watered much less often (approximately 1 time in 2 months), but do not allow the whole earth to dry out. The soil is slightly loosened between waterings, so that the atmosphere penetrates to the roots. The water is required to stay at room temperature. For the sake of watering the dracaena, it is necessary to extract water at room temperature. In the interval from April to August, once in 2 weeks they are fed fertilizers for the sake of indoor flowers, added to the water for irrigation, then they restrict feeding, in winter, they are practically not fed. In an unpleasant situation, the rest period is quite disturbed, which will lead to dracene depletion.
Vegetative the multiplication of all kinds of dracen is done with the help of pieces of the trunk, layers, apical cuttings.
Create pruning for the sake of strengthening the branching and giving unique shapes, cutting off the highest part of the shoot. Trimming Dracaena allows to give the plant an unusual shape Draconic Transplant
Transplantation refers to a complete substitution of the land for transplantation with the probable transfer of the plant to another capacity. This is an effective medicine for the sake of giving the plant new strength. The reason for making a decision about transplantation is the following:
the dracaena has a full pot once roots. Relative of this is the fact that the water being watered is practically not absorbed, the roots protrude above the surface. For young dracene, such good comes one day, and for adults, once in 5 years;
dracene grows poorly, the leaves change color, which indicates a probable unhappy with the roots or with soil. Pot selection
An unprecedented pot must exist for 2 cm more than the previous one. The landmark is also the following: for a plant height of 40 cm you need a pot that is more than 15 cm in width. Clay and plastic pots are suitable. If the basis for transplantation is the need to simply change the soil, then the pot can be left unchanged, but it must be decontaminated. There should be holes in the bottom of the pot for the drain of excess water.
The time of transplantation
The best time for transplantation is the end of winter - the onset spring, it is allowed to transplant before August.
Transfer of dracaena
Transshipment refers to the modification of transplantation if the plant is removed from the pot together with a clod of earth and, without affecting the roots, they are transferred (rearranged) to an unprecedented pot of a larger size. The voids are filled with prepared soil.
This method is used in the autumn season (as needed), if the good of the plant is not bad and the substitution of land is not required. Transshipment is for the sake of the plant more sparing, therefore it can get used a couple of times a year.
Features of transfer after purchase
If to eat remarks to the external appearance of the dracaena, or does not inspire confidence in the capacity and the bottom, the plant is transplanted immediately with the substitution of both the pot and the land. If the plant is authoritative, and the pot is good, the dracenium should not be traumatized unnecessarily, but transplanted through the moon by transshipment.
Transplantation of a tremendous dracaena
style="Text-align: justify;"> It is better not to transplant huge dracaenes without the need for a lasting, because they will not be able to take root easily, and the transfer of a large tree is laborious. It is better to carefully loosen a high discharge of moist land (about 4 cm), trying not to touch the roots,
Parenting after transplantation
The plant then undergoes a healthy transplant, it takes time to adapt the root system to new conditions, so that new roots begin to be created. The main watering is abundant. Excess water, moistened with a full piece of land, should bother in a pallet. The transplanted dracenes are watered infrequently, since the root order has not yet penetrated the ground piece, and the water is slowly absorbed and evaporated.
Subsequent watering then do that, like a high level of ground coma (for 2-3 cm) will dry out. Allowed for 10 days to give a single catalyst for the sake of root formation"Kornevin"(1 g/liter of water). The plant is put in a shady room for a week, sprinkled to avoid drying out. After that, the upbringing of the plant becomes standard.
The possibility of combining the transplant with the trimming
And the transplant, and pruning is stress for the sake of plants. Being a dracaena graft increases the new rootlets, being pruned the available roots again work to form new shoots. You do not need to cooperate without these procedures.
The need for such actions appears, if you need to keep the diseased Dracaena. It is cut and transplanted into the newest soil. This is allowed only in the vernal period of active growth. A live poppy is set for rooting.
Photo gallery: stages of dracene transplant
The plant is in an active growth stage and asks for transplantation because the roots cramped
Unprecedented pot is forced to exist more old
Undoubtedly before filling the soil we add small stones
Transplanted dracaena: the root neck should exist for the ground level div><
Step-by-step order according to dracene transplant
In order to get a healthy and viable plant as a result of transplantation, act according to the following method:
Drazen water a lot from the day before the transplant.
Select a pot of the appropriate size.
style="text -align: justify;">For the bottom of the prepared pot, pour small pebbles (claydite or a small pebble).
Pour a narrow discharge of earth. A little moisturizing.
We remove the roots from the ground, trying them out not to injure. Root roots are cropped.
Roots moisten.
Put the dracen at the center of the pot, shaking the plant and tampering it a little.
The earth is forced to cover the root of the dracaenium without any roots and exist below the edge of the container for approximately 3 cm, the root neck should be for the ground level. li> It is permissible to sleep with drainage or with moss. Rooted cuttings of dracen are planted in accordance with a similar scheme, except for root washing. If the stalk is rooted in the ground, then a piece of land is allowed to be preserved. During the transplantation of the dracaena, an excess of roots must be answered and their decaying parts removed. Probable difficulties
A transplant can come to dracene damage, if it needed irrigation at the time of transplantation or was only just watering.
The first 2 weeks the plant tries to adapt to new conditions hence it can exclude and waste leaves. However, if the plant suffers further, it is necessary to analyze:
Do not over-moisten - check if the drainage hole is clogged
whether the room has a dry out - check the moisture of the ground near the wall of the pot Dracaena is allowed to help by adjusting the order of irrigation and irrigation, creating a local climate - covering the plant for a week with a plastic bag with perforations. It is allowed to sprinkle with the growth catalyst Zirkon"(2 medicine for 200 ml). If the plant continues to die, repeat the full transplant effect.
Sometimes the Dracaena is confused with another plant of the Drachen family, the cordillin. To distinguish them is allowed according to
roots. They are orange in the dracena, and white in the cordillins. Cordillina forms a copious root layer.
Rejoice Dracaena with proper care - and she will give you pleasure in beauty.
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