Selection of plants for a pond in the country, taking into account the principles of zoningWater, like a sign of purity and the configuration of life, always attracted people. A short swimming pool, near which one likes to cheat time, being pulled back through daily fumes, is a rather popular element of the landscape design of suburban areas. Plants for the sake of the pond are an indispensable part of the reservoir design. The planting of beautifully flowered and ornamental beauties allows not only to transform the pond, but also to protect it.
Plants in a pond are not just decorations
Herbaceous plants and shrubs, crowned with delicate and colorful flowers, complement the picturesque composition of the natural comfortable corner with colorful strokes and inimitable scents. When planning the division of greenish plantations, the desire to determine with a major foreshortening, concerning which the composition looks rather beautiful
No matter what ornamental composition looks elegant and rich, if created in view of the planned parts, if the preceding order decorates low or ground cover plants, the second plan is taller plants. Planning to equip one of the sides of the reservoir with a rest area, the plants for this site are chosen low so that they do not cover the magnificent view and access to the pond. Plants for the sake of water bodies are selected taking into account the separation of the latter according to the depth. In the deeper part of the body of water, which is located in the main, according to the center of the pond, there are deep-water plants, close to the shores and the swampy zone - shallow floating. For the coast of the pond are representatives of the plant world, which comfortably grows for wet soil, and for the dry shore - the least moisture-loving bushes and flowers.
Which part of the pond is best for planting?
Deep sea varieties
The middle of the floating beauty for the aqua hair is dotted with a myriad of stamens. Lotus prefers to grow for solar areas of the reservoir, the abyss of which are more than 40 cm. Its roots are immersed in the earth near the water, and the flowers and leaves float freely above the aqua surface. Lotus - a fragile and breathtakingly beautiful flower, beloved by many gardeners, can be taken care of by the lord of the pond according to the law
The middle of the floating beauty for the aqua hair is dotted with a myriad of stamens. Lotus prefers to grow for solar areas of a reservoir, the abyss of which are more than 40 cm. Its roots are immersed in the earth near the water, and the flowers and leaves float freely above the aqua surface. Not less beautiful addition of a vegetative composition can begin and water lilies
There are more than 10 species of these nymphs, and any of them asks for certain criteria of planting and depth for the sake of growth. The water lily is also one of the sun-loving deep-sea plants. Worthy decoration of the central part of the pond can begin with a dark purple inflorescence and a silkworm with delicate snow-white small flowers
Floating on the surface
Plants of a fresh water reservoir, free floating on the surface, act not only as a natural"screen", pritenyuschuyu water surface. They make an important function, because they absorb the organic matter dissolved in water, and regulate the ecological balance.
Among the more non-selective representatives of this variety of plants can be attributed: azole, wolfia, water nut, zherushnik. They feel very comfortable for solar areas, for no reason and in shady places. A patterned strong carpet, woven from the tiny leaves of azola, appropriates at least some pond of special mystery. The colors of the carpet can vary through red-brown and rich-green with pinkish before the greyish-green
The water nut, visually reminiscent of a spiked ball with curved horns, is decorated with a decorative rosette of jagged sheets
Between the beautifully flowering, non-fast floating plants, there are: water-color, hydro-cage, luronium, pemphigus. An unpretentious watercolor, also called a jelly, is beautifully selected for the background of other aquatic vegetation with heart-shaped leaves and three-petalled flowers. The exotic hydroclusis, which has settled in our latitudes, is very similar to the water-color outside
Plant such plants in small quantities. Their leaves should cover less than half the surface of the water.
Plants-oxygen generators
Outside, unattractive plant-oxygen generators, serve first for the sake of cleaning the reservoir. Absorbing carbonic acid and minerals from the water, they deprive food of aquatic plants and prevent water pollution. Between the ornamental varieties of plants-oxygenerators are distinguished hornwort, rdest, elodea and urout
Shaggy hornwort with needle-shaped leaves prefer shady coastal areas. The spicate inflorescence of pink flowers is a lovely meal for the inhabitants of the pond. Floating twigs with an iron glare of the elodei grow so vividly, which already from the main year of settling into the pool the plant is able to make thickets. Elodea is not choosy about light and temperature conditions.
Choosing plants for the design of the pond in the coastal zone, the election is allowed to interfere with such hygrophilous plants like ayr, kaluzhnitsa, cattail, reeds. Between the marsh plants, the decorative forms have a fern, a daylily, a volzhanka, a gravel
Forming a flower garden in the coastal zone, you can play for the contrast of shapes and colors. For example, luxurious elongated leaves and unusual flowers of iris, contrasting with the golden inflorescences of the bathing-house, look nice for the background of the delicate fern. Being the development of compositions is the essence - do not overdo it. A harmonic aesthetic composition from plants should paint the appearance of the site, filling the soul with pleasant feelings through contemplation.
It seems like to plant a pond with plants - video
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