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Kislitsa (oxalis): the features of care for...

Kislitsa (oxalis): features of care for a butterfly in the home
Kislitsa or, as it is called in the people, hare cabbage - a fairly popular plant between gardeners. It is grown not only in the garden, but also at home, and first appreciated because of its decorative and unpretentious care. The special profits are unusual leaves, the appearance of which resembles an exotic flower or a butterfly. In addition, although the oxalis paint dirty flowers, but they radiate a very flattering incense, which, of course, amuses the hosts of this delicious plant. About the book, what are the future oxalis (sourdough) and like to bring up the"hare cabbage"in the room, you need the light before you buy the flower.

It looks like an oxalis and where it comes from Oxalis (kislitsa) for the typical sour taste of leaflets that contain an enormous amount of oxalic acid."Oxys"in Latin is literally"sour". The native land of the plant is America, South Africa and Central Europe, although in the Russian forests one of the species is often found - the common sour is common. Some varieties of this innumerable genus (only about 800 of them) are cultivated in orchards, also in room criteria, cabinets and greenhouses.
In our country, the people called the oxalis"hare cabbage"and"kislichkoy."In America, the flower is called"sheep sorrel"and"Indian lemonade", and in Europe -"sour clover." Leaflets of a quince are reminiscent of trefoil leaves
Oksalis (kislitsa) - these are rhizome and tuberous plants. They are like one-year, unreasonably and long-term. Perosyllabic or triple leaf plates near the oxalis are located for long and thin petioles. Dyed in various colors through a light green in front of the violet.
The flowers are small, composed of 5 petals. An important feature of the sour is its expressive veins for petals and"exploding"fruit-capsules of elongated shape, which can seem to"shoot"with small seeds, if you touch them before touching them. Because of this peculiarity, the multiplication of certain oxalis species, for example, the oxalic cone, is very difficult to interfere, and the plant can begin to grow in weeds in the garden.

Kislitsa can decorate both the flower garden and the interior of the room p>
Another relevant feature of the plant will be that which is all unfavorable criteria, whether it is an extremely brilliant aristocracy, the advent of darkness or a mechanical explosion, the flowers of the oxalis are slowly locked, and the leaves are folded and drooping. "Growing in the room criteria, acid sorrel does not ask for special criteria, the plant is not capricious and is able to get used to some flaws in agricultural technology. However, for the sake of getting a lush bush with colorful leaves, the"hare cabbage"should make suitable conditions and good upbringing.
Future room oxalis
A number of species of pine-tree are grown in room conditions. Between them you can select the following:
Normal. Short bush that spreads through the rhizomes. For creeping shoots there are triple leaves of light-green color for long petioles. In the spring, small single flowers are planted for the plant, located for thin peduncles, the length of which is 5-10 cm. Petals are white with purple veins. There is a species with a pink coloring of plants. It is allowed to grow acid in containers, also in gardens as a ground cover.
Carob. Visibility is distinguished by leaves with beautiful cherry-brown foliage and small flowers, painted in yellow. The plant is frost-resistant and can be grown not only in room conditions, but also in the flower garden. Everything, there it grows and becomes a weed.
Triangular. The native land of the species is sunny Brazil. The plants have purple, pink or snow-white flowers and dark purple leaf blades. Therefore, the flower looks indescribably presentable.
Depp (four-leaved). Visibility comes from Panama and Mexico. This is one of the most recognizable sour cherries, the leaves of which consist of four parts with a base painted with red or dark purple smears. For the top, the leaves have a small notch. The flowers collected in the umbellate inflorescence have a crimson-red color. The plant is tuberous, with all the roots of the acidity of Depp edible. One of the most popular species of four-leaved muslin is Iron Cross (Iron Cross).
Iron-leaved. The flower is one of the most widespread garden species of queslites, but it is allowed to grow and indoors. Oxalis ferruginous forms a short, narrow bush with a diameter of about 15 cm and a height of about 8 cm. The leaves consist of several parts, which are counted in 9 before 22 pieces. They are painted in gray-green. Paint the iron-leaf with large silvery flowers, topped with pink strokes and veins.
Bowie. The heat-loving visibility of the oxalis is sufficient, therefore it is grown, in the main, at home. Skin leaves are painted in light green and placed for shoots 20-25 cm high. Flowering begins at the end of spring, in this interval the oxalis Bowie dissolves dark pink buds.
Ragnella (triangular, butterfly). A very spectacular plant, whose native land is Brazil. Ramshell's quagmire has indescribably pretty light green leaf blades, consisting of three of them. Paint endlessly, without interruption releasing small white buds. Ragnella is a relatively winter-hardy species, and it is allowed to grow even in flower beds for areas with mild winters. <
Reddish. According to comparison with other plants of the genus, the bushes of this species are rather tall. Kislitsa reddish reaches 40 cm in height. The leaves consist of three parts, the distinctive line of which is a little hairiness at the base. Paint a lot in the summer period with reddish or pink flowers.
Versicolor (variegated, caramel flower). The corresponding feature of the plant will be that its white petals have a reddish edging, and the unopened buds on the outside resemble a candy for a stick."In captivity,"the picklings Versicolor can actually bloom in a year.
style="text-align: justify;Obtusa. This visibility of the oxalis is a small bulbous plant, the height of which is only 10 cm. Its leaf blades are slightly pubescent. It is used as a ground cover plant in a compartment with other larger plants grown in a greenhouse. In summer, the poison of the Ausus is allowed to be planted in the park.
Poor (pressed). The visibility of a strong and frost-resistant oxalis comes from South Africa. Of small nodules, triple leaves grow for thin and longish petioles. Flowers against large, dark pink with a yellow center. Paint from August before October. Preferably oxalis deficient is cultivated in the open ground, but it is allowed to grow it indoors.
Oksalis Ragnella, Depp, iron and other future scurfs for photos

