The Dicenter is a name that is not widely used, we often hear a more imaginative variation of the"broken heart". Such a capacious name was given to the flower thanks to the curious shape of buds resembling small hearts. Some people know this plant like a double-whisper - a literal translation of the words dis and kentron -"twice"and"spur". In the rich for the legend of the French, the flower was called"the heart of Jeanette,"the comfortable Germans had a"flower of the heart,"inventive British"the lady in the bath,"and the Russian people named it for the beloved minor harmony"broken heart.">
Хоть некоторый считают это растение европейским, его отечество – Япония, откуда в Европу оно было завезено чуть в 1816 году. Красивый цветок зараз заинтересовал броской политрой и увлекательной формой бутонов, следовательно стал завсегдатаем садов аристократов и вельмож. Неординарную, неповторимую дицентру садоводы полюбили так, который даже наименования видов вышли «говорящими»: роскошная, прекрасная, прекрасная, потрясающая, исключительная.Placing a plant for a flower bed or in a flower garden is chosen depending on its variety. The highest beautiful dincentra looks great in the center of the composition, small vagrant or exceptional - on the sides or around the curb
Preparing the ground for planting the flower
Although the plant is not capricious , for the best bloom, again, it is worthwhile to prepare a room for the sake of planting and to work the soil. The dicentre feels good both for the sites illuminated by the sun and in the shade of the trees, hence, with the arrangement of the flower garden, the problems should not appear. For a shady area buds blossom a little later.
In the autumn, you must painstakingly dig out the flower bed chosen for planting for a depth of 40 cm and perform it more cereal, adding humus (about 3 kg for a separate m?). For the sake of mineral make-up, a universal fertilizer suitable for garden flowers in a volume of 15-20 g for 10 liters of water. In the forthcoming, if the plant gives a paint, it should be fed again 3-4 times - this guarantees a run-up profit and a lush flowering. Then the rain or watering the ground near the bushes should be loosened up, but very carefully, because the rootlets of the plants are close to the surface. For weeding and loosening of the earth, it is better to remove a tool reminiscent of small forks - the trimming of the soil will turn out to be gentle, and the fragile roots are not damaged will be
The bottom should exist relatively easy and perfectly favor the water and atmosphere. If the earth is heavy, clayey, it must be diluted with river sand or peat, so as not to provoke decay of the roots. Some gardeners for the winter make a"pie"of dispassionate grass or cane, spreading them in layers and alternating with the ground in a deliberately dug hole.
Best methods of reproduction and transplantation
There is three methods of reproduction dicenters - the division of rhizomes, aerial sprouts and seeds. The final road is rejected at once - the plant usually forms a small number of seeds, and some varieties (for example,"Magnificent") in the temperate latitudes do not give them all. With the growing of seeds, there are also difficulties,To cut a plant better at the end of the age, if the above-ground shoots die. Roots very cautious dig, remove from the ground and dry - in a slightly sluggish state, they become more elastic and less fractured. Then carefully divide the rhizomes for a part for no reason, that for each segment there are 3-4 buds for the sake of shoot formation. Pieces of root buried in the ground for a poorly lit area and a lot of watered with warm water. For the sake of protection, slices can be sprinkled with ashes. If the delenki take root, they can be transplanted to the bed. For the sake of dividing the old bush, the proportion of the plant does not fit, it should get a plant without a plant. Rhizome should be carefully bought for the elements, removing the dead pieces and thin processes
Early spring is also suitable for transplant dinets. Should choose the moment, if the shoots again"sleep"or just started their own profits. It is better to do the separation only once in 5-6 years, but not less often, because the roots begin to grow old and die off.
The planting procedure is the following:
for the flowerbed to dig small holes, the interval between which is 30-40 cm (the bigger the adult plant, the greater the gap);
3-4 litters for each hole - for the sake of splendor
sleep holes in the ground, ;
pour water heated for the sun.
