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We make a fence of metal fence: the old fence in a new way

We make a fence of metal fence: the old fence in a new wayA fence for the sake of a dacha or a village site must perform two irreplaceable functions: to provide a protective barrier and to exist as an element of decor. Picking up the right material for its construction, it is allowed to pay attention to the advantages of the cottage and make a really reliable and long-term protection. It is not surprising that the summer residents often leave the iron bar because they meet the requirements.
Advantages of this design
Thanks to the modern production of components, the summer fences were transformed: from awkward twisted fences with rusted posts they turned into beautiful, aesthetically decorated fences.

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Составные части – штакетины и перекладины – обработаны полимерным составом, тонированным в различные цвета. Это весьма комфортно ради сотворения цветовой гармонии с коттеджем – колер ограды дозволено подобрать около краска кровельной черепицы, сайдинга либо кирпича.
Metal - the material is strong and wear-resistant, hence the iron fence will last much longer than woodwork. The culprit gives a guaranteed period of building a built fence - before 30 years. The mortgage covers also for color coating - before 10 years, therefore in the next few years it is allowed not to wait either for painting or repair. Despite the democratic dignity of the material, the city from the iron fence looks ideally, mainly in a combined version with brick supports
The great election of color solutions allows you to build a city based on the design of only a suburban area: light colors make the fence almost imperceptible, caloric - accentuate her respect
One of the main advantages of iron parts in their low cost. The average value of snuktin height 170-180 cm - 50 rubles. If you dismiss the dignity of the meter of the finished fence, you will get the entire applicable result - about 300 rubles. This is much cheaper than a similar piece of stone or brick fence. Wood fences are distinguished by a low price, but they require constant attention: severe processing with special means, painting, frequent repairs. The fence is attached to the lags hidden or open method, in order to fix certain options, decorative iron rivets are needed Features of bearing and enclosing products
Bearing the proportion of the dacha iron fence represent the pillars, and the fencing - the fence of steel. For the production of pillars use different materials, hence often the fences are combined: the iron bar fence is mixed with brick, concrete and even wood. However, metal supports are also needed - usually a pipe with a diameter of 60 mm and above. It should be kept in mind that the elements of the fence are heavier than ordinary wood racks or mesh-netting, hence the supporting poles must be strong and firmly rooted. Without the help of others, built brick supports, whose dignity is much higher than the iron fence, it is permissible to change the economical option - rolling poles made for the plant
The distances between the pillars are filled with an iron fence fixed to the cross-bars of a profiled pipe, the dimensions of which are 20x40 mm. Sometimes they use a larger section, but usually quite a given one. Iron pipes painted near the fence paint are the cheapest supports, and they are quickly and easily installed.
Personally, the fence - These are the elements of a profile of a certain length made of zinc-coated steel by the rolling method and covered with a polymer topcoat on top. The polymer is a catchy or more neutral color: reddish, bricky, blue, grayish, greenish. The thickness of galvanized sheets is half a millimeter. The iron fence can be different according to the shape of the profile and the number of coils. The known visibility has a V-shaped, slightly rounded shape
The profile options are pretty. Due to the configuration of the length, width, twist and design of the highest part, manufacturers have achieved a different style of coloring. . Here are three options for the iron fence that look very different Variation"Classic"differs rounded ends shtaketin and closely spaced - two rows of pieces from both sides do gorodba solid
Lightness of the fence"Gothic"provides a pointed look and position of the pins: they are fastened on both sides in staggered order, but at small intervals
The variation of"Neptune"differs through"Gothic"slightly in the form of parts - the upper ends of the pins are dissected for three parts and resemble a trident
The fence is"typed"vividly, performing similar movements. The main respect - to the accuracy of marking and strength of fasteners. If to look for a city from an iron fence from different angles, it changes its own external appearance: it transforms from a solid to a pure one
It seemed like a desire, such a smooth and beautiful city can not be built on its own. In fact, everything is very simple. The installation of the fence consists in the exact planning, installation of support pillars with jumpers and assembly of the main part.
