Features of the clematis feeding
Thin creepers littered with abundance of the most beautiful plants are coveted guests for many sites. Dissolving first the age, they are able to amuse unusual bloom in the course of the season only. Large-flowered varieties, capable of closing a place in front of 4-5 meters, are adorned with adornment of the frontage areas of the plot: the walls of the veranda and the gazebo, the central entrance and the front garden
For the sake of shading the facades of buildings, grottoes, stairs and unsightly buildings, small-flowered clematis varieties are excellent. The clematis fence is alive, as if woven a strong carpet of thousands of wonderful plants, can not only transform a part, but hide it through the curious looks of passers-by.
Clematis are plants that prefer solar patches, but require shading of the root system, ordinary words"head for the sun, and feet in the shade."The second more fundamental condition for the growth of these beautiful flowering plants is their division for supports. Correctly selected supports near the clematis will allow to give the desired forms with compositions and show the decorative properties of the plant.
Clematis in most cases are the center of design design. Choosing plants for the decoration of the site, the desire to take into account the biological characteristics of a particular variety. Wanting to make the falling"cascades"or dressed up"garlands"is better to interfere with the election for varieties, the flowers of which are more concentrated for the ends of shoots, for example: The Song of Crimea, Turquoise, Climber. For the sake of the design of"carpet"compositions, it is better to reward varieties, the flowers of which are moderately distributed along the creeper: Gallaktic Chant, Alyonushka, Sisaya meat.
Future support for the sake of beautifully flowered clematis
Depending on the shape of the support for clematis, there are:
Fan designs
The main requirements for them are: decorativeness, ease of installation and operating comfort. Thanks to the supports, the clematis trunks do not break down or trample down. With the help of vertical supports it is allowed to ensure the ventilation of plants, which is the key to their rapid development and abundant flowering. The arch is a frequent occurrence of the garden support for the sake of beautiful flowering plants. The protection, seared by a burgeoning clematis, besides, which acts as a dressed up element of the decoration of any garden, helps to divide the place for separate multi-functional zones
Simple looks amazing arch, twisted clematis, installed first track. She seems to invite you to walk in accordance with the zigzag path of the garden and immerse yourself in its enchanting beauty
Clematis also feel comfortable for pyramidal tripods made of cane, or iron or willow rods. Pyramidal supports give a good support to the flexible stems of the plant. They are appropriate to look like in multi-tiered flower compositions, for no reason and as a separately standing construction
Make a comfortable romantic place in the garden, where it is allowed to wallow in the hot noon or a cold evening, hiding through the curious looks of passers-by and enjoying the enchanting beauty, is allowed with the help.
Which is allowed to construct without the help of others?
The material of production of supports for clematis can be wood or metal. The thickness of rods and wood bars, because of which the stalks of the clematis leaves are clinging, should not win 10-15 mm. The structures are constructed in height 1 in front of 5 and more meters.
Variation #1 - wood trellis
For the sake of production of external frames of a design with dimensions of 180x60 cm it will be necessary:
Four bars with a section of 50x40 mm and a length of 1.8 meters;
Four bars measuring 100 x 40 mm, 0.6 meters long
One stick with a section of 150x15 mm and a length of 0.6 meters.
In order to design an internal grating, the dimensions of the cells of which are 25x15 cm, should be prepared:
Four racks of cross section 25x15 mm, length 1.8 meters;
There are eight racks with a cross section of 25x15 mm and a length of 0.55 m.
Having prepared all the necessary elements for the sake of a series, we collect the construction. In order to do this, we first produce two external frames, the bridges of which are interlocked by means of a screwdriver and a drill. For the production of inner laths using roulette, we designate the dimensions of the cells and fasten the slats between themselves for screws. The trellis near the clematis is a structure consisting of two outer frames, between which there is a wooden grid
The grille is installed between two outer frames. For the sake of stiffening the structure for the upper side of the row, it is permissible to fasten the horizontal bar connecting the outer frames and the laths
The trellis is ready. It is allowed to place a gazebo or a house for the wall, leaving a gap between the vertical surface and the structure of 10 cm. For the sake of extending the period of the building of the wooden support, the view of the series is allowed to be covered with paint or varnish.
Variation #2 - openwork arched structure
In order to perform, which will decorate the frontage area of the site, should prepare:
Four pieces of pipe with a diameter of 30 mm with a wall width of 1.5 mm
Iron rod cross-section 10x10 mm;
The dimensions of the future design are determined from the calculation, where it is enough to occupy and what function to perform. Planning to place the arch along the central path, the width of which is 110 cm, should construct a construction of 120 cm in width. The side walls of the arch can be made in the form of frames for"legs", filled with ordinary patterns of curls made of iron bars 6-8 mm wide . In most cases, arched vaults are given a semicircular shape, but the arched, gable or ordinary small variation is more beautiful
Individual elements of the pattern can be freely executed using"cold forging"or simple through winding a narrow rod for a pipe of a larger diameter
If the flat vaults of the construction can be done without the help of others, then the arcuate vaults should be better bent for the rolling mill. The support posts of the arch are allowed to simply slam into the ground, having closed for 70-80 cm. Wishing to make a stronger support near the flower, the"legs"of the construction desire to be concreted accurately.
Having installed the walls of the arch, it is allowed to weld the vaults and combine them in several points with horizontal rods. Building a frame pattern is an enticing creative action. For the sake of simplifying the process of creating a twisted pattern, the desire in advance of duralumin soft wire to execute the templates in true size, for the sake of clarity, which is fixed for the tensioned cords of the frame with clerical clips
Before we"grab"large elements, performing smooth transitions from smaller arc-shaped parts. If the decoration is all decorated, all the details are decocted from 2 sides, and then processed through the influx.
The arch is collected. It remains only to treat its appearance with a means of"rust converter", and then painstakingly wash, drink and dye the desired paint.
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