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We arrange a garden in accordance with the rules...

We arrange a garden in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui: detailed analysis of each zoneThe worship of nature and the perception of it as a part of the man himself was previously manifested in pagan religions. However, in the Slavic countries pre-Christian religions have long since faded. But the Chinese as before believe that any tree, blade of grass and trickle can affect the fate of a person, giving it positive energy, or, in bulk, taking the share of current strength. Consonance between people and nature bears the name of geomancy, and according to its laws live Tibetan monks. For the west, only one escape of geomancy, feng shui, is known. This trend is engaged in the arrangement of a person's personal place - his house, plot and even a wardrobe. It is believed that the park according to Feng Shui helps a person to live in well-being, attracts the necessary energy (love, fame, etc.). And the more carefully you equip a separate corner of the place,
Your park can act for the home light of the owner, even if that simple monitors him out of the window. It feeds the owners with actual energy, different depending on the season: in winter - tranquility, in the spring - in energy, in summer - in joy, in autumn - in prosperity.
According to the feng shui selected park - it's one whose kind is reminiscent of a rectangle or square and has a flat appearance. The mounds, hollows, pits and uneven shapes interfere with the direct movement of the actual energy, detaining it and isolating it through the owners. If your park does not fall near the verdict of"perfect", you can always correct the minuses by using properly planted plants, small building forms, waterfalls, etc.

The Chinese garden part is considered a single organism, who truly works here, if there are all relevant systems in it, and they are interrelated. All zones in the garden should be 9. The more everyday activity is enough in the area of ​​the Kiddies, the wiser and more vigorous the site owners will be, therefore the site needs to be equipped according to the maximum
If babies have grown, their home can be owned by pets or flower beds with many fascinating, fragrant flowers. Let the butterflies circled over them, the bees grow. Their course is enough to bring into your existence the freshest energy of vivacity and enthusiasm. Of course, you yourself can search the whole day in flower beds, caring for plants.
Wealth Zone: far left corner
In the area of ​​Wealth have all-time highest: colonial trees, the highest statues, garden lights for large legs. They must grasp the energy of the media and throw it for the site. It's right, the compost heap is considered to be the emblem of the future wealth, because it will be fertilized! However, it must exist all zadekorirovana and own a neat appearance, because the money is treated with reverence.
Water in the Wealth zone attracts currency flows, therefore, be no streams or fountains, place bowls and other containers with water
Attracts good and running water. If the aqua structures in this part of the garden are not foreseen, it is permissible to place it simply on the back side of the zone of the container with water. Together, and the plants rather than watered.
Zone of Glory: the center of the back strip
Reputation is subject to the forces of fire, therefore it is good to organize a barbecue in this area, to place a brazier or even a desire to perform a fireplace. Fire is an obligatory attribute of the Glory zone, therefore it is made for barbecue, barbecue or grill, or simply equip fireplace ...
Bezvyezdno color reddish should help this zone: magnanimous reddish roses, barberry, wine grapes, etc. In the zone of Glory do not put clay accessories. They are connected with the energy of the earth and restrain the gusts of fire.
People Relations Area: an innocent corner from behind
This is a very guilty sector. If the plants in it do not take root and are often ill, it is likely that you are in conflict with others, do not know how to be friends with neighbors and acquaintances. The more the pergolas, arches and other vertical structures in the zone of Relations, the more awake the affairs of the owners with those around them
In this area, it is ideal to equip pergolas and gazebos. After all, the last entrance to the park is often located in this corner. For no reason, let people pass through arches and tunnels from climbing plants, grapes braided with grapes. And from the bottom you need to put a carved bench or a gazebo, where you can talk with the incoming.
So that you always had like-minded people, plant according to a pair of similar plants, set up two lanterns, etc. Pair symbolics removes conflicts and balances masculine and feminine energies.
If the base of the garden is consistent with the feng shui laid - begin to choose in more detail the environment and plants for each sector.

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