Peonies in most cases use for the design of lawns, planting a single quality with large arrays, - for unreasonable, they produce caloric monochromic spots for the background of greenery. Peonies successfully complement the beds and flower beds, look beautiful in curtains and in the form of tapeworms. Beautiful middle and highest peonies planted by groups near trees, bushes and on the sides of the lawn, and low grades successfully resurrect the Alpine hill. Peacock coloring pions are able to spoil the monotony of the fence
Gently pink peonies look impressive for a background of shrubs
While the bushes of pions are not closed (before the age of 5), they are allowed to plant phlox, delphinium, poppy, lupine, alissum, brunner. In order to give ornamentality to the planting of peonies in spring, they are combined with the ripening bulbous flowers: snowdrops and crocuses, narcissuses and flowers. A fascinating verdict is the planting of terry bardovye, snow-white and pink peonies for the backdrop of a burgeoning hedge of hips. The compact pion planting will emphasize the paths and paths in the garden.
The snow-white terry peonies look beautiful for the flower bed paired with daylilies
So that the flower garden without ceaselessly amused the eye, between the bushes of peonies blooming in June, it is permissible to plant lilies that bloom in July . A rabbit with pions is allowed to border the lavatera with flowers that are gently pink, blossoming in July and giving pheons the beauty of peeled bushes. Excellent blend of pink and crimson peonies with purple irises and blue lavender. Look at the flowerbeds with peonies of nuanced colors, for example: snow-white, pink, crimson. The perfect mix comes out to be planted peonies of nuanced tones in the neighborhood with conifers
Pink and white terry peonies
The most beautiful varieties
In the garden landscape, park and universal varieties of peonies with low bushes, strong trunks, medium-sized and clear colored flowers of fine shape are usually used. In most cases, garden dressing is allowed to meet such varieties: Elizabeth Foster, Burma Ruby, Burgundy, Bravura Suprem, Mari Brand, Livingston, Ellis Harding, Mozero Chois, Nick Shaylor, Karina, Amulet and others.
Considering the peonies of early and late flowering in planting, it is allowed to receive colorful accents in the garden in for several months. Removing the side and leaving the apex buds, they achieve abundant and more long flowering of peonies.
Peonies of tender and light tones will always be to the place for the flower bed or lawn
A beautiful view of the petals of certain species of pions looks exotic
Snow-white peonies - prominent for the sake of the lawn
Pioneer varieties in accordance with the color political:
red:. Reward, of red Ensigne, of red Dandy, of red Charm, of red the Comet, Sable, Sward of Dance
reddish: of red of red Rose, Sunshine, Sky Queen, Torch Song, of Felix Crousse . Crimson: Red Monarch, Red Romance, Rubra Triumhans, Rosedale, Thomas Vaar.
Pink: Reine Hortense, Ruth Cobbs, Rubens, Rose Noble, Roselette, Sarah Bernhardt, Solange, Stephania, Celebration, Suzette , Fan Tan.
Snow White: Rosemarie Lins, Painted Dessert, Primevere, Solfatare,Susanne Braun, Festiva Maxima, Frances Willard, Advance.
Yellowish: Prairie Moon, White Sands.
Yellowish peony is a rather extravagant ornament of any flowerbeds
Cream petals with red patches are an unusual color palette for the sake of a pion The soft pink pions of the refined form look very generous
Multiplying the pions by dividing the bush
Multiplying the pion by dividing the bush is a simple and cheap method, practical all sorts of peonies in order to obtain planting material or rejuvenate old plants. For the sake of reproduction, 3-5-year-old bushes usually take. The division of the bushes of peonies is a desire to perform in the interval from mid-August to mid-September. The multiplication of the pion by dividing the bush is an artless and cheap way of obtaining a planting material.
Young peonies planted in autumn intensively spring in the spring.
For low parts of the garden, peonies are planted for large beds, falling asleep for the bottom of the landing holes small pebbles 20 cm wide from broken brick, gravel, coarse sand. The soil around the pions is mulched with bark
The bushes of pink and crimson peonies are often planted close for the sake of flower bed expressiveness >
For the sake of planting pions, a neutral, acid-like sandy loam, clayey or loamy bottom is suitable. For sandy loamy soils, the root order of the pion develops intensively, flowering begins in advance, however, it is least abundant and decorative than that of flowers planted in loamy soil. For sandy soils, the peony is densely covered with deciduous greens, but the flowers are not rich, but the shrub itself grows old and loses decorativeness.
It is better to make sandy land near the pion planting by adding peat and clay, saturating with nutrients. For clay soils, peonies bloom brightly and luxuriantly in the course of a long period and are less prone to disease.
Before planting pions for a significant piece of land, it is recommended to sow lupine in advance in order to further enrich the land.
Sequence of work
Peonies are ideal for planting in autumn, varies depending on the region: in the northern regions - from the middle of August, in the middle zone - from the beginning of September, in the southern regions - in October. The spring planting of pions is bad for plants that later develop poorly and blossom, and the flower planting action itself must produce in a short time - until the kidneys of renewal begin to grow.
Pits near the planting of peonies about the size of 70x70x70 cm desire to get in advance (because of the months before the planting), placing them in a staggered order and maintaining a gap of 60-120 cm depending on the parameters of the variety. To be mass planted, trenches are prepared.
The bottom of the trenches is loosened for the shovel bayonet, filling it with consistency from garden soil, peat, compost, reparted manure, ash, superphosphate (200-400 g) and bone meal 400 g). Filling the pits with soil, watered, and, according to the extent of settling consistency in the course of only the period before planting pions, pour the earth.
Directly before planting in accordance with the center of the buried pits, dig holes 20-30 cm deep, plant roots are powdered with hexachlorane and planted in such a plant so that a ground discharge near 5 cm is formed above the buds of renewal. Planted peonies are watered, milled and mulched with compost or peat.
The density and abyss of planting pions depends on a certain variety. Deeply planted peonies can bloom weakly or not bloom entirely, and finely planted - freeze. Low-grade peonies are planted at a distance of 60-80 cm by a well-wisher through a friend, tall ones - 1-1.2 m. Because peonies grow slowly, planting flowers is allowed to produce densely, so that later through only to reach the bushes and plant.
Although the peonies are undemanding in their care, all the same, they must start some measures so that the plant develops well and blossoms with large buds.