Where to start the product of the pond?
Therefore, you realized that your existence is more inconceivable without a nice little lake called to amuse your eye and to quell nerves. It seems to make a pond for the dacha with your own hands, so that it harmoniously added the view of the garden and lasted quite endlessly, and did not become a problem zone requiring constant care? A unique feature of a small pond, decorated with stones, can begin an unusual path of flat stones
Let's start with choosing a pond style and choosing a place to bookmark it. Then, we'll tell you, it's kind of technologically right to carry out a pond and equip it. Chosen in the right style and laid with observance of all the subtleties, the unnatural pond is quite a true gem of your garden and a beautiful place for appeasement.
A short digression into the history
The tradition to equip the lure of the manor with reservoirs came to us from the East, where water was always valued more than gold. Small pools with fountains of correct geometric shape were an indispensable attribute of any Muslim courtyard. In China, the development of landscape culture has gone a little differently - the gardens were laid in a landscape style very reminiscent of the innate nature of the landscape. A special feature of the arrangement of the pond in the Chinese garden is the indispensable stay of a stone lantern
This taste sought its own continuation and in the reservoirs that had improper twists, were quite extensive in accordance with the area and certainly supplied with a bridge and a stone lantern in the coastal zone. Funny is that between the Chinese pond was certainly located a small peninsula, in no way common with the land, an unreasonably named peninsula of dreams."Salt"of this island was a clear rock or a lonely tree. The pond in the Japanese garden, usually, is restrained in accordance with the form and has a deliberate composition of pebbles without any brightest vegetative forms
Japan, due to the limited local area, always tended to minimize the area of the garden, where the immense body of water was not always room. All because of the classical concept of the Japanese garden, which presupposes the presence of all elements, the pool existed in the form of tsukubai - a small vessel with water. The indestructible attribute of such a mini pond was a stylized stream flowing from hollow beech pipes, and dwarf trees along the coast. Sometimes the pond took the form of a square or a rectangle, which further emphasized the famous asceticism of the Japanese garden style. The pond in the landscape garden looks very natural, as if it was created by nature itself
In the forthcoming, the unit sown by the Oriental culture gave off lush shoots in Europe, and more precisely, in Britain and France, where the park art went completely backwards. The British park looked exactly like Chinese and was an inborn place of nature with lush vegetation and landscape ponds.
wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Prud_geom-e1389655613956.jpg"rel="lightbox[4268]"title="Пруд в постоянном саду">
Пруд в постоянном саду обладает правильными геометрическими формами и не оформляется пышноватой растительностьюThe French park was solved in an unreasonably named permanent style, the crown of which is the garden and park agreement of Versailles. For the sake of the constant design of the garden in the French style, there is an accurate breakdown, regular geometric shapes and ponds that rise above the surface of the earth. Reservoirs in avant-garde gardens are laid in the same way as formal ponds in permanent gardens - with linear outlines and a minimum of vegetation
In our era, the garden of the permanent garden acquired the name of the outer garden and received the upcoming development in the avant-garde landscapes where the reconciled forms of the pond coexist with plastic, metal, glass in the form of unusual designs or even vegetation imitations.
Selectable flavor p
It seems for a dacha to make a pond so that it does not get out of the canvas of the existing landscape and was correctly adjusted according to style? Selecting a style sentence for the sake of a pond for your own plot of land, push through the building plan of the country house and the existing garden layout. Complete the bowl of the reservoir with a decorative stream or waterfall, decorate the coastline and make a blind area in one key with the concept of the landscape only of the garden plot. A special charm to the landscape pond is appropriated by its smooth outlines and ornamental vegetation that adorns the water surface.
A landscape pond with natural outlines is often appropriate in the depths of the garden close to the gazebo or not far from the terraces of the house - after all, you must be able to assume it comfortably to see because of the water surface.
