Kislitsa or, as it is called in the people, hare cabbage - a fairly popular plant between gardeners. It is grown not only in the garden, but also at home, and first appreciated because of its decorative and unpretentious care. The special profits are unusual leaves, the appearance of which resembles an exotic flower or a butterfly. In addition, although the oxalis paint dirty flowers, but they radiate a very flattering incense, which, of course, amuses the hosts of this delicious plant. About the book, what are the future oxalis (sourdough) and like to bring up the"hare cabbage"in the room, you need the light before you buy the flower.
It looks like an oxalis and where it comes from Oxalis (kislitsa) for the typical sour taste of leaflets that contain an enormous amount of oxalic acid."Oxys"in Latin is literally"sour". The native land of the plant is America, South Africa and Central Europe, although in the Russian forests one of the species is often found - the common sour is common. Some varieties of this innumerable genus (only about 800 of them) are cultivated in orchards, also in room criteria, cabinets and greenhouses.
In our country, the people called the oxalis"hare cabbage"and"kislichkoy."In America, the flower is called"sheep sorrel"and"Indian lemonade", and in Europe -"sour clover." Leaflets of a quince are reminiscent of trefoil leaves
Oksalis (kislitsa) - these are rhizome and tuberous plants. They are like one-year, unreasonably and long-term. Perosyllabic or triple leaf plates near the oxalis are located for long and thin petioles. Dyed in various colors through a light green in front of the violet.
The flowers are small, composed of 5 petals. An important feature of the sour is its expressive veins for petals and"exploding"fruit-capsules of elongated shape, which can seem to"shoot"with small seeds, if you touch them before touching them. Because of this peculiarity, the multiplication of certain oxalis species, for example, the oxalic cone, is very difficult to interfere, and the plant can begin to grow in weeds in the garden.
Kislitsa can decorate both the flower garden and the interior of the room p>
Another relevant feature of the plant will be that which is all unfavorable criteria, whether it is an extremely brilliant aristocracy, the advent of darkness or a mechanical explosion, the flowers of the oxalis are slowly locked, and the leaves are folded and drooping. "Growing in the room criteria, acid sorrel does not ask for special criteria, the plant is not capricious and is able to get used to some flaws in agricultural technology. However, for the sake of getting a lush bush with colorful leaves, the"hare cabbage"should make suitable conditions and good upbringing.
Future room oxalis
A number of species of pine-tree are grown in room conditions. Between them you can select the following:
Normal. Short bush that spreads through the rhizomes. For creeping shoots there are triple leaves of light-green color for long petioles. In the spring, small single flowers are planted for the plant, located for thin peduncles, the length of which is 5-10 cm. Petals are white with purple veins. There is a species with a pink coloring of plants. It is allowed to grow acid in containers, also in gardens as a ground cover.
Carob. Visibility is distinguished by leaves with beautiful cherry-brown foliage and small flowers, painted in yellow. The plant is frost-resistant and can be grown not only in room conditions, but also in the flower garden. Everything, there it grows and becomes a weed.
Triangular. The native land of the species is sunny Brazil. The plants have purple, pink or snow-white flowers and dark purple leaf blades. Therefore, the flower looks indescribably presentable.
Depp (four-leaved). Visibility comes from Panama and Mexico. This is one of the most recognizable sour cherries, the leaves of which consist of four parts with a base painted with red or dark purple smears. For the top, the leaves have a small notch. The flowers collected in the umbellate inflorescence have a crimson-red color. The plant is tuberous, with all the roots of the acidity of Depp edible. One of the most popular species of four-leaved muslin is Iron Cross (Iron Cross).
Iron-leaved. The flower is one of the most widespread garden species of queslites, but it is allowed to grow and indoors. Oxalis ferruginous forms a short, narrow bush with a diameter of about 15 cm and a height of about 8 cm. The leaves consist of several parts, which are counted in 9 before 22 pieces. They are painted in gray-green. Paint the iron-leaf with large silvery flowers, topped with pink strokes and veins.
Bowie. The heat-loving visibility of the oxalis is sufficient, therefore it is grown, in the main, at home. Skin leaves are painted in light green and placed for shoots 20-25 cm high. Flowering begins at the end of spring, in this interval the oxalis Bowie dissolves dark pink buds.
Ragnella (triangular, butterfly). A very spectacular plant, whose native land is Brazil. Ramshell's quagmire has indescribably pretty light green leaf blades, consisting of three of them. Paint endlessly, without interruption releasing small white buds. Ragnella is a relatively winter-hardy species, and it is allowed to grow even in flower beds for areas with mild winters. <
Reddish. According to comparison with other plants of the genus, the bushes of this species are rather tall. Kislitsa reddish reaches 40 cm in height. The leaves consist of three parts, the distinctive line of which is a little hairiness at the base. Paint a lot in the summer period with reddish or pink flowers.
Versicolor (variegated, caramel flower). The corresponding feature of the plant will be that its white petals have a reddish edging, and the unopened buds on the outside resemble a candy for a stick."In captivity,"the picklings Versicolor can actually bloom in a year.
style="text-align: justify;Obtusa. This visibility of the oxalis is a small bulbous plant, the height of which is only 10 cm. Its leaf blades are slightly pubescent. It is used as a ground cover plant in a compartment with other larger plants grown in a greenhouse. In summer, the poison of the Ausus is allowed to be planted in the park.
Poor (pressed). The visibility of a strong and frost-resistant oxalis comes from South Africa. Of small nodules, triple leaves grow for thin and longish petioles. Flowers against large, dark pink with a yellow center. Paint from August before October. Preferably oxalis deficient is cultivated in the open ground, but it is allowed to grow it indoors.
Oksalis Ragnella, Depp, iron and other future scurfs for photos
Kislitsa poor paints in fact half a year with attractive pink flowers
oxalis carob has spectacular red leaves and yellow flowers
Oksalis Obtusa is a small bulbous plants
Kraskaot oxalis zhelezistolistnaya large silver color with pink spots and streaks
Kislitsa Bowie, in the main, is cultivated in room conditions
Kislitsa Depp has the corresponding dark spots on the base of the leaves
Buds of oxalis Versicolor remind candies
The most comfortable conditions for the sake of the plant in the house - the list
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