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Peculiarities of cultivation of a tropical columbia at home

Peculiarities of cultivation of a tropical columbia at home
Colonel? A unique and beautiful liana originally from equatorial America. However, for some reason in the apartments, she meets less often than her own relatives - for example, caleria and gloxinia. To eat, of course, some aspects of its cultivation, but this is not an excuse to retire through the beautiful tropic of the columbine.
Image of a plant Colonya is an ampel plant of the Gesnerian family, in the tropical regions of America.
nosepieces are flexible, their length can achieve 2 m Leaves fleshy, little before 4 cm long, hard, oblong-oval, are for stem Southfury

Column flowers can exist in yellow, orange, reddish, less often pink.
The two upper petals of the flower are connected and form an unreasonably named hood. Fruits are snow-white globular.
Of the recognizable domestic plants, columbia relatives are caleria and gloxinia. Columoney is sometimes called a"room orchid", everything,
Columnia is mostly beautiful in canopies, pots.
Future Columns
Distinguish subsequent columbia:

Konsanguina is a shrubby plant with a brown stalk growing up to 1.5 m. The leaves are placed in pairs, however the only leaf is always smaller another, therefore it seems that the leaves are placed alternately. The flowers are pale yellow. Colonya krakatau - epiphyte (a plant that needs protection - another plant, for example). The only one among the most common among gardeners, it is quite often used in decorating a house or an office. The flowers are very bright, the leaves cover the trunk.
Carnival. Valuable because of numerous flowers, for bright yellow petals which is visible reddish rim. The plant is small, the blossom can be a whole year.
Colonel reddish is distinguished by creeping thick shoots, lanceolate leaves
Columbus Banks. It is undemanding in care, hence it is also widely spread. The trunks hang, they branch nicely. Green leaves on top have a reddish paint on the underside. Flowers in front of 6 cm in length, red-orange with yellow yawn.
Glorious and small-leaved - plants with pubescent leaves. Their flowers are similar in shape and color, everything, the leaves of the columbine glorious near 8 cm, and the leaves of small-leaved trees - only 1 cm.
kolumneya kyusskaya - basket plant, dark green leaves that seem to be cut out of the skin .
Other future Columns are found in ornamental floriculture less often. It kolumneya vedrerskaya, kolumneya Morton kolumneya acute kolumneya Allen .

Gallery: Various future Columna

I Columns of reddish hard lanceolate leaves
Yellow with orange flowers are distinguished by the Banks colsum
The columbine has nice pubescent leaves
Small leaves gave a name to this species of columbia div> Krakatoa is often used to decorate a house or cabinet

Temperature Explanation Humidity Spring, Summer 18-20 about C Brilliant confused solar aristocracy. Oriental or western windows. Systematic spraying, more common in summer heat. Осень, зимаDuring the period of rest (it begins at the end of the sun), who continues for about 50 days, should provide a temperature of 10-12 about C. Then the flower is rearranged to a warmer room. A glittering confused solar aristocracy. Southern windows. During the rest period, they do not spray.
Embarkation and transplant
Transplanting the columbine is allowed at the beginning of the flowering period. Must take a spacious and shallow pot. Variation of the consistency of the earth (the essence of the claim is the absence of lime): equal parts of sod and leaf land, 1/ 2 the share of peat, charcoal, dust and moss sphagnum - 1/ 4 <
The colonies are cut halfway before transplanting the shoots.

A transplant is usually required 1 time in 2 years, if the rootlets of a plant are covered with a piece of land. You do not need to clean up the old land, take out the columbine carefully, move it together with the ground into an unprecedented pot, sprinkle with the freshest substrate.

Small stones must necessarily exist to plant a columine in the pot

Faithful watering and timely top dressing, also the right conditions in time flowering and dormancy, will help you feel better in the course of a whole age.

Water, which contains lime, does not like the flower at all. He"tells"the relative relative to this drying leaves. Consequently, they always use filtered water. In addition, its temperature should exist more than 20 o C. In summer, watering is thrifty, and in summer it is thick enough . p>

In the summer, a columbine must often be watered with filtered warm water
Columnia primarily needs top dressing if flower buds appear (usually the end of winter). For the sake of fertilizer it is permissible to extract purchased consistencies for the sake of houseplants, only two times less than indicated in the annotation. Fed 1 to 1 time per 7-10 days before the beginning of October.

Fertilizer for the sake of the burgeoning columbia is sold in stores

Flow interval
The colony begins to blossom in the spring, but only to be suitable criteria. If the flowering does not occur, then it is permissible to take the risk of doing the following: little to limit watering and lower the temperature. Such measures should provoke the appearance of flowers. Also, the columbine can"give up"bloom because of the extremely dry air.

Healthy Columns paint all summer long Resting interval In autumn, the kidneys flower horse takes place for the following season. At this time, the temperature of the room where the columine grows must be lowered before 10-12 o C. After 45-50 days, the plant will have a kidney 0.5 cm in size - this a sign that must be rearranged into a warmer room (16-18 o C).
A rest period is a significant stop in the life of a plant , it is impossible to despise them. If the interval of wintering is not abstained or even reduced, the columbine in spring and summer can continue without flowers.