The design of the reservoir can exist more restrained according to the Japanese principle - stones of different sizes, conifers, lack of colorful motley grass. Or in the Chinese style - more lush and bright, with an indissoluble accent in the form of a tree with mottled foliage and a curved bridge. The landscape pond can also exist in the style of"nature garden", which presupposes the planting of local plants, corresponding to the sake of the given region, and the absence of all plant exotics. A more concise form is an external pond with rectangular outlines
An external pond of geometric shape - a square or rectangular configuration useful looks close to the house, emphasizing its vertical and horizontal stripes. Well, such a pond is mixed with the patio or the patio, mainly if the straight flower beds are not far apart or the linear paths are laid. An unusual pond spectrum can be given by a path passing over its surface - either in the form of a bridge or by separate stones or slabs
A fascinating dose, which is extensively used in modern landscape design, is the laying of paths lined with a terraced board and thrown in a bridge across a basin of broken geometric shape. A similar road through the pond can also own the visibility of the concrete path or separate square plates, seemingly flying over the water. Original cascades of small, different according to the dimensions of ponds, where water flows from one bowl to another through small waterfalls, look original. The order of cascading ponds for the dacha will not only give its landscape an unusual, and fill the park with a pleasant murmur.

Пруд в постоянном саду обладает правильными геометрическими формами и не оформляется пышноватой растительностьюThe French park was solved in an unreasonably named permanent style, the crown of which is the garden and park agreement of Versailles. For the sake of the constant design of the garden in the French style, there is an accurate breakdown, regular geometric shapes and ponds that rise above the surface of the earth. Reservoirs in avant-garde gardens are laid in the same way as formal ponds in permanent gardens - with linear outlines and a minimum of vegetation
In our era, the garden of the permanent garden acquired the name of the outer garden and received the upcoming development in the avant-garde landscapes where the reconciled forms of the pond coexist with plastic, metal, glass in the form of unusual designs or even vegetation imitations.
Selectable flavor p
It seems for a dacha to make a pond so that it does not get out of the canvas of the existing landscape and was correctly adjusted according to style? Selecting a style sentence for the sake of a pond for your own plot of land, push through the building plan of the country house and the existing garden layout. Complete the bowl of the reservoir with a decorative stream or waterfall, decorate the coastline and make a blind area in one key with the concept of the landscape only of the garden plot. A special charm to the landscape pond is appropriated by its smooth outlines and ornamental vegetation that adorns the water surface.
A landscape pond with natural outlines is often appropriate in the depths of the garden close to the gazebo or not far from the terraces of the house - after all, you must be able to assume it comfortably to see because of the water surface.
The design of the reservoir can exist more restrained according to the Japanese principle - stones of different sizes, conifers, lack of colorful motley grass. Or in the Chinese style - more lush and bright, with an indissoluble accent in the form of a tree with mottled foliage and a curved bridge. The landscape pond can also exist in the style of"nature garden", which presupposes the planting of local plants, corresponding to the sake of the given region, and the absence of all plant exotics. A more concise form is an external pond with rectangular outlines
An external pond of geometric shape - a square or rectangular configuration useful looks close to the house, emphasizing its vertical and horizontal stripes. Well, such a pond is mixed with the patio or the patio, mainly if the straight flower beds are not far apart or the linear paths are laid. An unusual pond spectrum can be given by a path passing over its surface - either in the form of a bridge or by separate stones or slabs
A fascinating dose, which is extensively used in modern landscape design, is the laying of paths lined with a terraced board and thrown in a bridge across a basin of broken geometric shape. A similar road through the pond can also own the visibility of the concrete path or separate square plates, seemingly flying over the water. Original cascades of small, different according to the dimensions of ponds, where water flows from one bowl to another through small waterfalls, look original. The order of cascading ponds for the dacha will not only give its landscape an unusual, and fill the park with a pleasant murmur.
wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Prud_u2-e1389656586414.jpg"rel="lightbox[4268]"title="Внешний пруд круглой формы">
Формальные водоемы круглой формы станут украшением патио либо парадной группы вашего дачного участка
An ascetic judgment in the design of a reservoir with the introduction of just a few pebbles is a specific feature of the pond in the Celtic style
The design of a pond with a waterfall draining from a short wall of beige sandstone, will perfectly fit into the landscape taste of the garden
According to the depth of the pond, it is recommended to divide it into three stages: a zone for the sake of coastal plants, a shallow-water zone for the sake of the queen of the Nymphaea pond - water-lily-resistant water lilies and deepening for the wintering of fish - if you assume them to share.
