Pre-stop - select a location
Therefore, you decided to make a rosary with your own hands, but do not understand how to get down to this difficult matter. First, determine what kind of garden zone you desire to want to take away from the structure of your own rosary. There is an unlimited number of options for the sake of planting roses, but we must pay homage to the fact that the room near the breakdown of the flower garden was sunny, calm, with a grassy soil. To form a rosary, you should run around swampy and wet areas of the garden, also zones in the shade of trees or buildings. Which touches the ground, the most successful soil for the planting of roses is lightweight loam with an acidity level in the range of 5-6 pH. To be planted by a group of roses, must consider what kind of perennial and evergreen plants will accentuate their beauty
For the initial step in the creation of the rosary, it is useful to draw an outline of placing roses in a group
The original rosary, made of a composition of snow-white or cream-colored roses with perennials, blooming lilac inflorescences
The planning plan of the rosary will help to mark out the part allocated for the sake of the flower garden arrangementStages of Rosary formation
Preparation of the Earth
If you have asked yourself a question, like you are allowed to perform a rosary with your own hands, you must certainly pay close attention to the preparation of the earth about its order. Characteristics and amount of soil plays a significant role in the development of the rosary, because the rose, like and befit royalty, is quite capricious and willful. The preparation of land near the planting of roses is in the drainage and fertilization of the landing pit
The most unfavorable bottom for the sake of planting roses is the pregnant clay, which will require drainage - drainage of excess water through plants. In most cases, coarse dust, expanded clay or gravel are used as draining materials. The dispassionate sandy land is also of little use for the rosary - it must be fertilized by the consistency of clay with humus. In the event that the bottom for the garden plot is grassy, a hole near the planting of roses is formed for such a depth, in order to fit the root order of the bush. If the earth is not very good according to its properties, then the pit is digged deeper and wider in diameter, and its bottom is sprinkled with drainage or fertilized. The planting of the rose seedling consists of the following steps: preparation of the hole, the remainder of the seedling, backfilling of the roots, tamping and watering the land
Then, like a premise for the creation of the rosary, the plan for its breakdown was chosen and conceived, it takes about 2-3 months to prepare the land for planting roses. Taking into account that autumn is the most successful time for the sake of planting roses, almost in the middle of summer the garden plot selected near the formation of the rosary is dug for a depth of about 60 cm and the high level of earth breaks up. Then, the soil is fertilized with mineral and organic fertilizers. Because of a couple of months the soil will settle, excess moisture will evaporate, it will be saturated with useful substances and gain the best amount for the development of the rosary. When choosing the location of the rosary near the country house, make sure that this part of the garden is not shaded and is perfectly illuminated by the sun.
A colorful frame of a greenish lawn will give a frame of low roses, planted according to its perimeter.
Proudly light! As organic fertilizers for the sake of roses used: pereprevshy unsuitable, peat, humus, compost - in the calculation of 10 kg of fertilizer for 1 meter square of land. A mash of mineral fertilizers suitable for roses and sufficient for 1 m3 of earth: 70 g of superphosphate, 30 g of ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium chloride. General landing rules
For the sake of that, so that the rosary for the country house amuses you with its flowering, must adhere to certain rules of its planting. Before planting the root system of roses moisturize, prune broken or spoiled tips. The above-ground portion of the bush is shortened, leaving 1-3 of the most massive shoots without leaves, shoots and color. In the designated places of the garden area, dig holes near the planting taking into account the length of the root system of roses. Planting roses in clay pots will simplify the product of the garden rosary and will give the terrace, adjacent to the lawn, an uncaused spectrum
In the process of planting, the rose seedlings must be strictly vertical and taken care of, so that the tips of the roots do not bend upward. For the sake of this, the seedling is sometimes shaken, so that the planting mash is distributed moderately, filling the place with the shoots of the rhizome. Soil-submerged roses with small inflorescences, planted near an artificial reservoir, will create for its sake a voluminous and bright frame
The multicolored rose garden looks pretty good for the background of a greenish grassy lawn
Proudly light! The density of planting roses is selected, based on the expected elevation, the width of the bush and is: 25-50 cm for small, miniature and rose floribunda; 60-100 cm for tea and hybrid and low park roses; 1-1.5 m for the sake of shredded and slightly growing wisps of roses; 2-3 m for the sake of tall park, weeping, and vividly growing climbing roses. Then landing, the ground near the bush with caution, kicking, then loosen up a little, watering and humming for a height of about 20 cm peat or sawdust so that the above-ground shoots were all covered. Planting roses is recommended to do in the fall, from October before the advent of frost.
Then winter - in the spring, the roses are pruned and sprinkled with wood bark or wet peat. Afterwards, if the shoots reach a 5 cm elevation, it is recommended that the roses be reclaimed and mulched with an 8-centimeter layer of peat or humus.
Making roses seedlings for planting
Being prepared for the sake of a transplant from a container should perfectly moisten the earth, so that the piece of land does not crumble to be extracted. In order to plant a rose grown in a plastic pot, it is necessary to cut it, pull out a piece and, without destroying it, place it in a previously dug hole for the sake of planting. Schemes near the rose from the container are digging for almost 10 cm more extensive and above its dimensions. The resulting gaps and then the transfer of roses from the container to the hole are filled with the consistency of the garden land with peat so that the top view of the land coma is equal to the ground level for the site. Before planting, the root system and shoots of the seedlings of the rose must be incised
If roses for the sake of the rosary are acquired in the form of seedlings, the drying out and freezing of the root system of the flower is likely. If the plant is frozen, it must be planted the other day in the open ground for a couple of days. In case the roots of the rose are too dry, they should be placed in water from 10 hours before planting. Just before planting, the roots of the rose are cut before 30 cm, removing the spoiled appendages, and the above-ground share is shortened, leaving a pair of strong shoots. The roots of the seedling are allowed to be treated with clay-dung watery consistency, in order to provide the rose with additional feeding, until it is taken.
