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How to build a frame shed: a complete analysis of...

How to build a frame shed: a complete analysis of construction technology from A to ZEnlightenment of any suburban area begins with the erection of a barn - buildings needed for the storage of building materials, firewood and other household tools. To build a building with one's own hands is an easy and all feasible task, which every owner will be able to implement, even though he understands little about construction. Since the building is not a temporary structure and it is a functional structure that is allowed not only to extract suitable things for the sake of storage, but also for the maintenance of domestic animals, it is necessary to carefully study the location of the future building.
premise for future construction
For the sake of simplification of work, it is allowed to first draw up a plan with a designation of the places of future buildings. For the sake of building a shed, some masters devote a part further through the front area, so that it is sheltered through inquisitive eye. Some of them adhere to the idea that the building should be located closer to home, in order to have access to it at any time. In order to optimize the use of the terrain for the arrangement of the shed, a small part of the sun, which is considered less applicable for the sake of growing crops and carrying out other agricultural work, is chosen. Determining the location of the shed is not necessary. After all, the building, who is not enough to serve for a dozen years, is compelled to supplement, rather than contrast with the terrain of the terrain
The location of the shed should be identified for the location of the shed for the location of other areas of the site, as well as for the dimensions of the structure being erected and its external appearance. With the help of calving works, even an unsightly hut can be transformed into an unusual design building that is quite a beautiful piece of jewelry
Determine with the design and exterior
Before starting to build a shed, you must consider the shape, size and appearance of the future structure. The outward appearance of the building can exist completely anyway, starting an ordinary little house without windows and with one little door, and finishing with unusual designs that, apart from direct destination, can walk the element of the landscape design decor. The real artless variation is the construction of a shed with dimensions of 2x3x2.5 m with a saddle roof covered with roofing felt or roofing felt
This building can be constructed from ordinary unedged boards only from one to two days. The main advantages of the design are low dignity and ease of erection. In order to transform the ugly external appearance of the building, it is permissible to plant climbing plants along the walls, or to decorate the walls with the help of decor parts and flower pots.
A shed with a gable roof from an aesthetic point of view looks more presentable. Primarily, if the roof is not equipped with an obvious roofing material, for example, with bitumen shingles. If, in addition to the kit, the walls are also sidinged, then an ordinary ugly building can be transformed into a current garden house
Probably a variation of the construction of a combined shed, who can be removed as a room for the storage of tools, also like a greenhouse or a greenhouse
The choice of materials depends on the multifunctional value of the building. In the main sheds they are built from the tree all the time. However, in order to make a stronger and more reliable building, which will regularly serve for about 10 years, it is allowed to build a building of foam blocks or bricks. Brick sheds are great for the sake of feeding birds and animals into the course only age. However, such a building should be built for a shallow buried foundation. A step-by-step example of building a skeleton shed
For the sake of beginning, we offer to watch the video, and then honor the explanations to it :
The building is allowed to build for a slab, ribbon, columnar or pile-screw base. For ordinary non-heaped soils with a low groundwater occurrence, in most cases a columnar base is laid. For the erection of the columnar base, in accordance with the perimeter of the fenced area, also for crossing the inner walls of the building, prepare every 1.5 m deep installation of brick posts or asbestos pipes
The established columns should be checked in accordance with the level, and then sleep 15 cm with a layer of sandy-gravel consistency and concrete. Then give the foundation to stand for a few days. Suggestion. For the sake of extending the period of the building and increasing the waterproofing of the columns, it is permissible to process them before filling with special mastic. To handle all the foundation pillars, less fog of two-kilogram cans of waterproofing material will leave. Stop #2 - installation of a frame from wood beams
The pre-treatment boards should be treated with protective impregnation and an antiseptic. By purchasing a protective medicine, it is better to choose impregnation with a shade, it is better to work with which the unprocessed areas of the surface will be seen. For a hardened base, the base is laid from a bar, the size of which corresponds to the size of the frame of the erected building. The bars should be laid for posts covered with ruberoid For framed skeleton of a floor boards in width of 30-40 mm are stacked. To lay out the boards for the sake of sex is to accurately measure and cut sections around vertical racks. Laying down the floor for this step of construction, it is easier to mount the walls quite easily.
When planning to iron the floor with a plane, to be fastening the boards to the logs the desire to use a"secret"method. The number of support racks is determined taking into account the number of angles, as well as the presence of door and window gaps. In order to expose bars, strictly according to the level, it is allowed to use sticks-slopes. With their help it is permissible to fix the bars in a suitable position. While nailing the sticks, the nails should be hammered in half, so that they could later be removed comfortably. To the lower strapping with logs, the vertical pillars are strengthened with the help of pins, screws and iron cores protruding from the base.
The variation of the construction of the frame for the brick foundation is likely, if, in accordance with the perimeter of the foundation, , and then wood racks are installed for them. The bars, which will be located vertically, are allowed to process from the 3 internal sides with an electric gun, and for the sides looking inside the barn and completely remove the chamfer. Some sides are left untreated, which will be covered with external boards next.
Stop #3 - installation of rafters and roofing up
For exposed to the level and fixed vertical racks strengthen the upper part of the frame from the beams with the cuts according to the middle and both ends. All connections are fixed with the help of screws and iron corners.
The arrangement of the saddle roof should be anticipated in advance, that the wooden racks on one side are higher, if with another. Due to this location, rainwater near the slope does not accumulate enough, but drain. For roof rafters, it is allowed to remove boards with a width of 40 mm. The length of the rafters should exist for approximately 500 mm more, if the length of the frame
For the rafters do felling in the support points for the beams. Then they are laid down for a sub-frame and fixed with screws. Have a rafters for a well-friend's distance through a friend about half a meter. For cooked, chemically treated frame, it is permissible to mount a lath.
For boarding the roof and walls of the barn, 25x150 mm boards are suitable. A plank roof needs waterproofing, which is allowed to be secured with a roofing felt. Wanting to give a roof more representative visibility, as a final roofing cover, it is good to remove bitumen shingles, stone or profiled sheet. Fill the boards before for the front portion of the structure, and then the lateral and back sides. Have them very well-wishing for a friend. Laying out the walls of the shed with planks, it is allowed to process their outer side with an electric gun. This is necessary not so much for the sake of an aesthetic appearance, but how much in order that the rainwater freely rolls around the smooth surface of the boards. For the sake of giving the finished building a more attractive appearance, it is permissible to paint the outer walls of the shed with water-emulsion or alkyd paint. For more information about upgrading the roof of your barn, see The end is willing to punish a sample of building a barn through our German friends:

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