Do not pond to act extremely deep, quite a bit to dig a winter pit for the sake of fish with a depth of about 150-180 cm (below the freezing point of the ground), so that it occupies about 1/5 of the pond area. An expensive rectangular pond is allowed to be built for a small cottage site, and unusual for a pond will be provided with edging from a terraced board
The highlight of the avant-garde pond can begin an extravagant installation of wood, reminiscent of an exotic cattle or plant
Continuous water supply to the pond is allowed to equip with an old column or a group of glass bottles of catchy color
If the location and approximate dimensions of the reservoir you have determined, it's time to think about what materials to use, in order to perform the pond was like allowed easier and faster. The present important and costly variation of pond arrangement is a concrete base, which requires the construction of formwork and reinforcement. The least overhead method for the sake of reserving a reservoir is the introduction of a finished plastic container.

Формальные водоемы круглой формы станут украшением патио либо парадной группы вашего дачного участка
An ascetic judgment in the design of a reservoir with the introduction of just a few pebbles is a specific feature of the pond in the Celtic style
The design of a pond with a waterfall draining from a short wall of beige sandstone, will perfectly fit into the landscape taste of the garden
According to the depth of the pond, it is recommended to divide it into three stages: a zone for the sake of coastal plants, a shallow-water zone for the sake of the queen of the Nymphaea pond - water-lily-resistant water lilies and deepening for the wintering of fish - if you assume them to share.
Do not pond to act extremely deep, quite a bit to dig a winter pit for the sake of fish with a depth of about 150-180 cm (below the freezing point of the ground), so that it occupies about 1/5 of the pond area. An expensive rectangular pond is allowed to be built for a small cottage site, and unusual for a pond will be provided with edging from a terraced board
The highlight of the avant-garde pond can begin an extravagant installation of wood, reminiscent of an exotic cattle or plant
Continuous water supply to the pond is allowed to equip with an old column or a group of glass bottles of catchy color
If the location and approximate dimensions of the reservoir you have determined, it's time to think about what materials to use, in order to perform the pond was like allowed easier and faster. The present important and costly variation of pond arrangement is a concrete base, which requires the construction of formwork and reinforcement. The least overhead method for the sake of reserving a reservoir is the introduction of a finished plastic container.
wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Prud_sxema.jpg"rel="lightbox[4268]"title="Разрез пруда">
Котлован около пруд формируется соответствующими уступами — куртинами ради посадки растений

Котлован около пруд формируется соответствующими уступами — куртинами ради посадки растений
wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Prud_vodopad_sx-e1389657024829.jpg"rel="lightbox[4268]"title="Обстановка ради пруда">
Ради обеспечения циркуляции воды в пруде, для его низ устанавливается насос, через которого вода поступает для очистной фильтр и ворачивается назад в бассейнAnd, finally, a very suitable and economical method for the sake of executing an unnatural pond with your own hands - the use of a special hydro-resistant film, which lays out the fate of the pond. The well-known method of laying a pond, we took from the base for the sake of a detailed description.