Planting of some types of rosaries
Some future rosaries require specific preparation of the site, depending on the scheme for the formation of the flower bed and the kinds of roses used for its arrangement. Розарий из парковых роз даст центральной аллее торжественность и наряженный видимостьPlanting of shredded roses
Stamp roses are planted in the rose garden, like a tapeworm - an accent plant that differs through other dimensions and color polytree. The luncheon near the planting of the stamping rose is excavated in accordance with the same principle, like for the sake of bushy - based on the size of the rhizome. In order that the stamping tree does not break through the gusts of the wind, for a distance of 10 cm through it, from the lee side, the tree is buried and the trunk of the rose is tied to it. The tree is selected by a diameter of 2 before 4 cm and a height equal to the tree trunk in front of the base of the crown plus 50-70 cm. The desire to treat the underground portion of the peg is antiseptic in order to prevent rotting of the tree species and drive for a depth of 50 cm to the pit prepared for planting roses. p>The rope, which was created for tying the stamping tree, must be grinded and fixed in 3 places for the trunk of the rose by the 8-shaped loop - at the very ground, in the middle of the trunk and at the base of the crown. For the protection of the trunk of a tree through the damage by a rope, it is wrapped with scraps of sacking in the zones of the placement of loops. It is much easier to simplify the function of the rose garter elastic fastener, deliberately created for such purposes.
wp-content/uploads/2013/12/roza_regul_posadka.jpg"rel="lightbox[3107]"title="Розарий из штамбовых роз">
Штамбовые розы, представляющие из себя маленькие расцветающие деревья, неплохи вроде в группе, беспричинно и отдельно
A solitary resting place with a bench can exist to be formed with the help of a hectic hedge of roses and shredded trees
Planting a hectic hedge of roses Shrub or weave roses look great, planted in the form of a restless hedge, formed or according to the perimeter of the garden plot, or inside it - for the sake of division for the zone, for example, for the creation of a border between the economic territory and a place for recreation. For the arrangement of a single-row fence inside the garden, in most cases low roses are used with a height of less than 1 meter - while the gap between the bushes should be 50-70 mm. A lushly good bush of a climbing rose will brighten the monotony of enclosure of the country plot
A multi-rowed rose fence consists, usually of 2 or 3 tiers, with lower roses sitting for the frontal plane, then the averages are in line with growth (1-1.5 m), and the highest ones (more than 1.5 m ) form the background last order, adjacent to a serious fence. I must make sure that the structure of roses close to the fence or to another building was laid in 30-50 cm through the walls. Roots of roses to be given a planting should be distributed in such a way that they"go"in the opposite direction through buildings. The rosary, made near the walls of the cottage, is able to decorate even the most unsightly device
The planting of roses in multi-row hedges adheres to a chess order with a distance between the bushes, almost equal to half their height. In order to plant a rose garden for a summer residence in the form of a restless hedge, they dig not individual pits for each bush, but a trench depth of about 50 cm and a width that depends on the number of rows in the living fence. The desire to loosen the bottom of the trench with pitchforks and cover with a layer of planting consistency consisting of peat and garden soil taken in equal parts. For the sake of planting the fence, it is best to take 2-3-year-old roses seedlings with a well-formed root system.
Selecting species of roses for planting

Штамбовые розы, представляющие из себя маленькие расцветающие деревья, неплохи вроде в группе, беспричинно и отдельно
A solitary resting place with a bench can exist to be formed with the help of a hectic hedge of roses and shredded trees
Planting a hectic hedge of roses Shrub or weave roses look great, planted in the form of a restless hedge, formed or according to the perimeter of the garden plot, or inside it - for the sake of division for the zone, for example, for the creation of a border between the economic territory and a place for recreation. For the arrangement of a single-row fence inside the garden, in most cases low roses are used with a height of less than 1 meter - while the gap between the bushes should be 50-70 mm. A lushly good bush of a climbing rose will brighten the monotony of enclosure of the country plot
A multi-rowed rose fence consists, usually of 2 or 3 tiers, with lower roses sitting for the frontal plane, then the averages are in line with growth (1-1.5 m), and the highest ones (more than 1.5 m ) form the background last order, adjacent to a serious fence. I must make sure that the structure of roses close to the fence or to another building was laid in 30-50 cm through the walls. Roots of roses to be given a planting should be distributed in such a way that they"go"in the opposite direction through buildings. The rosary, made near the walls of the cottage, is able to decorate even the most unsightly device
The planting of roses in multi-row hedges adheres to a chess order with a distance between the bushes, almost equal to half their height. In order to plant a rose garden for a summer residence in the form of a restless hedge, they dig not individual pits for each bush, but a trench depth of about 50 cm and a width that depends on the number of rows in the living fence. The desire to loosen the bottom of the trench with pitchforks and cover with a layer of planting consistency consisting of peat and garden soil taken in equal parts. For the sake of planting the fence, it is best to take 2-3-year-old roses seedlings with a well-formed root system.
Selecting species of roses for planting
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