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Strengthening slopes and slopes on the site: an...

Strengthening slopes and slopes on the site: an overview of the 5 most effective waysIn the view of the inhabitant of a large city, the suburban part is a piece of paradise with a beautiful house, green lawns, fragrant flower beds, a brook or a pool, neatly broken beds. However, often reality is steadily back to fairy-tale views, and you acquire a part with a ravine or for the edge of a mound. Do not worry: the correct strength of the slopes and landscape decoration will solve all the difficulties.
If you become the owner of a countryside with an uneven terrain, you should turn nasty surprises into the right side. For the sake of the beginning it is necessary to recollect plusses of an unusual site:
All stagnation of rainwater is excluded for any terrain that has a slope
The wit, deployed to the sun, is perfectly illuminated, therefore decorative slopes and vegetable crops will vividly unfold for the slope, mainly on the southern side.
An unusual place is the unique ability to design a homestead.
Using natural relief features, you do not need to intentionally build structures for the creation of a waterfall, a cascade or an alpine slide .
Remember about the minuses. For the plants planted for the slope, an additional dense watering will certainly be needed, because the water is not actually enough to linger in the ground. Not lucky to the lovers of the lawn - to have time evenly silky carpet for the inclined plane is difficult. Uneven place is unreal to extract about more convenient luggage, for example, a children's playground or a clearing for the sake of rest, also for it not to install. And the first negative - additional costs for the strength of slopes and slopes, refining, the structure of beds or flower beds.
Therefore, now it is permissible to proceed to business. For the beginning we invite you to watch the video, the video in the video shows the 5 best solutions in accordance with the strengthening of the slopes. Be sure to check out:

In general, for the correct choice of the method of strengthening, some reasons must be taken into account:
soil structure
Inclination level
Neighborhood of groundwater
the possibility of natural destruction: landslides, washouts, shedding
Imagine, for the sake of a gentle slope, planting quite enough plants, which with their roots will fix the soil and finish the action of destruction. Steep slopes require a more severe approach: they can be prevented by intentionally made structures from biomats, gabions, pebbles, concrete blocks, geogrids. Then the choice of material must find the exact work area and make preliminary work. Even the steepest slopes can be turned into a beautiful stone park, laying retaining walls with fine decorative tiles, and the adjacent paths with paving stones
It is not necessary to act as a strengthening structure monotypic or single-layer: structures in the form of stairs or terraces visually increase the location of the terrain
Natural method: application of plants
If the angle of inclination does not exceed 8-10 degrees, then for the stabilization of the soil cover, plants are suitable: trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses. Their flexible roots deep into the soil, thereby protecting it through landslides and erosion. More massive rootlets in the trees, but to plant a full slope with large plants does not make sense. Much more beautiful look compositions from separately standing low trees and bushes. For the design of a steep edge or a ravine, a large broom, elder, viburnum, Japanese quince, scampia, barberry, cotoneaster, dog rose. Uneven relief allows you to make true masterpieces of decorative art: combining pebbles of various shapes, bright colors and flowing water looks more than picturesque.
Blossoming bushes at once serve as decor elements, like plants with long shoots and lush flowers, for example, climbing roses. Extremely brilliant cocktail of climbing plants is not worth it, quite 1-2 densely burgeoning species. Groundcover plants are perfectly suitable for the design of the inclined surface. Periwinkle, woolly pirate, ivy, sunflower make a strong carpet, a servant for the sake of larger species. Groundcover plants are a good method to strengthen gently sloping slopes, and with the help of color contrast and height difference - to hide small relief defects
Uneven terrain with elevations, ledges and depressions is a real discovery for fans of alpine hills and rockeries. From a pile of pebbles, coniferous trees and several types of flowers, they are able to create true magic, the decoration of any country site. The only thing that should be taken care of before the arrangement of the flower garden is to make suitable conditions for growth, in other words to ensure constant watering.
Probably, you can learn something from this video-story with landscape tricks:

Artificial methods of strengthening
Decoration of a slope by plants is considered a natural method of protection through shedding, although the strength of a slope for a site can flow and artificial through - with the help of pebbles, logs and structures of polymeric materials. The retaining walls of sturdy material and stairs are more frequent methods of strengthening and parallel decoration of slopes for country plots
Variation #1 - stone or log fences
Artistic fences made of different materials perfectly hold the surface of every degree of steepness. or wood elements are laid from the outside of the slope, fixing different methods: using cement or fixation in the ground (buried in the ground). Limestone slabs, cobblestones, shell rock, granite pieces are folded in the form of a wall, and wood pieces are laid with a ladder or a fence.
Composition in the theme: postroiki/podpornye-stenki-v-landshaftnom-dizajne Retaining walls in the landscape: what and how can it be allowed to perform excellent"Props"?
Variation #2 - geotextile laying features
Steep slopes are difficult to strengthen by a natural method, by planting trees or grass. In this case, geotextile recovers - a strong material made from polyester or polypropylene fibers, which is excellent for water and has the highest strength. A piece of material is pulled for a view, fixed from all sides by anchors, then decorated. For the sake of decoration, a natural rock or a tile with the flowers planted for the earth's earth discharge is perfectly suitable. Anchors, with which the layers of geotextiles are held, then the backfilling with earth should be removed - it is easier to remove unregistered matter
Variation #3 - geomatics and biomass
A pair of soil cover type is used for more effective protection of surfaces with a slope of 45% (some future geomata - before 70%) planting. Biomats are made from coconut fibers or grass, fixed to the cellulose layer. Geomats are multi-layered grids made of polypropylene. The root order of plants does not develop at all times, therefore, for the instant stabilization of soil, the retaining structures are laid first, and plants are planted for them. Biomats have two principal advantages: landscaping of the surface in the course of 2 months and partial fertilization of the soil due to the decomposition of the material
Geomatics are convenient and relatively cheap materials, possessing an abundance of advantages, between which a lightweight installation, the highest efficiency and strength
Roll material is laid out according to the entire surface of the slope, fixed a separate bite in accordance with the perimeter and sow grass or flowers. Loose fibrous construction allows the seeds to be fixed and germinate, and in the future to bring up a curved carpet with an invisible reinforcing layer.
Variation #4 - a step-by-step sample of mounting a geogrid
The fortress of a small plot is about the strength of even the beginning landscape designer, in other words, the owner of the villa. If you eat a short depression or a ditch with crumbling slopes, you can use a large geogrid - a modern polymer belt structure. Filling the geogrid cells with vegetable soil, it is permissible to prepare a good soil near the planting of curly or erect flowers, lawn grass, a small shrub
If a summer house or a building stands for the edge of a cliff, then a geogrid, reinforced with gravel, is a brilliant method of making a barrier to the gradual destruction of a slope.
Welded between the elements resemble a lattice with large cells, which are filled with a heavy building material: gravel, sand, concrete or nutrient ground for planting. Having strengthened the pair of the slope of the ditch, which crosses the country part, it is permissible to make an unparalleled stone stream or an unusual rockery with coniferous plants and flower beds
Before reinforcement, prepare the soil: remove the huge plants, align and compact the earth, as it is likely. There are two options for laying a geogrid: on geotextiles or steadily for land. In the first case, for the entire width of the slope, geotextile is spread, who plays the occupation of the draining layer, and then the grate is placed on top. The second variation assumes an impartial installation of the grid - at once for the cleared part. The slopes, consisting of sand or other sedimentary rocks, which begin to crumble by the influence of wind and rain begin to fall apart particularly destructively.
The geogrids should be located along the slope. The main view of the choice of material: the steeper the slope, the wider the tape. The grid sector is stretched in different directions and fixed around the perimeter by anchors or deliberately stripped pegs. For small slopes, mainly in arid terrain, where small pebbles are not needed, rather one geogrid - additional insulating materials do not need
Cells fall asleep either with fixing rubble (sand), or the soil near the humus. If there is a flower landing in the plans, the land must be cereal and fertilized. For the sake of filling the grate with soil or sand, it is permissible to remove construction vehicles, a garden wheelbarrow or simple weather with a shovel
This is the only simple way to strengthen the slope for the country. Incorporating imagination and using one of the methods of decoration, it is allowed the ordinary crumbling slope to turn into a good park - beautiful and unparalleled.

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