Phased development of pond creation using film
1. Firstly, I must write the order of the future artificial pond on a scale indicating the depths and width of the curtains (shelves near planting), and also the desire to draw a test sketch of decorating the reservoir. A similar approach will help to avoid various alterations in the process of building a pond and for planting steps. For this step, scroll in the head, which will serve as an accent in the composition of your lake - this can be an unprecedented rock, tree or statue. Before laying a pond for your own summer cottage, paint the order of the reservoir with the indication of the depths and placement of the main parts of the arrangement
2. Using an ordinary water hose, or by scattering dust in accordance with the perimeter of the reservoir in the form of a strip, outline the proposed sketch of the pond. Be sure to check that the shores of your future lake are at the same level. Having marked the shape of the pond with a hose, excavate the excavation agreement drawn by the plan
At times, measure the height of the pond banks during the formation of the pit. If you have a water level of a suitable length, you can adapt an ordinary longish board and set a short 50-centimeter height for it.
3. We proceed to the land works - we excavate the pit for the depth of the coastal layer and mark the line through which the pond is buried for the subsequent mark. After receiving the 2nd tier, we lay the line for digging the deepest part of the pond and take out the last portion of the earth.
The action of excavating a pond is quite difficult, therefore it is better to help experts in accordance with land works, accompanied by a mini excavator. All if you, nevertheless, have decided to carry out this labor-consuming share without the help of others, prepare for the one that water can accumulate for the day of the pit and you will have to dig into the dirty slurry. There is water from the bottom of the pit to help you pump, deliberately suitable for pumping water with impurities and hard inclusions. Nearby you can dig an auxiliary pit and topple the water in it.
4. Then, like the foundation pit all dug, using a cord measure its dimensions taking into account the depth, adding allowances of about 50 cm on the sides of the bowl - this is for the sake of acquiring a film of a suitable size.
The question that you will inevitably encounter in the process of land works is much to put the land taken from the pit near the pond? A good variation of the solution of this problem is to fly the height of the plot, moderately distributing the land according to the terrain of the garden. It is also permissible to extract the excavation land as a mound for the sake of a stream or a kind of base near the Alpine hill.
5. The fate of the pond is lined with a strong waterproof film. Usually, in order to protect the main film through damage to stones and plant roots, an additional discharge of geotextile is placed near it. For this purpose, the old linoleum or roofing material is also suitable, but it is allowed to simply sand the pit with sand and compact it. If the excavation is formed, lay the geotextile discharge, and then the film, filling the edges of the panels in a deliberately dug trench in accordance with the perimeter of the reservoir.
So that the skin for the sake of the pond became more elastic, for the sake of its paving it is better to choose a sunny day - here it will not heat up much and rather roam, easily bending around the pit.
6. For the arrangement of the edge of the pond, according to its perimeter, an auxiliary trench is pulled out, in order to tuck and fix the film. After laying the edges of the film in a trench, sprinkle it with rubble - for no reason it is fixed quite firmly.
7. Strengthen the edge of the pond with stone blocks or plastic pipes, nailed to pegs - for no reason you warn the shedding of land from the coastal zone into the bowl of the pond. Lay out the edge with a natural stone and decorate with a beautiful lonely block or group of boulders.
8. Place the cooked plants in special plastic containers and arrange them for the curtains, lay the bottom of the pond with stones and rubble. 9. Now in the pool you can pour water. To make it more convenient to pick up the pumping situation and the volumes of hydrochemistry in the future for the sake of leaving the pond, do not be too lazy to take the water meter readings before and after filling the pond.
10. So that the water in the pond does not stagnate, it is better to equip the pool with a stream - it will ensure a constant circulation of water. For this reason, the source of the stream rises above the level of the pond, and the water to it is fairly supplied from the bowl of the pond by means of a submersible pump. Be sure to scroll in your head, like decorating the mouth of a stream - use pebbles, planting, clay or glass containers. Fill the pond with water, equip the brook, install and connect the pump with the filter, plant the algae
11. Set the submersible pump for the pond day, pull the pipes to the source of the stream and connect them to the filter for the sake of cleaning the water. The purification filter is better to take a pressure head (with a reverse cleaning system) - it is more efficient than a flow-through filter.
