For the sake of lovers of light and natural smells, myrtle fits best: it helps to improve the atmosphere in the room, to make the atmosphere, and its leaves are used as pharmaceutical property. In addition, it is grown for the creation of a tree in the style of bonsai. And between the contrast of species you can choose suitable for the sake of beginners, for no reason and for the most experienced gardeners: education is not difficult, but it's worth keeping in mind about certain features.
Myrtle - plant characteristics
My fatherland is the Mediterranean, but it also grows in North Africa (in Europe it freezes after the first frosts). Depending on the variety, the heat-loving plant in the form of an evergreen shrub in these parts reaches a height of 3.5 m, so it is grown like a garden culture in tubs or in the open ground. The bush is even cut to give the desired shape to the crown.
Leaves contain fragrant matter: his spirit is clearly heard if or to subdivide in a place where streaks are placed. Latin myrtus"myrtle, southern evergreen plant, containing in the leaves an essential oil"came out through the Greek ?????"Myrrh, a liquid incense."
A brilliant family agent is a myrtle normal. This is a shrub in height in front of 2 m with dark green leathery leaves and small snow-white or pink fragrant flowers. Fruits are edible black berries for which a flower cup is attached. Then flowering for the myrtle is formed by dark fruits of rounded or elliptical shape with seeds There is an abundance of varieties of Myrtle family plants. Curious, which is equated with him and eucalyptus. All for the sake of the house are applicable only a little bit fairly kinds. Education is easy because of them, but they have to make applicable conditions, for example, high humidity, airing and constant watering.Myrt is excellent to form, therefore it is against to be brought up simply in the style of a bonsai. However, more unique trees will come from the variety of Boethika and the dwarf Microphylla: their crown and trunk to make it comfortable because of unhurried growth and flexibility of shoots.
Landing and transplantation
The transplantation of an adult myrtle is best to live 1 once in 3-4 age, and the young plants are transplanted once a year in the spring. To transplant the myrtle it is impossible to penetrate the root neck of the plant: it can lead to different diseases or to damage by rot.
For the bottom of the pot, a good discharge of drainage is certainly laid out.
style="Plants before 3 years transplanted an individual year into a pot, 2-3 cm wider (enough that the root order was placed), than the old one, the roots are not cleared through the earth, they make transshipment and fill up a little of the fresh soil. And also the capacity for transplantation can be chosen based on the size of the crown of the plant: according to the volume, the pot must exist twice less than the size of the plant crown.
The plants are then transplanted according to the extent of their growth, if the roots all around the earthy piece.
The transplant is done in the spring, before the flowering begins.
style="text-align: A single year in an adult plant is changed by a high discharge of soil, who is not entangled in roots, cutting it neatly with a knife and falling asleep with the freshest portion. At the time of this procedure, the root system is not processed and all try not to bully.
Myrtle sensitive and tender roots, therefore they can not be injured to be transplanted If the above rules are applicable for the sake of adults, for no reason and for the sake of the younger generation,Make the soil.
Release the root system through parts of the old earth, leaving a short piece to sleep in the pot more half of the new soil.
Plant an unprecedented pot. In order not to spoil the roots it is allowed to wash them in warm water.
The plant is not deepened, for this purpose the mark of the old ground level is made for the trunk.
Fill the voids with new soil.
Leave the plant alone for a number of days. < Young myrtle trees are transplanted similarly, but leaving more land for the roots and choosing the soil with another compound:
mash peat and coarse sand For grown plants, a weakly acidified earth is obtained or combined:
grassy land;
coarse dust.
Myrth is advised to a weakly acidic soil Ph 6-6.5, without any universal purchased soils have such acidity. The essence, so that the earth was gentle, perfectly passed the water. Water should not stagnate. Undoubtedly for the bottom is a kind of small pebbles. Water for irrigation and spraying must be defended, if it's healthy hard, then it's allowed to acidify. Tit
As a drain, usually use claydite, but more effective is perlite, who can be baked into the ground.
Education from the world is not much different through the standard. It is proud to keep in mind the book that he loves warmly during periods of activity, water and a new atmosphere.
