Kaleria - a beautiful lot of flowering plants from the tropics. The unpretentiousness of the plant makes it possible to make beautiful ampel compositions at home. Easy rules of care can exist to be fulfilled by any gardener,
Caleria (colaria) belongs to the family of Gesneria, in nature grows in the tropics of equatorial America.
The leaves of the plant achieve a length of 15 cm, their appearance is covered with a small reddish or snow-white nap. The paint varies depending on the type of the flower (olive, bronze, silvery, dark green with light veined leaves).
Abundant flowering is mainly appreciated by gardeners planting the plant. Bellflower-shaped flowers of different colors, usually with 5 petals, are placed according to 1-3 pieces. for the peduncle. Modifications are cherry, amethyst and other noteworthy colors, in nature this plant is dyed pink-white, red-orange, brown-white flowers. Petals are usually not monophonic, but with a pattern - speckles , strokes, stripes.
The flowers of kalery at once attract obeisance
Kaleria is indiscriminate in nursing, therefore it is not difficult to raise her at home.
The main future flower
Fuzzy. The plant is quite high - before 0.8 m in height, with green leaves covered with red nap. Bright-red flowers with yellow dots for the petals are very effective.
Fisheye. Flowers are bell-shaped with a wide bend. The whole plant is covered with snow-white hairs.
Pleasant. Leaves are silvery-green with purple veins. Flowers are pink, small - about 2 cm.
Photo Gallery: various calories
Season Explanation Moisture Temperature Autumn to Winter Well-lit room,with shading through direct sunlight. He prefers a wet atmosphere, even though he tolerates a dispassionate one. Sprinkle the atmosphere around the plant, because the fleecy leaves of the kaleeria react unfavorably to get water droplets. Another only method to provide the desired humidity is to put a pot of plant for a pallet with moist pebbles. 20-24 o c Spring-summer 17 about
Kaleria in the wild nature grows for stony, poor soils, hence it is not very demanding on the soil. Transplant her, if the rhizome has already filled the pot. Best time for transplant (more precisely - for transshipment) - spring. For the sake of the plant, a shallow and wide capacity should be taken.
Transplanting kalery by way of transshipment
Mash ground: 2 parts of leaf land, 1 share of peat, 1 share of sand, 0.5 part humus, little charcoal (for the sake of absorbing excess water). Also it is allowed to purchase the finished land for the sake of shenpolias or gloxins.
You do not need to clean the beginning through the land, you can infect it with the new way of packing and pour it with the freshest substrate.
Video: landing of the caleria
Colour: raising and rearing at home
Watering Order of watering for the sake of caleria - thrifty - 1 once a week (however more dense in the heat). The discharge of land is not forced to exist extremely overdried. Proudly observe the measure and prevent neither overmoistening nor drying out. Lishke water threatens the decay of the roots, which react sharply to excess water. Water is needed at room temperature, necessarily stand-by (in the standard to extract rain or thawed). Water can not be poured for leaves.
Water should not be watered for leaves and flowers.
In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter the flower is watered if the high earth discharge has already become dry.
Top dressing
Calorie dressing is very desirable in the growth and flowering period. Allowed to retrieve specific fertilizer for violets or orchids, but diluted in 2 times more in tips in the summary.
For the sake of feeding Kaleria allowed to extract fertilizer for orchids
Probably also the introduction of all fertilizing for the sake of budding houseplants. Kaleria in spring and summer is fertilized 1 once a month. In the rest interval, no make-up is required.
Creation of the crown
The clerical bush is allowed to collect according to the discretion of the owner. The plant is allowed to"direct"according to a different path and get an ampel (dangling) or erect bush plant. Cut shoots before beginning bud formation with ground disinfected scissors. Cut off vertices can exist for the sake of obtaining a new independent plant. In order to get an ampel plant, you do not need to trim - stretch shoots near your weight will start hanging down.
The only method for locating long shoots is to mount a support
style="text-the align: justify;">Kaleria kraskaot summer, in September fades and is preparing to be avoided for failure to act before the next spring. Then blossoms should be removed all-time flower stalks and dried flowers. Foliage remains for the plant, hence the bush is allowed to throw for the same place, slightly lowering the temperature before 16-18 about C. Top dressing stops, watering becomes more rare.
