What determines the time of landing?
There are pretty views on the timing of planting lilies in open land. The usual time for planting is autumn, or rather, her first wife. This is due to the natural cycle of plant development: right after flowering, there is a rest period (only a few weeks), then the bulb onions are activated, the roots are pecked. As a result, at the very beginning of spring, together with the first rays of the spring sun, a flower bud appears.
All at times, according to different incidents, gardeners choose for planting early spring. Prerequisites can exist at least some - through an artless lack of time before taking into account the characteristics of a certain variety. Imagine, oriental modifications are developing perfectly, and North American varieties are simply not resistant to more severe criteria.
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Let's look at the merits of the April planting in open land:
no onions should be buried in the soil and deliberately warmed, the refrigerator is suitable for storage
home"wintering"excludes freezing and spoilage, guarantees complete safety
to be a good preparation of land and bulbs the plant has time to develop and bloom on time.
Eat and flaws, which are worth mentioning. For example, some species do not have time to unfold the root order, and plants are just due to the strength of onions. Of course, that neither suitable growth, nor beautiful inflorescences should not wait. Another bitter aspect - the lack of"spring"lilies of children, who often use for the sake of reproduction. By the way, the crops planted in autumn give about 10 healthy children.
Tubular varieties are not susceptible to disease and are resistant to frost, hence they are advised to grow even in northern areas
Planting lilies in open land in April, be sure to check the good of the land - it must exist thawed, soft and loose
We select a solar room and dig shallow holes (before 10 cm), although almost everything depends on the choice of the variety. In addition to certain species, onions are usually placed for a depth equal to three of its widths.
Some gardeners, in order to protect the shoots through unexpected spring frosts, dig a little deeper, but adhere to the rule: the easier the bottom, the deeper the pit. Thus, low crops are planted for a depth of 8 before 12 cm (depending on the size of onions), tall ones - 12 before 20 cm. If roots are quite massive, add 5 cm more.
Planting intervals, like an abyss of holes, depend on varieties. Between the low plants it is enough to throw 15-20 cm,the highest and massive should be separated by the well-wisher through a friend in a gap of 25-30 cm. Through the depths of the holes and intervals between them depends the development of plants: a crush to disagree with the flowers for favor, the flower garden looks untidy
See, therefore, that the lily planting area is not flooded with spring water. If you want, so that the inflorescences were directed toward the house or the path, try to plant them to the north through the objects.
Primary and next feeding
Regardless of the time of planting flowers, the soil must be fed with mineral fertilizers. Refuse through cow manure, mostly fresh. It has a poor influence on the bulb of bulbs and the development of plants during the flowering period.
Depends on the type of land, in the spring the following additives are added to the land:
Ammonium nitrate (1 item deepening for 1 m? of soil)
nitroammophosco (before 50 g for the weather of water)
Wood ash.
Feeding the soil, must perform a serious dosing, because the excess of minerals also negatively affects the development of sprouts. The only thing that really loves lilies is wood ash. It is allowed to add to the course of the season before 5-6 once. Ash does not only form an alkaline environment useful for flowers, but also protects through some types of pests and mold. Sometimes, mainly in the northern regions, before planting in a hole in the open land, lilies are planted in containers or flower pots - before a complete defrost of the earth
Plants planted in the spring, not counting the initial top dressing, should fertilize at least 2 more times. Before the formation of buds it is necessary to impregnate the earth with the substance of nitrophosphate, and then the flowering period with superphosphate (40-50 g for the weather of water). The last feeding feeds onions, prepares them for the winter period.
At the same time mineral fertilizers create disease prevention. In May, if the sprouts grow a little, soak the soil with 1% Bordeaux fluid. Repeat the procedure again several times in July, but only through spraying only plants. If you see signs of disease, for example, grayish rottenness, for the plant, continue feeding - onions need additional nutrition.
Features of the watering mode
Prepared and fed up land is useless if you do not perform the correct watering from the moment you plant the bulbs. In the main day, the soil should be watered painstakingly, and then water the exact one, observing two basic conditions:
do not favor the stagnation of water;
Do not overdry the earth.
Although what kind of impairment is caused by a suspension of development, as a result of which budding and the full flowering effect will not flow completely. Faithful irrigation provides the very essence for the burgeoning cultures - lush, healthy, beautiful inflorescences.
Specifically, for the sake of longer storage of water in the soil, mix with needles or the part that has been repaired - they are soaked in water and do not allow the soil to dry out. It is not necessary to plant lilies extremely densely, so that moisture is distributed moderately and in sufficient quantities. The choice of a place for the sake of planting is almost entirely dependent on the capabilities of the suburban area, however, try to ensure that the plants are in a bright, well-lit area or in a light penumbra
For the sake of water, morning and afternoon worship are suitable. Water properly, try to sprinkle water around the root. The smallness of the leaves can cause the development of the disease (for example, botrytis) or a burn. Droplets of water are typical lenses that concentrate the solar aristocracy. In this sense, consider such a method of irrigation, such as drip irrigation - water with a certain periodicity comes unswervingly to the roots of plants, providing them with a strictly dosed amount of water.
What is there to be afraid of overmoistening? In cloudy, cold weather, dampness contributes to the development of brown spots, and in the heat of wet rot and fusariosis.
Defense through pests and diseases
Look at the threats that lie in wait for plants planted in April-May.
In the early spring period, it is permissible to encounter such an unpleasantness, like bacterial (wet) rottenness. It manifests itself in the form of gingival spots-divorces, appearing before for the leaves, then moving for the peduncle. With the passage of time, a plant is infected without a plant, and the affected areas simply die off. In order to guard against this mess, you should reduce watering and exclude nitrogenous fertilizers.
Small, but more colorful, reddish spots for the leaves indicate another disease - rust. It is tolerated by onions, hence it is worthwhile to choose the planting matter more carefully. Infected leaves evenly dry out, therefore they are immediately removed. For the sake of healing suits Bordeaux fluid, certain fungicides. Phytosporin is a beautiful medicine for prevention and healing through the fungus and bacterial diseases - scab, dark stalk, root and gray rot, phytophthora, rust
The real whip for the sake of lilies is botrytis (grayish waste). The infected plant is covered with vividly spreading brown spots. The prerequisites for the occurrence may be different, but more frequent are over-moisturizing and a sudden change in temperature. In order to avoid mold, should often loosen the soil and cultivate plants with substances containing copper.
If the tops of the shoots begin to turn yellow - root rottenness has appeared. She lives only on the roots of the bulbs. We'll have to find a plant, eliminate unhealthy parts and do disinfection. Damage to lilies can not only diseases, but also harmful representatives of fauna: thrips, aphids, beetles, larvae of horsetails and crackles, spider mites. For the sake of their liquidation a whole system of chemicals was created, for example, Inta-Vir. Insecticides are not controlled with a bug-beetle, therefore it must be eliminated manually. A similar method is usually destroyed and a bright orange lily beetle.
Lilac flies, thrips, aphids, larvae of beetles are excreted by chemical products"Thunder","Povotox","Mukhoed","Pochin","Medotoks","Grizzly".