List: conditions of keeping myrtle season-dependent
Season air temperature Moisture Watering Explanation малыйстандартноенестьВесна15–20 градусов70–90%изобилующийпрямоевсеохватывающиеЛето20–25 градусов70–90%изобилующийпрямоеазотныеОсень15–20 градусов70–90%бережливыйпрямоевсеохватывающие Watering and top dressing
If the myrtle grows, it dyes, then it is watered with a lot of constant room temperature water . Chlorine is harmful for the sake of affectionate roots, even a short contact with it will lead to sad consequences. The frequency of irrigation is depending on many reasons, but determine its need according to the state of the soil: it is not allowed to dry it all. All the big watering guarantees the souring of the earth, the decay of the roots: the tree will discard the leaves and stop in development. Spraying (or a repetitive shower) will help you cope with the drooping leaves, restore their elasticity and shiny paint. Also, these procedures are the prevention of many diseases and pests. Spray the myrtle in the activity interval a day or a couple of times a day. In order to facilitate the upbringing and ensure the proper humidity of the air, which should exist the highest, a humidifier is placed in the room or a claydite is put through a pot through a pot and watered with water. Spraying finishes short-term treatment criterion: how moisture evaporates from the leaves, myrtle enough to feel its flaw.Humidity is allowed to fly, placing a pot with a plant for a pallet with wet claydite, just look, so that the bottom of the pot does not touch the claydite - in other words, put the pot for the pod, and then put them for the pallet with wet claydite. Also, then the transplant should be owned by the plant near the transparent package. You need to perform a hole in it for the sake of accessing the fresh air, and take care that the unfit is not created. Ku!
The place in which myrtle, accurate air,
This plant needs a new atmosphere, but it is afraid of drafts and severe cold.
Myrtle grows in the direct rays of the sun. All in the midday weather in the warm season it provides protection, mainly being located for an open balcony. Fertilizers help grow the tree, but they are used with caution. If there is a transplant in the soil, add a little humus, then before age you can neglect the ready-made formulations. In other cases, the myrtle is fed with all-encompassing fertilizers in the spring, and then begins flowering and before its end is nitrogenous. This plant also takes top-dressing of roots or leaves in the form of spraying.
Flowering and fruiting interval
style="text-align: justify;"Myrtle blooms usually at the end of spring or early in life. This gap lasts for about 2 months. With its beginning increase the size of irrigation and the frequency of spraying. In order for fruits to appear, insects are needed, all in domestic conditions, pollination by this method is virtually impossible. Therefore, this is done manually with a brush.
active pruning and shaping the crown, the myrtle does not dye. If the visibility of the crown does not bother, then it is allowed to accelerate and intensify this action: here the pruning is stopped and nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers are used.
style="text-the align: justify;">Myrtle sake saturated flowering plant in a narrow pot, so he does not waste power to b rysh shoots and root development .
Бонсай дома
Some are addicted to this extraordinary occupation, and myrtle is great for the sake of forming bonsai. The desire to choose slow growing and dwarf varieties (for example, Boethika or Microfila). For the sake of shaping the crown, exact spend pinching the top leaves, pruning unnecessary branches, not allowing flowering. Then the crown is pretty lush and curdled,but its kind of small-sized and meet this one. For no reason, the barrel of Boethika is allowed to turn in different directions: it is complaisant, however it is not necessary to squeeze it, because there will be cracks Pot for the sake of bonsai from myrtle exist flat and wide, with low walls. In order to avoid drying out the soil and add decorativeness, mosses are mulched for a high discharge of earth or mulch. The mismatch of a pot may make obstacles for the sake of the normal functioning of the root system, which entails the fast end of the tree Errors in care To grow myrtle there are various difficulties, often associated with the wrong content of the plant. Below are more common premises for the"unhealthy appearance"of your plant.
List: incorrect education: difficulties and their sentence
Question The root cause The sentence Twist and dry the leaves Lishke of the sun
The resting period has been disturbed in the winter.
Water or fertilizer flaws.Transfer to a cold shaded room.
Increase irrigation, ensure continuous spraying and top dressing with all-encompassing fertilizers. Rottenness of roots td>Lots of waterDecrease watering by about 50%.
Transplant with full soil substitution,in the book by the number of roots being freed.
Every day airing in the course of 30 minutes.
Often you have to come to a critical resuscitation of the plant (namely, the withered one):Put the roots in the warm water for pretty hours.
Place the myrtle in the pot.
Cover with a film.
Ventilate at least once a day, not letting the soil sour.
Add all-embracing fertilizers for ornamental plants.
If the myrtle recovers, the film must be removed. Next, you should review the conditions of its content.
Diseases and pests, healing methods
Myrtle becomes vulnerable and for pests to violate the content criterion. List: list of major pests and diseases, measures to combat them
Pain or pest Symptoms Healing The base of the stem rots. Can not be healed. Spider mite
Leaves fall.
A spider web appears. Acaricide trim (Fitoverm, Actellik, Sanmayt ) WhiteflyThe leaves turn yellow, curl.
Suspension of growth.Wash the pests with water jets
Hardening for cool air (takeaway for the balcony or loggia for 30 minutes to be 10-15 degrees, covering through the wind). Shield Sticky leavesDelete the pests
Finishing with soap. Unfit
Leaves collapse, like trunks. There are light-green or brownish insects, usually not exceeding 5-7 mm.
Clean the pest next to the shower.
