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Japanese Garden of Stone disclosure of oriental styles

Japanese Garden of Stone & #8212; disclosure of oriental stylesIn the garden art, style is supposed to be a collection of traditions, canons, principles and principles that ensure the agreement of the figurative system of the garden, its generalized ideological and artistic content. Stylistics of the garden in the Land of the Rising Sun was formed around the impact of the surrounding nature. Typical vegetative light, islands framed by majestic waters, short, long-flowing rivers, lakes of various origins, the most beautiful are many. Geographical features of the country allow even fairly square meters to be transformed into a real park - a Japanese park of pebbles that combines naturalness, miniaturism and symbolism.
Park of pebbles - a visiting image of the Land of the Rising Sun
The remarkable property of Japanese culture is that all the news does not destroy and does not suppress already existing traditions, but is processed, successfully supplementing what was created for centuries. Faith, who was brought here from outside, was changed by his world view of the Japanese. For no reason, the Japanese philosophical and religious teaching of Zen Buddhism was formed. Near its influence, special gardens began to be created: monastery and temple. A typical microcosm in which dust, stone, pebbles and mosses made a prototype of the universe
The formation of Zen spawned a park, who could all be satisfied without plants or own them in the least amount. A typical microcosm in which dust, stone, pebbles and mosses made the prototype of the universe, was intended for meditation, the deepest immersion in meditation, contemplation and self-knowledge. Mysterious and obscure for the sake of the Western man, a pebble park became for the Land of the Rising Sun a visiting card, like cherry and chrysanthemum. In the garden and park culture of other states there are no analogues to it.
Chronicle of the Land of the Rising Sun retained the name of the master of Zen Buddhism, who created the main park of pebbles in the Land of the Rising Sun. Park in the Kyoto Buddhist temple of Ryongji built a virtuoso Soami (1480-1525). For the site at 10x30 meters there are 15 pebbles located in 5 groups. Tradition prescribes to look for a pebble from a certain place. If you follow it, the mysterious and incomprehensible harmony of the garden will have hypnotic opposition for you.

Highlights of the stone garden stylistics
The Japanese taste will have to suit the taste of those who drunk to abandon the lush fluffiness of European gardens. Reflected lovers of secluded relaxation will appreciate the beauty of the minimalist temple garden. Those who want to build a Japanese park of pebbles with their own hands are forced to take into account the main moments of its formation at the beginning:
Emptiness is the first action that develops to be the appearance of this garden. Its place should not exist very full, like it is customary in European gardens. There must be a contrasting perception of open and busy places.
You should find a point of contemplation, with which the park is quite aimed. Taking into account the blinding effect of the midday sun, for the point of view the northern side is better. Depending on the time of day (morning or evening worship), which is to live in the garden, the object of concentration of the gaze is placed in the eastern or western part of the site.
Asymmetry is the main view of all Japanese gardens. Do not choose similar according to the size of the pebbles, have them parallel to each other. The usual park of pebbles is built taking into account the heptagonal geometric network of lines. For all this, the size of the heptagon is not so important. The position of objects must exist so that any of them can be seen from all points of view.
To be available for a site of open aqua objects, one should take into account the reflection in the water of the garden parts. Even the appearance of the shadows of objects is considered to be fundamental. The place of the garden of pebbles should not exist very full
The shape of the shadows and the reflection in the water - all the proudly in the garden of pebbles
Here is the upbringing of this garden:

Japanese culture in Russia is paid much attention. Our citizens are interested in the peculiarities of traditions, ceremonies, philosophy, culture and, of course, the cuisine of this country. The order of continuous self-improvement"Kaizen", for example, is successfully applied for the Chelyabinsk Tube-Rolling Plant. To eat there and your park of pebbles. On the left: a heptagonal geometrical plot of lines - the base for building a garden of pebbles; On the right: a park of pebbles of the Chelyabinsk Tube Rolling Plant
Now they often say about the book, which the geometric components of the mysterious garden of the stones of the Ryonji temple are open, and its consonance is translated into ordinary formulas. Of course, it seems, it's causeless ... More precisely, it seems to the Europeans without reason. A park of pebbles, like hieroglyphics, will always remain mysterious and incomprehensible for us, even if we learn to imitate their form. Those who wish to embody a park of pebbles for their site, are forced to learn, which is quite a bit of reproduction, recreating the external form of the original. Although between the copies are bait masterpieces.

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