Your pond is drunk, now you need to take a little diligent care of it because of it - clean it through contamination, sometimes extract preventive property for the revitalization of water and prevent the spread of aquatic plants, and for winter store plants in the basement of the house.
The main mistakes to be made for ponds
Creating something with their own hands is hard to avoid some mistakes, mostly such, like compositional, therefore in order to fulfill your own pond correctly, consider some standard blunders inherent in our gardeners:
Making the shores of the pond pellets of a similar diameter, making the pond fairly sour visibility. Large stones are better to connect with smaller ones, but do not fill them with the whole coastal zone of the reservoir.
The ponds are dug very deep, they have vertical walls and resemble a stone pocket. A small test showed that digging companies are useful to dig deep ponds, because they are paid for the number of cubes of land taken out. Pay homage to the depth of your pond - it is not worth it to act extremely deep, mainly if fish breeding is not meant.
A craving for container gardening, which prevents the normal development of plants, and the concern of filling the pond with ground for the sake of planting. On the one hand, the container landing allows you to quickly change the plant's pond design through rearrangements and plant rearrangements. Perhaps the gardeners are also afraid of the future dirty pond species, then the backfilling of the land, but there is nothing to be afraid of - the land for algae is a heavy mash with a huge clay content that is not washed away by water, but will harden with the root system of plants over time. Pondering the product of the pond with your own hands, do not forget that it's hard - practice the beginning by forming a small pond at home criteria. If the dimensions of your site do not allow you to equip the pond for a dacha, make a small pond in the most ordinary cup
If it turns out, frank proceed to a large-scale project in accordance with the laying of a real pond for a summer residence. We are convinced that you will manage!

Ради обеспечения циркуляции воды в пруде, для его низ устанавливается насос, через которого вода поступает для очистной фильтр и ворачивается назад в бассейнAnd, finally, a very suitable and economical method for the sake of executing an unnatural pond with your own hands - the use of a special hydro-resistant film, which lays out the fate of the pond. The well-known method of laying a pond, we took from the base for the sake of a detailed description.
Phased development of pond creation using film
1. Firstly, I must write the order of the future artificial pond on a scale indicating the depths and width of the curtains (shelves near planting), and also the desire to draw a test sketch of decorating the reservoir. A similar approach will help to avoid various alterations in the process of building a pond and for planting steps. For this step, scroll in the head, which will serve as an accent in the composition of your lake - this can be an unprecedented rock, tree or statue. Before laying a pond for your own summer cottage, paint the order of the reservoir with the indication of the depths and placement of the main parts of the arrangement
2. Using an ordinary water hose, or by scattering dust in accordance with the perimeter of the reservoir in the form of a strip, outline the proposed sketch of the pond. Be sure to check that the shores of your future lake are at the same level. Having marked the shape of the pond with a hose, excavate the excavation agreement drawn by the plan
At times, measure the height of the pond banks during the formation of the pit. If you have a water level of a suitable length, you can adapt an ordinary longish board and set a short 50-centimeter height for it.
3. We proceed to the land works - we excavate the pit for the depth of the coastal layer and mark the line through which the pond is buried for the subsequent mark. After receiving the 2nd tier, we lay the line for digging the deepest part of the pond and take out the last portion of the earth.
The action of excavating a pond is quite difficult, therefore it is better to help experts in accordance with land works, accompanied by a mini excavator. All if you, nevertheless, have decided to carry out this labor-consuming share without the help of others, prepare for the one that water can accumulate for the day of the pit and you will have to dig into the dirty slurry. There is water from the bottom of the pit to help you pump, deliberately suitable for pumping water with impurities and hard inclusions. Nearby you can dig an auxiliary pit and topple the water in it.
4. Then, like the foundation pit all dug, using a cord measure its dimensions taking into account the depth, adding allowances of about 50 cm on the sides of the bowl - this is for the sake of acquiring a film of a suitable size.