In the rest period columna must ensure a cold temperature

Colonel is a fast-growing plant. Because of a year, her shoots can grow up to 50 cm. Often, trunks lose pretty visibility, as they are bare (this can happen due to unfavorable criteria or errors in care). Therefore, a single year then the plant is advised to rejuvenate the plant - a proportion of shoots to answer, some of them root to get new bushes of columbia. Pruning a plant, not counting aesthetic goals, has another fundamental meaning - stimulation of the subsequent flowering.
Care errors Some conditions may not appeal to the Column, and she will respond to it with the proper symptoms. Diseases and pests are not actually creepy to this plant, it is preferable to be the right care, however, the omnivorous spider mite may be a problem for the plant. For fighting against a spider mite, it is advised to cultivate the columella with special means in the fall List: errors of care and sort of correct them

Which happened Because of what Release Often sprayed. Leaves are white and spotted Leaves are exposed to direct sunlight Hide through direct sunlight Rottenness of roots, fungal diseases Stopping water due to unnecessary watering Transplant the plant. Cyan spots for leaves Extremely sharp water to be watered Water for irrigation must be excited before 20 о С. Shaggy waste Rottenness due to extremely humid environment Remove the affected parts of the plant, treat it with a systemic fungicide, reduce the humidification, and occasionally ventilate the place. Narrow network between leaves. Spider mite >
Sprinkle the plant with water with soap and soap, catch the plant with a packet, wash the leaves with the shower next day, then catch it again for 2 days.
Prepare the solution for spraying: dandelion tincture and 30 g of dandelion roots, 1 L of hot water. Insist 2 hours, spray 3-5 days.
Prevention: frequent spraying, because the best day for a mite is dry.
Video: Education from the Column

Multiplication of Columns
The best time for the sake of plant propagation is mid-April.
Order according to cuttings:

Must cut the cuttings from the shoots of the plant. Cuttings should exist more than 7 cm in length, with 2 leaves.
Plant in a mash of peat and sand, catch a glass jar or polyethylene. It is allowed to plant according to 8-10 pieces in one container, then a lush plant will turn out.
Provide a lower heating in 20-24 about C.
Water, but do not spray, because it is fraught with the decay of the leaf. For rooting, it will be useful for 3-4 weeks.
If the stalk grows a little, put it in a single pot. For rooting cuttings of the columbine, it will be useful for 3-4 weeks
It is difficult to breed a seed with seeds, because special greenhouses with a constant temperature of air are necessary, therefore the cuttings are the best method - fast and reliable.
Video: Cutting the Columns

All, I said that I do not nurse with her. There was a temperature of 10 o C for the balcony (on the other side of the window, the balcony was not insulated), I was watering not always with filtered water (I do not always have enough for a flower), spraying is sometimes very. I took it through the supplier, came with buds, which I successfully faded. With all this, the stem in the tablette was also well established. Not so long ago I found out that the columbine is a relative of the Senpolia))) Honest is surprised, not counting the velvet leaves, I do not see anything in common. I recommend, the flower is very beautiful in a hanging pot, mostly if it dyes. Yes, and in the rest period is also very original. Alexashka87
I like different flowers, but I give importance to the family of Gesnerians. Adult specimens of the Columns feel great in the hanging pots. Adore abundant light, but the direct sun can destroy them. Identically react like for overflow, for no reason and for drying by dropping foliage. The most uncomfortable varieties are old varieties - Krokotau, Fujiyama. Root freely, the essence is not to act longish cuttings to be rooted. More capricious varieties variegatnye, but still with them it is allowed to find a universal voice. Svetlana FYR
I do not seem to find it, I like talking a lot, but it seems that I'm very hot and they do not grow up. Already, and transplanted them, a little green, look, which is further enough. For the sake of the experience, the eschinanthus, who is very similar to them, has grown, for no reason this one grows, like for yeast, and the columbine, like in a stupor.
Able, plenty of light and wet at least the desire for a local atmosphere - for the sake of the essence. Already 2 age like live for a chair in its corner for the south window sill. Byl, the window is partly covered with material like narrow lutrasila. I did not change it, I was sold already with a mane, the 2 nd itself grew, the other two plaits from the sunrise immediately grow very much. In cups about 12 cm, for wicks in a common tray for the sake of seedlings, do not actually dry out, the ground is perlite with ordinary peat blends in half, water, byl, distillate.
I first took the spring in a flower shop with a bent curved column - the spectator was very, gently talking, the most frightening, took it out of pity. She transplanted. Immediately it looks all the same to me - it swelled, gave abundantly radical shoots and this despite the northern balcony). Izza all the time it's time even fertilizers did not see me. I desire a frank saying that the columbine is one of the most common plants in nursing. Julia))
It is impossible to call a Columbus an undemanding flower. In adverse conditions, she will live to adapt, but not blossom. For the sake of high-quality growth, the plant needs a brilliant aristocracy, watering with mild warm water and proper wintering conditions.

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