Kislitsa poor paints in fact half a year with attractive pink flowers
oxalis carob has spectacular red leaves and yellow flowers
Oksalis Obtusa is a small bulbous plants
Kraskaot oxalis zhelezistolistnaya large silver color with pink spots and streaks
Kislitsa Bowie, in the main, is cultivated in room conditions
Kislitsa Depp has the corresponding dark spots on the base of the leaves
Buds of oxalis Versicolor remind candies
The most comfortable conditions for the sake of the plant in the house - the list

Explanation Temperature HumidityВесна/летоA soft and bewildered aristocracy, since the direct rays of the sun can throw burns to the tender flower foliage. A light penumbra is suitable. It is permissible to place windows of the eastern or western orientation for the window sill, or to grow for a balcony or loggia, priteniv through direct sunlight. + 20-25 о С Spraying in the morning and evening services. Autumn/WinterPenance. You do not need to lighten the plant. + 14-18 o C Excellent dispassionate atmosphere in the room, additional spraying is not required.

Oksalis grows very vividly, hence the flower needs a yearly transplant, which should be live in spring with the beginning of active vegetation. At the same time, the acid can be multiplied. If you do not plan to receive new copies, then take a pot larger than the previous one for 2 cm. If you crush the plant for fairly large parts, then leave the same capacity.
Arrange small pebbles for the bottom of the vessel, who can help to drain excess water. It is allowed to perform from gravel or expanded clay, pouring pebbles with a layer of approximately 2-3 cm. Thor pour a ground discharge consisting of:
1 part of turf ground
1 part of leaf humus;
1 part peat;
1 part sand. The substrate for the sake of planting acid is forced to exist loosely and rich in potassium. For poor soil, the leaves will not possess a colorful coloring. If there is the ability to make a mess of earth without the help of others, it is permissible to purchase a common land for indoor plants with neutral acidity. The land in which the acid is quite grown is forced to exist loosely <

Pull the plant out of an old pot and wash the roots.
Cut the dry and rotten parts and dry it a little .
Moisten the substrate in the newest container and place the plant for it.
Fill the roots with soil and a bit of his palm.
Pour a little more and put the scab in a room with scattered light.

Then transplant the acid in a room with scattered light <
So that the bush of the oxalis was lush, it is allowed to plant fairly seedlings in a single pot. The crush does not interfere with the development of the plant, in reverse, it will build up a fluffy leaf mass and will reincarnate into a dense curtain.
Peculiarities of care due to oxalis: abundant watering and constant fertilizing
Education from the oxalis, grown"in captivity", is forced to include a constant and abundant moisturizing and fertilizing in spring and summer.
Like to water a flower
With the advent of warm days, oxalis needs frequent and abundant watering. Moisten the flower if necessary. In hot summer life, the function is allowed to live every day and evening. In the same interval, it is necessary to spray the oxalis exactly. In the daytime seasoned gardeners do not advise it to act, since droplets of water falling for delicate leaves can lead to burns. In October, the flower begins a rest period in October . in this time, watering should be reduced, and the spraying finish completely. Is oxalic fertilizing necessary Fertilizers help to help the imaginary appearance of the plant, thanks to a sufficient number of nutrients of the foliage, it is enough to own a tasty and shiny paint, and the petioles will not stretch, so the bush will not fall apart. It is recommended to live 2 times per month from April to August.
For the sake of the procedure, the complete product is suitable for decorative and deciduous houseplants. It is permissible to extract the preparations in a watery form, for example, Kemiru Lux or Fertika.

