Requirements on the distance from the fence to the buildings: a full review of the rules and regulations When planning to build a city, every ruler of a suburban area tries not only to designate the material boundaries of its own terrain, but also to protect the property through idle enthusiasm of passers-by and an attempt on the good of unwelcome guests. Therefore, for the step of planning the site one of the main qualities, to which the solution should be similar with responsibility, is the gap between the fence and the construction. For what distance is it possible to arrange a building through the fence, without contradicting the existing legislation, like to interpret the norms, planting them near the condition of excavations, we will examine in more detail.
The structure of the norm in planning fences
Some masters of suburban houses are installing fences around their own real estate, focusing only on their own worldview. However, such a careless approach can lead to various kinds of trouble, which sometimes can be resolved only in court.
Distance between objects in the criteria of personal development are regulated by 2 basic documents:
SNiP - system of norms and rules. They determine the schedule of planning and outline the function of preparing project documentation for personal development.
Legislation on new buildings.
I must learn that the legislative documents regulating the installation of fences urge first to be governed by common sense. The characteristics and requirements given in the standards are justified by certain factors. In order to prevent the possibility of conflict situations, to design buildings for the site and determining for what distance through the fence they should exist, it is worth to be recognized for the established norms
Adhering to the current rules of planning the placement of objects for the site, you will ensure for yourself and your loved ones peace and comfortable life
No one is pretty nice likeness to the house of the neighboring restroom. Well, cages for the sake of walking cattle or poultry houses can give many concerns associated with the flow of sewage into the soil discharge. Therefore, even to observe the required distance before the removal of this kind of construction should be placed for removal in front of 12 meters through an adjacent house. The street closet for the site, like and sheds for the maintenance of livestock, can be installed in 4 meters through the fence, but at the same time maintaining a distance with the neighbor's house
In the household buildings adjoining the house, a single entry is required to agree to fire regulations. However, here it is necessary to take the greatest sense of the protruding building parts to be determining a good distance: a canopy, a roof, a porch. In addition, to be the arrangement of the roof slope, even to be able to indent it for 1 m through the borders, it should be turned towards the own yard. These norms are equally applicable to buildings located for both adjoining territories.
Since the city itself can describe a massive construction for itself, the gap should be defined through the borders in front of the base of the house.
Significant moment: if the thickness of the fence does not exceed 10 cm, then it can be frankly positioned in the middle of the boundary line. If you build a heavier and massive enclosing structure, the city must move towards your ownership. From the adjacent area, it is allowed to"grab"a little 5 cm through the total thickness of the erected fence.
On the issue of observing sanitary indentations, some owners of suburban areas are more loyal. However, all the same they should be taken into account, as there can be unexpected difficulties in changing the form of ownership or selling the site.
Cases with neighbors
The conflicts between neighbors relative to the boundaries of their own plots and incorrect placement for their buildings are not so rare . Often, domestic conflicts are the basis for legal proceedings.
Among the more common circumstances of such conflicts is:
the city is extremely sublime or wry;
the fence is far away for the neighborhood
The construction of fencing does not take into account the norms according to the observance of the lighting of the site, due to which the adjoining part has become shaded.
Consent to the rules of land use for the purpose of distinguishing adjacent household plots rather than the first common fence. Two separate enclosures are installed if the path passes through these sections. In this case it is allowed to build a continuous city between neighbors. The widespread move to build two-three-story cottages for small areas of 6-7 sq.m. area, often acts as a cause of conflicts between neighbors due to shading of the area
The device, built near the border between the sites, is able to influence the terrain of closely located possessions. And in the distance, not some owners of neighboring areas consider such an action to be applicable. Therefore, before building construction, it is better to store not only the written permission of interested organizations, but also the consent of neighbors.
Proceeding from this, it is necessary to note that if the neighbor has completed your building in advance, then in good before building your own building, you must depart, having sustained the normalized distance.
Requirements for fence height
Some wrongly believe that the outer city is allowed and completely built without formal conventions. In fact, relative to the dimensions of the enclosing structures, the rules in most of their own have a recommendatory nature.
The material used to be the manufacture of the external hedge, the rules are not regulated by the rules. Also, there is also no strict regulation of the interval between the bearing fence posts. The space between the bearing fence posts is determined by the technology of erecting the structure and the data of the strength characteristics
The fences are divided into two types:
fences between adjacent land plots
Enclosures separating the earth from common areas.
The tall fence that"looks"for the street, and the height of the fence separating the adjoining areas - various luggage. In the first case, you are frank, you can build a defense of any elevation. The essence, so that the city had a neat appearance on both sides and harmoniously blended with the building agreement of the street.
Limitations are slightly overlapping for the application of parts that can describe risk for the sake of people. Among these are piercing wires. It should be suspended for a height of 1.9 meters. If it is a relative fence between neighboring areas, then in this issue SNiPy are more accurate: the height of the fence should exist within the limits of 1 meter. Well, for the sake of delimiting boundaries, it is permissible to install fences that do not create shading and do not interfere with air exchange above the ground. It is likely that the lower proportion of the fencing should exist perfectly aerated. A balanced option is a fence, a lattice fence or a fence from a slab , but it is not a city from a solid canvas like a shield fence or a stockade.
It is also permissible for the designation of borders between neighboring areas to equip fencing with hedges, supplemented with mesh and forged elements
However, to eat the order of events, which for the sake of erecting an unchanged fence will have to get permission. The reconciliation will be necessary in the case of:
if a part borders on a public territory and a protected area with architectural monuments
as necessary, erecting a fence for the retaining wall, which achieves a height of 2.5 meters.
Do not rush to build a permanent city, if the boundaries of your site are not included in the municipal cadastral order.
Naturally, there are situations if the land areas are so small that their place is simple does not allow you to observe the normal rate of mutual accommodation of buildings. In this case, solve the problem is allowed, using the services of BTI professionals who know all the details and subtlety. In an unfortunate case, the appearance of conflict issues will have to attract lawyers.
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