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Павлиний цветок, или Эписция: как обеспечить ей в...

Павлиний цветок, или Эписция: как обеспечить ей в домашних условиях достойный уход
Peacock flower, or Episode - a beautiful roomy ampel plant. Its elegant colorful foliage, smooth and shiny in some species or velvety in others, amazes with the richness of colors: green, purple, silver, copper, red, brown. And in the time of flowering, the epic is completely transformed: for the background of the mottled leaves, colorful"gramophones"blossom. In addition to the traditional bard, there are lilac, snow-white, orange inflorescences. Knowing the aspects of leaving them at home, you can get good results.

Episode image Refers to the Gesnerian family. Family Episenia contains about 30 species. Effective plant with brightly colored and textured foliage has an excess of titles - Peacock flower, Violet flame, Chameleon plant, African violet.

An effective small plant with whitish-pink leaves will decorate any collection of domestic plants
In nature it occurs in the tropical forests of Brazil, Mexico, Colombia and the Antilles, where even at noon the reign of darkness reigns. Apparently, hence the name of the flower is shaded. It grows near shrubs in the form of a low trailing grass with the leaves assembled into the rosette and numerous shoots. The tropical flower is grown and kind of a roomy culture. He is not capricious, differs long flowering - from the early spring before the light. However, it places excessive demands on heat and moisture.

The copper episode is characterized by creeping shoots. Large (before 15 cm long) rounded leaves, pubescent, olive-green with a light stripe along the veins. The lower side of the leaf blade is red, with a white separating stripe. Flowers are not large (2 cm in length), bright red with yellow throat.

Copper-red epic is used to derive new species <
Clavicle coloration has two types of shoots: shortened branches with leaves and longish"mustache"with rosettes. The leaves are the least expressive, small (3 cm long and 2 cm wide), pubescent, green, with rounded teeth, red midline on each side. The flowers are white with speckles according zevu, fringed.

Corolla white flower according to the edge of the limb fringedAn epizootic creeping having creeping shoots, grown just like an ampel. Leaves are longish (5-10 cm), green or coffee colored, with patterns and spots for edging. The flowers are reddish with a pink throat.

Episcia creeping more valued because of decorative leaves

Examples of varieties for a photo

For one plant, flowers can exist yellowish pink, pink and yellow with pink dots
Decorative items with a green pattern. Flowers are dark pink
Bright pink flowers with affectionate greenish with pink coloring of leaves
Silver-brown foliage is decorated with pink weaving. Flowers reddish
Green-brown leaves decorated with light specks
Episode - light-loving plant. She needs a brilliant, but a bewildered aristocracy. For the open sun, decorativeness decreases: the leaves lose their colorful coloring, the inflorescences wither. It is more comfortable only for the epicure for the eastern or western window, it is permissible to arrange it for the northern side. However, to be weakly illuminating the bloom is not quite as long, the stems wander out to stretch, not actually forming the lateral processes. For the southern side of the flower is located far through the windows or make a bewildered aristocracy, curtaining it with a light curtain, mainly in the active sun - from 10 before 15 hours. It is allowed to have a flower for the shelves with artificial lighting, but the slowness of the light day increases much. Humidity <
Capacities are chosen low and wide. As drainage material for the bottom stack expanded clay, chopped the foam layer of 3 cm.

Espitsiya is best feels yourself in a low and wide pot
Transplant a flower: step by step control
The flower grows very vividly, hence every spring it is transplanted, without violating the integrity of the land coma, into a more spacious (for 2-3 cm) capacity. The largest diameter of the pot is 18-20 cm.
Every 2-3 years the plant is transplanted, all the earth is renewed.

Before the transplant, the flower is watered. Carefully take out of the pot.
Carefully inspect the roots. Remove the dried or rotted areas.
For drainage, discharge the drainage. The cooked earth falls asleep.

With the help of such growths comfortable to water the plants, not spraying at all this water leaves
In winter, watering is done less often, 1-2 times a week, if the surface ground discharge. Use warm soft water. You should not go to extremes and extremely generously feed your own green pet. The essence is to measure.
Tips for growing - video

The flower is perfectly produced by stem cuttings, leaves and seeds. To be seed multiplication varietal traits are lost.
The most ingenious method is to share a young rosette with 4 leaves through a mustache, put it in a plastic glass, press it to the ground, pour it, catch it with a film. After 10 days, roots will appear, and the rosette is planted for an unchanged room.
It is permissible to inspire a mustache without cutting through plants. The hanging branch is sprinkled with earth a little. Then rooting it is separated and transplanted.