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Rockary with their own hands: the rules of design...

Rockary with their own hands: the rules of design and an example of a self-contained deviceThe rockery is a short stony garden, it is gaining more reputation as an element of landscape design, like between the owners of small suburban dachas, for no reason owners of decent cottages and residences. The name"rocker"has an English beginning, the beginning of this chatter"rock"is translated like"rock". The most interesting view of the flower garden is able to naturally combine the beauty of stone and plants. Rockary with their own hands - it's beautiful to be able to embody for the site the most daring imaginations in accordance with the creation of a wonderful garden of pebbles , who are quite a highlight of the landscape that distinguishes the person of its owner.
What design styles are there?
The rockery in the garden, in accordance with the external appearance, recalls the rock garden: the compositions of both parts are formed from pebbles and plants. A distinctive feature among them is the relief position and the selection of plants for the sake of composition. The rock gardens are located for the natural slopes of the site, and for the creation of compositions the election is limited only to Alpine plants. The structure of rockaria can not be without such a principled step, like the upgrading of drainage, which is allowed to extract gravel or reddish brick
Drainage order will release the flower bed for the stones through the accumulation of water. For the sake of this, the bottom of the excavated pit is covered with a layer of selected drainage material, then it is covered with a 5 cm layer of coarse-grained sand and then covered with a layer of soil. Some gardeners use drainage as a building drain, but this"neighborhood"can adversely affect planted plants. In the base of the composition are laid pebbles with a nice surface of the largest sizes. When deciding how to perform a rockery so that it looks beautiful from any corner of the site, you should choose a more unusual side of the pebbles and unfold it in the outer direction through the flower garden.
The pebbles should be placed in small pits, corresponding to their size. Near the base of boulders, the discharge of earth and crushed stone are poured, which are later painstakingly tamped so that no air pockets remain. Check how a perfectly"sitting"rock is allowed, if you stand up for it and try a little swing. When stacking pebbles, one should adhere to the principle of naturalness: some small pebbles are allowed to be grouped in an original way, and huge stones can be put alone, filling the voids with plants. At the same time, every stone must have a carefully thought-out room allocated for it
For the sake of creating a composition in a single style, the desire to select pebbles of different sizes, but from the first material. Small pebbles can be fastened with a special glue or mortar.
Which plants are better to extract in the composition?
Correctly matched plants, together with stones, represent the face of rockaria. The main advantage of rockeries is to be able to extract for the decoration of the flower garden of all plants that will fit organically into the made view. Decorating the composition with beautiful flowering and complementing each other, the plants will make a flower bed for stones dressed only by age
With the first rays of the spring sun, then the snowdrops and crocuses will wake up after the snow falls, coloring the flower garden with colorful strokes of various colors. To replace them will come low flowers, muscari and primroses, pleasing the eyes with a bright bloom. With the advent of the heat of the ball, the beauty in the flower garden is started to be controlled by the flying machines, which look beautiful for the background of the juicy greenness of the cushions of the ground cover: the jaskel, the sunflower, the cat's foot, the viviparous, the phlox the subulate ...
Very comfortably surrounded by pebbles themselves feel the soil-buckthorn, saxifrage, young, sedum.
The rockery from the conifers in front of the house is not only a beautiful ornament of the landscape of the site. Essential oils, allocated by needles, favorably affect the well-being of the owners and guests of the site. The decoration of the small-sized compositions will be the plants of super-dwarfs: evergreen junipers, small thuys, pyramidal cypresses, fir spruce
Plants desire to connect between themselves in accordance with the color, shape and size so as not to disrupt the integrity of the flower garden. The soil around plants is allowed to decorate like a gravel crumb, without cause and river pebbles or ordinary rubble.

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