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Installation of fence posts: installation methods...

Installation of fence posts: installation methods for various structuresFences are an integral element in the development of suburban areas. Fences are not only reliable protection through inquisitive views and uninvited"guests."They act as a finishing touch of the integrity of the building ensemble. Beautiful, luxurious and reliable fences, being the"face"of the site, are designed to help its aesthetic properties. To be arranged for any fence, special attention is always paid to the selection and installation of such parts, such as bearing pillars. Faithfully made poles for the sake of fence will increase the strength of the structure and complement it in accordance with the design and style.
Selecting materials for the arrangement of pillars
When choosing matter for the sake of supporting pillars, it must be recognized for what they should refrain from the load created by the fence sections, mechanical impacts and massive wind loads. In the suburban construction, iron, wood, concrete or brick poles are used in the construction of fences in most cases.
Iron pillars are universal in use, as they are suitable for the construction of fences made of iron grating or mesh, wood fence, plastic sections and profilist. Wood poles - the only one of the most common options for arranging fencing, but in the distance is not a real penny. Fences made of wood are always aesthetically and prestigious
Concrete and brick pillars purposefully set to be the device of languorous fences. All, sometimes brick pillars people set as a decoration. In this case, they serve as a good"visiting card"for the sake of the secured site. Concrete pillars are relatively inexpensive and technological. They, like iron pillars, are strong and durable
Brick poles are the only one of the most expensive options for fencing. Thanks to the abundance of modern materials, fences made of bricks are a worthy decoration of the facade.
Layout of the fence construction
When deciding to build a defense, it should outline the location of its location for the site and effect retaliation for future pillars. Competent retribution will prevent the skewing and filling of the enclosing structure during use. On average, the interval between the poles does not exceed 2.5-3 meters
The required number of poles is calculated depending on the length of the entire enclosing design and size of the fence sections.
Technological options for the installation of columns
The method of installing poles for fencing is determined by the particular design of the fence and the nature of the soil.
General method - concreting
The installation of poles for the sake of fence with a universal method is perfectly suited for the installation of iron, reinforced concrete and wood structures for measured non-saturated soils. This method foresees the digging of the hole near the support, the installation of the column itself and the filling of the remaining place with concrete. Using the drill will greatly facilitate the action of excavating the hole and excavating the soil
Increasing the efficiency of drilling is permitted with water , which is poured into the hole and wait for 10-15 minutes so that the soil in it becomes more malleable and complaisant.
For the installation of poles in front of a meter and a half, it is enough to dig a hole 0.5 m deep, and for the sake of erection larger pillars - 0.8 m. On average, breasts visually deepen for 1/3 through its lengths. Having decided to dig in bearing poles for the sake of a fence for non-stubble soils, it is permissible and absolutely not to use concrete
Suggestion. It is enough to remove the drill, the diameter of the blades of which all correspond to the diameter of the column. This will avoid"raspushivanie"okolostvolnoy area: the pillars enter the ground tightly and do not require additional concreting. However, this method requires the possession of the skill of strictly vertical drilling holes. However, it seems like to install poles for the sake of a fence for"complex"soils with the highest level of groundwater occurrence? After all, in such criteria, the support structure must be buried below the freezing level of the earth, and this should be a classicalConcrete basement is a troublesome and overhead measure. In such cases, before installing the supports, the bottom of the pit is lined with a layer of crushed stone 15-20 cm high. The poles are immersed in the hole and leveled in accordance with the vertical construction level or plumb line. After that the vacant place, according to the whole circumference of the pillars, is filled with a layer of crushed stone
Such crushed stone"cushion"always acts as a drainage of the supporting structure and softens the resistance of the forces of frost heaving. The discharge of rubble is not forced to destroy before the ground level for 12-15 cm: the remaining place of the hole is concreted with the freshest substance.
Clogging of the bearing pillars of iron structures
This method is effective to be the construction of fences for low-stony soils, in the number of which the layers of dense rocks are included.
The small sesquilter poles can be hammered with the help of an ordinary sledgehammer for the sake of a fence. For the installation of three-meter supports it is allowed to remove the"grandmother"- the structure for piling up piles, pipes or poles into the ground.
The structure is a meter long piece of pipe, the only end of which is tightly welded and weighted before 15-20 kg. To be pinned"grandmother"design guide is in the pipe, which allows you to increase the accuracy of the impact, as it must perform strictly according to the axis of the object.
Being clogged with pillars using a"grandmother", the difficulty may appear to be the lifting of the structure. To facilitate the work is allowed, welding long arms to it, which, according to the degree of clogging, are reconstructed into a more comfortable location.
The construction of a concrete base for the sake of a brick fence
Usually, such poles are erected for concrete ribbon or columnar foundation. The tape base is a continuous reinforced concrete strip with a depth of 500-800 mm, whose width is 100 mm larger than the width of the fence. As the columns of brick are rather heavy structures, in order to put brick poles for the sake of fence, it must execute a shallow base p>
For the sake of erecting such a foundation, one must get a trench. In the bottom of the trench, pipes are driven in, which in the next will walk the base for the sake of brick pillars. The trench is covered with 300 mm of sand, gravel, broken brick and compacted compactly.
According to the perimeter of the trench, equipped with this method to prevent the loss of water from the concrete solution and to secure the waterproofing of the structure.
The formwork is clearly shown in the video:
Then formwork arrangements begin to knit the reinforcing cage and pour the trench with concrete. Concrete freezes in the course of 5 days, but the fence is allowed to start building a couple of days later laying the foundation.
Installation of pillars - screw-like piles
The use of piles makes construction much cheaper. The advantage of the screw-like base for the order is lower in comparison with the usual columnar or ribbon. In recent decades, the construction of pillars of the fence as a reliable basis is quite often using screw-like piles
Piles are freely installed by hand or with the use of small-scale mechanization. They are screwed into the ground like"screws", sealing, according to the degree of penetration, the interlopping space, and form a reliable base for the sake of heavy construction.
Development of the installation of helical piles:

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