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How to make a tent for a summer cottage: we make a...

How to make a tent for a summer cottage: we make a portable place for summer holidaysFar away, not a single ruler of a suburban house can be able to design a gazebo for the site, which one likes to live by, enjoying the rest. A charming alternative to a classic gazebo will be the network for the sake of giving. Comfortable construction that protects owners and guests in the hot noon through scorching sunlight or on a terrible day through drops of rain, you can buy at the horticultural center. All because of this pleasure will have to put a decent amount. And therefore, it is important to venture to design networks for the sake of giving oneself, who will fit organically into the current building agreement.
The essence of the fate of the tent for the sake of giving is to provide additional convenience for the sake of rest for the fresh air, whether it is noisy pastime in the circle of the company of friends or a measured rest with nature. And the essence of the tent is in the book, which at any moment it can be moved to any comfortable room, without any special bumps, by placing it near a pond or setting it for a lawn in the garden. The web is quick to evaluate and free to eat. A lightweight collapsible structure is allowed and it is much more desirable to take with oneself for the car.
Depending on the size of the tent and the main purpose of the structure, it can exist: stationary or collapsible, in the form of a spacious gazebo or a smaller tent. Tents can own 4, 6 and even 10 faces, Garden tents and awnings are universal constructions, near the vaults of which an entire society or a large family can easily fit in.
The abundance of choice of models is wide, starting with the usual variants of awning in the form of pieces of cloth stretched between trees, and ending with real tents"Sultan"
Without cause, through the models, the inevitable part of the design is the presence of protective"walls"in accordance with the three sides of the tent. They are made of fabric material. The front wall of the awning is hung with a transparent mosquito net that protects through annoying flies, wasps and mosquitoes.
A suitable premise is the wife of the business
By planning the ennobling of the garden tent or awning, Сбалансированный вариант ради размещения дачного шатра – открытая ровненькая площадка в саду либо прямо около дома для фоне наряженного цветника
Ежели же вы планируете крышу выполнить не из тканевого материала, а поликарбоната, то сверху поперечин должен расположить стропила, сделать которые также дозволено из бруса сечением 50х50 ммДля стропила укладываем и фиксируем обрешетку, для которую при помощи шурупов крепим укрывной материя.
Вариация #2 — железная беседка-шатер
Ради установки такового шатра для приглянувшейся площадке должен для месте расположения опорных стоек расположить четыре бетонных диска либо плиты с отверстием сообразно центру. Они будут ходить фундаментом конструкции.Более любопытно довольно смотреться и сети, имеющий в базе железный каркас. Такая строение зрительно не довольно смотреться громоздко и совершенно впишется в ландшафтный дизайн участкаВ отверстия дисков устанавливаем железные пруты либо сделанные из крепкого пластика трубки. Верхние концы прутов соединяем промеж собой при помощи проволоки либо хомутов, создавая дуги-опоры.
Then, like the frame is pretty assembled, the high edge of the fabric is picked up and fixed, tie it up with a string or wire, at the junction of the carcass arches. Then the fabric is straightened and pulled over the rods. Warn the slip of the fabric will allow additional ties, which can be sewn from the inside of the tent in places of contact with the frame. About 3-4 racks are allowed to tighten the mosquito net, leaving room free for entry.
Variation #3 - naive"house"for the sake of games
It's not superfluous to take enough care also about the youngest members of the family. For the sake of the children we propose to design a special one. This"house"is able to freely accommodate a small company of 2-3 fidgets. Beautiful network, made in the brightest colors and crowned with appliqués of fairy-tale characters, is rather loved by your children's pastime
For the arrangement of such a dressed tent you will need:
Plastic hoop d=88 cm;
3-4 meters of cotton fabric or lining
Velcro tape
Mosquito net or tulle
The width of the base of the 1st lower cone is quite close to 50 cm, and the length of the detail is quite subject to the supposed elevation of the tent. Between each other, we sew together the cone-shaped elements of the"A"and"B"parts. In a single design, they are assembled with 6 ribbons sewn for an equidistant distance along the edge, which we tie to the hoop-frame. From the selected fabric cuts, we cut out four similar"A"parts that will hang the lower part of the structure and four parts"B"for the sake of the higher part of the tent.
To join the details of"A"and"B"we place the frill made of cuts of fabric of contrasting colors. For the sake of fixing the tent-cone and hanging it to the branches of the tree, we equip the structure dome with a loop with a ring.