In the rest period of caleria, you must provide a lower temperature, reduce watering
Eat future calories, which fade with the end of flowering. Here, the aboveground parts of the plant are cut off without leaving, leaving a rhizome in the pot. It is left in a dark cold place (near 13 o C). He is there before January, at times the land should be watered, so that the roots do not wither. Some future calories can bloom a year. blockquote>
List: sort of care errors appear and act to fix the situation
Leaves turn yellow and fold Extremely brilliant aristocracy, direct sunny explanation, extremely dispassionate atmosphere. Protect through direct sunlight. Often, spray the atmosphere around the plant. There are not enough dyes or finiteness of plants Deficiency of light, not enough nutrients, cold or hot, over-moistening. Rearrange for other, more lighted room, adjust the temperature order and order of feeding and watering. The brown spots for the leaves Spray should be not leaves, but the atmosphere around the plant. Water can also fall for the leaves to be watered. In this case, it is permissible to extract the bottom watering - pour water into the pan and put a pot for it. Rottenness Litter of water in the soil. Transplant calories. Leaves dry and deform Unfavorable. Light mix. >Spider mite
Spray more often - the mite does not like a wet environment.It is difficult to select an insecticide, because it is practically free of allapplication for spraying, and leaves of caleria do not need to be bordered by moisture if new difficulties arise. It is allowed to shed the soil with the substance of the Aktar product. Brown spots for the leaves Watering extremely cold water. Being watered should extract standing water at room temperature.
Multiplication The best time for the sake of plant reproduction is spring.
Eat a lot of methods of reproduction of this plant. Multiplication with a leaf is sometimes used - it is extremely endless to delay the occurrence of roots (before 5 months).
By dividing rhizomes
Have a rhizome divided for fairly parts (preferably less than 3) with a sharp knife.
The rhizome is divided into 2-3 parts to be transplanted.
planted in a single pot in a common for the sake of caleria land.
Decrease the rhizome for 1-2 cm.
At times, water it.
In order to get the seeds of caleria, must extract artificial pollination. Also they are allowed to purchase.
Seeds are planted in the second half of winter. I need a mash of peat and sand (or 1 part of sand and 2 parts of sheet soil).
Seeds are easy to lay for the soil without deepening them.
Cover the pot with polyethylene.
Daily airs so that the unfit does not appear. Sometimes watering.
If the shoots have 2 leaves, the seedlings are dived and placed in separate containers.
Then, like the seedlings grew, the upper kidney is removed to provoke the development of lateral shoots.
Prepare the cuttings to block the higher part of the stems.
Powder the cuts with Kornevin.
style="If roots appear, plant them in a small pot (need land: dust or mash of peat and sand).
Calories grown from a handle
about growing
Kaleria - if you pronounce this name, it seems that it rolls around for the language. At me it grows already plentifully years and I can not get enough for it, to see it is allowed a whole day. Kaleria is not extremely capricious, but she loves the sunny windowsill and does not stand drafts at all. But it grows and blossoms, in fact, constantly. And what beautiful flowers she has! The kind of a flower recalls a bell with an unusual spotted red coloring. And this beautiful flower grows to the point of pain simply - you need then to answer the flowering peak and put it into the water. And then the appearance of the first rootlets - frank planting in the pot with the ground. I take always the ordinary garden land, all my houseplants are simply wonderful in it to grow and blossom. Watering kaleriyu must be very cautious, trying, so that water does not get to the leaves, through this they rot. If to execute such easy rules, this little girl will bring many pleasant minutes and will cheer up.
Колерию должен выделывать через малеханького черенка. Как возникает отросточек 5 см, начинаем прищипывать. Она довольно ветвиться и формироваться в куст. Это отодвинет мало цветение.
It should rest in the winter in a cold black place, I put it in a dirty part and put it near the balcony door, in January-February I take out and very careful not to pour and waste, start watering. Irena_Obninsk
style="text-the align: justify;">The explanation solar watering abundant, does not tolerate spraying, pruning is not required, the multiplication of apical cuttings or root division, feeding from the spring before the light after 2-4 weeks. I wish you luck! The flower is luxurious, but harmful.
Калерия отлично подходит ради выкармливания в домашних критериях. Ей не требуется густой полив, какие-то особые условия содержания, освещения, влажности. А прекрасные цветочки веселят владельцев достаточно длительное пора.
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