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Decorative garden: how to create a vegetable bed in my dacha

Decorative garden: how to create a vegetable bed in my dachaAgain for the step of buying a summer house, I decided that the standard garden for her is not enough. Apogee - pretty beds with greens. A potato and tomatoes are allowed to buy for the market, not digging in the ground in the morning before the night. Well, which shelter: some vegetable crops, the same cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, by the middle of the age look not very cleanly. Nude barrels, yellowing leaves - I've already seen enough of my neighbors to do this. And I wanted, so that a part would bring aesthetic pleasure, without any garden exceptions.
The whole year after buying the villa, I was engaged in planning problems. Secret planted flowerbeds, made paths, in general, comprehended the basics of landscape design for practice. Looking for my sophistication, my husband at times reminded me, which we do not always have, like people. And you need a desire though petrushechku certainly luchok planted. Because by this time of knowledge in accordance with the landscape art, I was in bulk, I decided to perform a pleasant wife. And build the same melon. However, it is complex, and imaginary - with flowerbeds planted with plants that can save a solid appearance for a full season.
Layout of my ornamental garden
I promised - probably, it is necessary to act. I opened Google Google with its pictures and found an excess of photos of decorative gardens. At once I broke off the raised rectangular beds, standing in a row - uninteresting, like according to me. Decided to act some composition, with meaning. And so, for the vastness of the web, I saw a wonderful photo of an elevated garden-flower garden in the form of the sun. In the center of the ensemble there is a raised round flower-bed-sun, and through it triangular elongated flower beds-rays, their borders are delineated by curbs. Inside the beds - mixed plantings of flowers and garden plants, in the main, greenery. The grass grows very vividly, the seeds are allowed to be sieved in any interval of the season, the young plants achieve maturity verbatim because of a couple of weeks.
I will make a reservation at once, which I decided to delegate to the team of builders in accordance with the creation of elevated sectors and paths, laying curbs. For myself, I took the organizer's occupation, planting the plants in the melon plant, I, naturally, will myself.
Education sectors of the orchard
We were lucky with the hired brigade. They worked so smoothly and vividly, which had nothing to complain about. Because of the day, the elements of the flower bed were mapped, they dug up the sectors-rays and dug concrete curbs. Excavated bed-segments for the future ornamental garden
I wanted this frame, so that if it served not the whole of existence, a couple of decades like. Hence the election fell for concrete. To be honest, I was afraid that the frame looks pretty cumbersome, but in the end the composition was quite attractive.
The dimensions of the curbs are 20x7 cm, and the length is 50 cm. They were buried in one second elevation, in other words for 10 cm. The remaining 10 cm protrude above the level of the tracks. Because there are lots of semi-circular parts, curbs had to be cut for the stone-cutting machine, near the corner, and then to join the corners.
In the interior framed flower beds, the earth was sprinkled to make the view appear elevated. About the parts laid concrete curbs
The picture is already emerging! You can start to track.
The product of the tracks between the beds
I thought a lot about what to do the tracks. Requirements for their sake are: to be able to move safely, decorativeness and longevity. The first, which occurred to me - not to push and sleep without a break, this is a mulch of decorative chips. It seems nice, and useful, and comfortable. Weeds do not germinate through the mulch, the dusting is neat and tidy. However, later I reflected that, according to the mulching paths of torrential rains afterwards, you do not look separately, a puddle is enough. Well, pour mulch will have at times. Another variation is asphalt paths. Difficult, also not suitable. But pavement paving - at the present once. For this, and braked.
I gave the teaching to the workers and they started creating tracks. The development is as follows:
Trenches are excavated in accordance with the marked outlines of the tracks. It is necessary to dig in front of the clay, in other words, taking off the full gnawing discharge. In our case - for a depth of 15-20 cm.
The bottom is lined with geotextiles, so that the powder, which is quite on top, does not oozed through the earth. If the pavement near the pressure can sag, change the angle of inclination.
For geotextiles layerwise poured: dust - 5 cm, crushed stone - 5 cm, again dust - 5 cm. The thickness is approximate, it is allowed to vary, depending on the situation and own eye.