Multiplication by ground cuttings is carried out in the spring. Careful rake the ground at the base of the bush and cut with a sharp knife small parts of the plant with a"heel."Then, for a day or so, the cuttings in the catalyst are kept for the sake of the rapid occurrence of roots and planted in a well-watered soil, the end is covered tightly with a greenhouse film. Approximately through the moon there will be roots. For the invariable placement of flowering, the shoots are planted only after a year. If it is proud to punish the beauty and originality of the plant, it must produce a single planting in a flower pot, pots or a huge clay pot
this plant The plant identically blossoms well in the shade and the sun, but the luxury and timing of it flowering directly depends on the degree of illumination. For open areas buds bloom and bloom early, and flower stalks do not differ in size and size. For shaded areas, the paint is drawn sluggishly, but the"hearts"turn out to be colorful, large and do not disappear before the middle of the age. The simple man likes sandy and stony lands. therefore one of the successful places of its location is gentle slopes along paths lined with stone or brick
For the installation of a drainage layer placed near the upper layer of grass, a small fraction of clay, gravel or large river dust is suitable.
The saturated color of the buds is provided if the roots are supplemented with superphosphate in the spring, and then 3-4 additional dressings are made in the process of growth.
Even then, like the plant will blossom, it must perform nutrition with nitrogen content for the best formation of new buds.
In the time to a strong decrease in temperature of the plant uchshe hide, using a non-woven fabric.
withered hand must eliminate the way, there is a period of flowering of other branches will last.
With the advent of the sunshine, remove the above-ground share, leaving the heifers no higher than 5 cm.
The earth needs special attention. To be waterlogged spines dentsenry begin to rot, therefore, for the sake of placing beds, it is better to choose elevated places. If the plant is already planted, and the soil is being flooded, it is necessary to artificially fly the earth and equip the flower garden with a drainage layer and grooves for the sake of outflow of water. To be the highest temperature watering should live more often and more abundantly, so that the roots do not dry up. For the sake of water retention and protection through overheating, peat or humus is used, which is laid out by a dense layer near the base of the plant.
More common varieties of dinocentre
The beautiful city has its name due to its size - this is the largest and lushest plant. The age-old unit looks like a big one, covered with openwork foliage and thickly dotted with budding buds. The most common shading palette is bright pink, and plants with snow-white flowers are much less common. The white-flowered forms have a much smaller profit, but they are more magnificent and decorative. In order to ensure that the center of the fine re-flourishes near the end of the age, it must extract a small dexterity: accurately responding to the flowering of the brush with the peduncles
The beautiful center is a small shrub that reaches a height of less than 30 cm. It blooms in small, but magnificent colors through a soft white in front of a bright purple color. The interval of flowering is quite large - from the beginning of spring before the end of the age. Some varieties have an unusual silvery coloring of the leaves, approximately covered with a light fluff. The plant is suitable for the decoration of curbs and alpine slides. The Diсentra is beautiful - one of the plants that has time to give seeds. This is explained by its long flowering, just before the light, if there is a complete formation of boxes with seeds
The exceptional (amazing) diocenter is distinguished by a small growth - less than 25 cm. For a background of bluish-gray leaves, reminiscent of the form of fern leaves, fragile pink, purple or snow-white inflorescences. Blooms timidly, not very much, in the course of 2 months, and in cold summer - during only the season. This plant is freely amenable to winter forcing. Thanks to the similarity of the leaves with the fern, the exclusive center is perfectly suitable for the beautiful decoration of alpine hills, rockeries or low coniferous plantations
The result of the selection selection was the center of the winding (climbing) - an astounding quality, an annual, the homeland of which is reckoned the Himalayas. It has the appearance not of an ordinary bush, but rather longish, in front of a 2 m vine that blooms in fine yellowish buds. It is more difficult to grow a winding dicenter than her relatives. Lianas require special care and attention, higher temperature and completely do not tolerate cold.
The dagger of the vagrant is small in size - no higher than 15-20 cm and small roots. Flowers are rare, but large, have a white, pink and reddish color. Has a more inappropriate flowering period - from July to September. Perfectly feels itself in a temperate climate, freely suffers a cold snap. Dzentrasra strolling prefers not over-moistened soil. He loves sandy, gravelly or rocky earth, therefore it must be extracted for the decoration of alpine hills, talus and slopes. The Dicenter is a common flower, which is appropriate for single plants, and for decorating group flower beds. Low grades serve for the decoration of lawns, alpine hills, rockeries and thickets of evergreen shrubs, large - for the creation of lush multi-level flower beds near the house.
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