The question that you will inevitably encounter in the process of land works is much to put the land taken from the pit near the pond? A good variation of the solution of this problem is to fly the height of the plot, moderately distributing the land according to the terrain of the garden. It is also permissible to extract the excavation land as a mound for the sake of a stream or a kind of base near the Alpine hill.
5. The fate of the pond is lined with a strong waterproof film. Usually, in order to protect the main film through damage to stones and plant roots, an additional discharge of geotextile is placed near it. For this purpose, the old linoleum or roofing material is also suitable, but it is allowed to simply sand the pit with sand and compact it. If the excavation is formed, lay the geotextile discharge, and then the film, filling the edges of the panels in a deliberately dug trench in accordance with the perimeter of the reservoir.
So that the skin for the sake of the pond became more elastic, for the sake of its paving it is better to choose a sunny day - here it will not heat up much and rather roam, easily bending around the pit.
6. For the arrangement of the edge of the pond, according to its perimeter, an auxiliary trench is pulled out, in order to tuck and fix the film. After laying the edges of the film in a trench, sprinkle it with rubble - for no reason it is fixed quite firmly.
7. Strengthen the edge of the pond with stone blocks or plastic pipes, nailed to pegs - for no reason you warn the shedding of land from the coastal zone into the bowl of the pond. Lay out the edge with a natural stone and decorate with a beautiful lonely block or group of boulders.
8. Place the cooked plants in special plastic containers and arrange them for the curtains, lay the bottom of the pond with stones and rubble. 9. Now in the pool you can pour water. To make it more convenient to pick up the pumping situation and the volumes of hydrochemistry in the future for the sake of leaving the pond, do not be too lazy to take the water meter readings before and after filling the pond.
10. So that the water in the pond does not stagnate, it is better to equip the pool with a stream - it will ensure a constant circulation of water. For this reason, the source of the stream rises above the level of the pond, and the water to it is fairly supplied from the bowl of the pond by means of a submersible pump. Be sure to scroll in your head, like decorating the mouth of a stream - use pebbles, planting, clay or glass containers. Fill the pond with water, equip the brook, install and connect the pump with the filter, plant the algae
11. Set the submersible pump for the pond day, pull the pipes to the source of the stream and connect them to the filter for the sake of cleaning the water. The purification filter is better to take a pressure head (with a reverse cleaning system) - it is more efficient than a flow-through filter.
Your pond is drunk, now you need to take a little diligent care of it because of it - clean it through contamination, sometimes extract preventive property for the revitalization of water and prevent the spread of aquatic plants, and for winter store plants in the basement of the house.
The main mistakes to be made for ponds
Creating something with their own hands is hard to avoid some mistakes, mostly such, like compositional, therefore in order to fulfill your own pond correctly, consider some standard blunders inherent in our gardeners:
Making the shores of the pond pellets of a similar diameter, making the pond fairly sour visibility. Large stones are better to connect with smaller ones, but do not fill them with the whole coastal zone of the reservoir.
The ponds are dug very deep, they have vertical walls and resemble a stone pocket. A small test showed that digging companies are useful to dig deep ponds, because they are paid for the number of cubes of land taken out. Pay homage to the depth of your pond - it is not worth it to act extremely deep, mainly if fish breeding is not meant.
A craving for container gardening, which prevents the normal development of plants, and the concern of filling the pond with ground for the sake of planting. On the one hand, the container landing allows you to quickly change the plant's pond design through rearrangements and plant rearrangements. Perhaps the gardeners are also afraid of the future dirty pond species, then the backfilling of the land, but there is nothing to be afraid of - the land for algae is a heavy mash with a huge clay content that is not washed away by water, but will harden with the root system of plants over time. Pondering the product of the pond with your own hands, do not forget that it's hard - practice the beginning by forming a small pond at home criteria. If the dimensions of your site do not allow you to equip the pond for a dacha, make a small pond in the most ordinary cup
If it turns out, frank proceed to a large-scale project in accordance with the laying of a real pond for a summer residence. We are convinced that you will manage!
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