"Velvet carpet"like decorative decoration
Mosses are unusual and according to their own structure, and according to the style of life. As a reward through other dacha representatives of the flora - trees, grass, blooming plants - they do not have roots and flowers, all outgrowths replacing the leaves, possess an inimitable decorative effect. Different coloring, through bright green in front of red and brown, allows you to make unusual velvety lawns, paint alpine hills and rockeries,"age"brick fences, tree stumps and stone framing of reservoirs
The first to begin to extract moss in landscape design attentive to trifles the inhabitants of the country of the rising sun. They saw that small thickets in a certain, comfortable for their environment, live and develop no worse than garden plants, and in some cases their outward appearance eclipses them.
Again in the 14th century, Japanese monks made a park of mosses Sayhodzi, who, little changed, exists until now. A variety of future mosses and lichens cover small islands, pebbles, tree trunks, soil with a dense multicolored lawn, creating an atmosphere of peace and quiet
The tradition of extracting moss in landscape design has spread to Europe, and then to other continents, to regions where the climate has to grow.
A more popular decor reception, proper for the sake of a summer plot, is the product of a mossy stone, which is part of a stone garden or rock garden. Half covered with greenish velvet, the rock takes on a completely different appearance - the older, unclear, unnatural. Mosses and lichens organically fit into the composition of coniferous forest trees: covering the lower parts of the trunks, they at once protect them through droughts and overheating.
Choose the future that you will extract: if you decide to decorate the rock, remove pads from pebbles, wood moss will decorate tree trunks, and a young carpet covering the soil will be needed for the design of alpine hills and lawns
The thickets of moss can be found in the town. Visit the old parks and squares, the oldest architectural monuments with the highest stone fences, overgrown ponds - somewhere you will certainly stumble upon a curly young carpet. Try to find the kind of more types that are different, different in height, color and growth criteria. You can experiment with them, choose suitable plants for your site, more resistant plants
Choose mature, healthy specimens that are rich in color and density. Do not tear out the plants and do not cut off their tops. It's right enough to dig a little cushion from all sides and carefully divide it from the base.
Try not to spoil the decorative upper part and lower outgrowths. Collected pads (pieces of mossy humus) carefully folded into a braid, for which the bottom is laid wet cloth. Filling the braid, be sure to cover the standards, so that they do not get direct sunlight and moisture does not escape beforehand.
Aspects of the correct planting of moss
Let's start with the fact that the moss, planted in autumn, is much better. It is permissible to take risks and a spring landing, and then analyze the difference in the results obtained. Probably, your conditions are perfectly suitable for the sake of your work.
It is better to prepare the soil-filler in advance. Make a nutritious substrate: mix in equal parts chernozem and peat, add a small amount of clay and expanded clay. Peat and expanded clay help to save water in the arid interval. If the moss is found in the forest or on the shore of the lake, take the soil for an ancient place of growth - it is perfect for adaptation for the new terrain
Then we follow the following actions:
We take a bucket, a basin or a friend a comfortable container, fill the clean (better main) water and lay layers of collected or acquired mossy humus in order to feed it with moisture before planting.
If the room chosen for planting, because of the time of your absence, is covered with leaves or overgrown with weeds, we remove all that is redundant, in order to remain spotless,"naked", free through a thicket patch.
Soil, suitable according to features, simple loosely for a few cm in depth (before 5 cm, less), in the reverse case, dig up abundant mini-holes and fill them with prepared substrate or soil brought from the forest.
We plant moss pillows in agreement with the fictitious project in advance - in a nutshell, stripes, in checkerboard pattern. It is allowed to extract uniform color-consistent pieces, collecting a solid mat, and it is allowed to decorate patterns and ornaments with the help of multi-colored fragments.
For the next sprawl and update, it is advised to throw small intervals between the islands that are planted.
We look, so that the pieces of humus fit tightly to the soil, leaving no air layer. Everything is great to push the plants too.
After planting a new lawn must certainly be watered, and in the upcoming care, due to the fact that the humidity was at the desired level.
