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Garden lighting on solar panels: unnecessary luxury or necessity?

Garden lighting on solar panels: unnecessary luxury or necessity?Have you had to touch for touch according to your own garden site at dusk? If of course, you probably agree, which is not very comfortable. The explanation should exist for any site, not counting its own impartial function, it is also a beautiful decor. Being an experienced backlit park, who at the twilight loses the bait of paint, can heal a new life and its beauty is more unique than it was a day, but more mysterious, mysterious. Organizing the backlight in the garden is allowed by 2 methods - to extract electricity or street explanations for solar batteries. Let's take a closer look at the features of each type of lighting.
What is the explanation?
Ordinary electronic lighting is household, lanterns and lamps are installed in places where they are needed - near the garage, for the porch, near the gate. The utilitarian explanation provides a non-dangerous course according to the site by night. A convenient lighting device is required to have a metal casing and a strong plafond, ordinary household incandescent lamps are used in everyday light. Outside, electronic lanterns and lanterns for solar batteries are no different, but the view of their operation is quite different. In order to make a perfect protection from solar lights, you do not need to look into it, it seems better to perform the wiring
The imaginary visibility of lighting was created for the sake of transforming the garden into a twilight and night time. - the result of the experienced actions of the designer or site owners. It is able to distinguish a kind of a separate zone, for no reason and indeed a real element in the garden - a beautiful flower bed, path, water zone, fountain, tree. With the help of decorative lighting, the delicate beauty of colors has been successfully emphasized, the luminous balls form a single whole with flowers and make a fantastic evening composition
As a decorative used different lighting devices - lanterns, scattering aristocracy, integrated lighting devices, which can be removed for the path, for the flower bed, in the gazebo. The imaginary lighting device can be used not only for the sake of highlighting certain zones, but also speak of an independent load, animating everyone, even the real inconspicuous place in the garden.
The garden lighting system can be automated by installing detectors. In this case, the lighting fixtures will be lit to be a human approximation.
Many gardeners are experiencing difficulties with the organization of lighting - you need to follow special rules, have experience working with electricity, if you are allowed to threaten yourself and your loved ones. Such work is forced to work special. Mostly, if you want to perform a fascinating decorative lighting, because with household lighting, the owners usually manage themselves. In addition, in a well-groomed and beautiful garden, one does not want to dig the ground for the construction of a wiring, if for this it is necessary to spoil the flower bed, roots of plants, live wires near objects.
Solar cells like a worthy question
If you are poorly versed in electricity and do not have the means to hire for the sake of a garden lighting device specialist, you can extract an explanation for solar panels. Again, not so long ago such a method of illumination seemed fantastic, but in our life, luggage from the realm of fantasy often becomes a reality. There is also a garden tile for solar batteries, it is enough to place it in a desirable place and it's enough to amuse you with the advent of the darkness, it is much harder to illuminate the built-in lights.
The usual"solar flashlight"for the sake of many gardeners is now a good solution, besides, by installing such lighting devices, it will be possible to reduce the costs for electricity, since they work through solar energy in an autonomous mode. Solar lanterns can be removed for the sake of creating unique compositions. For example, such an improvised Stonehead, full of unsolved mysteries
These devices have a simple mechanism of operation - at the base of the lighting device is a battery, which is charged by the day through the solar panels located at the top. At night, the lighting device illuminates the terrain because of the energy that was accumulated during the day. With the coming of the new day, order again changes the order of work - begins to save energy.
There are no special difficulties to be used for these devices - it should be done so that the battery is not contaminated and non-stop is about the action of the sun in the daytime. Varieties of solar lamps there is an excess, it is allowed to choose a lighting device in the form of a flower, or according to the color, perfectly matching with the lawn. So that they shone longer, the desire to own them for the open sun
The time it takes to charge such a lighting device depends on the weather. The brighter the sun, the faster the battery will charge. Some models are able to save a huge charge and do within 10 hours. The lighting device for solar batteries can be made for many years without interruptions, while in this it will not need to change anything. There are lighting devices with a solar panel, which is built into the device and with a remote solar panel. Examples of using solar lanterns - based on design features, you can choose them according to the style of the garden, for the sake of highlighting a track or a separate composition
For the installation of lighting devices working for solar batteries, you do not need to have special knowledge, this beautiful medicine for the sake of garden lighting is completely harmless. Decorative lighting fixtures with LED solar cells, they can be installed in any place in the garden, worn in different zones
The LED explanation for solar batteries is interesting for those who take the boldness only to explain, the lamp itself remains cool, not heated. The incandescent lamp, on the other hand, generates heat by dissipating a large portion of the energy for this.
The LED explanation will quickly end up being a rarity in our gardens due to our own convenience, the abundance of device shapes and independence through the power grid. Your costs for electricity for the sake of the garden with the introduction of solar LED lights will be zero.
Now we will talk more carefully about the decorative properties of lighting devices for solar batteries. There are huge appliances in the form of lamps for the sake of lighting paths, garden zones, and small decorative lighting devices in the form of different figures - fairy-tale characters, insects, little animals, geometric figures. To eat also beautiful garlands for the decoration of trees and shrubs, floating lanterns in the form of flowers, which will make the magical appearance of the night pond. Small lighting devices for solar batteries are often made in the form of figurines of fairy-tale characters. For the sake of the little ones this is the real magic - to see the luminous elf, butterflies, birds
A unique garland in the form of butterflies, glowing due to solar panels, will make a fairy tale any small tree or a bush in the garden
Huge lanterns for solar batteries are a true decoration of the garden, they do not require special care because of them, and they are able to amuse the owners for many years
A garden explanation for solar panels will create a romantic and cozy atmosphere in the garden. The park will be transformed through the use of even 2-3 solar lanterns, and if you will extract both huge and small lighting devices, their soft, stable aristocracy will be able to feel the silence, inaction and harmony spilled in nature, and city vanity will seem mystical and distant in such a paradise.

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