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How to make a cellar in the country: everything...

How to make a cellar in the country: everything about building a semi-buried structureThe building for the cottage is difficult to change the refrigerator: only a special place will contain vegetable supplies and 10 cans of jars with salads, jams and pickles, lovingly prepared by careful housewives. The only favorite option is not to extract the basement of a residential building, but to build a building with your own hands not far from the house, making an unusual exterior decoration and equipping your inner taste according to your own taste.
How does the building differ through the cellar? a>
It is necessary to reward two concepts - a building and a cellar. The place that is in the house near the first floor, in other words below the ground level, is usually called the basement. Its place in most cases is equal to the area of ​​the house, hence it easily accommodates fairly economic blocks. There can be storage rooms (in a book and a building), a boiler room, a building, and to be considered thermal insulation - an additional room or a pond. A common variation is the extensive garage combined with the skillful.
The building has a more specific task - it serves for the sake of storing goods: a seasonal summer harvest or canned supplies. The premises are equipped with a huge number of comfortable shelves, shelves, stands, also a ventilation system and a planned thermal insulation, creating a more proper order for the storage of new vegetables. For the sake of some goods there is a building (a natural freezer). The building may take something like in the basement of the house, for no reason and for a separate area, in a dugout or an above-ground structure. It is not harder to erect a building for a dacha with your own hands than to build an arbor or a bathhouse. A separately standing building is able to decorate a homestead with an unusual structure of the most indescribable construction, reflecting the style of the site only
Masonry, unusual appearance, languid doors with steel loops and bolts - and before us is not a simple rural building, but a piece of an ancient castle.
Self-construction of a semi-buried cellar
Often the variation of the cottage cellar is semi-deep. It allows you to be able to destroy two birds with one stone: decorate the area with a unique building and make rational conditions for storing vegetables and fruits.
Features of the construction of this building
The device is divided continuously for two different parts according to the size, one of which is above the ground, the second - all in the ground. Deepening of the lower part in almost everything depends on the level of groundwater. If it allows, then the abyss of the store reaches 2,3-2,5 m. The high point is depending on the destination. If this is a simple imaginary vestibule, then it is small in proportion to the area and is limited by the height of the entrance door equal to the height of the person. If the above-ground share is occupied by the occupation of the summer kitchen, the dining room or the guest house, then the height of the ceilings can be compared 2.5 m.
The will to build a semi-buried building usually appears here, if the basement of the house is not intended for the sake of storing goods, besides, it is necessary to build additional buildings, for example, summer kitchen. Undoubtedly, you need a thorough work order and a plan for the future structure. For the walls of the cellar, it is permissible to extract any materials, because its construction is analogous to the construction of an ordinary house with a basement. Usually, they use brick, concrete, rock, and a tree fits perfectly for the elevated part. A beautiful example of a semi-buried country cellar: a short stone vestibule with a wooden roof rises above the ground, and the depot is located near the ground
Semi-deepened building: a - visibility from above; b - in the section; 1 - heat insulation discharge; 2 - final whitewash; 3 - high discharge - tiles; 4 - bituminous coating; 5 - clay lock; 6 - base
The floor in the underground part is poured with concrete, sometimes stop for compacted clay. For the sake of overlapping, wood beams are perfectly suitable. All-in-one parts of the structure: walls, floors, ceilings - are covered with thermal insulation from improvised materials, for example, clay grease. The best option is the introduction of modern waterproofing: mineral wool, bituminous and polymer coatings.
A pair of tiers is connected by a suitable hatch, the dimensions of which are determined taking into account the portable containers - sacks, boxes, buckets, cans. The degree leading to the building usually looks like an ordinary stepladder. If the above-ground location is not heated, the upper part is equipped with a hatch.
General rules for the construction of an independent cellar:
The construction is carried out at a warmer age.
For the erection of the cellar, an elevation is perfectly suitable.
An indispensable contract is the furnishing of the cellar with ventilation.
The wood components are handled with an antiseptic.
The entrance door is located on the north side .
Underground share - building
For the beginning should dig a foundation pit, who for half a meter in each direction more cellar. Spare 50 cm will be needed if it is necessary to perform the waterproofing of walls or to deceive communications. The walls are laid out of brick, concrete blocks or pebbles. If wood logs or logs are in circulation, then every detail should be treated with special means through rottenness and mold. Often make a single concrete device in the form of a socle: prepare the formwork, build a kind of grid out of the reinforcement and fill it with concrete. For the protection of corners and joints use ruberoid. Then the dismantling of the formwork walls on both sides plastered with cement.
Eating a sentence like do not wait for the long drying of the concrete. Instead of the integral pouring, it is permissible to remove asbestos-cement sheets fixed for the wood crate. On the outer side mounted design should cover the mastic asphalt . Plaster for waterproofing wall from the outside characterized by common: its number comes bitumen piece which is a good water-repellent material
Protection via groundwater, able not only to increase humidity inside the room, but also to damage the walls, serves as a drainage discharge. He can mess with the catchment well dug nearby. As a drainage material, gravel, brick waste, short-fraction rock, gravel are used. If the building is built for a slope or in a trench, you must always take care of the relative water drainage, the break above the slope is smaller than the small grooves.
The building's base is protected with a waterproof cushion: the broken brick or gravel is dumped, heated bitumen.
Ventilation installation
So that unsafe gases do not accumulate in an underground room and excess moisture through the condensate does not appear, it must arrange ventilation - a primitive system consisting of only one pipe. Suitable cheap zinc coated pipe in diameter 10-15 cm. Its only ending goes to the place where vegetables are stored, the second - for the street. A more perfect verdict presupposes the presence of two pipes: one located at the ceiling, designed for drawing, the 2nd, above the floor, for the sake of fresh air.

Overhead building - h3>The above-ground share is built in the last place, if all work is completed in accordance with the equipment of the cellar, a clay palace and backfilling are made. It should exist more than the lower part, in order to protect the underground from the upper side through low temperatures, rain and melting snow.
Options for the construction of the cellar fairly - through a small vestibule in front of a spacious room. If its main task is to protect the hatch leading near the ground, then it is sufficient to perform a good waterproofing and a tightly fitting door. If you plan to perform a real place, suitable for the sake of a frequent stay, for example, the summer kitchen, then the improvement will have to be more diligent. Increased attention should be paid to the arrangement of the roof, thermal insulation and facing the walls. The last stop of the construction of the cellar concerns the interior decoration. The funerary, which is partly or entirely near the ground, naturally preserves the temperature, best for storing the freshest harvest and canned food
The internal correction of the cellar includes not only flooring and cladding or plastering of walls, but also the installation of racks, boxes and boxes for the sake of storing the crop.
The design of the aboveground part
There is an excess of thoughts in accordance with the construction of the cellar. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish it through a conventional summerhouse or a summer kitchen: a cautious little house with small windows is near the houses, and no one will say that there is a large cellar with a dozen racks near it. Often, for the construction of a cellar, not the basement of the house, but spacious underground place near the summer kitchen - comfortable and convenient
Some buildings, if, like a building, and not called. Their complete outward appearance speaks of a book which, because of the door, contains rich food supplies for the winter, and probably also wine cellars. Such buildings are distinguished by an unusual design: deliberately rough stone masonry, unusual roof configuration, strong oak doors. The building, surrounded from all sides by the earth, is easier to only build for the terrain that crosses a short depression, ditch or artificially dug trench.>
It is easier to find land cellars with an unjustifiably named embankment: they are surrounded from all sides by a land embankment covered with humus or a flower bed.

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