Classic future water filters
For the sake of the beginning we will consider three types of filtration, familiar to us in accordance with the use in urban conditions. Any of them may be needed for the dacha, because the cottage building in the modern awareness is the whole equipped housing, with a deliberate water supply system and usual points of analysis - with water taps.
Variation #1 - a simple"pitcher"
The plastic container with a handle and an integrated filter earned its reputation thanks to its low cost: products of various companies have a value of 300 before 1600 rubles. The jar filter cleans the water in the following way: the liquid is poured into the upper part, passes through the filter and flows out into the lower part, from where it is allowed to connect through the nozzle.
It is permissible to say that the step of cleaning the water in the pitcher is satisfactory, because it detains slightly visible particles of suspended matter, rust, chlorine, but does not remove any impurity. At times, you will need to change the cartridges (100-300 rubles), whose income is 200 before 700 liters. The pitcher is not bad for the sake of uncomfortable houses, in which the water pipe does not have the ability to use other filtration methods.
Variation #2 - nozzles for the crane
Small water purification filters for a dacha made of metallized plastic are not again without a reason for a long time, they were beloved devices thanks to their ease of use: they bought a short cartridge, fixed it for the spout and used a certain time until the income came out and no compensation would be needed. Nozzles are used for all types of cranes, winding for the thread of the spout, attaching with special clamps or simply installing close to the sink. The height of water cleaning is a bit higher than that of the pitchers, but still not perfect. The filter perfectly cleans water through rust, chlorine and lime. Cartridges with ion-exchange resin reduce hardness. Plus baits - economical advantage, minus - poor cleaning property. In addition, the filters are not suitable for all cranes in the distance. Water, purified by a filter-nozzle in the summer conditions, Single-stage filter"Barrier Optima"does not need to be wound for the crane, it's pretty easy to install it and connect it with a narrow hose
Variation #3 -"under the sink"packages
Probably, this is an ideal variant of cleaning water not only in the city, but also for the country. The order of filtration so perfectly detains impurities and bacteria, which is able to perform clean and useful water from any source. If there is a water pipe in the country house, there will be no difficulties with the installation of filters. Usually they use"soft"unity, in other words flexible hoses, which are allowed to be connected without the help of others.
The main plus of the systems"under the sink"in the multi-stage cleaning. Some kits disinfect water in four steps:
1 - rough cleaning, during which larger particles are removed - grains of sand, constituents of soil
2 - a narrow cleaning that detains small impurities that are invisible to the naked eye
3 - an absorption filter that destroys bacteria that are harmful to human health
4 - a filter that reduces the contents of iron and lime.
Having installed a similar filtration system for the country kitchen, it is allowed not to worry about the well-being of the household: water, according to its properties, is quite equal to bottled water. The advantage of the filters"under the sink"is dependent on the number of filtration stages, the manufacturer and the model. The cheapest items cost 2000 rubles, the more expensive ones cost around 15,000 rubles.
Like there is water from a well or well?
For the sake of filtering water from underground sources, there is a special situation, the main meta of which is to catch calcium salts, hydrogen sulphide, iron, magnesium, the contents of which exceed sanitary standards. Multistage systems purify water, producing the following functions:
mechanical cleaning
diminution gestures;
firing of iron and rust
the introduction of sorption filters.
Very often there is a taste of iron. To get rid of it, filters, which are divided into two categories: reactive and nonreagent, will help. To clean water with products of the first category use special chemical substances - reagents. A special filler for the brine base removes excess iron. Order for the sake of water from the well: 1 - filter the first mechanical cleaning; 2 - aeration situation for the sake of iron oxidation; 3 - filter for the removal of iron; 4 - auto filter for the sake of mitigation; 5 - sorption filter; 6 - the switching filter; 7 - ultraviolet sterilizer; 8 - aeration compressor; 9 - Relay
The only effective way to get clean water - the order of reverse osmosis. If you extract it for the dacha, it is allowed to get water that meets all the drinking standards. With the help of this system, heavy metals, pathogenic bacteria, pesticides, radionuclides that can be contained in water bodies of various origin and location are removed.
If a bitter spirit has appeared, it is necessary to clean through hydrogen sulphide - a poisonous substance. The best way to deal with this problem is with the aeration unit, which blows off volatile gases, releasing water for the sake of the forthcoming filtration through the iron. For the removal of excess magnesium, calcium, manganese use filters loaded in their ion-exchange resins. Sodium, which is part of the resin, binds the salts of harmful components, making the water softer and more useful.
Another method of cleaning, which came to replace the harmful for the sake of health chlorination, - irradiation with ultraviolet rays. Disinfection makes the water sterile, free through microbes and pathogens.
Combined filtration systems for the sake of giving in their own composition are free of charge or fairly of the listed filters that convert liquid from reservoirs and wells into pure, useful, harmless water.
A brief overview of filter manufacturers
We look at the more recognizable brands of filtration equipment that are suitable for summer use.
The company"Aquaphor"produces devices of different types, through simple jugs in front of complex multi-stage complexes. If you need a simple environment with a well-thought-out annotation, you should receive one of the latest developments of Aquaphor: the cleansing property is the highest, the value is average. One of the proposals of the company"Aquaphor"is a system of pre-cleaning in the whole country house, which guarantees the highest quality of water for all points of analysis: in the bathroom, bathroom, kitchen
Devices for the sake of cleaning the water"Geyser"for more than 30 years amuse the customers with good functionality and ease of use. Some filtration systems are equipped with reverse osmosis equipment, which guarantees clean water, not inferior to spring water. The only one of the best options is through the manufacturer of the brand"Geyser"- the three-stage filter"Geyser-3", who can turn water from any source into a drinking water
Some dachas are connected to the village water towers or for their water supply they use relatively clean water from personal wells. Naturally, the desire to receive an expensive and complex filtering system was an unnecessary, rather economical option, the 1 st of the number offered by the Barrier Society. The main collection is nozzle filters and"jugs.""Barrier"pitchers are popular among summer residents due to cheap prices and ease of maintenance. The average value of the product in the online store - 400-500 rubles
Eat more complex environment, which is improved every day.
Remember and relative foreign guests, between which it is allowed to note the South American firm"Ecowaters System", which has been engaged for a little less than a century with strong cleaning systems. All-around models have the highest technical properties and a long period of use. Unparalleled minus - not everyone is comfortable with far away. Most Ecowater models using ion exchange technology for the sake of water purification are all automated and equipped with a control unit with the possibility of remote control
There is again a surplus of brands dealing with filtering equipment, but not any of them may be needed for the country. Before buying a cleaning system, you should find out the shortcomings of the water used, in order to choose the right filter and not to overpay because of the excess situation.
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