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How to Make a Beautiful Mailbox for a Private...

How to Make a Beautiful Mailbox for a Private Home: First-Hand WorkshopsThe classic variants of boxes for the reception of correspondence sometimes differ in their originality. Conventional blue iron boxes, crowned with a small padlock, can, and can satisfy the undemanding style of its owner, but the eye of the creative owner probably sees in their fertile base for the creation of an unusual appearance. Ideas, like the execution of a mailbox, are allowed to borrow from neighbors whose fences decorate unique and at the same time multifunctional containers, or take from the base the options for arrangement described in our article.
What are all the mailboxes?
When planning to make a mailbox for the sake of a personal house, those who do not just serve according to their intended purpose, and walk harmoniously in addition to the building ensemble of the suburbs, should be conditioned first with its shape and size. In accordance with the style of execution boxes for the sake of receiving correspondence can be divided for three main types.
Variation #1 - the usual box
The box for the reception of correspondence is in most cases located near the central entrance for a part, hanging for the wall of the house, a gate or a city. An original appearance element is always enough to attract respect to passers-by and visitors. The mailboxes common to many of us, which have become widespread for post-Soviet places, are vertically placed boxes with an equipped slit for the sake of letters and newspapers.
Variation #2 - for the British way
The mailbox, made in the form of a curbstone table, is set straight for the ground, placing it from a couple of steps in front of the central entrance. Multifunctional structures, resembling a building in miniature on the outside, are in most cases made of strong metal, or laid out of brick
Variation #3 - a box of the South American standard
Install such boxes for a separate support, in the role of which is an iron or wood stick, or a decorative look. Boxes in most cases equipped with a special flag, who ascends the owner in this case, if in the box to eat the letters that the postman has to acquire without the help of others to send. The structure of boxes for the reception of letters and magazines of the South American standard is the same - horizontally placed containers with a semicircular roof and side doors. However, their decoration is often striking fantasy
As a basis for the creation of boxes, designed in an unusual design solution, you can walk various household objects
General tips for making boxes for the sake of letters
Planning the action of a multifunctional design with their own hands, every owner wants to ensure that it has served not only a single season, without losing its attractiveness, like it is allowed longer. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to a number of main tips for the development of a long-term mailbox for the sake of letters:
Above the slot for the sake of dropping correspondence, the desire to equip the visor, who will protect the contents of the container through falling drops of rain and snow.
The door for the sake of seizure of letters is allowed to be placed like for the front panel, for no reason and in the lower wall of the structure. To be the first variant of arrangement it is proud to fire the dimensions of the hole and the door to prevent the education of the cracks, through which the moisture suffers. When planning to place the door in the bottom wall, it is better to perform the whole of this drawer folding down.
It is better to fasten the construction of a wooden box without the elements of construction, using corners. This will increase the strength of the structure and greatly facilitate the correction in the following.
Do not forget to foresee the lock, the installation of which will prevent possible encroachments of thieves for correspondence.
Some craftsmen arrange the bait mailboxes with a simple alarm system. It is brought into action thanks to the contact plates, which are allowed to be taken through an old magnetic relay or telephone toggle switch.
In order to equip the mailbox with the alarm system, the container must make an additional bottom cut out of plywood or plastic, and then arrange it for the springs. The additional bottom is located so that the lower edge is fixed directly to the box, and the high one rests on the spring, between which there are contacts reacting for filling the box with the correspondence
As the contacts are closed, the light bulb connected to them, which is already installed in the house, lights up and speaks about the receipt of the latest correspondence.
Masterclass #1: Design Box of Cardboard
A luxurious mail box, decorated with luxurious lace and resembling a doll house outside, can be a catchy accent in the exterior of a suburban house
For the sake of producing such a beautiful"house"we will need:
Cardboard for the sake of modeling (4 mm wide);
The palace for the sake of the box
Building adhesive PVA (or hot with a thermo gun)
Cardboard scotch and stationery knife.
We will paint the box with napkins for the sake of decoupage, as well as acrylic paints of snow-white, dark and silvery color. The custom is applied to the sheet of cardboard, we transfer the dimensions of all the details of the construction, and then cut them with a knife
To produce a box of proudly cardboard is not cut before the end, this will prevent tears. Places want to fix the fold with cardboard tape
All parts of the box are glued together with hot melt or construction PVA, leave the box before completely drying out
The box is drunk, we proceed to the design. For the sake of creating the visual effect of antiquity, the outer appearance of the box is pasted with napkins, and then covered with dark and white paint, decorating the corners with a silvery color
It remains only to install a small palace for the door, glue the selected napkins for decoupage, and decorate the roof with a patterned ribbon
An unparalleled design box, self-made, rather a catchy business card of any suburban site.
Master-class #2: variation of the mailbox from plywood
Apart from the cardboard variant, it is allowed to do something more simply. For example, a wooden box. A beautiful wooden mailbox will fit perfectly into a suburban view: outside resembling an improvised house for the sake of birds, it is a rather appropriate addition to the appearance
For the sake of production of such a mailbox, materials will be required:
Pine log 1000х75х50 mm;
Cutting of plywood 650x435 mm with a width of 9 mm;
A sheet of narrow plywood with a size of 650x650 mm;
A piano loop of 130 mm (made of stainless steel) and a mortise palace.
Tools will be needed:
Electric jigsaw;
Glue for the sake of works in accordance with the tree
Nails or screws;
A wood log is cut across for three parts, any length corresponding to 330 mm. For each of the segments, we mark the central and transverse bands, maintaining an interval of 300 mm between them. In accordance with the outlined contours with the aid of a curve, we draw a curve, in accordance with which in the following we cut the curvature. For all 3 workpieces, carefully clean the edge, and then glue them between each other.
Of the sheets of narrow plywood should be 8 similar blanks the size of 320x160 mm. In order to prevent slots in the structure before gluing the parts, it is first necessary to simply apply the elements to each other and check if they match. Sheets are laid out layer by layer for the concave side of the block, painstakingly coating the individual discharge with glue. Then completely dry the glue, the roof is left just grinded and attached to the box with the same glue. The consent to the scheme with the indicated sizes is carefully cut out other details for the sake of the mailbox from the plywood sheets
In the front wall of the box, we cut out a gap for the door and an opening for the sake of throwing in correspondence. To the door, we nail or screw a piano loop, and also cut out the keyhole for the arrangement of the lock. Having installed the door, painfully clean the full box, and then cover with a layer of paint or varnish.
A video clip with other examples through designers

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