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Creating a garden in a bottle: a master class on...

Creating a garden in a bottle: a master class on the installation of a florariumOne time in fashion was the art of bonsai - the feeding of small miniature trees, which according to the species actually do not differ in any way through real ones. Now one of the most prestigious areas of landscape design is a mini-greenhouse product. If you like to dig with plants, a park in a bottle you probably intrigue. It is very curious to create above its creation, and the result is enough to amuse you with your own unusualness and grace.
Therefore, it seems like to perform a park in a bottle? Do you think that this is difficult? In fact, it is not, and later, after the creation of the garden, the upbringing will be necessary because of it.
Which we will need for the sake of creating a mini garden?
The garden product in the bottle is not an extremely laborious, but very interesting thing. First, we need to choose a suitable container, it can be a bottle of fascinating shape, although it is not necessary to extract the bottle. The election is allowed to interfere with a round aquarium, a wide glass or a chemical test tube. A small glass decanter is also suitable.
Examples of vessels that can be removed for the sake of creating a garden - it can exist and a glass, and a bottle of any shape, but a narrow neck reduces the ability to perfectly design the terrarium
Such a bottle for the creation of a mini-garden is very comfortable - it is large enough that allows plants to grow beautifully, and a wide neck allows you to be able to plant plants with ease, make soil and decorate the home appearance of the garden
The right ingredients for the design of the mini-garden: the bottom, charcoal, plants, drainage mash (small gravel, dust, stone, expanded clay), short scoop, a naive, short spray, two long sticks, a blade for the remainder of plants, empty coil. As a decor you can extract shells, pebbles, small twigs and snags, glass decorative stones, artificial insects. The vessel sometimes needs to be cleaned thoroughly through dust and traces of water - for the sake of this it is comfortable to use a sponge tied to a stick or a spoke.
Difficulty being decorated can cause a vessel with a narrow or too long neck - in this case, it is necessary to extend the tools quite enough - they can be attached to sticks, brushes or knitting needles. The necessary tools that will be useful for the sake of creating a garden in a bottle - a sponge, a reel, a spoon, a scalpel. In this case they are fixed for tassels for the sake of drawing. It is permissible to remove also knitting needles, thin sticks
Preparing the earth mess around the floraarium
If you remove the hydrogel, there is no need to use coal and drainage. This park does not need watering. The amount of land for the sake of the garden: soil for flowers, peat, humus, river dust, rubble or a brick child, a mess of humus and clay.
We move to the process of creating our florarium. Following this step-by-step master class in accordance with the creation of a garden in a bottle, you create a delightful mini-greenhouse, which you can place at home, and in summer in a comfortable corner of the garden or yard - in the arbor, for the veranda.
Order of work:
Pour small pebbles (2-3 cm) for the bottom of the container, top with charcoal (1 cm). In case of excess moisture, the coal will release through a nasty flavor.
For coal, we pour wet soil (2-3 cm).
We use an empty coil through threads for the sake of leveling the soil layer.
Make grooves in the soil (preferably a spoon attached to the spoke, or a knife).
Plants should be prepared for transplantation - they are carefully excavated with a clod of earth near the roots. Extremely longish roots are cut off - the plants must be deployed slowly.
If you are going to extract one plant - plant it in the center, if fairly, then one in the center, and the other at the walls. The power does not fit into the narrow neck - we use sticks here.
Spray the soil and plant from the spray gun
We begin to decorate the garden in a bottle - we have stones, shells, driftwood in the vessel. For this step, the park is drunk, now we clean the walls with sponges through the traces of earth and water and close the vessel.
We select the necessary balance of water
Leave the park above in closed form for two days, and look because of the occurrence of condensation for the walls of the vessel. Usually, the walls do not mist over a lot - this is normal. If the condensate does not disappear, it is likely that the moisture is excessive. We open the container and leave it open for a day, during this period of time the moisture will evaporate. Close the vessel and look again due to the level of humidity - in the event that the condensate did not form - the humidity is extremely low - we sprinkle the garden with warm water. Then, like you will find the best balance, you will effortlessly keep the humidity level under control.
The plants in the mini-greenhouse grow slowly, but they are always cut-off, they must be cut, taken care of due to their growth and condition. A beautiful park in a huge test tube - there is a great sense of capricious senpolia, and a moisture-loving fern. Plants have enough space for growth, they can be perfectly arranged
Because a mini-garden is a building, a tropical wet local climate appears inside the vessel, therefore, watering plants actually does not need. The height of the humidity of the earth and air is regulated by the plant. Spraying or watering is necessary exclusively in the book case, if condensate has been discharged.
Plants applicable for bottle-feeding
For the sake of the tropical climate, accordingly, the plants are selected mainly from the tropics: dracene sander, three-striped sandwich, white-bottomed mananta, ordinary ivy, Easter cactus of the hutiory, white flowering Tradescantia, fittonium, cereal ayr, royal begonia, cryptus, xiphoid pteris. Phytonia is one of the more suitable plants for the creation of a garden in a bottle. Its leaves have multi-colored veins, which looks very nice for the background of the decor and glass of the vessel, it is undemanding, leaf have a luxurious shape
For the sake of a mini-garden even Senpolia are suitable, but they need to be placed in a larger container, for example, in an aquarium, and do not close. In this case, decorativeness is added by an elevated vessel with water, in which water plants grow.
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