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How to make a fence fence in my dacha: my garden my castle

How to make a fence fence in my dacha: my garden & #8212; my castleAgain, centuries ago our forefathers from sharp wooden stakes have made reliable and beautiful protection - a city fence. Now this multifunctional protective structure is becoming secondarily popular in suburban construction. The fence is an impeccable addition to the site with elements of"ethno"decor or decorated in"rustic style."In addition to decorative appeal, protection from logs serves as a good defense through the encroachments of unwanted guests. To break such a city is not about strength, even to strong men, who possess the best opportunities. The fence is a lovely candidate for ordinary concrete, brick or iron protective structures. To erect a fence is allowed only because of a certain number of days, and will serve a tree city not for a single decade.
Preparing materials for construction
The fence is assembled from cylindrical wood logs having the same diameter of the trunk. Since now the holders of suburban areas do not need to defend themselves from the massive stockade through enemy attacks, it is enough to extract logs by a diameter of 10-15 cm in order to arrange the fence.
The height of the log is determined taking into account the design of the enclosing structure. For the sake of an external fence, which firmly protects through the penetration of thieves, you will need logs no higher than 2 meters in height. To improve the internal fences, delineating the zone of the site and enclosing domestic animals, small logs with a height of half a meter are suitable.
So that the logs do not stagger for the wind and are firmly fixed, they must be sunk. Probably the variation of the fastening of logs for a transverse support raised above the ground, which is fixed for the supporting poles of the enclosing structure. In this case, the logs will not be buried and in the filled profit will be located above the ground. Matter for the wattle fodder is harvested in the fall. At this time, the sap flow in plants slows down and the profit stops. For the sake of work, branches with a width of 1-3 cm are ideally suited
When deciding to equip the site, it should mark the terrain. For a designated place, a shallow trench is excavated, which is filled with a layer of sand. Such a sand"cushion"is enough to secure the drainage, preventing the decay of the buried part of the stakes.
Then it is allowed to drive small stakes, placing them for a distance of half a meter well-wisher through a friend. The base is ready, it is allowed to begin to weave. Suggestion. In order to give the branches more flexibility, they are allowed to soak in advance for a couple of days in warm water. For the sake of extending the period of building to stakes and branches, they must be treated with an antiseptic. The weaving starts from the lower tier. The development is quite ordinary: the rods according to the queue should be intervened from the opposite sides of the stakes and stretch them for the entire length. If necessary, non-long bars are lengthened, longish ones are cut with a pruner. Depending on the density of the braiding of branches, it is permissible to obtain a practical deaf or translucent, transmissive sunbeams of the city. The traditional woven city will normally serve as a decorative fence for more than 5 years.
The weaving technique is clearly described in the video:
protect the tree through humidity. Using a stain and a clear varnish, it is also possible to imitate different types of wood.

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