You see, the landing rules are quite ordinary. Let's analyze again a lot of features. To be moss-planted for an alpine hill, an additional initial fixation will be necessary, so that the pieces of humus do not get down. For the sake of fixing them to the slope, we simply stick thin sticks (suited and toothpicks) or pieces of wire. In the forthcoming, if the moss grows, they can be removed
For the old stumps, only those specimens that were removed from a similar surface - rotting tree species - are perfectly"nestled". Against, if you find a beautiful shiny unit in the forest for a putrid stump and wish to decorate a country composition for them, you will have to get an old stump, a fallen log or a piece of wood with traces of smoldering
Sometimes the even mossy appearance looks dull and monotonous. In order to resurrect the composition, we use partner plants. Suitable inhabitants of coniferous forests:
Berries (lingonberries, blueberries, strawberries, blueberries)
low flowers (for example, violets);
Any future lichens, including reindeer moss.
The reason for the advice is good for the mossy lawn, but we will immediately see it, like growing moss for stones. For this, you will need a mess from pieces of moss, water and forest soil. The listed components are mixed in a blender, and then applied to a kind of stone.
The first time will need additional education. It is allowed to cover the rock with a film for a number of days, sometimes arranging a short airing.
Beautiful and laconic for the background of a greenish carpet looks stone placer, but it is better to choose not the granite part, but ordinary grayish stones
Sometimes a mash is prepared for a bio base. To the mossy humus, add little sugar, kefir, water, whip and clot the rock with a sticky mass. Products fix the particles of the plant and play a nourishing consistency.
Instead of kefir it is allowed to extract yogurt or beer, instead of sugar - any sugar syrup. This method is decorated not only by stones, but also by stone fences, brick buildings, wood fences. A good growth of moss for concrete, stone and wood surfaces is allowed from its fragments to make graffiti, ornaments and"live"pictures
Like to take care of because of mossy lawns?
Generate any landlords, clubs, etc. ozelenenie/rokarij-svoimi-rukami.html"target="_blank"rel="noopener noreferrer"> rocker , a mosquito pegs constantly on the door, which is locked in moistened, reshaped, renewed, and stabbing. Мох разразстается достално медлительно: 1-ые молодой подушечки появяся не ранее, чем by 4-5 недель потом посъдки. Oni buddhout about a"parental"nest, all of which is in the same direction, is appropriate to the radius.
For this step, you should adjust the size of the"rug", if you need it, so that it is in a strictly limited framework. While young shoots have not grown, landing should be owned in a wet state. It happens that plants do not take root and die. Do not be afraid: pick up a different appearance and drop it off for the same place. Sometimes moss withers due to lack of water or strong exposure to sunlight. Probably, abundant watering will revive the dried plants
As a reward through an ordinary lawn, the mshannik does not need a permanent haircut. Everything has to be taken care of because of its purity. Forest waste will not only spoil the aesthetics of the decorative coating, but rather a prerequisite for the death of moss or the appearance of ugly"bald patches."
It is easy to protect the velvet rug through the autumn leaf fall to pain: spread a small mesh according to the area of the lawn only, and then simply fold it together with the leaves.
Popular future moss for the sake of summer design
Gently-green pads are round, slightly convex, forms Leucobria moss. Plants of the genus Leucobryum are well established and develop in the shade for moistened sandy soils, although they also will not damage a small number of sun rays
For the decoration of stone or concrete paths, patios or low fences use Hypnoe moss. In advance, it was specifically used in the dried form for the warming of wood huts. The family Hypnum feels great for stony, woody and brick surfaces, although it is often used for the creation of lawns
All mushroom pickers are perfectly familiar with Kukushkin flax - small vertically extended plant-columns. This poltrihum is an ordinary, brilliant agent of Japanese moss gardens. Plants of the genus Polytrichum commune prefer wetland forest land or wetlands. In suitable conditions, the plant achieves an elevation of 35-40 cm
Young moss Dikranum is a real discovery for the decoration of pebbles and concrete fences. Small rounded pads of bright green color are distinguished by low height - before 4 cm, therefore excellent hold for vertical surfaces
Fern moss makes dense picturesque thickets and from outside with its carved leaves truly recalls the fern. Thuidium simple likes shady garden patches and loneliness, therefore beware of being compositions of this moss and other plants that he will surely survive
Sphagnum is often used in indoor floriculture, and for the sake of planting ornamental plants in the garden. The trunks of the plant are added to the flower earth in order to perform it more loosely and softly. Peat moss has an excess of the brightest colors - through the pinkish-red before the saturated greenish. The best places for the sake of its growth - the banks of streams, artificial ponds and natural reservoirs
You see, growing moss is not so difficult. His breeding does not ask for cash costs, and the utility is not comparable with anything: even in the sad interval of the off-season evergreen rugs will amuse you with the brightness of colors.
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