Preparing materials, tools and construction site
First you need to find out with the fence picket in the store and choose the proper one. In order not to buy an excess product, it is necessary to carefully measure the perimeter of the fenced area, and then, based on calculations, buy the right number of profiles and pipes. It is permissible to take unprocessed zinc coated steel, but here it is necessary to separately receive a primer and paint, and then pause the time for processing. Quite a bit cheaper, but longer in accordance with time, well, and the imaginary discharge will not lie unreasonably skillfully, like for a factory. Armed with a tape measure, it should kindly be allowed to distribute the strikes between supports - this determines the aesthetic component of the fence
The crossbar is quite two - top and bottom, hence the calculation of the perimeter length should be multiplied for two. The selection of the lags is tremendous, their length is 2-12 m. We buy cross-bars, taking into account the best interval between the pillars - after 2.5 m in front of 4. Huge intervals are impractical - quite an extremely large load for the log, and they can sag. Retribution is done freely: for 25 m of the fence you will need 10 pillars, as many 5-meter bars (or 20 if they are twice shorter - according to 2.5 m). The gap through the guard in front of the ground protects the fence elements through rapid wear and tear. Nevertheless, it should not exist so huge that a man or animals freely penetrate the terrain of the site
The standard width of the pins is 100 mm or 120 mm. Their number depends on the"transparency"of the fence. The larger the fixing interval, the more airy the fence is. There are also deaf options, if the fence is fixed buttly or overlapping, however, on both sides. For the sake of creating a"transparent"fence, 5 items for 1 m are enough - the gap between them is quite comparable to that of the width.
The fastening element, used for fixing the fence parts - screws or special bolts with washers, which prevent rapid deterioration of the polymer coating and extend its existence without repair. Sometimes they use special fixings for the sake of fence, also made from profile. For the sake of fixing the iron profile to the crossbar, the zinc-coated fastening element perfectly fits - it's the same long, like the elements of the fence.
The gun should be prepared in advance. For the sake of earthworks, a shovel or a drill is needed, for the sake of fixing the details - a screwdriver. Probably, the welding tool is also useful - this depends on the design of the fence itself, as well as the gate and the gate. Rope and laser height will help distribute the elements.
Part for the construction should be eaten through debris and grass, align. The perimeter is marked with pegs, between which a rope is stretched. Mark the position of the pillars clearly and start to work. The fascinating effect is to be used in a double color: the outside of the city is shiny, and on the inside - a radiant, not conspicuous
Installing pillars
We dig holes, the abyss of which should exist more than 50 cm. For the sake of a more reliable fastening of the pole in the ground, it is not easy to lay a pit with ground or sand, it must be concreting. We prepare the solution in accordance with the standard scheme, with all this allowed to buy a ready-made mash or to fulfill its own - from cement and sand. A separate log is forced to stick out strictly vertically, hence it is better to use the construction layer as often as possible. Interval between the pillars is measured taking into account the length of the crossbeams. The fixed support must be fixed for a certain time - before the concrete dries completely (more than 2 days). For this, wood supports are usually used. Concreting of iron supports is an indispensable stop in the construction of the fence. Through the properties of the installation of the pillars depends the longevity and reliability of the fence < Composing in a theme: postroiki/ustanovka-stolbov-dlya-zabora Installation of poles for the sake of a fence: methods of installation of different designs
Assembling the iron structure
We plan to fix the crossbar fasteners and mount them with screws using the entire perimeter, and together we check the accuracy of the marking. Then we arm ourselves with a marker and, alternately along the entire length, designate the fixation points for the fence. This step will require patience, reverence and fidelity. Taking into account the standard width of the pins, determine the gap between the fence elements. The larger the gap between the profiles - the"easier"the fence
and the gap between them is identical. It remains the most common - to screw the screws with a screwdriver. A beautiful and safe city drunk, it is allowed to undertake the installation of gates and gates. A strong city of iron fence - a brilliant variation of enclosure for the sake of the summer residence. It useful differs through wood analogues in a neighborhood.
Sometimes a horizontal beam is used as a horizontal beam. It is not such strong, like steel with a polymer coating, therefore it requires additional processing with an antiseptic and painting. Naturally, the gap between the supports should exist small - the tree is harder to defeat the authority of the iron fence.
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