The sand-gravel pillow is spilled with water from the hose to make it all wet.
The cushion is compacted by the roller for no reason, so that there are no traces for it to be of advancing. To be missing compaction, the dust will persist over time and the paving stones for it will be quite loose, and later completely fall off. Tramping is the principal part of the work!
A mash of sand and cement is poured from above - about 3 cm according to the height.
For this mash pile is laid, a separate element is driven in by a rubber sledgehammer.
The joints between the stone blocks are filled with sandblast.
All the above listed activities were performed, after this beds for my ornamental garden were ready for gardening. I discovered arable land for landscape tests! Pavement cobblestones between the garden patches
Landscaping of the orchard
Unfortunately, for the court was already autumn, the season was ending, hence the settlement of garden crops in the main year, I decided not to act. And already in the spring I bought for the market bushes of garden strawberries and planted them half of the sectors-rays (8 pieces). Other sectors so far covered with black nonwoven material ("Spunbond"), so that the weeds did not grow and did not spoil the appearance of the garden.
In the central flower-bed, I have quite a flower bed, so I put 3 lilacs"Palibin", pricked the roots of peonies and planted the geychur bushes. For the brightest spots, according to the enormous circle of the sun, bushes of the ever-flowering pink begonias were planted. I bought already prepared budding seedlings in a greenhouse farm, where it costs quite cheaply. It's a pity that begonia can not stand our winters, a separate year, be a desire to save the composition, we'll have to buy new bushes. Strawberries for the ornamental garden bloomed and gave a good collection in the main year!
I admit, this year I was very busy with the improvement of other parts of the site, hence the melon came out for me for the 2nd order. Ungrounded and stood, half-covered with cover material a full season.
But next spring I, with the already prepared plan of planting, started the crops. In the flower-beams planted various salads, carrots, onions, beets, parsley and dill. The ground for the central flower bed I have covered with decorative chips
A very important measure to be taken out of the garden is the watering, in the heat the desire is a separate day. Without an organized permanent moistening, you naturally will receive the collection. However, about beauty and catchy luscious greens can be fairly neglected. If you happen to give only on weekends, then the chosen exemption in such a situation is the formation of drip irrigation. I have stretched hoses along the beds, the water in them is fed from a storage drum.
The bottom line is not to water the plants on top of the day if the sun is shining. If thin leaves remain burned. If watering from above (for example, using a radial sprinkler), then either in the evening or in cloudy weather. Imaginary bakcha is not quite ordinary beds, it's a kind of flower garden, but for the sake of vegetables and greens only. For the central flowerbed, pions and lilacs have blossomed
At first, in June, a vegetable garden filled with various flowers, pions and lilacs bloomed, and the leaves of Geicher flared. The Geichers are different - with greenish leaves, yellowish, purple. They are planted according to the rim of the circular flower bed in the center, framing the composition of pions and shamrocks. The whole flowerbed-flower garden brings such an unusual spectrum into an imaginary melon, dilutes the colors of greenery with its colorful paints.
At the same time, despite the fact that in the segments-rays one grass is planted, any formation has its own color. Rough salad - red, lettuce - green, onion - green. Parsley - carved, dill - shaggy, and in summer it also blooms with yellowish umbrellas. It's so different that it looks like melting is not boring at all, it's not monotonous. The grass grows very vividly, therefore at first the age of the imaginary melon looked like a real flower bed
Different colors of greenery for a decorative garden make it catchy
The riot of the ornamental garden in the middle of age - the grass has grown and closed without a void, the blossom has bloomed
Of course, for the next years I will be free to change, mix, probably, I will add flowers to the greenery according to the contour of the beds. And for the time being I like it without reason and without reason. This is a very unusual and pleasant feeling, if you understand that all this beauty, which is blooming and green, is your occupation. And, thanks to their own work, it turned out to organize not ordinary beds, but a designer vegetable bed. Probably, my workings will help someone to equip their own imaginary melon. Dare, and you will never leave!
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