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How to most easily dig a well: a comparative...

How to most easily dig a well: a comparative overview of the methods of diggingIf the home ownership is located for a birch lake or river, huge problems with water supply does not appear. The situation is much more difficult if the part is in the distance through natural aqua sources. It remains to get water from under the ground, but for the sake of this not to catch the natural supplies that could be untainted, applicable for the sake of drinking. The choice between drilling the well and the well of the well is made by the site owners, based on the characteristics of the terrain. If the water-bearing height is located deeper than 15 meters, then further ennobling of the well should be entrusted to the specialists, and if the water is closer to the surface, then read this article about how to get the well yourself. Probably, the action will not seem extremely difficult for you.
Carrying out preliminary work
Performing a well without the help of others is not unreasonably difficult, it seems, though it will be necessary to work hard enough. Proudly in the process of performing the work to implement the rules concerning the construction of wells. Naturally, no one will control, you did everything that should either reacted to the work formally. However, you make a well yourself and your own family members, therefore you should show interest in the book yourself, so that the acquired water is fresh and clean. Dead and dead water is alive. Which one of them is pretty in the well, who will you build? Everything depends on how seriously you treat the rules of its construction
Underground waters: availability and availability
No grandfather's methods will not give a specific answer for the task, and if she does eat, what is her property. Geological exploration of the site is an unparalleled reliable key of such information. If serious structures for the site are already eaten, then the reason for intelligence is available. In an unpleasant situation, it remains only to get acquainted with the nearest neighbors, which wells already operate. Find out from them what the abyss of their mines is, ask for water samples. Let the local SES check the water for the property. Lozohohodtsy find water by the methods used by our grandfathers. However, even a successful search for a source does not guarantee the property of water
Selecting a place near the well
The choice of a place for the sake of the well must also be similar with all responsibility. If the place is contaminated with waste, or if there is a large contamination key nearby, then hope to get clean water from the well silly
Direct attention for the following important reasons:
The geological situation in your locality. For example, if the districts are swamped, a well with drinking water will not be able to reach, since the"perch", which is sure to be in the underground source, will bring with it the entire puddle for the surface.
The presence of significant sources of pollution nearby. For the sake of many pollutants, a surface waterproof discharge is not an obstacle. They enter underground waters and poison them, making them inapplicable to use.
Soil properties and terrain. It's harder to just cope with work for rocky terrain. It is problematic to execute a well and for a slope a lot. The best place for a well is a flat place
Distance to the place of use. On the one hand, the well is willing to be located closer to the house, in order to avoid the construction of extensive communications, according to which water is enough to do in the building. On the other hand, a well can not be located closer than 5 meters through the buildings. This neighborhood may be difficult to see for the foundation of the structure. The accumulated water is able to wash the earth around the building, partly to damage the"sole". To remove such consequences is not so simple.
There is one more restriction, the consent to which near the well in the 50-meter sanitary zone it is impossible to own sewage, sewerage or garbage dumps. If the extracted water has enough to own the kind of specific character you do not like. The well does not have to be closer than 5 meters through the buildings. A huge collection of water can be bad for its foundation
Development of excavating a well
In order to find out, like to get the well right, it is necessary first to navigate with what techniques of digging there is. Masters practice open and closed method of digging wells. Since the differences in the indicated techniques are principle, any of them deserves a separate consideration.
Variation #1 - we dig openly
Easy installation of water-bearing structures for a site with dense soil is done by an open method. The walls of such a mine will not collapse, if not to abandon it for a long time without rings. A smooth appearance speaks of the presence of clay in the soil
The open development of digging a well consists of ordinary and understandable steps:
A mine pit of a certain depth (in front of an aquifer) is made at once through the beginning and before the end, its diameter is 10-15 cm larger than that of the prepared reinforced rings
The reinforced concrete rings that form the walls of the well are lowered into the resulting shaft with the help of a winch
rings are tightly fastened together
Between the walls of the mine and the reinforced concrete structure assembled inside, a gap appears, who should sleep with large sand
The seams between each pair of rings are tightly sealed with a special sealing compound.
Of course, which specifically the features of the ground, which allowed only the time to keep the shape of the walls of the mine, are decisive for the choice of the open method of digging. Video, dedicated to the construction of the well, will help you navigate:

Variation #2 - a closed digging method
If the amount of soil is loose (gravel or dust), then it is problematic to perform work in the open way. The walls of the mine will certainly move, crumble, etc. The work will have to intervene, the action will be personally delayed, quite unnecessarily labor-intensive. It is necessary to dig a well by a closed method, who are called"specialists in a ring"in another way. For the sake of the closed method of digging it is proud to start the work correctly. The rings will have to slide according to the walls of the mine with the weight of their own weight, hence the size of the pit must be clear
Schematically closed technology digging wells can be represented in the form of the following steps:
I must outline the location of the well, the diameter of which is quite adequate to the outer diameter of the reinforced concrete ring, and to remove the high earth discharge. You need to deepen the way the bottom allows. Usually the pit abyss is 20 cm before 2 meters.
An intrigue was created, inside which the first ring was placed. The upcoming business is quite a result of this ring, and then in the resulting reinforced concrete structure.
The ring about its weight goes lower, and the subsequent ring placed for the 1st builds up the authority of the design and is installed with the preceding one.
Then the services of a digger aquifer, the last ring of the well is installed. It does not bury everything.
Isolation and sealing of joints between rings is carried out completely identically and to be open, and to be closed to the method.
For the ending step, all the necessary conditions are set for the functioning of the well. Be careful to work with rings. Manufacturers often indicate that the work should be done using a winch or a crane. In an unpleasant situation, claims according to cracks and chips will not be accepted.
Advantages and disadvantages of various methods of copying
The hole method is attractive, at first, by its own simplicity. Digging is much more convenient not surrounded by reinforced concrete. However, the disadvantages and dignity to eat in each of the methods of digging. Often it is allowed to meet a stone. If this happened to be an open road, the mine can easily be expanded, a ditch is dug up and steal it for a view, tied with ropes. Now imagine for yourself how complicated the task is, if the digger is in the closed space of the ring. The question may be unsolvable. The stone is among the freely removable obstacles, if the digger is conducted by an open method, but try to cope with it, being inside the reinforced concrete ring
Another trouble that can happen in the course of work is quicksand. Quicksand is called the land saturated with water, who can spill. Being in an open mine, the digger can make an attempt to interfere with the quicksand, making a simple caisson from the tongue-and-groove boards. After it is permitted, falling asleep with the ground between the reinforced concrete structure and the shaft, isolating the quicksand all.
To eat at the closed penetration is still the only negative. It manifests itself if a"perch"occurs in the mine. It moves down together with the rings being installed, then it mixes with the underground waters and spoils them. No one needs a dirty well. Moreover, it turns out that it is very problematic to get rid of this in the case of verkhovodki. It is allowed to dig another pit in accordance with the outer surface of the rings in order to reveal the key of the"perchage". However, it is not always possible to identify it and isolate it even in this case. Here, for no reason, the water in the well looks, if perch penetrates into it. In order to identify the key of the problem, it is necessary, in fact, to still get a single well close
There seemed to be a desire, doubts dissipated, and as if we know, like to get a well for the dacha. Truly, the advantages of the open method are obvious, but now we turn to its shortcomings.
The mine has to open the method of digging a larger diameter than the pit being built. The natural monolithic nature of the soil is inevitably violated. Between the walls of the well construction and the mine, we place the earth, which differs according to its own structure and density through the one that was there at the beginning. An unprecedented land can submit to deformation, and the rings - to a well-wishing relative to a friend. Such shifts can begin with the premise of the destruction of the well. Under no circumstances can an open mine be left without rings. The dried walls begin to crumble, with each new sometimes approaching the moment of caving
In addition, to be an open method much increases the amount of land work. And more: you have to acquire special equipment, in order to install reinforced concrete rings. Suitable cable, path, block, tripod and winch. The action of lowering the ring is not only difficult, but also dangerous. To use the crane correctly to install and to cooperate the rings is rather easier, however, the recruitment of special equipment is always expensive.
If, in accordance with inexperience, the digger underestimated the density of the soil, the walls of the shaft can be crumbled, reducing for effort without effort. If the mine has stood in the finished form without rings more than 3 days, according to the possibility of its collapse significantly increases. Naturally, this risk does not threaten to be"in the ring". If the rings near their weight are submerged in the shaft, the integrity of the ground is not actually disturbed. For the sake of their installation, there is no need for additional conditions, and the possibility of injury is reduced.
There are a lot of words about safety measures
One can not dig a well. Lesson is not even in the book, which is on a physical level difficult. Eating threats of a different kind. The terrestrial interior is rich in surprises. Along with water supplies, it is permissible to come across for an underground gas collection. This may prove fatal in a limited mine space. Identify the invisible risk allowed with a flaming ray. The deadly fire is about unacceptable gas contamination. This excavator did not interfere with the desire to listen to the instruction, before throwing a helmet. He obviously knows why he needs this protection medicine
A cargo drop for the head of a digger is another trivial risk. Is it necessary to express in such a situation the relative relevance of the introduction of a protective helmet?
Therefore, a well-organized digging of wells assumes not the brave business of a solitary enthusiast, but a well-planned work of a group of like-minded people. They, for example, organize forced ventilation of the mine, using for the sake of this purpose at least the desire for fans and vacuum cleaners. Alternately digging the shaft and together to install the rings easier, well, to celebrate the solemn delivery of the object in operation is much more fun with friends.

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