In order to grow the leaves much and blossom well, constant feeding is needed
In suitable conditions, the oxalis usually starts to blossom in April and this action continues before September. Buds replace each other and create the effect of continuous flowering. Faded inflorescences are allowed and not eliminated, they do not interfere with the development of oxalis. Everyone looks like such plants are not very clean, hence the peduncles are allowed to respond at the base. Sometimes oxalis does not want to blossom. This is often the case in extremely dark rooms. Solve the problem to the pain simply, for this it is enough to rearrange the flower in a bright room, and even better to take out a pot for a loggia or a balcony. For open air, the scurvy dyes a lot and for a long time.

For the open air, the oxalis dyes a lot and is long lasting
Hush formation
Growing up, the oxalis bushes begin to stretch and fall apart. To prevent this, the plant needs a constant haircut. Approximately one month in a month, it is necessary to thin the scab, cutting off unnecessary leaves. This action is enough to provoke the emergence of new leaves and the bush is quite often always clean and shaggy.
The rest interval. Onion storage
Oxalis needs a rest period in winter. Some future (bulbous plants) themselves report to their owners about the need for rest, their overground share dies in the fall. In October, the vegetative mass is cut off and stopped to water the flower. Onions are left in the ground and put the pot in a cold and dark place with a temperature of + 12-14 ° C. The earth, for all this, does not have to exist overdried, if necessary, it should be slightly moistened. In spring, as sprouts will appear, the acid is put in a solar room and begins to moisten the substrate a lot. the flower very vividly increases the vegetative mass and already begins to bloom within 1-1.5 months. The future, the vegetative piece of which does not die in the fall, also requires a pledge of relative peace in winter. In December they are transferred to a cold, but bright place (or put closer to the glass, separating through a warm room with a screen.The temperature of the content for the sake of oxalis at this time should be + 16-18 ° C. Watering is reduced, the flower is watered after 2-3 days of cold water.
Like there are errors of leaving and sort of fix the situation (list)

Question The root causeOvermoisture Have a fine small pebbles in a pot to transfer excess water. Adjust the order of watering. Moisten a lot, but then the soil dries up in the container. For spots, spots appear Sunburn Plant the plant through direct sunlight . At times, spray the plant with warm water in the spring-summer period. Kislitsa stretched out Lack of sunlight Trim the stretched leaves and place the flower in a sunny room for the sill of the east or west orientation. Leaves dry and die Congenital action Trim the entire aboveground share and send the scurf to a cold and dark place for a break. In spring, the plant will run into profit.

More frequent diseases and pests of acid, their signs, prevention and cure (list)

Pest/Pain Symptoms Origin of occurrence Healing Spider mite

Leaves curl;
The unemotional atmosphere in the room

Treat the flower with the products of the Actellic, diluting it in water with the consent of the annotation to the insecticide.
in 7-10 days. Unfit

Leaves curl;

style="text-align: justify"">Liquid soap (1 tbsp.) Add 1 glass of water to the cup, position it.
Dampen a solution of a cotton swab and wash continuously for the affected parts of the plant . Fusarium
Leaves fade;
a plaque occurs at the base of the stems.
Extremely abundant moisturizing and stopping pot water
Remove the flower from the pot, wash the roots.
Trim the parts that are damaged by rottenness before healthy tissue.
Treate the plant with a product of Fundazol.
Drop it into an unheard-of substratum, while making small pebbles for the day of storage. Pests and diseases of oxalis (photo)

Fusarium occurs as a result of excessive moistening
The waste accumulates for the back side of the leaf
The spider mite appears for the plant to be kept in a room with extremely dry air

Like an oxalis is born
Oxalis can be produced by one of the following methods:
seeds. Multiplying oxalis with onions is a simple artless method

Multiplication by bulbs or nodules is carried out by plant transplantation in the spring
Bulb future oxalis to pain simply proliferate bulbs. Usually they are built up a lot because of the season,
Do this for no reason:

