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How to make drinking bowls and feeders for chickens: an overview of 5 ...

How to make drinking bowls and feeders for chickens: an overview of the 5 best homemade structures
For shelves of hypermarkets at any time, age is allowed to find the freshest fruits and vegetables. It is not a question now to buy poultry meat. Why is it that summer residents do not cease to raise their collection and do not retire through the subsidiary farm. We are convinced that any trucker and poultry producers will say how the products grown by their own hands are more delicious, juicier and more environmentally friendly. However, if you can have melon even urban dacha, then the feeding of chickens is not the usual thing. However, for the sake of our folk craftsmen and a feeder with our own hands - not a question. There was a desire for will, and we will select information according to homemade adaptations. Overview of various devices
Equilibrium and, which is very proud, timely feeding should be for the sake of that the chickens were healthy. However, the affairs of modern people are abundant and take care because of the time of feeding is not always good. Significantly easier, if the action of feeding is quite a result of using a device that feeds the food automatically. We want to offer you a fair number of self-made feeders and drinkers. We will be glad if any of the proposed models make your existence easier. It is very difficult to keep in mind the hours of feeding poultry. Taking into account the fact that the peasant can go for a day or two, the bunker feeders become a non-replaceable thing
Variation #1 - a pipe for you, laying hen!
The most excellent inventions, usually, are quite ordinary. Specifically, it is permissible to calculate the idea of ​​extracting polypropylene pipes.
In order to assemble the necessary tool, you will need:
pipes of different diameters
connecting devices. A similar structure is good if the birds on the farm are small. In an unpleasant case, the connecting curvature can be changed by another pipe, fixing it parallel to the floor. To get food from a horizontal pipe the birds will be able to through the holes in it. A similar feeder not only preserves the time of the owners, but also the room in the henhouse: it is comfortably placed and does not bother anyone. Of course, if the hens are abundant in the farm, it is allowed to simply perform abundant pipes for their feeding. However, we will do simpler and attach to the main one another pipe - horizontal, in which we make holes
The flaw in this device is the only one: there are no limiters. Chickens can put on pipes, stomp and spoil the food.
Variation #2 - bunker type devices
If you buy an automatic bird feeder in specialized stores, you will have to pay a decent amount. Moreover, which for the sake of a huge farm will need pretty similar products. Among other things, there is nothing difficult in the proposed design. Selecting a meal or a portioned dog bowl for the sake of producing such a feeder, do not lose sight of the fact that its diameter is forced to exist more than the width of the bottom of the bucket.
Must prepare:
plastic weather, which remains after the repair;
sectional bowl for dogs or a cheap meal for vegetables, made of plastic too
sharp knife.
In the bottom of the plastic bucket, we cut holes in accordance with the number of compartments in the store. The size of the holes themselves is forced to allow the stern to freely do so. Weather and haymaker should be interconnected by screws. It is better not to estimate the feeder for the ground, but to hang it. In this case, the possibility that the chickens are crawling for it is small
The food is poured into the tank, the weather is locked with a lid. The feeder can be set up for a horizontal view or suspended for no reason, so that the birds can freely extract the feed. Having suspended the weather in a suitable place because of the handle, it is permissible to exist a measured one, which is provided with food for some number of days.
Variation #3 - simple dining room
For the sake of construction, very little time is needed and the most common materials. Prepare:
a container with a plastic handle
a mesh netting
a sharp knife.
Capacity from plastic should be released through the contents, it is good to wash and drink. Accurately cut out the front part. We make an incision for the handle of the bottle, so that it is allowed to kill for the grid, which fenced the room. Steadily into the bottle we fall asleep feed. Proudly, so that the capacity was for the height, very comfortable for the sake of the feeding bird. The feeder is built because of a few minutes. Excellent, if the room is fenced with a network,Variation #4 - plywood feeder
Another unique variation for the sake of the bunker is allowed to perform from a sheet of plywood. We cut out the vertical high walls and construct a box without a front part. The height of the feeder is approximately 90 cm. Due to this size, a huge number of feeds is allowed to sleep.
The food for the output does not have to be delayed. For this, at the bottom of the box, place the plywood cake for no reason, so that it has a short slope to the front. Today the free-flowing food is pretty much rolling down to where it's quite accessible for the sake of chickens. The best roll of the use of granulated mixed fodder is 20-25 degrees, and to be grain-fed 12-15 degrees. The plywood feeder is also an ordinary tool. Tokmo is more difficult to take care of than because of products made of plastic. Antiseptic coating can help out, but plastic is hygienic after all
The horizontal platform before the inclined plane is a room, it is much more likely to get food. The common problem of many self-made structures is the absence of limiters, thanks to which the hens can not put on the feeder, scatter food and spoil the food with their own vital activity. In this case, the task is solved with the help of the bordering edges. The previous edge must act more than 6 cm, and the lateral - more than twice as much. Advantages of this design are its spaciousness and security. Using this structure, it is permissible to exist confident that the feed will last, it is spent rather correctly, it is not spilled and not quite spoiled.
It remains to attach the front wall and the whole end. The feeder will serve endlessly, if it is painstakingly treated with disinfecting products. Use for this purpose a spray gun. The present and even dressed up visibility of the product will give a coating of acrylic paint. All parts can be assembled together without the use of a screwdriver and screws.
Variation #5 - plastic accessories
Food plastic is a brilliant substance, from which it is allowed to make comfortable drinking bowls and the same"plates"for the sake of chickens. The undoubted advantage of these devices is their mobility. They are allowed to be put aside and placed in places where it is comfortable for the farmer.
For the sake of work it is necessary to prepare:
two buckets of plastic
two bottles of underwater, which are used in a domestic cooler;
a piece of polypropylene pipe about 25 cm long and a huge diameter;
electronic drill and drills 20 and 8 mm across;
electronic jigsaw.
Buckets should be made in such a way so that birds can freely reach the water and food, but they could not come inside. In order to openings Based on the beliefs of aesthetic perception, these drinkers and feeders are very good. However, they are also very functional
We note the hole, drill a hole in each hole with a 8 mm diameter drill. For the sake of sawing holes we use electric jigsaw. For the sake of plastic, the saw is suitable, and according to wood, and according to the metal, however, it is necessary to select work with a small tooth.
From a piece of polypropylene pipe, we make two stops: for the sake of food and for the sake of water. Thanks to this device, the neck of the container will not touch the bottom of the bucket, and it is allowed to keep the feed and water under control. We share a jigsaw for a pipe for cutting 10 and 15 cm. We take a small piece and for a distance of 3 cm through the edges with a drill in a 20 mm diameter we drill three holes. In a long section of the pipe, we also drill holes with the same drill, but for a distance of 5 cm across the edges. Next, cut the jigsaw in a long segment of the segments, so that the appearance of a crown with 3 teeth. It is very comfortable that the buckets eat pens, because of which these designs can be moved to the place of use. There it is allowed either to install the devices or to hang them all from the same hand
We fill the tanks with water and food. For a bottle with food we put a long limiter, and for the one with water, it is small. We cover the containers with buckets and turn them over. Fixtures are ready. For no reason freely and vividly can there be a manger and a drinking bowl made of materials that are not difficult to obtain. Due to the presence of handles, the pair of the device is comfortably shelved. This is a more hygienic and successful variation.
Video master-class: bottle feeder
Methods to make the tool for fattening out more. In order to remove this obvious injustice, we suggest you to look at the video about the book, like to perform a very ordinary drinker for the sake of chickens from plastic bottles, which you can bribe in any store.

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