Edit with an insecticide (Foley, Aktara, Actitlyk).
Answer the damaged parts.
Photo Gallery: signs of affected plants To be hit by a scabbard, a sticky liquid (for no reason called the pad) serves as a good haven for the development of black fungus
Leaf unfit lively weakens the young plants, sucking out their cellular juice.
One of the main signs of the presence of the whitefly is the presence of a sticky plaque - honey dew.
Being a fungal disease of the plant in most cases the best way out is isolation of the affected plant or its elimination
The existence of small white points for the leaves (in the main from the lower side) and the presence of a narrow spider web that braids the plant (or a part of it) is said about the presence of a spider miteMultiplication of myrtle
Myrtle propagate preferably by cuttings; multiplication by seeds is not necessary: plants lose their varietal characteristics (crushing leaves and flowers). In addition, cuttings are a more reliable method: seeds lose their talent for germination very vividly.
Multiplication with cuttings should not live more often 2 times a year: before winter (January-February), and later it should be identified for spring or middle age (July). For the sake of quick rooting, you can use catalysts.
To prevent the evaporation of water, the leaves are removed from the lower part of the cut and the remaining ones are shortened. The stages of propagation by cuttings:Cuttings. Their length should exist on the order of 5-8 cm. For the sake of reproduction, take the stronger semi-matured cuttings.
Cuttings should be taken from the middle part of the tree Preparation of land:If the election is between vermiculite and perlite, give importance to the first: it does not dust and has useful elements for plant nutrition
<> In the short pot (fit and plastic cups) with the prepared soil, cuttings are planted.
Cuttings for a depth of 2.5-3 cm, not forgetting to compact the ground at the base
The pot with the cuttings is transferred to the place where half-shade is eaten, 20 o C. Do not forget to catch it all with a film, making small holes in it, so that there is air access. Also they use cups for the sake of single plantings instead of films Waiting for the rooting of the cuttings in the course of 1-2 months .
If the shoots appear, the film is removed and transferred to a place with standard criteria for the sake of myrtle.
In spring, the cuttings are planted in separate pots (a diameter of 10 cm). The earth for the sake of entrenched myrtle germs is prepared from the consistency of peat (70%) with perlite or vermiculite (30%). myrtle will begin to grow intensively and start the shoots, it is kept at a temperature of 15-20 about C. Typically, plants grown from cuttings bloom only in the second or third year. Video: advice on growing, multiplying and pruning myrtle
Seed multiplication
A myrtle tree purchased from seeds will please you with flowers no earlier than 4 years.take into account that the seeds to eat the desire to reduce germination after the 1st storage age. /blockquote>
Like to raise myrtle from seeds:
Preparing the land. Prepare the substrate from soddy land, peat and sand (2: 2: 1).
Small seeds sow for the surface layer of soil, and large seeds, pre-stratified, fall asleep a small layer of soil. Virtually all types of myrtle seeds are small, in one fruit they can exist in front of 15 pieces The capacity with soil and seeds is set for solar room and cover with glass. Spray the land with warm water 24 hours a day The glass is removed twice a day for 20-30 minutes for the sake of ventilation and wiping through the condensate. Approximately 7-10 days after planting, the first sprouts of myrtle occur The seedlings are planted in two pots to form two real leaves way of transshipment.
Myrtle, fed from seeds, grows slowly.
Stratification of seeds
It is not enough that plants seeds of stratification, although often this is required.
Stratification is the preparation of the embryo of a plant for future germination without loss: keeping the plant in a humid environment at a lower temperature and the upcoming landing in a relatively warm land. Without preparatory cooling, the grain can simply rot in the ground. Typically, this seed preparation is carried out as follows:
Soak the seeds in warm water in the course of 24 hours .
Prepare a container with wet cotton or cardboard tampons, for which seeds are also laid out. <
Seeds in this form are placed in the refrigerator; the temperature should exist within the limits of 1-5 o C.
withstand 1.5-2 months in this state. For the sake of increasing efficiency in water for the sake of primary soaking, add Zircon (1 small for 300 ml of water). This solution must insist for more than 16 hours . It is suitable for the sake of using only 3 days to be air temperature 18-25 about C.
Before soaking the seeds, the container with Zircon substance is shaken.
style="text-the align: justify;">often be growing plants from seeds appears operational issues from the category of"what to do if»:seeds do not rise;
abundant condensation has become a prerequisite for the formation of mold,
sprouts wilt, etc.
For example, seeds can not germinate for several reasons: unsustainable old seed, too deep seeding, jail, super saturated with moisture, the bottom, etc. If in the first case you are completely helpless, then the 2nd and 3rd are your occupation hands: consider the specificity of planting myrtle seeds and do not forget about the drainage and ventilation of the greenhouse.Подписаться на: Комментарии к сообщению (Atom)