Pandanus is a very fascinating plant. It is not difficult to grow it, it's worth sticking to light rules. Byl, some gardeners are struck by the giant size of an adult plant. However, one that will be able to allocate an extensive and warm place for the development of the pandanus for its own living space will not regret it.
Pandanus image Pandanus or pandanus is an unusual plant. In nature, its dimensions cause delight. Some future owners own the fruits that are applicable in food. Inflorescences, roots, leaves are an integral part of folk medicine and are used even in magical rituals. Strong veins of leaf use like matter for the sake of weaving.
Pandanus is an unusual plant that local inhabitants use everywhere
Tropics of the Eastern Hemisphere are native plant penates. There are about 750 pandanus species in nature in the nature. About 90 representatives of this species are allowed to meet one of the peninsulas of Madagascar. The first image of the pandanus was made by the French botanist and traveler Jean-Baptiste Bory de Saint-Vincent. The original name, pandan, occurs through the Indonesian name of the plant. Pandanus grows in coastal zones, for sandy and stony ground.
style="text-align: justify;"They are allowed to meet in dry, mountainous and high-mountainous forests, according to the edge of volcano craters and for their slopes. Coral reefs are also overgrown with these unusual plants.
Pandanus grows in different places, but is often found in the coastal zone
Pandanus is often called a palm tree, more precisely, a spiral-shaped palm tree or even a pine tree. Something is identical with Drachsen. However, the pandanus has nothing in common with these plants.
The plant belongs to the genus of tree-like evergreens of the Pandanova family. Sometimes it develops in the form of a bush. Pandanus is a massive tree, the height of which reaches 15 m, and often rushes to a height of 25 m. However, at home, its dimensions are much more modest - only 1.5 m. Young specimens grow not very vividly. Adult plants increase the leaves better.
Video: pandanus in the natural habitat
The trunk is formed according to the loss of obsolete time of the old leaves. Its appearance, with traces of spirally growing leaves, resembles a screw (hence the name - a spiral-shaped palm tree). The trunk can branch like the dracaena. Another fascinating feature of the pandanus are its roots. The trenches or stilts are a beautiful anchor holding the tree for a place in the time of strong winds and hurricanes. There are cases when the trunk of a plant dies, then the air roots, ingrown into the ground and lignified .
Massive airy or stilted roots help the pandanus to hold for a place in the time of strong winds
Leaves are narrow and longish, linear in shape. The length sometimes reaches 3 - 4 m, width - 10 - 15 cm. They are placed for the trunk in the form of a spiral, in 2 - 4 rows. The leaf is hard, with sharpened teeth on the edge, and very reminiscent of the pineapple leaf.
The narrow, longish pandanus leaves, spiked on the sides, resemble pineapple leaves
Flowers are same-sex. The men are collected in the inflorescence, similar to the spikelet. Ladies - remind cob or cone. Fruits are reddish, fleshy. Something resembles pineapple.
Pandanus flowers are same-sex
For the sake of controlling the growth of pandanus, transplantation is less frequent, producing, for the same reason, even for culinary specimens, replacing the top layer of the earth.
The land for pandanus needs nutritious and loose, but contains a small amount of clay. It is allowed to extract the purchased substrate for palm trees. For lovers of soil consistencies, the following components must be mixed in equal parts:
greenhouse - 2 parts
style="text -align: justify;">clay soil - 1 share;
peat - 1 share;
Or such a variation - turf and sheet bottom, river dust and humus. The components are taken in equal parts.
Preparing the earth, mix all the ingredients together
The acidity of the earth also makes sense. Proper pH is close to 6.
Step effect of transplantation
In fill the smallest pebbles with the newest container, with a layer of 1/3 of the total volume.
Top with a small fraction of the substrate.
Flush the earth's surface above the drain
The edges of the leaves of an adult pandanus are strewn with sharpened thorns. Therefore, when starting work, wear gloves first. Then carefully collect the leaves of the plant in a bundle and band them with a ribbon. If scratches can not be avoided.
Put the pot on its side, and carefully help with a flat spatula, remove the plant. Earth from the roots do not need to be scraped off.
Pandanus set in the center of a new pot. While holding the plant, pour the rest of the earth around the edges.
Hold the pandanus, fill the remaining soil mixture <
So that the soil is compacted and fill the space between the roots, pour the plant. Wait until excess water is collected in the pan and drain.
The height of the pandanus landing is forced to stay at the same level, and the air roots - above the ground.
Pandanus purchased at the store can not be transplanted at any time. To adapt the plant, it's necessary to delay the time - about 10 days.
Does pandanus need protection?
All, pandanus protection is not needed. However, there are situations if the flower begins to grow one-sidedly. This happens with overgrown and by the way not transplanted plants, also in a room with dry air. In such conditions, the air roots cease to grow and the flower can not accurately assist. If there is no transplant, then put a support close to the pandanus - a strong beech mace will fit.
There are situations in which the pandanus can not stand without support
Education Even such, like his joke called - an indestructible plant, like pandanus, needs proper care. It is very easy and will not be a huge task.
Watering and effective top dressing
Pandanus though growing for the coasts, where there are frequent flooding, but in indoor culture does not tolerate too moistened the land. Moreover, if the pot, which is called, for the outgrowth and the bottom is heavy, poorly conductive water. The high level of the earth is bound to dry out before the plant is used again. In the summer, the plant is watered a lot and will certainly remove part of the water from the pan. In winter, you need to be more careful to do moisturizing, mainly if the pandanus is in a cool room. Then it's kind of dried up, you have to wait 2 to 3 more days before you water it. > Watering has to be sufficient, so that the moisture moistens the full land a piece, not a kind, leaving the roots dry. Watering a pandanus must be a lot, so that the moisture drenched a full piece of land
The frequency of watering is 1 day a week in summer, in winter - 1 once in 2 weeks. However, this is all conditional. It is necessary to rest on the specific features of your content criteria. The hotter, the more often watering, and in reverse.
Apart from waterlogging for the sake of pandanus, the long desiccation of the earth is not very necessary. yellowed leaves the plant will not decorate, but in the reverse, they will spoil the whole action.
The liquid for watering should stand and own room temperature. To be humidified by cool water, the plant can tolerate stress and finish the profit. Perfectly watered with melt or rain water. The beautiful action is of course the lower watering, which the liquid must have a temperature of 35 0 C. fertilizers of universal purpose. The feeding in the spring-summer period occurs 2 times a month. Winter is reduced before 1 time per month.
The transplanted plant begins to fertilize just through the moon or a half.
For the sake of pandanus, at least some universal fertilizer
top dressing is minimized or the whole is stopped. Without food, the pandanus gains a healthy slowing.
Flowering gap
Paint this unusual plant only at will. There is no growing in the flowering room criteria.
Rest period
The plant does not have a clear expressed rest period. However, in winter the pandanus actually stops growing. Feeding and watering in this time is sometimes spent and cautious. The temperature can be slightly reduced, so that the plant rested fully, as in the warm room the gains will continue.