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Sewer installation in the country: the simplest ways of draining

Sewer installation in the country: the simplest ways of drainingIf there is water for the dacha in the building, then, naturally, we need to think over the gutter. You will not sing the sewage in buckets. However, because summer cottages are usually used only occasionally, in the spring or in the summer or for the weekend, the owners are not interested in installing super modern types of sewage systems, for example, bio-cleaning stations, etc. They are interested in the most ordinary variants with easy installation and minimum expenses. The essence, so that the gutter was reliable, excluded the foresight of the drains into the green land and did not achieve special maintenance. We will understand, by what methods it is allowed to establish the simplest sewage ditch in itself for a summer residence.
Common or separate gutter: which is more profitable?
Before you start building a job, be certain that you want to make wastewater from a bathroom, kitchen and toilet - into one room or into different rooms. Through this, it is enough to obey the type of container into which the drains will flow. If this is correct, then the variation of separate containers is more advantageous to the owners, because the water from the kitchen, washing machine, spirit, etc., can be excluded through a cesspool without a bottom in the ground. They do not pose a threat for the sake of the earth, since bacteria manage to process wastewater of washing powders, shampoos, etc.
Another occupation - drains with feces. They can not be allowed into the ground, as you create a bunch of problems: you will violate the ecology of the earth, you will spoil the soil in the garden, and the worst thing is that these impurities will calmly enter the groundwater and with them will return to the building as drinking water. For the sake of drains from the toilet should make a sealed cesspool or septic tank. In any case, it is unprofitable for you to collect waste from your home in this pit, as the container will start to fill up vividly, and you will often have to start a sewage pump or pump it out yourself with a special fecal pump and remove it for disposal. Proudly! If the main key of drinking water for a dacha is its well, then it is forbidden to mount any gutter without a bottom! Gutter for the sake of drains from the kitchen and wash basin
A more ingenious variation of local sewerage - for the sake of drains from the kitchen and washbasin. It is usually mounted, if the dress is made for the street, or the owners have installed a bio-toilet.
Because domestic waste water is not harmful, it is pretty much through them through a pipe system for a street where a capacitance without a bottom with a filter material is buried. Let's see what methods it is allowed to perform.
Variation 1 - from plastic canister
If for a dacha to live exclusively in warm season it's easier to just mount a gutter from a plastic can and plastic pipes. From the materials you need a useless old can with a lid for 45-50 liters, ordinary sewer pipes made of plastic with O50 mm and accessories for them (a pair of elbows, seals etc.)
We'll see how to perform a sewage ditch for the dacha in a step-by-step manner: Pick up a room for the street, much will dig a can, so that the gap through it in front of the outlet of the sewer pipe from the foundation was less than 4 m.
Dig a hole for a meter deep, so that the can is placed freely, and dig through it in front of the foundation a ditch half a meter deep.
Make a layer of sand and claydite for the day of the pit. In the place where the neck of the can comes to an end, drill a hole for the entrance, it's much easier to insert a pipe (as if in a cross-section!). The variation is more complicated - the construction of a septic tank

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