For the production of frills, stripes of 18-20 cm wide are required. We strip the stripes in half in half, and we design them for semicircle sizes. In accordance with the outlined contours, we spread the frill, then cut off the allowances and turn the strip outward. The loop is made from a 30x10 cm cut from the fabric, which is also folded in half, is stretched and twisted. For the fastening of the eyelet for the dome of the tent, you will need to cut 4 small cones, between which we insert a loop and spend it together with the details
As a frame of the"house"is a plastic hoop, to which, with the help of sewn along the edges of the ribbons, the"walls"of the tent are suspended. Paul for the tent is made of 2 sections of fabric with a diameter of 1 m, which we spend between ourselves, laying a foam rubber, and turn out. On the outer perimeter of the floor we sew the velcro tape in several places.
We sew the beak to the lower edge of the cone-shaped parts"A"and sew a spot around the sticking of the Velcro tape, with which it will tolerate the bottom of the tent. For the arrangement of the entrance, we map out the dimensions of the hole. From the mosquito net or tulle we cut out the curtains and sew them on the inside over the entrance lap. According to the perimeter of the entrance we are using a wide oblique bake of yellowish fabric
Patterns for appliqués are made from the same fabric, gluing the elements between themselves using gluey spider webs. The walls of the tent are adorned with appliqués, attaching them to a tortuous seam.
A video clip with examples of other constructions Advantages of tapping cultivation
Feeding cucumbers for trellis is much more productive than in rasstil. This is justified by the fact that the vertical placement of the formation can get rid through last year's"deposits"of infection in the soil. And even getting hit by disease-causing water with the water for the lower leaves of the plant, they do not spread further, briskly drying out together with droplets of dew. Tapestry - a structure consisting of a support and stand, according to which the wire is stretched or burned for embroidering the luxurious stems of frizzy plants
Around the ennobling of supporting structures often use ready-made vertical surfaces, constructing a row with stretched wire near walls, poles and fences.
Tapestry can be removed to be grown cucumbers like open ground, for no reason and in hotbeds. Such an installation has a mass of irrefutable advantages, the main ones between which are:
Thrift of the land area. The bed, equipped with trellises near the cucumber, occupies a minimum of space, but at the same time it can accommodate twice as many plants.
Lowering the risk of diseases of culture. Through the elimination of the contact of the stem and leaves of the lianas with the ground, it is simpler to only prevent the capitulation of the culture with peronosporosis and powdery mildew
Acceleration of the vegetation process. In well-ventilated crops, the daytime temperature difference is not causeless. Thanks to the vertical cultivation, the plant receives more light and warmth, which certainly affects its development.
Increase of harvest volumes. It seems that the attempt of gardeners using a number to grow cucumbers indicates that it is possible to collect correct care from a plot of 5 square meters only in front of 80 kg of healthy greens. Hanging from the lash of vegetables is not deformed and have a uniform saturated color.
Perturbation due to culture. Twisting the rods, the liana is moderately distributed according to the support. This greatly simplifies the processing of stems and leaves of plants through pests, as well as fertilizing and watering.
A mixture of pure crop. Due to the vertical location of the crop, the ripened fruits do not touch the moistened earth, so their scavenging is excluded. Well, the harvest mix takes a minimum of time and effort. Between vertically positioned supports comfortably alternate. Due to the uniform dispersal of the plant in accordance with the support to be removed from the fruit, it is easier to prevent creases and a lack of luxurious stems.
It is not necessary to have vertical growth of the culture to break all the foliage in search of the fruit, taking into account that the fast growing trunk from the season can achieve 3 meters
More representative looks trellis, the construction of the cells of which the wooden slats replace the strong bundles, stretched between the cantilever bars
The work is done in fairly steps:
Installation of pillars. The sides of the future bed are driven into the support posts, placing them for a distance of 1.5-2 m. For the sake of obtaining a sturdily constructed structure capable of withstanding its load along with the crop, the columns near the row are digged for a depth of 60 mm.
Securing the supports. For the sake of giving the structure a slightly inclined position, the edge anchor supports are installed at an angle of 70 ° relative to the ground surface. To anchor the inclined supports with wire extensions, the free edges of which are attached to the iron corners buried in the ground at an angle of 90 °.
The frame building. To the upper edges of the vertical pillars nail the horizontal crossbar. It is quite a walk around the frame, because of some pretty tolerated lathing from thinner racks.