The roots are removed from the pot and washed in warm water.
Bulbs separate the well-wisher from a friend.
Drop them for 15 minutes into a solution of the growth catalyst, for example, in Kornevin.
Then, plant several pieces in a short pot and put in a warm room.
If sprouts arise, the pots are rearranged for the sill window.
Similarly, the species of oxalis are propagated in the form of nodules.
Another method foresees the multiplication of this room flower with the shackles of getting cuttings from an adult plant. Steps follow:

Cut the trunk with a few leaves at the bottom.
the plates are cut off, leaving 1-2 for the cuttings.
The stalk is put into the water. <

Cutting is an effective method of diluting oxalis

The seed method has not caught on among the gardeners. Room future oxalis perfectly reproduce vegetatively, hence there is no need to separate them with this method. A garden shape, for example, oxalis carob is excellent self-seeded.
Gardener's comments

Kislitsa is a very unusual and beautiful houseplant. Leaflets come in purple or green. The plant dyes with tiny snow-white flowers. And to be right care grows into a beautiful beautiful bush) Oleynik

Absolutely adorable plant with silky large triangular leaves of red color, which it adds to the evening. He loves the sun and water, he does not like the heat very much (the leaves are small, in order to evaporate the water less). The roots of this kind of acid are sold in almost all flower shops in spring. Cost cheap, I bought in the store"Flos"packing in five gizmos of rhizomes only because of 50 rubles. Plant is allowed in the pot or, if it becomes warmer, in the open earth. The springs arise quickly. Kislitsa grows very quickly and quickly flows to flowering. Peduncles are long, always turned to the sun, flowers are soft pink. Blossoms this sour all summer, according to the decline of the day, the leaves are stretched and tiny. I actually stop watering and prepare the plant for wintering (+ 5-7 a lot.), because in the winter for my eastern window of light it is not enough. As without leaving the leaves withered, I take out the rhizomes from the pot, I clean it. I store in a bag of peat before spring together with the other roots, which do not hibernate in our suburbs. For some reason, I advise you to pay respects to the stores, you can still plant roots. Very attractive and undemanding plant.
Светлана Юрьевна

Kislitsa came to me again in the student years. For subbotnik me and my friend gave this plant for the time of subbotnik. Since that time it's with me. I really like the worthy attention of the leaves of this pet. I can say that the plant feels great at home. Typically, flowers are kept for window sills. However, for the sake of acid it is not entirely acceptable, since individual stems are unreasonable and strive to assume near the pot in a homogeneous cap. Hence I determined the pot for food. Naturally, it's gloomy there. However, I saw that this plant is like once and loves a muffled explanation. Then the leaves become larger, less fade. Lillian

Oxalis - a beautiful long flower, which has an abundance of species, applicable for the sake of the house and balcony, for no reason and for the sake of the garden. Leaflets of these small plants are reddish and greenish, and the flowers are white, pink or yellowish. One very nice exception is to eat quiches - their leaves are locked, like umbrellas, if it's night or a simple cloudless helper. However, if the day is luminous, then the leaves of the plant again open against the sun. It is therefore very curious to see because of the sourish if she is standing in the window sill. laluna
http://forum-flower .ru/showthread.php? t=119
I have a quail live 2 years already. I bought it with a little baby with 2 leaves. Because of the summer, she grew up well for an open balcony. Watered without reason, so that it was moistened, in the main, because sometimes it all dried up to continue. Later, I decided to block her leaves, in October. She covered it with an opaque lid and at times watered it, and she stood by the cool window. Later, in the spring, I began to grow the leaves again and without a break according to the latest ... This year I did not cut off the leaves, they themselves, also in the main, wilted and watered it sometimes, however, it is in the warmest room, where 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius, for nightstand. Probably, in the spring I will already change it ...

Моя кислица, цвести собралась,бутончики розовенькие появились.Для ночь сей цветок запирается.Листочки его вроде бабочки смотрятся, а если запирается, то вроде спящие бабочки :)
пани Эва
Kislitsa (oxalis) - a charming and undemanding plant that can grow not only in the garden, but at home. The flower is completely unpretentious and unpretentious to the conditions of maintenance and care, therefore, it is sufficient to educate it about the strength of even inexperienced gardeners, and thanks to its own spectacular appearance some modern varieties of"hare cabbage"can begin with the most real decoration of the interior.

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