The action of the crate. Thin slats with a width of 30 mm are screwed to the scaffold frame in such a manner to obtain cells measuring 15 cm. The joints are allowed to be accurately glued with waterproof glue. Want, so that the tapestry carried not only a multifunctional load, and acted as an ornament of the garden? Here, provide it with a unique arched design, which, according to the pattern, can not be cut out from the remains of the tree. The arcs and segments of the structure can be connected freely by"planting"them for glue and staples, and the arch itself is attached to the pole by means of a bolted joint. The cells are allowed to add the shape of a diamond or square, the desire to crate freely"drown"in the frame, slats
Being a trellis mesh for the sake of fixing it to the frame is convenient to remove the staples, which are allowed to be performed from ordinary carnations. For the sake of this, for Reiki, pretty nails are pricked, placing them for a distance of 40-60 cm. It is allowed to bend the studs slightly, giving them the shape of hooks. It remains only to each bracket to draw a thick rope and pull it parallel to the ground, with the free end of the reel attached to a standing pillar close to it.
In accordance with the same principle, vertical threads are also pulled. In order to make a grid with cells, vertical threads are first intertwined with a transverse wire, and then the free ends are screwed to the pegs driven into the ground.
Variation #2 - iron structure
For the sake of the construction of such a structure, it will be necessary to exert more effort, and it will serve as if it were not only a decade. Racks of iron rods can be placed for a distance of 2-4 meters, but if materials allow, it is worthwhile to own a thicker
For the sake of work it will be necessary: ​​
bars of the armature length 180-200 cm;
narrow pipe for the crossbar;/li>iron pegs
electric welding tool
garden drill and hammer
iron wire
In locations where the support posts are installed with the help of a garden drill, holes of 35-45 cm depth are made. Pre-cut iron rods are inserted in them. Pits installed in the pit are"driven"into the ground with a hammer. The remaining voids between the rods and the walls of the pits are filled with earth and densely packed. Vertical supports are joined between themselves, aligning the horizontal edge between them with a horizontal crossbar, the iron elements are connected through electric welding
In order to protect construction through rust damage, all the elements should be cleaned and coated with an anti-corrosion compound or alkyd paint.
Having built the frame of the structure, they run to the arrangement of the cloth for the sake of weaving. For the sake of this, it is permissible to remove iron wire, which is simply pulled between the crossbar and metal pegs driven into the ground. They are located for a distance of 15-20 cm well-wisher through a friend on both sides of the bed.
In order to make a very strong construction, it is necessary to remove the wire width of more than 2 mm. For the creation of a mesh fabric, the wire is arranged in fairly rows, pulling between the supports with a height of 15-20 cm and through every half meter. A high order of desire is to perform from a thicker wire (d=3.5 mm), since it is quite enough to speak the main load.
Iron trellis is a rather heavy construction, which is problematic for a separate season to wear according to the site, seeking to organize a crop rotation of the earth. In order to simplify the work for the place of its installation in the following season, it is allowed to plant curly beans or peas.
Variation #3 - protection from the tire and rim of the wheel
For the construction of economical According to the costs of the variant, a series of used frames will be needed. It is quite a"heart"of design. Ideally, for this purpose, the frame is suitable for large-sized transport: a tractor, a combine or a truck. Occupation of the support of the highest part of the design is enough to execute the bicycle frame, from which it must pre-rotate the spokes in advance. Tapestry from a bicycle rim due to a representative appearance according to the law can begin with an unusual element of vertical gardening and decorated decoration of the site. First, with the help of a Bulgarian, the tire is cut along the length. The cut off portion is laid for the placement of the future bed. At the center of the circle insert 2 iron rods 1.5-2 m high, placing them so that the structure has the form of a hut.

Then in the center of the circle, agreeing within the hut, and in the groove of the cut off tire, sprinkle the corn land.
The place left over the wheel should be"hidden", covered with cuts of old sacking. The edges of the cuts are tucked up, hiding about the tire laid on the ground, giving the garden a more cautious visibility.
In the lined sacking, for fairly equidistant distance, cut through the holes near the planting of seedlings. In order to protect tender seedlings through temperature fluctuations, in accordance with the perimeter of the improvised bed, agrarian fibers are pulled, raising it only for the time of loosening and watering. They remove the covering material together with the burlap afterwards, such as the mature shoots reach a height of 15-20 cm, and the surrounding temperature will at all stand.